Maryam Azarnoosh | Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch (original) (raw)


Papers by Maryam Azarnoosh



Along with teachers and students, coursebooks and other educational materials constitute one of t... more Along with teachers and students, coursebooks and other educational materials constitute one of the three main ESL curriculum components. That’s why making informed judgements about coursebooks is an important responsibility for teachers and educators. However, coursebooks tend to be evaluated out-ofcontext, that is as single static objects that are primarily judged by their physical characteristics, e.g., by their content, organization, and layout (Savova, 2009). More recent references to contextual factors affecting coursebook evaluation tend to be discussed as external to coursebook-related ones (Işik, 2018; Rubdy 2003), that is as independent static objects. Overtime, based on isolated coursebook- and contextrelated factors, researchers have proposed various checklists (Cunningsworth, 1995; Mukundan & Nimechisalem, 2015; Skierso, 1991) and frameworks (McDonough & Show, 2003; McDonough et al.,2013; Mukundan, 2010; Rubdy, 2003) that comprise various lists of items and criteria. Consequently, resulting from such static approaches to coursebook evaluation, there are numerous nonfinite lists of criteria where no single set of criteria is applicable to all contexts or to any context. Such abundance of frequently overlapping decontextualized
criteria could be informative but also confusing to those who must apply them in a specific context. That may turn coursebook evaluation into a cumbersome and even counterproductive process. In this chapter, in lieu of the static approaches’ random selection of non-finite lists of decontextualized static evaluation criteria, we propose a dynamic approach to coursebook evaluation through the purposeful design of dynamic context-embedded coursebook evaluation taxonomies. We begin by analyzing the existing static approaches. Then, in comparison and contrast to these, we model and illustrate an alternative dynamic approach to coursebook evaluation in context.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Negotiated Syllabus on the Reading Comprehension of ESP Students

Journal of Language and Translation, 2019

Negotiated syllabus addresses learners' needs and assists them in developing their own ongoing sy... more Negotiated syllabus addresses learners' needs and assists them in developing their own ongoing syllabus through shared decision-making in the classroom. Many studies focus on the effect of this learner-centered syllabus on language learning. However, few studies exist on its effect on the reading ability of language learners, especially in the area of English for specific purposes (ESP). To address this gap, this quasi-experimental pre-test post-test intact group design examined if negotiated syllabus has any significant effect on developing the reading comprehension of ESP students. To this end, 32 students in the experimental group were given the choice to design a negotiated syllabus through collaboration while 39 students in the control group received a pre-designed syllabus. The data analysis showed that the ESP learners in the experimental group outperformed their counterparts in the control group on the reading post-test. The results of this study have implications for authorities in higher education, educational policy makers, and teacher professional development in ELT and ESP in particular which are discussed in detail in the paper.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Negotiated Syllabus on Autonomy of ESP Students: A Mixed Methods Study

Journal of Language and Translation, Jul 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Noticing and Input Enhancement on the Acquisition of English Prepositions

International Journal of Language and Applied Linguistics, 2015

This study was designed to determine whether noticing through reading a storybook had any impact ... more This study was designed to determine whether noticing through reading a storybook had any impact on Iranian EFL learners' acquisition of some English prepositions, and whether the effect could be durable. The participants were 76 male and female learners at upper intermediate level who were divided into control and experimental groups. The experimental group underlined or highlighted the prepositions while reading the book; whereas, the control group read the same storybook with no attention to prepositions. The results of the independent samples t-test indicated that the students in the experimental group outperformed the control group in learning prepositions. In addition, the results of the paired samples t-test showed that noticing had a durable effect on the experimental group's learning of prepositions. In fact, noticing could play a significant role in enhancing EFL learners' knowledge of prepositions.

Research paper thumbnail of Issues in Coursebook Evaluation

Research paper thumbnail of When Learning English is Compulsory at School

Research findings highlight the role of motivation in the long-term process of learning a second/... more Research findings highlight the role of motivation in the long-term process of learning a second/foreign language. One’s motivation can change even in a short period of time under the influence of multifarious factors. To enrich our understanding of the attitudinal/motivational basis of foreign language learning this study attempts to investigate L2 motivational fluctuation, and the possibility of predicting EFL learners ’ motivated learning behavior in light of Dörnyei’s (2005, 2009) theory of L2 motivational self system. To this end, 1670 junior high and high school students studying English as a compulsory subject in Iran filled out L2 motivational self system questionnaire. Independent samples t-test and regression analyses were applied; and the findings indicated a higher motivational disposition for junior high school students in comparison to high school students, except for their attitudes towards L2 community. For both groups, attitudes towards L2 learning was the best pred...

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiated Syllabus

Issues in Syllabus Design, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Reflective and Effective Teaching of Writing

Issues in Applying SLA Theories toward Reflective and Effective Teaching, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of ESP Textbooks

Issues in Coursebook Evaluation, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Issues in Syllabus Design

Issues in Syllabus Design, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Health promoting hospitals: A case study in Iran

Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Tapping Learning Disabilities: Insights and Perceptions from an EFL Learner

Research paper thumbnail of The skill of correction: A contributor to intonation awareness

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher: A Key to Motivating Language Learners

Research paper thumbnail of Concept Mapping: Promoting Meaningful Learning and Contributing Course Achievement

Research paper thumbnail of Communicating in a Second Language: A Matter of Teaching Communication Strategies

Research paper thumbnail of When Learning English is Compulsory at School: Fluctuations in L2 Motivational Self System

International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of English Computer Science for University Students

Research paper thumbnail of Peer assessment in an EFL context: attitudes and friendship bias

Language Testing in Asia, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of School Students’ Motivational Disposition: A Cross-sectional Study

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014



Along with teachers and students, coursebooks and other educational materials constitute one of t... more Along with teachers and students, coursebooks and other educational materials constitute one of the three main ESL curriculum components. That’s why making informed judgements about coursebooks is an important responsibility for teachers and educators. However, coursebooks tend to be evaluated out-ofcontext, that is as single static objects that are primarily judged by their physical characteristics, e.g., by their content, organization, and layout (Savova, 2009). More recent references to contextual factors affecting coursebook evaluation tend to be discussed as external to coursebook-related ones (Işik, 2018; Rubdy 2003), that is as independent static objects. Overtime, based on isolated coursebook- and contextrelated factors, researchers have proposed various checklists (Cunningsworth, 1995; Mukundan & Nimechisalem, 2015; Skierso, 1991) and frameworks (McDonough & Show, 2003; McDonough et al.,2013; Mukundan, 2010; Rubdy, 2003) that comprise various lists of items and criteria. Consequently, resulting from such static approaches to coursebook evaluation, there are numerous nonfinite lists of criteria where no single set of criteria is applicable to all contexts or to any context. Such abundance of frequently overlapping decontextualized
criteria could be informative but also confusing to those who must apply them in a specific context. That may turn coursebook evaluation into a cumbersome and even counterproductive process. In this chapter, in lieu of the static approaches’ random selection of non-finite lists of decontextualized static evaluation criteria, we propose a dynamic approach to coursebook evaluation through the purposeful design of dynamic context-embedded coursebook evaluation taxonomies. We begin by analyzing the existing static approaches. Then, in comparison and contrast to these, we model and illustrate an alternative dynamic approach to coursebook evaluation in context.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Negotiated Syllabus on the Reading Comprehension of ESP Students

Journal of Language and Translation, 2019

Negotiated syllabus addresses learners' needs and assists them in developing their own ongoing sy... more Negotiated syllabus addresses learners' needs and assists them in developing their own ongoing syllabus through shared decision-making in the classroom. Many studies focus on the effect of this learner-centered syllabus on language learning. However, few studies exist on its effect on the reading ability of language learners, especially in the area of English for specific purposes (ESP). To address this gap, this quasi-experimental pre-test post-test intact group design examined if negotiated syllabus has any significant effect on developing the reading comprehension of ESP students. To this end, 32 students in the experimental group were given the choice to design a negotiated syllabus through collaboration while 39 students in the control group received a pre-designed syllabus. The data analysis showed that the ESP learners in the experimental group outperformed their counterparts in the control group on the reading post-test. The results of this study have implications for authorities in higher education, educational policy makers, and teacher professional development in ELT and ESP in particular which are discussed in detail in the paper.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Negotiated Syllabus on Autonomy of ESP Students: A Mixed Methods Study

Journal of Language and Translation, Jul 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Noticing and Input Enhancement on the Acquisition of English Prepositions

International Journal of Language and Applied Linguistics, 2015

This study was designed to determine whether noticing through reading a storybook had any impact ... more This study was designed to determine whether noticing through reading a storybook had any impact on Iranian EFL learners' acquisition of some English prepositions, and whether the effect could be durable. The participants were 76 male and female learners at upper intermediate level who were divided into control and experimental groups. The experimental group underlined or highlighted the prepositions while reading the book; whereas, the control group read the same storybook with no attention to prepositions. The results of the independent samples t-test indicated that the students in the experimental group outperformed the control group in learning prepositions. In addition, the results of the paired samples t-test showed that noticing had a durable effect on the experimental group's learning of prepositions. In fact, noticing could play a significant role in enhancing EFL learners' knowledge of prepositions.

Research paper thumbnail of Issues in Coursebook Evaluation

Research paper thumbnail of When Learning English is Compulsory at School

Research findings highlight the role of motivation in the long-term process of learning a second/... more Research findings highlight the role of motivation in the long-term process of learning a second/foreign language. One’s motivation can change even in a short period of time under the influence of multifarious factors. To enrich our understanding of the attitudinal/motivational basis of foreign language learning this study attempts to investigate L2 motivational fluctuation, and the possibility of predicting EFL learners ’ motivated learning behavior in light of Dörnyei’s (2005, 2009) theory of L2 motivational self system. To this end, 1670 junior high and high school students studying English as a compulsory subject in Iran filled out L2 motivational self system questionnaire. Independent samples t-test and regression analyses were applied; and the findings indicated a higher motivational disposition for junior high school students in comparison to high school students, except for their attitudes towards L2 community. For both groups, attitudes towards L2 learning was the best pred...

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiated Syllabus

Issues in Syllabus Design, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Reflective and Effective Teaching of Writing

Issues in Applying SLA Theories toward Reflective and Effective Teaching, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of ESP Textbooks

Issues in Coursebook Evaluation, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Issues in Syllabus Design

Issues in Syllabus Design, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Health promoting hospitals: A case study in Iran

Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Tapping Learning Disabilities: Insights and Perceptions from an EFL Learner

Research paper thumbnail of The skill of correction: A contributor to intonation awareness

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher: A Key to Motivating Language Learners

Research paper thumbnail of Concept Mapping: Promoting Meaningful Learning and Contributing Course Achievement

Research paper thumbnail of Communicating in a Second Language: A Matter of Teaching Communication Strategies

Research paper thumbnail of When Learning English is Compulsory at School: Fluctuations in L2 Motivational Self System

International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of English Computer Science for University Students

Research paper thumbnail of Peer assessment in an EFL context: attitudes and friendship bias

Language Testing in Asia, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of School Students’ Motivational Disposition: A Cross-sectional Study

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The Skill of Correction: A Contributor to Intonation Awareness

The present study is an attempt to investigate the effect of explicit corrective feedback on a g... more The present study is an attempt to investigate the effect of explicit corrective
feedback on a group of EFL learners’ reading accuracy of question-intonation pattern
(QIP). To fulfill the purpose of this study, twenty-four EFL learners
enrolled in an intermediate conversation course were pretested by reading two
dialogues which was audio recorded. After teacher’s instruction on QIP, and
explicit correction for six sessions, the posttest with the same format to the
pretest was administered. Analyzing the data by applying paired samples t-tests
revealed that explicit feedback affected the learners’ reading accuracy of
QIP in general, also it was effective concerning intonation pattern of wh-questions,
but the results were not significant concerning intonation pattern of
yes/no questions.

Research paper thumbnail of Communicating in a Second Language: A Matter of Teaching Communication Strategies

Successful communication is the main purpose of language learning and one of the challenges lear... more Successful communication is the main purpose of language learning and one
of the challenges learners face while learning a second/foreign language. To assist
learners in the process of learning how to communicate, although some researchers
question the teachability of communication strategies, instructing communication
strategies seems to be fruitful and effective. In this paper, after presenting an account of
different typologies of communication strategies and the teachability of these strategies a
suggested framework for training EFL learners in communication strategies, and some
possible implications for classroom practice have been offered.

Research paper thumbnail of Tapping Learning Disabilities: Insights and Perceptions from an EFL Learner

EFL teachers have always come across students who struggle to learn a foreign language and have ... more EFL teachers have always come across students who struggle to learn a foreign language and have
great difficulty mastering it because of learning disabilities. Possible causes such as language
aptitude, native language skills, affective variables such as anxiety, motivation and personality, lack of
effort, poor language learning habits and low ability in language learning are among the factors which
have been the concern of many researchers. Recognition of learning disabilities as a problem and
providing solutions for the students facing such a challenge and the teachers who teach them seems
urgent. There are some ideas such as language is ambiguous and unpredictable; learning styles
mismatches are at the root of many learning difficulties; and absence of motivation in educational
settings usually leads to boredom and poor concentration in class, poor psychological adjustment to
the learning environment, high level of stress, and school dropout. Accordingly, in the present case
study, a review of some possible causes of learning disabilities and suggested ways of dealing with
them are reviewed. Moreover, in reporting some learning problems faced by an Iranian student in
learning English as a foreign language, considering the results of a number of questionnaires and
personal interviews with the learner, tolerance of ambiguity, impulsive cognitive style and motivation
are focused on and the attempts made to help the learner to overcome the problems encountered in
learning English are mentioned.

Research paper thumbnail of Concept Mapping:  Promoting Meaningful Learning and Contributing Course Achievement

Learning and how to learn are major issues in all educational settings. Most teachers are concer... more Learning and how to learn are major issues in all educational settings. Most teachers are
concerned to find ways of helping students learn better. Papert (1993) believes that
"better learning will not come from finding better ways for the teacher to instruct, but
from giving the learner better opportunities to construct” (p. 3). Among the many
techniques available, concept mapping as an effective tool for organizing new
information and integrating it with the existing knowledge can provide learners with
opportunities to learn and construct knowledge (Gao, et al., 2007; Novak & Canas, 2006).
Various studies on concept mapping have revealed that this technique has prominent
roles in a variety of instructional settings and is widely implemented in classroom
instruction which leads to more comprehensive learning of language skills (Ojima, 2006).
In spite of the significant role of concept mapping, few studies have attempted to test its
effect on learning specialized subjects experimentally. These findings inspired the
researchers to compare two groups of university students who were passing their testing
course. After administering a TOEFL test and assuring the homogeneity of the two
groups, they were exposed to two different modes of instruction for testing. At the end of
one academic term, both groups participated in a final test to investigate the effect of
concept mapping on course achievement. The results of the study supported the
assumption that concept mapping technique can be beneficial and an aid to learning
specialized subject matters.

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher: A Key to Motivating Language Learners

Investigating the motivational basis of language learning has been the concern of much research f... more Investigating the motivational basis of language learning has been the concern of much research for many years (Kormos & Dornyei, 2004). However, the change of learning approaches throughout years has led to a shift of focus to more specific motivational themes such as teacher motivation (Dornyei, 2001) where the motivating character of the learning context can be enhanced through conscious intervention by the language teacher (Dornyei, 2007). To evaluate the potential relevance of situation-specific factors to L2 motivation and course achievement in a foreign language classroom-context, evaluation of the L2 teacher as a key motivational component of L2 instruction took place. To this end, 55 English students filled out Clement, Dornyei, and Noels’ (1994) motivation questionnaire, and then at the end of the academic term, the students’ conversational ability was evaluated to investigate the relationship between how students evaluated their teacher concerning competence, rapport, motivation, and style and their own self evaluation, satisfaction, and course achievement, as well as their attitude toward learning English, motivational intensity and anxiety. Moreover, the correlation of the overall evaluation of the teacher and all the preceding factors were investigated. The results of the study revealed some significant
correlations among individual factors and a diverse correlational pattern concerning the overall evaluation of the teacher. This diversity of findings and some guidelines for creating a motivating learning environment, as well as some applicable motivational strategies are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Issues in Coursebook Evaluation

Readership Language teachers, professionals, researchers and TEFL graduate and postgraduate stude... more Readership Language teachers, professionals, researchers and TEFL graduate and postgraduate students interested in textbook evaluation may gain a comprehensive understanding of concepts and practical issues in evaluating language materials specifically textbooks. For more information see

Research paper thumbnail of Issues in Applying SLA Theories toward Reflective and Effective Teaching (Edited Book)

Research paper thumbnail of Issues in Syllabus Design

The various types of syllabi and the host of related issues in the field of second language teach... more The various types of syllabi and the host of related issues in the field of second language teaching and course development manifest the significance of syllabus design as one of the most controversial areas of second language pedagogy. Teachers should be familiar with different types of syllabuses and be able to critically analyze them. Issues in Syllabus Design addresses the major types of syllabuses in language course development and provides readers with the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of implementing syllabuses for use in language teaching programs. It starts with an introduction to the concept of syllabus design along with its philosophical foundations and then briefly covers the major syllabus types from a historical perspective and pedagogical significance: the grammatical, situational, skill-based, lexical, genre-based, functional notional, content, task-based, negotiated, and discourse syllabus. This volume helps teachers to be familiar with different types of syllabuses and enables them to critically analyze different syllabus types.

Research paper thumbnail of Issues in Materials Development (Edited Book)

Issues in Materials Development provides readers with theoretical foundations and practical aspec... more Issues in Materials Development provides readers with theoretical foundations and practical aspects of designing materials for EFL/ESL contexts. It starts with discussing some basic and preliminary principles of materials design followed by scrutinizing critical issues in materials development in an objective and systematic way. This ranges from considering learners' needs, adopting, adapting, selection, and gradation of materials to the specific focus of the book on developing various types of materials for the four language skills, pronunciation, ESP vocabulary, and computer assisted language learning materials. Authenticity of materials to be designed and the inclusion of affective factors to develop motivating materials to engage language learners, in addition to features of materials design at a universal level are other areas to read about. This book finally tries to open new horizons and possible futuristic approaches to improve today's ELT materials.

Research paper thumbnail of English Computer Science for University Students

Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative Study on Teacher and Peer Assessment on Students’ Writing Skill and Students’ Perceptions about it

The purpose of the current study was to investigate the differences between teachers’ and peers’ ... more The purpose of the current study was to investigate the differences between teachers’ and peers’
rating of students’ writings as well as any possible friendship bias in peer assessment. It also
aimed to explore the impacts of peer assessment on learners’ attitudes towards this practice.
The participants of the study were 26 university students of English passing their writing course.
A modified Intermediate Nelson Proficiency test, a pre-questionnaire, training and practice
sessions to use Jacobs et al.’s (1981) ESL composition profile, the actual peer assessment of
compositions, teacher assessment, and a post-questionnaire were the instruments employed and
practices followed respectively. To analyze the collected data Paired-Samples t-tests and Chi
square were applied. The results revealed no significant difference between the learners’ peer
assessment and teacher assessment; no friendship bias was found in peer assessment, but this
practice led to the change of students’ attitude towards a positive perception on peer assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of The Pathology of the Process of Teaching and Learning English and the Identification of the Means to Decrease Underachievement in Junior High and High Schools of Semnan Province (In Persian)

"پژوهش حاضر با عنوان " آسیب شناسی فرایند یاددهی و یادگیری درس زبان انگلیسی و شناسایی راهکارهای کا... more "پژوهش حاضر با عنوان " آسیب شناسی فرایند یاددهی و یادگیری درس زبان انگلیسی و شناسایی راهکارهای کاهش افت تحصیلی آن در دوره راهنمایی و متوسطه استان سمنان" انجام پذیرفت. هدف این تحقیق بررسی و شناسایی علل و عوامل موثر در افت تحصیلی در درس زبان انگلیسی بود. ابتدا گروهی از معلمان و دانش آموزان مقاطع راهنمایی و متوسطه استان با تکمیل پرسشنامه های باز زمینه شناسایی عوامل مهم در یاددهی و یادگیری موفق زبان انگلیسی و علل موثر افت در این درس را فراهم کردند. سپس پرسشنامه های بسته در دو بخش الزامات آموزش موفق و علل افت تحصیلی و در قالب شش حیطه معلم، دانش آموز، خانواده، کتاب درسی، محیط و امکانات آموزشی، و سیستم آموزشی بر اساس یافته های پرسشنامه های باز تهیه شد. پس از انجام مطالعه اولیه، نمونه تحقیق که 187 معلم (105 نفر از مقطع راهنمایی و 82 نفر از مقطع متوسطه) و 2974 دانش آموز (1465 نفر از مقطع راهنمایی و 1509 نفر از مقطع متوسطه) بودند از بین جامعه آماری تحقیق به شیوه نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای دو مرحله ای انتخاب شدند و پرسشنامه ها را تکمیل کرده و پس از آن تعداد محدودی از افراد در مصاحبه شرکت نمودند. علاوه بر این، به علت اهمیت ویژه انگیزه در یادگیری زبان انگلیسی، برای بررسی تفاوت های انگیزشی دانش آموزان بر اساس سیستم خودهای انگیزشی زبان دوم، پرسشنامه انگیزش توسط 2966 دانش آموز دیگر(1464 نفردر مقطع راهنمایی و 1502 نفردر مقطع متوسطه) تکمیل گردید. پس از جمع آوری پرسشنامه ها، داده ها با استفاده از روش های آمار توصیفی و روش های آزمون تی مستقل، محاسبه ضریب همبستگی خطی پیرسون، و آزمون استقلال جداول توافقی مورد تحلیل استنباطی قرار گرفتند. نتایج حاصل از این تحقیق که بر آن اساس راهکارهایی ارائه شده است از این قرار می باشد:

 معلمان در مجموع 108 ویژگی برای الزمات آموزش موفق بیان کردند: 32 ویژگی برای معلم، 16 ویژگی برای دانش آموز، 20 ویژگی برای کتاب درسی، 12 ویژگی برای محیط و امکانات آموزشی و 28 ویژگی برای سیستم آموزشی.
 دانش آموزان راهنمایی و متوسطه در مجموع 68 ویژگی برای الزمات آموزش موفق بیان کردند:
25 ویژگی برای معلم، 13 ویژگی برای دانش آموز، 11 ویژگی برای کتاب درسی، 6 ویژگی برای محیط و امکانات آموزشی و 13 ویژگی برای سیستم آموزشی.
 از نظر معلمان، با اهمیت ترین عوامل در الزامات آموزش موفق عبارتند از: قدرت بیان معلم در تفهیم نکات آموزشی، با علاقه و اشتیاق بودن معلم نسبت به شغل معلمی و رشته زبان، برخورد تشویق آمیز و ترغیب کننده معلم با دانش آموزان پس از هر موفقیت، و تسلط کافی معلم به مهارت های چهارگانه زبان انگلیسی و تدریس آنها.
 از نظر دانش آموزان، با اهمیت ترین عوامل در الزامات آموزش موفق عبارتند از: با ادب و مهربان بودن معلم و رفتار مناسب در برخورد با دانش آموزان، فن بیان قوی معلم در تفهیم مطالب، توجه فعال دانش آموز به درس در کلاس، تسلط معلم به درس و برخورداری از دانش زیاد، استخدام معلمین مجرب و کارآزموده.
 معلمان در مجموع 97 ویژگی برای علل افت تحصیلی بیان کردند: 19 ویژگی برای معلم، 17 ویژگی برای دانش آموز، 14 ویژگی برای خانواده 14 ویژگی برای کتاب درسی، 10 ویژگی برای محیط و امکانات آموزشی، و23 ویژگی برای سیستم آموزشی.
 دانش آموزان در مجموع 48 ویژگی برای علل افت تحصیلی بیان کردند: 12 ویژگی برای معلم، 10 ویژگی برای دانش آموز، 6 ویژگی برای خانواده، 7 ویژگی برای کتاب درسی، 5 ویژگی برای محیط و امکانات آموزشی، و 8 ویژگی برای سیستم آموزشی.
 از نظر معلمان موثرترین علل افت در درس زبان عبارتند از: بی انگیزگی دانش آموز در یادگیری درس زبان، خشک، یکنواخت و بی روح بودن کتاب درسی، توجه بیش از حد به گرامر و عدم طراحی مناسب و جذاب کتاب درسی، بی انگیزگی معلم و انتقال آن به دانش آموز و قدیمی بودن کتاب درسی و محتوای آن و عدم تدوین کتب مناسب، جذاب، و به روز.
 از نظر دانش آموزان موثرترین علل افت در درس زبان عبارتند از: ناتوانی محیط آموزشی در ایجاد شرایط شاداب و مناسب، بی توجهی خانواده در برطرف کردن احتیاجات (مادی، امنیتی، عاطفی) دانش آموز و عدم تسلط معلم به زبان انگلیسی.
 از نظر معلمان و دانش آموزان، کلیه‌ی مؤلفه‌های افت تحصیلی در درس زبان انگلیسی وابستگی معنی دار و مثبتی با همه عوامل به ویژه عوامل هم نام در الزامات آموزش موفق دارند.
 نظر معلمان و دانش آموزان در مورد الزامات آموزش موفق متفاوت است و همه حیطه ها از نظر معلمان اهمیت بیشتری دارند.
 نظر معلمان و دانش آموزان در مورد علل افت تحصیلی در درس زبان انگلیسی متفاوت است و همه حیطه ها از نظر معلم ها در افت تحصیلی تاثیر بیشتری دارند.
 در بررسی سیستم خودهای انگیزشی زبان دوم، نظر دانش آموزان دوره راهنمایی و متوسطه در مورد حیطه ها ی خود- باید زبان دوم، تلاش هدف، خود-آرمان زبان دوم، و تجربه یادگیری زبان متفاوت است ودانش آموزان مقطع راهنمایی از سطح بالاتری از انگیزه برخوردارند.
 سطح توانایی خود-گزارشی دانش‌آموزان دوره راهنمایی و متوسطه با خود- باید زبان دوم، خود- آرمان زبان دوم، رفتار انگیزشی و نمره آنان در درس زبان مرتبط است.

Research paper thumbnail of Parents Who Misuse Drugs and Alcohol: Effective Interventions in Social Work and Child Protection.  David Forrester & Judith Harwin (2011).