Serene Escape (original) (raw)

Death of a community [27 Jan 2005|03:37pm]
This community is dieing! Perhaps even dead.... Anyway, I'm making an "executive decision" and choosing another book even though we haven't officially finished On the Road. But it doesn't seem too many people will feel the need to riot over that.... So February's book (unless there is great controversy and chasing with pitchforks and torches over it) will be Born Confused by Tanuja Desai Hidier. If you still want to talk about On the Road, please do. Just trying to save this community from being buried.
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on the road [07 Jan 2005|01:27pm]
how is everyone enjoying the book so far? i am on part two and enjoying it more this time then i did the first time around.does anyone have a favorite part or line from the book they like? right now i think my favorite line is in chapter 4 of part twowhen sal is says "...besides which Lucille would never understand me because i like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. this is the night, what it does to you. i had nothing to offer anybody expect my own confusion."looking forward to hearing what everyone else says
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On the Road chapters 1-3 [30 Dec 2004|04:43pm]
I just started the book last night. (A little late I know, especially for a mod. XD) So far I pretty much like it. I like how you can really hear his voice come through. It's like he wrote it exactly as he'd say it and seeing how he wrote it in a month I'm guessing that's what he did. I think he has a pretty good writing style. It's going a lot faster than I thought though. He's just going from one place to another pretty quickly. I thought he'd stay on one subject for a while.Anyone else have any thoughts?
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[13 Dec 2004|08:26pm]
Alright, here's the plan:I finally got the book. Hurrah! So I'm thinking we'll start in about a week? How's December 19th sound for an "official" start date? If no one has any major complaints that will be the day. I'll have to decide what our hopeful end date will be after I read a few chapters and skim through it. Open to suggestions as always. And sorry about the wait, I've been a bit of a slack-off lately. But now that things are (finally) starting up I think it will get better. So that's the plan.
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on the road [02 Dec 2004|01:51pm]
[ **mood** | amused ] since we are going to read on the road, i thought people might like to know that it is based on trips that he made with neal cassedy and by himself. the first trip they went to san fran. then neal left to go back to nyc but jack came back on his own. he then went travaling on his own. the third trip was him and neal driving with friends in a beat up 38 coup to san fran again. the last trip they went down to mexico. another intersting fact about the book is it starts with sal's wife leaving him this was based on jack's 2nd wife leaving him. he also wrote the book in one sitting. in order to do this he took typing paper and taped it in to one long sheet and just wrote the entire thing in a month nonstop. i thought this was cool cuz how many peole just sit down and write a book in one sitting. so when you start reading it is based on real events he just sorta changed names and events a bit but other then that it is all true. i have not started it yet but i will soon.
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[24 Nov 2004|11:15am]
Alright, so most have voted. The "winner" for December was The Looking Glass Wars, but please, hold your applause. XD I tried to get it but my library can't get it since it hasn't been released in the US yet apparently. I can try to order it but that could take a while so I'll put it up for voting again in the next month or something or that can be the next book we read. So sorry about that. But here are the standings:First choiceLooking Glass Wars - 3On the Road - 2Second choice:On the Road - 2Looking Glass Wars - 1The Queen of Everything - 1Do not want to read:Bridget Jones's Diary - 2On the Road - 2So I think it's fair to say that we won't be reading Bridget Jones or Aimee, but until I can find out how to get ahold of The Looking Glass Wars it's narrowed between On the Road and the Queen of Everything, but I think On the Road will be the choice. So due to these recent events if you want to suggest a new book maybe we can decide between On the Road and another since it's a small group and some don't want to read that. So sorry about the confusion and wait but soon enough we'll be reading some book. :) Oh, and if you have any ideas or preferences on how we discuss comment about that too. Thanks everyone.
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[20 Nov 2004|01:24pm]
This is my first community post. (!) I've decided to wait until there's a good amount of members to list a book for reading so tell anyone who might be interested and join! If you have suggestions for the first book to read comment to this post and if you're interested in joining you can always e-mail me and ask questions if you want at
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