An Affair to Remember by ShadowRaven1 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It had been a long day. The temperature had peaked at 99° and the smoke from the fires across the state made things worse. The heat effected everyone that day, even Rachel, who was normally cool and collected, had been irritable and cross. Not to mention the horses.
Though activity had been severely limited for everyone past 11am it had still been muggy and uncomfortable.The most docile of the MLS horses had been ill tempered, however, most of them were too hot to truly act up.

It was nearing 11pm and Wesley was walking back to the main house. The fire hazhard in New Mexico was so high they had to be extra cautious with everything at MLS, careful that nothing sparked. With the rainy season still a few weeks away the grass was so dry in places it wouldn't take much to start a fire.
The staff was diligent about wetting things down in the morning and at night, but they had to watch water use in the day, it is a desert after all.
Clearing his throat from the smoke lingering in the air Wes double checked the latches on the pasture holding Ammo. The Thoroughbred let out a soft chuff before going back to grazing. Each pasture gate he came to Wes checked the latches.

About a week ago one of the horses had managed to get out. Whether it was due to human error, or simply a smart (or bored) horse, the staff was now doubly careful with the latches.

At the turning area to the main house Wes checked on the Bashki pasture gates. Both were fastened securely. Before walking away, Wes glanced towards the edge of the trees in the mares pasture, he received an awful shock. Standing next to Chemist was a certain dappled horse,

definitely not a mare.
"What the hell is Fray doing in with the mares?!" Wesley cursed once more before paging Carol at the main house.
"This is Carol." She answered, sounding sleepy.
"You'll never believe this," Wes told her, "Either Fray has learned to jump the fences, or some idiot put him out with the girls." There was a pause at the other end of the line before Wes heard a low "Shit."
It took 5 of them, and a lot of patience, to finally catch Fray and lead him out. Carol was unusually silent during the 30 minutes it took, the staff knew better than to say anything to her. When Fray was back in his pasture Carol left without a word, going back to the main house.
"I can tell you this much," Daisun said softly, "If one of the mares ends up with foal, heads will roll."
"I think heads will roll either way," Wesley muttered.


This picture is not my best quality I know x.x
The horses actually have a lot of detail, but they're too small for you to see it ;p.
This will act as the breeding picture between Maelstrom Unleashed and Alchemist Fire.

I am currently working on designing the foal, who is already spoken for.

Horse reference: link | link
Brushes: link | link

Bashki breed © =Baringa-of-the-Wind
Alchemist Fire/Maelstrom Unleashed/MLS & staff © *ShadowRaven1
Art © *ShadowRaven1