sexicons - Profile (original) (raw)
on 24 October 2002 (#751847)
Welcome to sexicons!
Because I lack the time and patience, community membership is no longer moderated. However, due to LJ's policy, we still maintain that all members must be over the age of 18. We leave this to the members and/or their parents to follow LJ's TOS. Any member found in this community below the age of 18 or without a birthday date in their userinfo will be banned.
Community Rules
- Your birthday must be listed in your profile.
- All posts must be Friends-Locked. Protect the children (and don't get us deleted)!
- Always use an lj-cut for any X-rated, large, or 3+ graphics. No exceptions.
- Credit your icons. Icon thieves will be banned.
- No flame-wars.
- Sexual and adult-themed icons only.
- No illegal content.
- No spam.
Users who do not follow all rules will be warned, and if necessary banned from the community.
Questions, comments, and concerns should be directed to arewar.
100x100, 18+, adult icons, adults, animated gif, animated gifs, animated icons, animation, ankle cuffs, art, artistic, artists, artwork, ass, avatars, b&d, b/d, ballgags, balls, banners, bare skin, bdsm, beauty, bettie page, bisexuality, blindfolds, blowjob, blowjobs, bondage, boobies, bottom, breasts, canes, chains, cock, collars, control, corsets, creating icons, creativity, cunnilingus, cunt, d/s, desire, digital art, digital photography, discipline, dom, dominance & submission, dominant, dominatrix, domme, ds, ecstasy, erotic, erotic icons, erotic photography, erotica, fantasy, fetish, fetish photography, flesh, floggers, friends banners, gags, goth, gothic, graphic, graphic artists, graphic challenge, graphic contests, graphic design, graphics, graphics community, handcuffs, icon, icon makers, icons, image manipulation, images, kink, kinky, kinky sex, latex, leather, leather sex, leathersex, legs, lifestyle, live journal icons, livejournal icons, lj icons, lust, making icons, masochism, naked, nipples, nude, nudity, oral sex, orgasm, orgasm control, pain, paint shop pro, penis, personal user icons, photography, photoshop, porn, pornography, private parts, psp8, pussy, pvc, requests, restraints, riding crop, role play, rubber, s&m, s/m, sadism, sadomasochism, sex, sex icons, sexuality, sexy icons, slave, slave training, submission, submissive, tits, user icons, user pics, user pictures, userpics, userpictures, vagina, vinyl, whips, women, x-rated