OW Tournament Battle 3 Part 2B: The Fight by shaygoyle on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

“Can I vote on who my new trainer is?!” Shaya sat on the training room floor, her legs tucked tightly beneath her body.

“Sissy! How rude!” Helena pouted as she placed her hands upon her hips, shifting her weight from one foot to the next. “You know, I know more than you.”

“But...” Shaya tried to protest but Helena glared at her, thrusting her lower lip forward. Instantly the elder sister cringed, awkwardly laughing at her younger sister's antics.

It had been several days since the med students and nurses decided that Shaya was good enough to be discharged. Well, as good as can be expected, all considering what she was going through internally. Though she was thankful that the Beast has remained quiet these last few days.

Disturbingly quiet. Too quiet for Shaya's liking of things.

It was as if the creature was planning something, Plotting in their moment of still. But as much as Shaya wanted to know what this Beast was up to, she had other things to focus on. Her twins for one had been missing her and were getting sick of their rotating babysitters.

So much so that when she finally held them, they wouldn't let her go. Not even when their father tried to take them. When Cain tried to take even Kelsey, daddy's little girl screamed her little heart out until she was sure that Shaya would not let her go. And though they were only about a month and half old, they were already the size of a three month old.

Because of the wolf's blood coursing through their veins, their childhood was flying by so quickly already. Being part wolf, her child would age at double the rate of a normal human. And by time they reach ten years old, they'll be fully grown adult wolves. They would appear and act no different than a human in their twenties. At which point they will begin to age incredibly slow. But because they were Vaewolves, their vampire's blood would stop their aging entirely.

And as much as her pups missed her and she missed them, Shaya knew she couldn't stay long. Even if it was getting harder and harder as each day passed to leave them.

Though she rarely spoke it aloud, she feared that one day when the Beast took over that Shaya would never emerge again. That thought alone jarred her awake during the day, and kept her from a good day's sleep.

If the Beast took over, what would happen to her? Would she just cease to exist? Or would she go into a deep slumber that never ended? Could she ever be woken? Or would there never be any hope that she would ever return?

Would she be aware of what her body was doing? Would the Beast harm her family, her pups, her mate?

Those thoughts, those fears kept her from sleep while she laid in Cain's arms, protected and safe, staring up at the ceiling above. Afraid to sleep. Afraid that if she closed her eyes then she might never wake again as herself and that the Beast would rise in her place.

So instead of lying around another day in bed, she was finally preparing for her third battle.

Though, she was actually more nervous of the trainer she had than all the others before. As much as she loved her little sister, she also knew how she was when they sparred. Helena was good, but tricky.

“Sissy, get off your butt,” Helena instructed.

“Awwww, do I have to?” Shaya continued to protest.

Sebastian laughed behind Shaya as she turned. “You better go. You know Helena is the only younger sibling that knows how to kick your ass.”

“Seb!” Helena growled, leaning forward, wagging her finger in his face. “And I've kicked yours too.”

But Sebastian simply waved it away. “Please, little sister. Your skills pale in comparison to mine.”

“You think you're better than me?!” Helena laughed mockingly.

“I think that's what he's saying,” Cain, who sat beside Shaya on the floor, sneered back at Sebastian while the Vaewolf leaned back onto his hands.

Cain and Sebastian definitely shared a mutual disdain for one another, and Sebastian growled at Cain in response. But the Vaewolf simply laughed at the vampire.

“You going to take that lying down, Helena,” Cain called to the younger Draculina, who was still glaring at her elder brother.

“Cain?!” Shaya shook her head exhausted with everyone's antics, elbowing him in the ribs.

“Is that so, Seb?” Helena glared at Sebastian, who continued to laugh at her expense and answered back, “That is so, little sis.”

“Helena?! Seb?!” Shaya hollered as she listened to the two bicker.

“Bring it, big brother,” Helena twirled around on her heel and proceeded back to the center of the room.

“Helena?!” Shaya was mortified as she grabbed at her face, dragging her fingers down, stretching out her features.

“You're on, little sis,” the elder brother mocked as he pushed away from the wall, strutting towards his younger sister while Shaya puffed angrily, “SEB! HELENA! Knock it off you two! Stop wasting time! I need to train for the next battle.”

“Please, sister,” Helena shrugged off her long billowing jacket that went down to her knees and tossed it at Cain. It covered his face completely as he just sat there grumbling to himself. “I need to put big brother in his place. Then we'll train.”

“As if,” Sebastian retorted as he unbuttoned his white sleeves and rolled them up to his elbows. “You should know better than to challenge me.”

But Helena simply glared at him as a cruel, wicked smile slithered up the edges of her lips.

Grasping the edges of the coat, pulling it off his head, Cain smiled with satisfaction as he watched the refined and impeccably dressed Sebastian stand as if he owned the stage. And Shaya elbowed him again, eliciting a yelp of pain and an innocent pout as he rubbed his ribs.

“Don't encourage them,” she narrowed her eyes in disapproval while Cain simply laughed at her, flashing her an adorably dorky smirk. Then rolling her eyes, she shook her head again and watched before her. Prayers ran through her head that her brother and sister didn't kill each other.

At least not again.

Though they loved each other very much, and were as fiercely protective with one another as they were with the rest of the family, Sebastian and Helena never got along. Not very much at all. Sure, like any sibling, they'd have those rare moments where they actually saw eye to eye. Hell, Sebastian still gives Helena a piggy back ride if she insists on it.

But overall, they were oil and water.... Well, more like the flame and gasoline.

If they actually got along, Shaya would be terrified because that would really confirm that there was invasion of the body snatchers happening.

Still, she wished that there was at least one day that they were not bickering and fighting with one another.

”That's because they are true Draculeas. Unlike you,” the Beast laughed within.

“Shut up,” she growled beneath her breath as Helena and Sebastian began their match.

And as they moved her eyes shifted back and forth, watching every kick, punch and blow they delivered. They moved faster than the naked eye could see, as if they were nothing more than blurs. One moment they were there, and the next they were gone. If it was anyone else, they would unable to see what was happening. But with vampire blood coursing through their veins, both Shaya and Cain saw everything.

_”You know I am right. I am the true daughter of Draculea. I'm the one that should be in this body, not you,”_the Beast mocked as Shaya covered her ears, trying to block out the voices.

But it was no good, it only blocked out the action happening in the background. Not the voice she was actually trying to escape.

“Stay out of my head, I am not giving up to you,” she whimpered softly as she felt someone touch her shoulder.

“Shaya?” Cain looked at her concerned as his brows knit together. He could feel her trembling beneath his touch as he watched her squeeze her eyes tighter together. It was obvious the pain she was suffering.

“I'm fine, Cain,” she snarled between clenched teeth.

“Like Hell you are,” he argued, leaning down to meet her gaze. But she turned away.

“That was a dirty trick, big brother!” Helena whined as Cain's ears swiveled back, listening to their annoying bickering. Even though his attention remained on his beloved. “Sissy, are you watching me kick big brother's ass?!”

“The battle is not won yet!” Sebastian taunted back while Shaya rocked back and forth, growling louder and louder as she fought back the voices drilling her into the ground.



Over and over they called her attention to them, while Cain whimpered, trying to rub her back. But he knew that they were unaware of what was happening to their sister. Only he could feel her turmoil because of their mate's bond. And though he could not hear the words being spoken to his beloved, he felt the split coming within her. The disconnect was coming.

The Beast was wearing her down.

The Beast was emerging.

Suddenly he dragged her into his arms. And before Shaya could object, he drove his fangs into her neck as she gasped, struggling to breathe. Quickly he drank. Only he had the strength to weaken her beyond the ancients in her family. Only their bond controlled her enough that he could do what was needed before the Beast took over.

Shaya's eyes widened in surprise as Cain pulled her across his lap. And before she knew what he was doing, she felt the sharp pierce of his fangs delve deep into her flesh. She wanted to fight, but knew why he was doing this. He sensed the division coming.

”Your mate can't stop me forever.”

And as much as Shaya wanted to argue it, she knew the truth. The Beast was right. Sooner or later, the Beast would win against all Cain's best efforts.

Allowing Cain to drink, she closed her eyes, surrendering to him as tears rolled down the curve of her cheek. She allowed her thoughts to drift as darkness began to swallow her mind. And though she could no longer escape the voice within. She knew it was not about escaping, it was about not surrendering her control to it.

The Beast howled in rage as Shaya smirked in her slumber.

_”I will not give up. You will disappear, Shaya! And I will be take control,”_the voice raged. If there was a vase, Shaya was sure the Beast would be hurling it at the moment.

“As long as there is fight in me, I will not surrender to you,” she whispered beneath her breath, barely feeling the gentle stroke of Cain's claws over her cheek. “I will win.”