Vladimir Bošković | San Francisco State University (original) (raw)


Papers by Vladimir Bošković

Research paper thumbnail of It Could Happen to a Bishop: Three 'Special' Songs by Lukijan Musicki

Serbian Studies, 2017

In the collection of obscene Serbian popular songs published under the name of Vuk Stefanović Kar... more In the collection of obscene Serbian popular songs published under the name of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić in 1974 with the title Special Songs (Osobite pjesme i poskočice), the contributions of Lukijan Mušicki, a renown poet of lofty learned odes and a Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church, feature prominently. Mušicki provided at least 45 oral-popular obscene poems for Vuk. In this paper I focus on the three poems recorded under Mušicki’s name – and possibly also composed by him – and explore their literary historical content, using the theoretical framework of the theory of orality, Michel Foucault’s discourse on sexuality, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s discussion of the carnivalesque. I argue that these songs, apart from probing into the notion of authorship, also challenge some of the established notions regarding the emerging discourse on sexuality in modernity.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Newest Generation of Greek Poets (in Serbian)


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Research paper thumbnail of Afterword to the Serbian Translation of Elytis' The Axion Esti

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreword to the Serbian Translation of Elytis' “Maria Nefeli”

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Research paper thumbnail of Jelena Dimitrijevic in Context: The Early Feminist Travel Writers of Southeastern Europe (in Serbian)

Сажетак: Крајем деветнаестог и почетком двадесетог века, на ширем простору Османског царства увел... more Сажетак: Крајем деветнаестог и почетком двадесетог века, на ширем простору Османског царства увелико захваћеног процесом одумирања, појављује се низ списатељица комплексне и фасцинантне литерарне субјективности. Мој рад се фокусира, поред Јелене Димитријевић, на Зејнеб Хануму, Халиде Едиб и Димитру Вака-Браун. Ове списатељице, као и Димитријевић, својим путописима доводе у питање доминантне жанровске, родне и националне дискурзивне моделе. Хибридна природа њиховог писања, њихов " искрени национализам и искрени космополитизам " , елузивни хомоеротицизам, иронија, мимикрија и родна маскарада у њиховим текстовима, њихова постколонијална песпектива — све то представља окружење које погодује настанку транснационалних и трансрегионалних идентитета. Настојим да покажем како потреба ових жена да премошћују физичке, културне и симболичке просторе може да се интерпретира као трајни допринос редефинисању доминантне националне културне географије.

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Research paper thumbnail of On Fire, Light, and Volcanoes: Tracing a 'Forgotten Ethics' in Elytis and Camus

My paper documents the textual dialogue between Elytis and Camus and analyses their common litera... more My paper documents the textual dialogue between Elytis and Camus and analyses their common literary, philosophical, and ethical preoccupations. Although they shared a number of literary motifs and interests, including the space of the Mediterranean and the modernist attraction to ancient Hellenic philosophical traditions, I argue that they approached these interests from fundamentally diff erent perspectives: while Camus' knowledge of ancient Greek thought was based on secondhand scholastic interpretations, Elytis' reading of ancient philosophical texts provided him with an original, intimate understanding of their literary and discursive qualities. I have also included original archival material which shows that Elytis was in an immediate literary dialogue with Camus during his writing of The Axion Esti.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unveiling the Male Empires: Jelena Dimitrijević in Thessaloniki

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Research paper thumbnail of Elytis and Plotinus

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Research paper thumbnail of Iphigenia as a Bestseller: The Cretan "Sacrifice of Abraham" and Its Slavic and Ottoman Nachleben

Journal of Narrative and Language Studies

The Cretan religious drama The Sacrifice of Abraham (Η Θυσία του Αβραάμ) enjoyed great popularity... more The Cretan religious drama The Sacrifice of Abraham (Η Θυσία του Αβραάμ) enjoyed great popularity among Orthodox populations of the wider cultural realm of Southeastern Europe. Soon after its composition the text entered the sphere of oral tradition and it was written down in various forms throughout the Greek-speaking world. In addition, the Cretan text also surpassed its initial linguistic framework by a series of translations which in turn became very popular: the Serbian translation by Vićentije Rakić (Žertva Avraamova, which is also the first known stage performance of the text, set up by Milovan Vidaković in the Serbian gymnasium of Novi Sad in 1836), the Bulgarian translation by Andrey Popdoynov Robovski (Služba, ili žertva Avraamova), as well as at least two Karamanlidic Turkish translations by Sophronios of Şile and Ioannikios of Kazanlık (Hazreti Avraamin... kurban hekyaesi). My paper focuses on the diachronic interaction of the elements of oral tradition, performativity, and Biblical myth characteristic of this text. The (post-)Ottoman Nachleben of the Cretan version raises some important questions about the modes of construction of literary histories and their narratives in Southeastern Europe, simultaneously comprising a somewhat unanticipated example of an early modern transnational literary text.

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Research paper thumbnail of "For Conversing with Muses and Graces:" On Dositej's Links to Modern Hellenism and the Early Reception of his Work among Greeks (in Serbian)

Conference proceedings

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Research paper thumbnail of Dositej Obradović, a Serbian Enlightenment Writer in Greece (in Greek)

Anti 902, Sep 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of The Literary Journey of Jelena Dimitrijevic (in Serbian)

Jelena Dimitrijević, Pisma iz Soluna, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The Literary Journey of Jelena Dimitrijevic (in Greek)

Γιέλενα Ντιμιτρίεβιτς, Επιστολές από τη Θεσσαλονίκη, 2008

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Conference Presentations by Vladimir Bošković

Research paper thumbnail of Salvatores Dei and the Aesthetic-Ideological Interpretation of Platonism in Kazantzakis' Work (in Serbian)

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Drafts by Vladimir Bošković

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Greek Language Question: Lessons from the Slavic World

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Books by Vladimir Bošković

Research paper thumbnail of Jelena Dimitrijevic, _Letters from Salonika_, with a Critical Introduction by Vladimir Boskovic, ed. by Julia Dubnoff. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.

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Research paper thumbnail of Jelena Dimitrijevic, Pisma iz Soluna / Επιστολές από τη Θεσσαλονίκη. Loznica: Karpos 2008.

Bilingual edition.

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Book Reviews (by others) by Vladimir Bošković

Research paper thumbnail of Review of my translation of Elytis' The Axion Esti into Serbian, by Sasha Djordjevic

Politika, 2017

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Journal Volumes by Vladimir Bošković

Research paper thumbnail of SERBIAN STUDIES RESEARCH, vol. 8, no. 1, 2017

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2017 Papers by Vladimir Bošković

Research paper thumbnail of Vladimir Bošković, "IT COULD HAPPEN TO A BISHOP: THREE 'SPECIAL' SONGS BY LUKIJAN MUŠICKI", Serbian Studies Research, vol. 8, no. 1, 2017, 29-43.

In the collection of obscene Serbian popular songs published under the name of Vuk Stefanović Kar... more In the collection of obscene Serbian popular songs published under the name of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić in 1974 with the title Special Songs (Osobite pjesme i poskočice), the contributions of Lukijan Mušicki, a renown poet of lofty learned odes and a Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church, feature prominently. Mušicki provided at least 45 oral-popular obscene poems for Vuk. In this paper I focus on the three poems recorded under Mušicki’s name – and possibly also composed by him – and explore their literary historical content, using the theoretical framework of the theory of orality, Michel Foucault’s discourse on sexuality, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s discussion of the carnivalesque. I argue that these songs, apart from probing into the notion of authorship, also challenge some of the established notions regarding the emerging discourse on sexuality in modernity.

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Research paper thumbnail of It Could Happen to a Bishop: Three 'Special' Songs by Lukijan Musicki

Serbian Studies, 2017

In the collection of obscene Serbian popular songs published under the name of Vuk Stefanović Kar... more In the collection of obscene Serbian popular songs published under the name of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić in 1974 with the title Special Songs (Osobite pjesme i poskočice), the contributions of Lukijan Mušicki, a renown poet of lofty learned odes and a Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church, feature prominently. Mušicki provided at least 45 oral-popular obscene poems for Vuk. In this paper I focus on the three poems recorded under Mušicki’s name – and possibly also composed by him – and explore their literary historical content, using the theoretical framework of the theory of orality, Michel Foucault’s discourse on sexuality, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s discussion of the carnivalesque. I argue that these songs, apart from probing into the notion of authorship, also challenge some of the established notions regarding the emerging discourse on sexuality in modernity.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Newest Generation of Greek Poets (in Serbian)


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Research paper thumbnail of Afterword to the Serbian Translation of Elytis' The Axion Esti

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Research paper thumbnail of Foreword to the Serbian Translation of Elytis' “Maria Nefeli”

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Research paper thumbnail of Jelena Dimitrijevic in Context: The Early Feminist Travel Writers of Southeastern Europe (in Serbian)

Сажетак: Крајем деветнаестог и почетком двадесетог века, на ширем простору Османског царства увел... more Сажетак: Крајем деветнаестог и почетком двадесетог века, на ширем простору Османског царства увелико захваћеног процесом одумирања, појављује се низ списатељица комплексне и фасцинантне литерарне субјективности. Мој рад се фокусира, поред Јелене Димитријевић, на Зејнеб Хануму, Халиде Едиб и Димитру Вака-Браун. Ове списатељице, као и Димитријевић, својим путописима доводе у питање доминантне жанровске, родне и националне дискурзивне моделе. Хибридна природа њиховог писања, њихов " искрени национализам и искрени космополитизам " , елузивни хомоеротицизам, иронија, мимикрија и родна маскарада у њиховим текстовима, њихова постколонијална песпектива — све то представља окружење које погодује настанку транснационалних и трансрегионалних идентитета. Настојим да покажем како потреба ових жена да премошћују физичке, културне и симболичке просторе може да се интерпретира као трајни допринос редефинисању доминантне националне културне географије.

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Research paper thumbnail of On Fire, Light, and Volcanoes: Tracing a 'Forgotten Ethics' in Elytis and Camus

My paper documents the textual dialogue between Elytis and Camus and analyses their common litera... more My paper documents the textual dialogue between Elytis and Camus and analyses their common literary, philosophical, and ethical preoccupations. Although they shared a number of literary motifs and interests, including the space of the Mediterranean and the modernist attraction to ancient Hellenic philosophical traditions, I argue that they approached these interests from fundamentally diff erent perspectives: while Camus' knowledge of ancient Greek thought was based on secondhand scholastic interpretations, Elytis' reading of ancient philosophical texts provided him with an original, intimate understanding of their literary and discursive qualities. I have also included original archival material which shows that Elytis was in an immediate literary dialogue with Camus during his writing of The Axion Esti.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unveiling the Male Empires: Jelena Dimitrijević in Thessaloniki

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Research paper thumbnail of Elytis and Plotinus

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Research paper thumbnail of Iphigenia as a Bestseller: The Cretan "Sacrifice of Abraham" and Its Slavic and Ottoman Nachleben

Journal of Narrative and Language Studies

The Cretan religious drama The Sacrifice of Abraham (Η Θυσία του Αβραάμ) enjoyed great popularity... more The Cretan religious drama The Sacrifice of Abraham (Η Θυσία του Αβραάμ) enjoyed great popularity among Orthodox populations of the wider cultural realm of Southeastern Europe. Soon after its composition the text entered the sphere of oral tradition and it was written down in various forms throughout the Greek-speaking world. In addition, the Cretan text also surpassed its initial linguistic framework by a series of translations which in turn became very popular: the Serbian translation by Vićentije Rakić (Žertva Avraamova, which is also the first known stage performance of the text, set up by Milovan Vidaković in the Serbian gymnasium of Novi Sad in 1836), the Bulgarian translation by Andrey Popdoynov Robovski (Služba, ili žertva Avraamova), as well as at least two Karamanlidic Turkish translations by Sophronios of Şile and Ioannikios of Kazanlık (Hazreti Avraamin... kurban hekyaesi). My paper focuses on the diachronic interaction of the elements of oral tradition, performativity, and Biblical myth characteristic of this text. The (post-)Ottoman Nachleben of the Cretan version raises some important questions about the modes of construction of literary histories and their narratives in Southeastern Europe, simultaneously comprising a somewhat unanticipated example of an early modern transnational literary text.

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Research paper thumbnail of "For Conversing with Muses and Graces:" On Dositej's Links to Modern Hellenism and the Early Reception of his Work among Greeks (in Serbian)

Conference proceedings

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Research paper thumbnail of Dositej Obradović, a Serbian Enlightenment Writer in Greece (in Greek)

Anti 902, Sep 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of The Literary Journey of Jelena Dimitrijevic (in Serbian)

Jelena Dimitrijević, Pisma iz Soluna, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The Literary Journey of Jelena Dimitrijevic (in Greek)

Γιέλενα Ντιμιτρίεβιτς, Επιστολές από τη Θεσσαλονίκη, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Salvatores Dei and the Aesthetic-Ideological Interpretation of Platonism in Kazantzakis' Work (in Serbian)

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Greek Language Question: Lessons from the Slavic World

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Research paper thumbnail of Jelena Dimitrijevic, _Letters from Salonika_, with a Critical Introduction by Vladimir Boskovic, ed. by Julia Dubnoff. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.

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Research paper thumbnail of Jelena Dimitrijevic, Pisma iz Soluna / Επιστολές από τη Θεσσαλονίκη. Loznica: Karpos 2008.

Bilingual edition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of my translation of Elytis' The Axion Esti into Serbian, by Sasha Djordjevic

Politika, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of SERBIAN STUDIES RESEARCH, vol. 8, no. 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Vladimir Bošković, "IT COULD HAPPEN TO A BISHOP: THREE 'SPECIAL' SONGS BY LUKIJAN MUŠICKI", Serbian Studies Research, vol. 8, no. 1, 2017, 29-43.

In the collection of obscene Serbian popular songs published under the name of Vuk Stefanović Kar... more In the collection of obscene Serbian popular songs published under the name of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić in 1974 with the title Special Songs (Osobite pjesme i poskočice), the contributions of Lukijan Mušicki, a renown poet of lofty learned odes and a Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church, feature prominently. Mušicki provided at least 45 oral-popular obscene poems for Vuk. In this paper I focus on the three poems recorded under Mušicki’s name – and possibly also composed by him – and explore their literary historical content, using the theoretical framework of the theory of orality, Michel Foucault’s discourse on sexuality, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s discussion of the carnivalesque. I argue that these songs, apart from probing into the notion of authorship, also challenge some of the established notions regarding the emerging discourse on sexuality in modernity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catalogue: Islamic Studies (Spring/Summer 2018)

by Gorgias Press, Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, Isabel Toral-Niehoff, Joas Wagemakers, Susan Ashbrook Harvey, David Hernández de la Fuente, Anna Rogozhina, Elena Narinskaya, Johanne Louise Christiansen, Amina Inloes, Marcus Milwright, Najib George Awad (Dr. Phil; Dr. Theol. Habil.), Ryan Schaffner, Laura Hassan, Vladimir Bošković, Mark D Calder, Pietro Longo, Paolo Maggiolini, Keenan Baca-Winters, Saer El-Jaichi, Avraham Elmakias, Orhan Elmaz, Luca Patrizi, Rana Issa, Adam Sabra, Clinton Bennett, Adrian C . Pirtea, Michael R J Bonner, and Paul C. Dilley

Gorgias Press' 2018 Islamic Studies' catalogue sets out a selection of Gorgias' published and for... more Gorgias Press' 2018 Islamic Studies' catalogue sets out a selection of Gorgias' published and forthcoming publications that are related to Islamic and Near Eastern studies, as well as studies carried out for other fields of research that intersect with Islamic studies.

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