All Things Sex's Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inAll Things Sex's LiveJournal:

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Thursday, January 7th, 2010
_11:27 am_[evil_skip] Something to sexually contemplate. Taking "No." for an answer requires: That I ask a question. That I am actually in doubt as to what the answer actually is. That you are capable one way or another to speak. (Read into that as you like.) Why? Well: In one way or another you answer the question before I could even ask. Sometimes, no means Know.You have so many constructive things to say anyway. Besides, why say no until you know the full extent of the question? I can ask some very detailed questions. Current Mood: flirty (Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 15th, 2009
_2:58 pm_[darker_needs] New group I have created a new LJ group about sex new stories. Come check it out. dirty_news (Comment on this)
Monday, March 16th, 2009
_3:09 pm_[agent139] DEAR FAITHLESS SWINE It has come to my attention that just because my Micio Productions website is presently down for renovations (which is to say we haven't bothered to put it up in the first place), and that none of my films are likely to be available, well, just about anywhere, that you don't believe I'm producing the movie adaptation of Join My Cult!Frankly, I find your lack of faith disturbing. Since I can't just force choke you all at a distance like Darth Vader, I'll do the next best thing: show you the aforementioned (and soon to be in-famous) Virgin Mary, Lao Tzu & Buddha gang-bang scene.(Well, not show it to you, since we're still rounding up funding and haven't even started casting yet. But you can get the idea. Use your imagination. After all 90% of sex happens in the mind, right? I guess the other 10% happens on someone's face or tits. I'm not sure how they came at these questionable figures. Honestly, I don't care.)FULL ARTICLE on (Comment on this)
Sunday, February 15th, 2009
_2:18 pm_[rudeboyz] CYBER-BUDDIES WANTED.... ( You are about to view content that may only be appropriate for adults. ) (Comment on this)
Tuesday, November 18th, 2008
_10:14 pm_[agent139] culture de tragédie (preview) Culture headerInspired by the alternative beauty pageant "Miss Catwalk Tragedy" this 134 page, full color 8.5" x 11" collection features some of the country's top alternative photographers and a few promising newcomers.Features:Lithium PicnicKyle CassidyJeff CohnScott ChurchS. JenxAnd many others! (See full credit list on the purchase page.) Look for an interview on with photographer S. Jenx about this collection in coming weeks, covering what inspired him to curate this collection, his own photographic process, and knowing us, probably a lot more. promo_02.jpg promo_03.jpg (Comment on this)
Monday, October 13th, 2008
_5:24 pm_[agent139] Buckton & Stoya review: Pirates 2 "It's not every day that you get to review the biggest porn movie of all time. Let's face it, "biggest movies of all time" only get made every three or four years, so when a record-smashing, high-octane, skeleton-fest like this one comes along, we gotta jump on this shit like hot shit on a shit-collector's floor. And that means it's your duty to watch it. Right? Right? Right?Plus, we conned Stoya into reviewing it with BUCKTON. So that's pretty fuckin' cool, too." (Comment on this)
Tuesday, September 16th, 2008
_11:18 am_[agent139] Casting Couch (NF!SFW) (IF you didn't get that, that's "NEVER FUCKING! SAFE FOR WORK")( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
Monday, September 15th, 2008
_3:12 pm_[agent139] The last part is really the kicker... A 22-year-old is auctioning off her virginity and the winner will bust her cherry at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada. The San Diego woman calling herself Natalie Dylan says she's selling her maidenhead to pay her college bills."We live in a capitalist society," Natalie told the New York Daily News. "Why shouldn't I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity?" Good question. Dylan's older sister works at the Bunny Ranch, whose owner Dennis Hof is very much in support of the venture. "I think it's a tremendous idea," he told the paper. "Why lose it to some guy in the backseat of a Toyota when you can pay for your education?"The auction is taking place on Dylan says she'll submit to a polygraph test and gynecological exam to prove she's a virgin. We'll bet there's some sick fucks who might bid just to watch the gyno visit. The highest bidder doesn't necessarily win. "I want someone with chemistry. We'll take bids until I find a suitor I'm happy with," Natalie says. Natalie says she and her sister were forced to be sex workers after their stepfather took out student loans in their names leaving them unable to pay for their college. Natalie has already earned a degree from Sacramento State and hopes to soon start on a Master's degree in marriage and family therapy.Pop-porn Article. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, September 10th, 2008
_2:49 pm_[agent139] MISS CHERIE AND HER BEDROOM OF HOLY SMOKE! (Comment on this)
Tuesday, September 9th, 2008
_12:54 pm_[agent139] THE WAY THE PROS DO IT (NSFW) "For all our talk about being big-time scumbags who know all the ins and outs of the porno business (or biz, if you will), we have to admit that we had a few major porno milestones that we haven't yet reached. Among them were the fact that we've never actually been on-set while some big time screenfuckers were doing each other, we've never acted out our favorite porno moves for our favorite directors to watch, and most importantly, we never grooved out with Mick Blue! But that shit all changed when Buckton spread his greazy self all over porn valley, courtesy of Zero Tolerance!"( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
Thursday, February 28th, 2008
_1:11 am_[deleriumschild] The Great 2008 Condom Project (x-posted) Ok, I am going to try very hard to not make this sound like an ad or a scam. If I fail, I'm sorry. Also, I wasn't sure what section this should go this seemed like the most logical.A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I were discussing different types of condoms we want to try. I made a joke about how I wanna have enough condoms to fill the trunk of my car.The more I think about it, the more I actually want to do this.So basically I am asking people from around the country to send me condoms. Any number, any kind, any size.I can't offer you sex, or pay you back. It's not expensive, and while it's an off-color goal you would still be helping me achieve it. And hey, send me your best sex stories too if you want....I promise I'll send pics.If you are interested in helping out, shoot me an email (I don't wanna put my address on a public forum). (Comment on this)
Wednesday, January 9th, 2008
_11:24 pm_[samsongkinny] To answer your questions, first i dont think the douche will do anything at this point, the little swimmers would of done their deed at this point, but really you should be ok, specially if it was right after your period, best is one week after you ovulate, but again you should be ok because you also took the MAP, so dot worry to much, but never the less you want to be safe and have a test next month to make sure :)goood luck Sonny True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness. Albert EinsteinPM me on Gay Center Gay Dating Community SamSonny :) (Comment on this)
Thursday, January 10th, 2008
_12:50 am_[brilliant_eyes] broken condom.... HELP! I need some help people....?Back story a little bit. I'm in a monogamous relationship with a man, and we have been having sex for quite some time. We are currently engaged and I am very happy with him. We have had to use some different types of condoms recently, since I had ran out of my backstock of condoms from my high school clinic (I just graduated 2 years ago, so they're not really old). We have recently switched to Trojan's, since they seem to have the most out there and I just wanted some regular ones. Anyways, last night, we were having sex... and during the course of the encounter, the condom broke and he finished inside of me. He didn't realize the condom had broken until he pulled out (which was maybe 30 seconds or so after he finished since we do like to cuddle just a bit afterwards). (The ones that I have at my house [which are the Trojan Spermicidal Lubricant] have broken ONCE before... but he did not finish that time...) Fortunately, it was our second round, and I don't think that he had AS MANY little swimmers than the first round... but we both were freaking out a bit.We went to the closest Walgreen's that had an open pharmacy (this is at like 11pm last night), and we got a "plan B" (aka "morning after pill") pack to take, and I took both of the pills right when we got to his house, at the correct time (the first one ASAP, and the second 12 hours afterwards)... and I'm just a little freaking out.Does anyone have any experience with this? Can anyone help me calm my nerves a little bit and tell me if there's a really good chance I won't get pregnant? I JUST got done with my period, and so I'm not ovulating or anything like that, and I'm even thinking about going and getting a douche or something like that to make sure nothing happens. I'm just a little freaked out right now... can someone help me please?!?!?!?!♥Brilliantx-posted onto other communities and personal journal Current Mood: nervous (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Monday, October 22nd, 2007
_1:16 pm_[brilliant_eyes] help? So... I have a question for people. I am VERY nervous and I have no idea how to deal with this situation.So, this guy I've been dating is a virgin. It's not a big problem, but what's the problem is that all he's done is kissing with a girl... and not even very much of that with his ex-girlfriends. So, I'm having to teach him how to be with a girl and do stuff, and it IS kind of awkward because I don't really know how to teach him stuff, since most of the guys I've been with have already been with another girl or at least have had SOME knowledge of what to do, even when I was with my ex. He had at least SOME knowledge of what to do, and we were both virgins when we started doing stuff so we were BOTH learning.(On a side note, I'm 20, and he's 23 (almost 24). I'm the first girlfriend he's had for a very long time. His longest relationship is about 4 months and mine is almost 2 years. Totally different.)Can someone help me on how to either demonstrate or tell him or show him how to do stuff? We have gotten pretty hot and heavy with each other in the past week or so, and I just don't want him to regret losing his virginity to me if it happens. I also don't want him to think that I have a problem with him being a virgin... because I don't at all. I just have a slight problem that he doesn't really know very much about how to do the stuff that comes beforehand.I need help on if I should like tell him about stuff, or if I should buy him a book or just suggest books or something for him? I mean, I do have Guide to Getting It On at my house that I could have him read. I'm just totally unsure on how I should approach this and what's the best way to make it less awkward if I need to teach him. I don't want to have to be telling him everything while he's doing stuff, since it would kinda ruin the mood (in my opinion).Well, I just need some suggestions....Brilliant(x-posted) (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 25th, 2007
_11:19 pm_[theoleo] request 1-216-619-6658.Hello. I am interest in receiving sexy voicemails, anonymously, from women and girls. I have a private voicemail account set up; it is serviced through the internet. That means that the number rings directly to a voicemail, not a phone. Likewise, your phone information (the number from which you are dialing) is not recorded—only the voicemail is. You can leave as many or as few messages as you would like, for as little or as long as you would like.Your message will remain private—only I will hear it.I am interested in the following general kinds of voicemails. I am providing a list primarily to spark your interest or your creativity: feel free to leave a message about whatever you desire.(1) Confessions. A sexual confession of any sort. It could be an act of infidelity, or a drunken encounter, or a threesome (or gang-bang). It could be a confession to having a particular kind of fantasy or dream: rape, family, an underage (or older) partner, humiliation, degradation, public sex, anonymous sex, etc.(2) Masturbation. I’d love to hear you moan as you rub or slap your clit, or ride a dildo in your cunt or ass. If you detail what you’re doing, what you look like, how it feels, or how slutty you are, all the better.(3) A sexy story, a la Literotica. A recounting of a story would be great, and, also, a great warm-up for leaving a more public message with Literotica. (As a matter of fact, any of these would be.)(4) Self-degradation/humiliation/infliction of pain. This needs no explanation. Women who know, know.(5) A roleplay. You could be leaving a message for anyone: your boss, your priest, your coach, your doctor, your professor, your Daddy. No subject—and this generally holds—is taboo with me.Absolutely no taboos.If interested, here is the number again: 1-216-619-6658. A normal US number with no surcharges or anything like that. Just a voicemail. You’ll know you’ve dialed the right number when you hear the message.About me:I am a 27 year old young professional man, sexually dominant, and I’ve developed something of a penchant for anonymous (and occasionally random) phone sex, and this is something I would also like to try. I developed this habit purely through the everyday vicissitudes of my life and time management: I am a good looking guy, but I absolutely have no time to date. Long story short, I’ve developed a fetish for phone sex. More information, and pictures, are available upon request at: (cross-posted at a few places) (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, October 8th, 2006
_1:14 pm_[curvymistress] New Here My hubby and I are both 28. I'm a BBW with lots of curves. I recently started a sex journal with pics. Add me if you want, but you must post to your LJ on a regular basis. I'm bisexual and could use a few other women on my friends list. Show me your dirty pics and I'll show you mine. (Comment on this)
Saturday, August 19th, 2006
_5:06 pm_[seanfwa12] Hey all. I am a 20 year old man who enjoys dirty, erotic chat.Looking for any women 18 and over who are also interested in talking dirty. In fact just the thought of getting an email from any of you ladies or talking to you on MSN is making my boxers a bit tight on me as we speak. I'm unzipping my pants as we speak and I'm peeking into my boxers. I'm staring into my fat purple swollen precum-covered cockhead attached to my 8 inch long HARD, throbbing cock. My LJ is filled with stories of masturbation and sex so you can check that out if you want to.Also willing to share photos to any girls interested.So hit me up on Aim/yahoo at Seanfwa12.Or add me to your MSN Messenger at (Comment on this)
Thursday, July 27th, 2006
_9:08 am_[comelickme] Hi! Hi,New here, just saying hello. And just started my sex-journal on LJ. Not much there yet, but I'm sure that there will be. Any opportunity to talk about sex and talk dirty then I'm there! Current Mood: horny (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 18th, 2006
_9:42 pm_[seanfwa12] Hey girls, check out my LJ if you love reading about cock and sex, among other dirty things. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, July 12th, 2006
_2:05 pm_[spedward] i have an obsession i jerk off a lot. if i am alone in my room and im on the computer i look at porn or i look at nothing at all and i get a massive erection just because im alone. if i ignore it it just hurts and seems pointless to deny myself the simple pleasure of a release. so i start slow pumping with a dry soft touch and as i get more excited things get slippery from the precum so speed up and ride outthe situation until im ready to bust and i stop just before i do prolonging the fun...this starting and stopping goes on for hours as i jack off. when i finally do get off im covered in it, i feel guilty and lonely and i do all this even while having a healthy sex life for the past four years this goes on and significant other loves me and i love her i just need some release where i dont feel bad about it and hopefully this community will get my mind right or atleast satisfy my urges before i do something really stupid and ruin what i have. so comment and read and comment and read and comment comment comment (2 Comments |Comment on this)

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