Beautiful Zionists (original) (raw)

JEW IT - application [Jul. 13th, 2005|01:31 pm]Groovy Zionist Jews, this is the place for you!
[Current Mood** |contentcontent] [Current Music** Coldplay - Don't Panic]( Read more...Collapse )
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(no subject) [Jun. 11th, 2005|09:52 pm]Groovy Zionist Jews, this is the place for you!
1. Name: Allison 2. Age: 16 (almost 17) 3. Location: Pittsburgh, PA 4. Place of worship: Beth Shalom, Pgh. 5. Ashkenazi/Sephardic: A little bit of both. Ashkenazic, technically, but I do some Sepharid traditions. 6. Reform/Conservative/Orthodox: Conservative with a mix of Reconstructionist. 7. Dating status: Single 8. A belief about God (if any): Yes. 9. Favorite movie(s): The Princess Bride 10. Favorite book(s): "Exodus", by Leon Uris 11. Favorite band(s): Carly Simon and Bette Midler (neither are bands, but whatever!) 12. One thing you can't live without: A library card 13. Favorite Jewish phrase or word: "Fadicha" (screw up) 14. Favorite time of day: Night time. Maybe sunset. 15. Two places that you promoted (with links): Um... no where yet, but I WILL in and 16. Anything else you'd like to tell us?: I have been to Israel twice, and I am going back this summer. I love it unconditionally. 17. What is your connection to Israel?: Went to a Jewish day school where we studied it for 9 years, then didn't go upno graduating because of the "situation". I have tons of family there and my heart is DEFINATELY in Jerusalem. 18. Extra comments: Not really. :) 19. THREE clear photos:
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Application [Apr. 7th, 2005|01:00 am]Groovy Zionist Jews, this is the place for you!
1. Name: Madeleine Epelsztajn2. Age:203. Location:Huntington Beach4. Place of worship: Chabad, Adat Israel5. Ashkenazi/Sephardic: Ashkenazi6. Reform/Conservative/Orthodox: Orthodox7. Dating status: Getting Married8. A belief about God (if any): Believe9. Favorite movie(s): Le Grand Bleu...10. Favorite book(s): The Da Vinci Code, The Torah, The case for Israel, Zion Liberated, Atomic Iran, Der judenstat, many more11. Favorite band(s): Aerosmith, Journey, Coldplay12. One thing you can't live without: Books13. Favorite Jewish phrase or word: Shma Israel14. Favorite time of day: About 3pm15. Two places that you promoted (with links): I dont know what this means.16. Anything else you'd like to tell us?:17. What is your connection to Israel?: Family, friends, love, and home.18. Extra comments: 19. THREE clear photos: Where should i send the photos? Im new to livejournal....
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(no subject) [Nov. 3rd, 2004|12:14 am]Groovy Zionist Jews, this is the place for you!
[Current Mood** |amusedamused] [Current Music** none. dude, it's fucking 12:30 AM] ( It's oh so controversial...Collapse )
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ease your feet into the sea. [Nov. 1st, 2004|09:22 pm]Groovy Zionist Jews, this is the place for you!
[Current Mood |really really tired] [Current Music ben folds]( she's hardcoreCollapse )
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