Cathal I M Ua hAirt (Harte) | South East Technological University (original) (raw)
Sociology Papers by Cathal I M Ua hAirt (Harte)
In studying the consistencies we find our purpose of establishing the consistencies of how variat... more In studying the consistencies we find our purpose of establishing the consistencies of how variations of truth are assessed.
The methodology used was a threefold assessment of short sections of a recorded interview that was later publicized.
From this we find normative and acceptable consistencies in the methods and responses, and we gain an insight into the internal workings of the law enforcement of law enforcers, supporting our social confidences.
In conclusion, the reinstatement of appropriate and correct boundaries are evident.
in establishing our purpose of Social Evaluations, a social phenomenon is retrospectively studied... more in establishing our purpose of Social Evaluations, a social phenomenon is retrospectively studied to assess the actions involved to rejuvenate an identity feature and assess the present interests of the populous in the National language.
As methodology, a framework of secondary research topics were collected and prioritized, and comparisons made with the precedents for similar in historical contexts, and other contemporary important aspects.
Resulting in a more compressed and validated assessment of the chosen actions; establishing their presence in a respected moral global standard emerging history, and an improvement in sociological acceptable standards.
Concluding in a fuller and more absolute sociological quality being exercised.
Outline / Abstract of Performance and The Pervasive Expression of the Topic: In the proposed docu... more Outline / Abstract of Performance and The Pervasive Expression of the Topic:
In the proposed documentary, I will present the features of Globalisation and the current observable and probable status of the intangible aspects of Globalisation in the context of the North American Permanent Gaeltacht, which is interestingly located in Canada: itself and expression of the Globalisation Ethos. The selected order of the process[es] and strategic timing of the enterprise and the re-emergence of previously unseen supporting features of the enterprise. I also present this as a newly paced form of Globalisation, and as a previously dormant feature globally.
Definition and context of the Globalisation terms are explained in the contemporary uses and in the context of the Gaeltachts, for an Irish Audience and listenership. This is proposed to be revised prior to the probable American launch
Background and historical aspects are outlined to indicate the suitability of the enterprise as a Globalisation ethos, and how it has developed from strength to strength within its time.
The dominance of its development as a globalisation process is noted by the pace and order of its development. And how a charisma and fascination, a magnetism, has caused its ongoing progress.
Presently, I am working on is to develop a 12-15 minute documentary of slides and photographs with a ‘Gaeilge’ voiceover with English subtitles. Negotiations are ongoing for its dissemination, but the probability of an inaugural launch on the KCLR [radio] website at the start of the summer is most probable: the delay is due to some of the slides and photographs have only permission for academic use and will need to be replaced and the documentary reproduced. In addition to this, the N.A.A.C.L.T. (North American Association of Celtic Language Teachers) will have the option of using the footage, and I will further disseminate this myself on and on which I have accounts. Full references to all sources are provided.
This topic was chosen and supporting medium respectfully to the issues of the American Gaeltacht, the Performance and presentation skills and dissemination, Socio-linguistics and cultural elements that relate and are combined in an inter/multi-disciplinary approach for peer reviewed colloquium.
Considering the wisdom of meta-sociolinguistics of conflict to peace transition, the ethos of int... more Considering the wisdom of meta-sociolinguistics of conflict to peace transition, the ethos of interdiciplinarity in recent research and development in socio-[Religio]-linguistic realm: subjects tend to micro-concentrate. Conflict and peace frame-works rapidly surpass the limitations of individual specialities. The Transcend (Webel and Galtung, 2007) studies into conflict understanding and suppression to a development of peace indicate and model the most developed transdisciplinary studies on how peace is consecutively and modularly built. Slow detailed process stages within sociolinguistics indicate transitions from conflict to peace. In a general Irish context selected mythological essays published in an established religious journal and the Transcend (ibid) model indicating a delicate roadmap to peace- and often love.
In the ethos of interdiciplinarity in the history of research and development of Language and Rel... more In the ethos of interdiciplinarity in the history of research and development of Language and Religion: we tend to specialise by micro-concentrating. This also happens in education, the focus becomes even more and more specialised (Adam Smyth, 2010[1776], p.xi) although there are some operational problems with this when we appear to have created “a learned ignoramus” (Orthga y Gassat in Ostrom, 1997, p.146), and it is from this division, most noticeably in formal education, that marginalisation of individuals and groups has been created through education in language and religion. This is most evident in Ireland if the recent past, and its aftermath continues.
Agreements, discords, conflict and the promotion of accurate judgments by a breaking down of the ... more Agreements, discords, conflict and the promotion of accurate judgments by a breaking down of the individual components, especially in his substantially subtly mentioned capitalistic issues and allowing others to draw the evidences to a conclusion. How history is a constant series of competitive accidents: and how the effects have wider implications. His social setting, and earlier studies and working relationships that developed his thinking and multi-sectional research based working methodologies in establishing what is “civic order” (Boltanski and Thévenot, 1991, p.38) and potential “Problematic” elements that may present (Foucault, 2002, throughout). He establishes a universal methodology of a linguistic assessment as a commonage, and carefully unveils and examples content analysis as a primary method to safeguard the social members and introduce a transparency. This in turn develops a concentric effect on all others that surround the social aspect or “city” (Boltanski and Chippallio, [1999] 2005, p.xiii) attentioning a newer responsibility for the new “Departure” (Boltanski and Chippallio, [1999] 2005, p.68) and set it as a sustainable effort. His pragmatic critique methodologies, demonstrating how to deal with all levels of social issues in a logical and sequential fashion and how he rarely reverted back to previous wisdoms and theories, but further developed his own. In his love theories, he demonstrates how sequential arrangements [although individual] still exist, and he examples the workplace regularly and uses slightly dramatic language as “euphemisms” (Boltanski, 2012, p.3) to show his self-perceived inadequacies and admits to despairing as he finds his sociology tools inadequate: in advance reverting back to his safety of linguistics. Etiquette and frameworks develop in his methodologies, and he sets a scene, and regularly reviews his work and his working methods. The socio-linguistics tools he uses are supported by much secondary researches of the time. The close readings demonstrates a bled of these and the “interdependencies” (Elias, 2001, p.272) that exist and developed into strong allies, once reputable techniques and manners are employed. These developed and blend into a newfound accepted second nature that is more “efficien[t and] . . . secur[e]” (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1997, p.363) and he metaphorically demonstrates this in a meals serving order, and how newly and innovation can compromise between potentially rivaling parties to a newfound acceptable framework. While still aware of the potentials of the dualistic styling “tests” (Boltanski, 2005 [1999], p. 15) of his previous colleague Éve Chapilipo, to discourage ‘conflicts’ “in a natural order” (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1997, p.363). The illustration of his ‘city’ metaphor and theory are given in a contemporary and universal example of Waterford Institute of Technology, in its physical. metaphysical and forms of ethos. The basic components and its co-existences in a wider society, in ever-changing times. These co-existences are at all levels and the most basic component of a society or a city, must transaction in these also.
The survey entitled “A study examining Contemporary attitudes to Irish language and Religion: and... more The survey entitled “A study examining Contemporary attitudes to Irish language and Religion: and the effects that each has on the other, if any”. The aim of this study is to investigate the hypothesis that there are any co-relations between the variables religion and the Irish language or any other social phenomena such as gender, age or level of education. This research was undertaken as a component of my studies for a Arts degree with sociology as the major subject and under the astute tutelage of Dr. J. O’ Brien. The research followed a quantitative methodology and used primary survey research in questionnaires that were prepared using and were distributed through my email phonebook. The data collected was assessed and imported into a prepared SPSS (Software Package for the Social Sciences) where graphs, charts, tables etc. were compared and correlated.
Bailiúcháín Ghaelach by Cathal I M Ua hAirt (Harte)
turaimí faoina saol is a saothar
Cinnte go raibh na h–údair ag léiriú faoin saol fíor-dheachair ina ré féín, ach, níl mórán stair ... more Cinnte go raibh na h–údair ag léiriú faoin saol fíor-dheachair ina ré féín, ach, níl mórán stair acu faoi na deacrachtaí nó an miotaseolaíocht sna gluain roimhe sin, i gcomparáíd leis an chuid is mó den tír. Is iad scéaltaí comhaimsirtha i gcoinne samhlachtaí nó ceardanna araibh acu. Is léír go raibh an iomarca seansanna acu iad a bhaint faoi na mbáíd is an fheirmeoireacht. In áit iad sin, léireann siad i dtreo a caitheamh aimsire, an tscéalaíocht, agus an tsuim a bhí acu i gnó a comharsanna is ar gnó na chuairteoirí. Tá siad sin go sóiléír i Peig agus Allagar an hInse.
De gnáth obraíonn scríobhneoirí ina aonar, ach baineann Mícheál Ó Conghaile go mhór le h-udair ei... more De gnáth obraíonn scríobhneoirí ina aonar, ach baineann Mícheál Ó Conghaile go mhór le h-udair eile, go h-áírithe ina féin-cheantar. Dá bhrí, is éasca dúinn comparáid áitiúl agus a phlé faoin a gcruthúcháín an Domhain Nua. Ní doiléír le feicail go bhfuil taileann speisialta aige nach bhaineann le mórán daoine: táimíd buíochasach gur scaiptar a úr-bhairiúl, agus tachaíonn na thúraimí seo le dtreithe soisialta. An mbíonn sé as buairt an t-saol nuair a scríobhann sé? Go háirithe i gcás a bhfriotal a mbíónn ag dul bhfód na ‘reacaireachta na h-áite’, go hámharach. Go héifeachtach, cuireann sé an fírinne nua-aimsirtha ina-luí lena láidreachtaí agus laigí.
Thugann saol an Ríordánach spreagadh dúinn go léir ó gach congair shaol in Éireann. Duine a bhuai... more Thugann saol an Ríordánach spreagadh dúinn go léir ó gach congair shaol in Éireann. Duine a bhuaigh thar na droch-bhrú gach nóiméad lena beocht. Duine a scaip a shaol trína chuid scríbhinn agus é anois mar ionanálú nó tinfeadh do daoine breoite eile. Nuair a léann tú a shaothar, is mar comhrá pearsanta é, ligeann sé a mhothúchaín saor ina dánta. Thóg mé mo braith féin agus taithaí breoiteoirí eile agus thuramaí de bailiúcháin iris, leabhair agus scannáin atá le fail faoi. Chomh maith, láithreach, cinnte gur tinfeadh sé daonra a Ghaeltacht dúchas a thuairimí a choimeád beó. Is tabhachtach gur choimead muid daoine mar seo inár intinn go rialto, toisc gur cinnte bíonn bharúil mar a dánta cósiúl le ‘saíochtaí phóca’ atá again, ar leith, an modh a choimeád sé é féin cruinn agus cioirtha nuair a bhí sé leath thiteann “trína chéile” (Ó Ríordán, 1952).
Acoirme de saothar de Mháire Mhac an tSaoi agus na bhaint stairiúl is laethiúil atá áici. agus m... more Acoirme de saothar de Mháire Mhac an tSaoi agus na bhaint stairiúl is laethiúil atá áici.
agus más maith leat tagart a dhéanamh: Mac Airt, C. (2014) Is léír go bhfuil tionchar an mhór ag na seandánta grá ar filíocht Mháire Mhac an tSaoi. An ráiteas sin a phlé le samplaí óna chuid dánta, , 12345-2014 ARTM-0026 Nuafhilíocht na Ghaeilge, Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Port Láirige, neamhfoilsithe [ar-lne] inúsáídithe: [ríochtanna: 11Samhain 2014] -chiur isteach do dáta féin
‘Bhí an Briathar ann i dtús báire’ (Eoin 1:1), roimh an ochtú aois bhí Ré an béaloideas, gach eol... more ‘Bhí an Briathar ann i dtús báire’ (Eoin 1:1), roimh an ochtú aois bhí Ré an béaloideas, gach eolas ó gluain go gluain, le oide nó seaneolaí i ngach ceantar ar gach ábhar, agus bhí gach éinne neamhliteartha: seaneolaí leigheas is feirmeoireachta, iascarachta is an aimsir agus a raille. Scéalta faoin mBeán (an bheansí) agus baint mór le nósanna agus adhradh págánach. Eolaí dlí is politiciúil agus le sin thosaigh Ré na cainte trí óráidí, dánta is amhráin, i gconaí le baint le nádúr: nó an trí cinn le chéile i traidisiúinta bliantiúil, mar shampla, Lá Buachaillí an Dreólín, an Bumbóg, an Gráinneog, an mBroc agus an Úlchabhán (, 2014) (irishhedgerows, 2014) agus an méid eile atá ar iasacht don Eaglais Caitleach (irishcultureandcustoms, 2014) ó na págánaigh ó dúchais.
seó é an dreacht garbh- beidh níos mó déanta i tamaill bheag
Is léir go bhfuil go leor oibre déanta ag TG4 chun an Gaeilge a chur chun cinn ó bunaíodh é: Is é... more Is léir go bhfuil go leor oibre déanta ag TG4 chun an Gaeilge a chur chun cinn ó bunaíodh é: Is é TG4 an togná is dearfaí atá feicithe sa tír seo maidir le dul chun cinn na Gaeilge le caoga bliain anuas.
Harte, C. & Ó’ Diollúin, S. Irish Religio-Socio Linguistics of Waterford City and County in the ... more Harte, C. & Ó’ Diollúin, S.
Irish Religio-Socio Linguistics of Waterford City and County in the 19th Century Mac Airt / Harte, Ó’ Diollúin.
Is the use of language reflective of a socionality (society’s personality)? Samples studied examined the reliability, factor structure, and validity of written language of a selection of regional historical collections. Catalogue, text, genre and superficial content analyses were applied. to a selection of 5 substantial Irish language texts and compared to contemporary community art forms, journal articles and 57 sociological, linguistics and religious publications. Good internal consistency was demonstrated for 4 language dimensions: syntax, word repetition, dialectics and sociolectics. Gaelic or roman typeset use was considered. Mixed qualitative and quantitative analyses of these language dimensions from the historical literatures yielded replicated factors to the samples selected and other expressive art forms. Finally, art and linguistic profiles from non-written forms were applied with grounded theory coding, self-reports and compared. Despite modest sample sizes and effect differences, the data suggest that linguistic style is a sensitive and autonomous process of inspecting socionality.
Mac Airt, C. & Ó’ Diollúin, S.
Sochréiligiún Teangeolaíochta Cathrach agus den Contae Phort Láirige den 19ú Aois Mac Airt / Harte, Ó’ Diollúin
An bhfuil úsáídaithe de theanga inchomparáide le tréith-sochaí? Léann samplaí scrúdaithe iontaofacht, strúctúr toisc agus bailíocht den teanga scríofa de roinnt bailiucháin stairiúl áitiúil. Cláraigh catalóg, téasc seánra agus anailís inneachar go roinnt 5 téasc tathagach Ghaeilge agus dhein cóimheas go bhfoirm ealaíon freacnairceach daonáireamh, altanna irisí agus 57 fhoilseacháin socheolaíochta, teangeolaíochta agus creidimh. Léirigh dea-caighdeán comhsheasmhacht inmheánach le 4 tosaí teangiúl: comhréir, athrá focail, dialachtaíochta agus sochlachtaíochta. Cuireadh cló-Gaelach agus cló-rómánach san áireamh. Toradh meascán de anailís cháilíochtúil agus chainníochtúil de na treo teangeolaíoch ón litríocht stairiúl tréíthe ath-cleachta don roinnt samplaí roghnaithe agus tréithe eile ón ealaíonn sáinráite. Mar críoch, cláraithe iomrá ealaíonn agus an teangeolaíochta ó bhfoirm neamhscríofa le cóid teoiric bhunata, tuairisc-féin agus cóimheasctha. In ainneoin le roinnt samplaí measartha agus éifeacht difríochta, molann an sonraíocht go bhfuil an stíl teangeolaiochta próiséis is bealach uath-iogar chun tréith-sochaí a bhleachtaireacht.
General Papers by Cathal I M Ua hAirt (Harte)
In analysing the most important points of this broad based and expansive study: the development o... more In analysing the most important points of this broad based and expansive study: the development of belief, how God comes to man as man comes to God, the transgenerational and translocational refining of the growing faith, the appreciation and acceptance of the Canon of Scripture as universal truth, man's review and developing confidences in faith and how this faith grows further with man's involvements in the traditions [including sacraments] and with others within the community of faith; the connections of these points are indicated, the importance of the points and how they are significant to the issues of the faith. The contextualising definitions of traditions, which were handed through generations and religious community authorities. Traditions were and are of great importance and serve as reference comparisons for the newer moral and ethical issues that arose; except where the traditions conflicted with the commandments of God. Jesus initiated a newer tradition, commandment and covenant. The tradition I handed on to you in the first place, a tradition which I had myself received, was that Christ died for our sins, in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried; and that on the third day, he was raised to life, in accordance with the scriptures; and that he appeared to Cephas; and later to the Twelve; and next he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still with us, though some have fallen asleep; then he appeared to James, and then to all the apostles. Last of all he appeared to me too, as though I was a child born abnormally. (First Corinthians 3-8) These customs became similar to law, and Jesus taught us to differentiate from the law of man and how to realign to God's law. Many traditions became sacraments as the manifestations of God's law and visible manifestations of the Word e.g. " this cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is
We all have our own specific and detailed histories, and to context this presentation, which I se... more We all have our own specific and detailed histories, and to context this presentation, which I secondary titled ‘The Old Man and The Sea [of Knowledge]’ my previous background was self-employed in construction during the boom years and then faced into the national and global economic challenges, when college presented the best option for progress. I was quite disillusioned as I had put many years of hard work in and felt that I had little to show. There were also standard life personal issues that also happen to present during times of strife. It was suggested to me to contact the REGSA office, and to get career and educational advices. I prepared by consulting the applicant handbooks and arranged to meet with REGSA. I then attended this seminar as a prospective applicant in January 2012, This was encouraging, and openly transparently honest. Their knowledge and opinions gave me the confidence to continue my application, and submitted in February of that year. And once I had succeeded in applying, I then had this confidence to progress to the next stage.
In studying the consistencies we find our purpose of establishing the consistencies of how variat... more In studying the consistencies we find our purpose of establishing the consistencies of how variations of truth are assessed.
The methodology used was a threefold assessment of short sections of a recorded interview that was later publicized.
From this we find normative and acceptable consistencies in the methods and responses, and we gain an insight into the internal workings of the law enforcement of law enforcers, supporting our social confidences.
In conclusion, the reinstatement of appropriate and correct boundaries are evident.
in establishing our purpose of Social Evaluations, a social phenomenon is retrospectively studied... more in establishing our purpose of Social Evaluations, a social phenomenon is retrospectively studied to assess the actions involved to rejuvenate an identity feature and assess the present interests of the populous in the National language.
As methodology, a framework of secondary research topics were collected and prioritized, and comparisons made with the precedents for similar in historical contexts, and other contemporary important aspects.
Resulting in a more compressed and validated assessment of the chosen actions; establishing their presence in a respected moral global standard emerging history, and an improvement in sociological acceptable standards.
Concluding in a fuller and more absolute sociological quality being exercised.
Outline / Abstract of Performance and The Pervasive Expression of the Topic: In the proposed docu... more Outline / Abstract of Performance and The Pervasive Expression of the Topic:
In the proposed documentary, I will present the features of Globalisation and the current observable and probable status of the intangible aspects of Globalisation in the context of the North American Permanent Gaeltacht, which is interestingly located in Canada: itself and expression of the Globalisation Ethos. The selected order of the process[es] and strategic timing of the enterprise and the re-emergence of previously unseen supporting features of the enterprise. I also present this as a newly paced form of Globalisation, and as a previously dormant feature globally.
Definition and context of the Globalisation terms are explained in the contemporary uses and in the context of the Gaeltachts, for an Irish Audience and listenership. This is proposed to be revised prior to the probable American launch
Background and historical aspects are outlined to indicate the suitability of the enterprise as a Globalisation ethos, and how it has developed from strength to strength within its time.
The dominance of its development as a globalisation process is noted by the pace and order of its development. And how a charisma and fascination, a magnetism, has caused its ongoing progress.
Presently, I am working on is to develop a 12-15 minute documentary of slides and photographs with a ‘Gaeilge’ voiceover with English subtitles. Negotiations are ongoing for its dissemination, but the probability of an inaugural launch on the KCLR [radio] website at the start of the summer is most probable: the delay is due to some of the slides and photographs have only permission for academic use and will need to be replaced and the documentary reproduced. In addition to this, the N.A.A.C.L.T. (North American Association of Celtic Language Teachers) will have the option of using the footage, and I will further disseminate this myself on and on which I have accounts. Full references to all sources are provided.
This topic was chosen and supporting medium respectfully to the issues of the American Gaeltacht, the Performance and presentation skills and dissemination, Socio-linguistics and cultural elements that relate and are combined in an inter/multi-disciplinary approach for peer reviewed colloquium.
Considering the wisdom of meta-sociolinguistics of conflict to peace transition, the ethos of int... more Considering the wisdom of meta-sociolinguistics of conflict to peace transition, the ethos of interdiciplinarity in recent research and development in socio-[Religio]-linguistic realm: subjects tend to micro-concentrate. Conflict and peace frame-works rapidly surpass the limitations of individual specialities. The Transcend (Webel and Galtung, 2007) studies into conflict understanding and suppression to a development of peace indicate and model the most developed transdisciplinary studies on how peace is consecutively and modularly built. Slow detailed process stages within sociolinguistics indicate transitions from conflict to peace. In a general Irish context selected mythological essays published in an established religious journal and the Transcend (ibid) model indicating a delicate roadmap to peace- and often love.
In the ethos of interdiciplinarity in the history of research and development of Language and Rel... more In the ethos of interdiciplinarity in the history of research and development of Language and Religion: we tend to specialise by micro-concentrating. This also happens in education, the focus becomes even more and more specialised (Adam Smyth, 2010[1776], p.xi) although there are some operational problems with this when we appear to have created “a learned ignoramus” (Orthga y Gassat in Ostrom, 1997, p.146), and it is from this division, most noticeably in formal education, that marginalisation of individuals and groups has been created through education in language and religion. This is most evident in Ireland if the recent past, and its aftermath continues.
Agreements, discords, conflict and the promotion of accurate judgments by a breaking down of the ... more Agreements, discords, conflict and the promotion of accurate judgments by a breaking down of the individual components, especially in his substantially subtly mentioned capitalistic issues and allowing others to draw the evidences to a conclusion. How history is a constant series of competitive accidents: and how the effects have wider implications. His social setting, and earlier studies and working relationships that developed his thinking and multi-sectional research based working methodologies in establishing what is “civic order” (Boltanski and Thévenot, 1991, p.38) and potential “Problematic” elements that may present (Foucault, 2002, throughout). He establishes a universal methodology of a linguistic assessment as a commonage, and carefully unveils and examples content analysis as a primary method to safeguard the social members and introduce a transparency. This in turn develops a concentric effect on all others that surround the social aspect or “city” (Boltanski and Chippallio, [1999] 2005, p.xiii) attentioning a newer responsibility for the new “Departure” (Boltanski and Chippallio, [1999] 2005, p.68) and set it as a sustainable effort. His pragmatic critique methodologies, demonstrating how to deal with all levels of social issues in a logical and sequential fashion and how he rarely reverted back to previous wisdoms and theories, but further developed his own. In his love theories, he demonstrates how sequential arrangements [although individual] still exist, and he examples the workplace regularly and uses slightly dramatic language as “euphemisms” (Boltanski, 2012, p.3) to show his self-perceived inadequacies and admits to despairing as he finds his sociology tools inadequate: in advance reverting back to his safety of linguistics. Etiquette and frameworks develop in his methodologies, and he sets a scene, and regularly reviews his work and his working methods. The socio-linguistics tools he uses are supported by much secondary researches of the time. The close readings demonstrates a bled of these and the “interdependencies” (Elias, 2001, p.272) that exist and developed into strong allies, once reputable techniques and manners are employed. These developed and blend into a newfound accepted second nature that is more “efficien[t and] . . . secur[e]” (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1997, p.363) and he metaphorically demonstrates this in a meals serving order, and how newly and innovation can compromise between potentially rivaling parties to a newfound acceptable framework. While still aware of the potentials of the dualistic styling “tests” (Boltanski, 2005 [1999], p. 15) of his previous colleague Éve Chapilipo, to discourage ‘conflicts’ “in a natural order” (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1997, p.363). The illustration of his ‘city’ metaphor and theory are given in a contemporary and universal example of Waterford Institute of Technology, in its physical. metaphysical and forms of ethos. The basic components and its co-existences in a wider society, in ever-changing times. These co-existences are at all levels and the most basic component of a society or a city, must transaction in these also.
The survey entitled “A study examining Contemporary attitudes to Irish language and Religion: and... more The survey entitled “A study examining Contemporary attitudes to Irish language and Religion: and the effects that each has on the other, if any”. The aim of this study is to investigate the hypothesis that there are any co-relations between the variables religion and the Irish language or any other social phenomena such as gender, age or level of education. This research was undertaken as a component of my studies for a Arts degree with sociology as the major subject and under the astute tutelage of Dr. J. O’ Brien. The research followed a quantitative methodology and used primary survey research in questionnaires that were prepared using and were distributed through my email phonebook. The data collected was assessed and imported into a prepared SPSS (Software Package for the Social Sciences) where graphs, charts, tables etc. were compared and correlated.
turaimí faoina saol is a saothar
Cinnte go raibh na h–údair ag léiriú faoin saol fíor-dheachair ina ré féín, ach, níl mórán stair ... more Cinnte go raibh na h–údair ag léiriú faoin saol fíor-dheachair ina ré féín, ach, níl mórán stair acu faoi na deacrachtaí nó an miotaseolaíocht sna gluain roimhe sin, i gcomparáíd leis an chuid is mó den tír. Is iad scéaltaí comhaimsirtha i gcoinne samhlachtaí nó ceardanna araibh acu. Is léír go raibh an iomarca seansanna acu iad a bhaint faoi na mbáíd is an fheirmeoireacht. In áit iad sin, léireann siad i dtreo a caitheamh aimsire, an tscéalaíocht, agus an tsuim a bhí acu i gnó a comharsanna is ar gnó na chuairteoirí. Tá siad sin go sóiléír i Peig agus Allagar an hInse.
De gnáth obraíonn scríobhneoirí ina aonar, ach baineann Mícheál Ó Conghaile go mhór le h-udair ei... more De gnáth obraíonn scríobhneoirí ina aonar, ach baineann Mícheál Ó Conghaile go mhór le h-udair eile, go h-áírithe ina féin-cheantar. Dá bhrí, is éasca dúinn comparáid áitiúl agus a phlé faoin a gcruthúcháín an Domhain Nua. Ní doiléír le feicail go bhfuil taileann speisialta aige nach bhaineann le mórán daoine: táimíd buíochasach gur scaiptar a úr-bhairiúl, agus tachaíonn na thúraimí seo le dtreithe soisialta. An mbíonn sé as buairt an t-saol nuair a scríobhann sé? Go háirithe i gcás a bhfriotal a mbíónn ag dul bhfód na ‘reacaireachta na h-áite’, go hámharach. Go héifeachtach, cuireann sé an fírinne nua-aimsirtha ina-luí lena láidreachtaí agus laigí.
Thugann saol an Ríordánach spreagadh dúinn go léir ó gach congair shaol in Éireann. Duine a bhuai... more Thugann saol an Ríordánach spreagadh dúinn go léir ó gach congair shaol in Éireann. Duine a bhuaigh thar na droch-bhrú gach nóiméad lena beocht. Duine a scaip a shaol trína chuid scríbhinn agus é anois mar ionanálú nó tinfeadh do daoine breoite eile. Nuair a léann tú a shaothar, is mar comhrá pearsanta é, ligeann sé a mhothúchaín saor ina dánta. Thóg mé mo braith féin agus taithaí breoiteoirí eile agus thuramaí de bailiúcháin iris, leabhair agus scannáin atá le fail faoi. Chomh maith, láithreach, cinnte gur tinfeadh sé daonra a Ghaeltacht dúchas a thuairimí a choimeád beó. Is tabhachtach gur choimead muid daoine mar seo inár intinn go rialto, toisc gur cinnte bíonn bharúil mar a dánta cósiúl le ‘saíochtaí phóca’ atá again, ar leith, an modh a choimeád sé é féin cruinn agus cioirtha nuair a bhí sé leath thiteann “trína chéile” (Ó Ríordán, 1952).
Acoirme de saothar de Mháire Mhac an tSaoi agus na bhaint stairiúl is laethiúil atá áici. agus m... more Acoirme de saothar de Mháire Mhac an tSaoi agus na bhaint stairiúl is laethiúil atá áici.
agus más maith leat tagart a dhéanamh: Mac Airt, C. (2014) Is léír go bhfuil tionchar an mhór ag na seandánta grá ar filíocht Mháire Mhac an tSaoi. An ráiteas sin a phlé le samplaí óna chuid dánta, , 12345-2014 ARTM-0026 Nuafhilíocht na Ghaeilge, Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Port Láirige, neamhfoilsithe [ar-lne] inúsáídithe: [ríochtanna: 11Samhain 2014] -chiur isteach do dáta féin
‘Bhí an Briathar ann i dtús báire’ (Eoin 1:1), roimh an ochtú aois bhí Ré an béaloideas, gach eol... more ‘Bhí an Briathar ann i dtús báire’ (Eoin 1:1), roimh an ochtú aois bhí Ré an béaloideas, gach eolas ó gluain go gluain, le oide nó seaneolaí i ngach ceantar ar gach ábhar, agus bhí gach éinne neamhliteartha: seaneolaí leigheas is feirmeoireachta, iascarachta is an aimsir agus a raille. Scéalta faoin mBeán (an bheansí) agus baint mór le nósanna agus adhradh págánach. Eolaí dlí is politiciúil agus le sin thosaigh Ré na cainte trí óráidí, dánta is amhráin, i gconaí le baint le nádúr: nó an trí cinn le chéile i traidisiúinta bliantiúil, mar shampla, Lá Buachaillí an Dreólín, an Bumbóg, an Gráinneog, an mBroc agus an Úlchabhán (, 2014) (irishhedgerows, 2014) agus an méid eile atá ar iasacht don Eaglais Caitleach (irishcultureandcustoms, 2014) ó na págánaigh ó dúchais.
seó é an dreacht garbh- beidh níos mó déanta i tamaill bheag
Is léir go bhfuil go leor oibre déanta ag TG4 chun an Gaeilge a chur chun cinn ó bunaíodh é: Is é... more Is léir go bhfuil go leor oibre déanta ag TG4 chun an Gaeilge a chur chun cinn ó bunaíodh é: Is é TG4 an togná is dearfaí atá feicithe sa tír seo maidir le dul chun cinn na Gaeilge le caoga bliain anuas.
Harte, C. & Ó’ Diollúin, S. Irish Religio-Socio Linguistics of Waterford City and County in the ... more Harte, C. & Ó’ Diollúin, S.
Irish Religio-Socio Linguistics of Waterford City and County in the 19th Century Mac Airt / Harte, Ó’ Diollúin.
Is the use of language reflective of a socionality (society’s personality)? Samples studied examined the reliability, factor structure, and validity of written language of a selection of regional historical collections. Catalogue, text, genre and superficial content analyses were applied. to a selection of 5 substantial Irish language texts and compared to contemporary community art forms, journal articles and 57 sociological, linguistics and religious publications. Good internal consistency was demonstrated for 4 language dimensions: syntax, word repetition, dialectics and sociolectics. Gaelic or roman typeset use was considered. Mixed qualitative and quantitative analyses of these language dimensions from the historical literatures yielded replicated factors to the samples selected and other expressive art forms. Finally, art and linguistic profiles from non-written forms were applied with grounded theory coding, self-reports and compared. Despite modest sample sizes and effect differences, the data suggest that linguistic style is a sensitive and autonomous process of inspecting socionality.
Mac Airt, C. & Ó’ Diollúin, S.
Sochréiligiún Teangeolaíochta Cathrach agus den Contae Phort Láirige den 19ú Aois Mac Airt / Harte, Ó’ Diollúin
An bhfuil úsáídaithe de theanga inchomparáide le tréith-sochaí? Léann samplaí scrúdaithe iontaofacht, strúctúr toisc agus bailíocht den teanga scríofa de roinnt bailiucháin stairiúl áitiúil. Cláraigh catalóg, téasc seánra agus anailís inneachar go roinnt 5 téasc tathagach Ghaeilge agus dhein cóimheas go bhfoirm ealaíon freacnairceach daonáireamh, altanna irisí agus 57 fhoilseacháin socheolaíochta, teangeolaíochta agus creidimh. Léirigh dea-caighdeán comhsheasmhacht inmheánach le 4 tosaí teangiúl: comhréir, athrá focail, dialachtaíochta agus sochlachtaíochta. Cuireadh cló-Gaelach agus cló-rómánach san áireamh. Toradh meascán de anailís cháilíochtúil agus chainníochtúil de na treo teangeolaíoch ón litríocht stairiúl tréíthe ath-cleachta don roinnt samplaí roghnaithe agus tréithe eile ón ealaíonn sáinráite. Mar críoch, cláraithe iomrá ealaíonn agus an teangeolaíochta ó bhfoirm neamhscríofa le cóid teoiric bhunata, tuairisc-féin agus cóimheasctha. In ainneoin le roinnt samplaí measartha agus éifeacht difríochta, molann an sonraíocht go bhfuil an stíl teangeolaiochta próiséis is bealach uath-iogar chun tréith-sochaí a bhleachtaireacht.
In analysing the most important points of this broad based and expansive study: the development o... more In analysing the most important points of this broad based and expansive study: the development of belief, how God comes to man as man comes to God, the transgenerational and translocational refining of the growing faith, the appreciation and acceptance of the Canon of Scripture as universal truth, man's review and developing confidences in faith and how this faith grows further with man's involvements in the traditions [including sacraments] and with others within the community of faith; the connections of these points are indicated, the importance of the points and how they are significant to the issues of the faith. The contextualising definitions of traditions, which were handed through generations and religious community authorities. Traditions were and are of great importance and serve as reference comparisons for the newer moral and ethical issues that arose; except where the traditions conflicted with the commandments of God. Jesus initiated a newer tradition, commandment and covenant. The tradition I handed on to you in the first place, a tradition which I had myself received, was that Christ died for our sins, in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried; and that on the third day, he was raised to life, in accordance with the scriptures; and that he appeared to Cephas; and later to the Twelve; and next he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still with us, though some have fallen asleep; then he appeared to James, and then to all the apostles. Last of all he appeared to me too, as though I was a child born abnormally. (First Corinthians 3-8) These customs became similar to law, and Jesus taught us to differentiate from the law of man and how to realign to God's law. Many traditions became sacraments as the manifestations of God's law and visible manifestations of the Word e.g. " this cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is
We all have our own specific and detailed histories, and to context this presentation, which I se... more We all have our own specific and detailed histories, and to context this presentation, which I secondary titled ‘The Old Man and The Sea [of Knowledge]’ my previous background was self-employed in construction during the boom years and then faced into the national and global economic challenges, when college presented the best option for progress. I was quite disillusioned as I had put many years of hard work in and felt that I had little to show. There were also standard life personal issues that also happen to present during times of strife. It was suggested to me to contact the REGSA office, and to get career and educational advices. I prepared by consulting the applicant handbooks and arranged to meet with REGSA. I then attended this seminar as a prospective applicant in January 2012, This was encouraging, and openly transparently honest. Their knowledge and opinions gave me the confidence to continue my application, and submitted in February of that year. And once I had succeeded in applying, I then had this confidence to progress to the next stage.