sheffield_sf - Profile (original) (raw)

on 21 April 2005 (#6868531)

Sheffield, United Kingdom

science fiction and fantasy, sf fandom

This group of fans connected with Sheffield has been running for more than 30 years, ranging in size and frequency over that time. We're hoping to find new people within the Sheffield area, and that fans from places like Leeds and Manchester will come, maybe even from further afield. This is one of the reasons we decided to have it on a Sunday, so that friends could come for the weekend as well. If you're interested, why not come along? It's free (although the pub would like it if you bought DRINK), and we're friendly !!! (or at least, mostly harmless)

We have a regular booking on the THIRD SUNDAY IN THE MONTH in the back snug of the Sheffield Tap, which is the real ale bar in Sheffield Railway Station. We kick off around 1pm, and stumble out around 7-ish. The pub doesn't really do food, but they're happy if you bring a sandwich or a snack.

anime, ansible, art, arthur c. clarke, awards, book groups, books, bsfa, camra, cgi, cinema, comics, cons, convention, conventions, cosplay, costuming, cyberdrome, cyberpunk, doc weir, doctor who, dvd, eastercon, eurocon, fandom, fanfic, fans, fantasy, fanzine, fanzines, filk, filking, film, films, food, forbidden planet, fx, gaming, george hay, graphic novels, hugo awards, literature, locus, manga, masquerade, movies, music, nebulas, new wave, novacon, novas, opinions, phlosque, plokta, plokta.con, podcast, radio 4 comedy, radio 4 extra, rasff, reading, real ale, redemption, reviews, robots, rocky horror picture show, sci fi, sci-fi, science, science fiction, science fiction conventions, science fiction fandom, secret masters of fandom, sf, sf cons, sf conventions, sheffield, slash, smof, soft sf, solaris, space opera, speculative fiction, sproutlore, steampunk, sword and sorcery, syfy, technology, television, tv, wine, world science fiction society, worldcon, worldcon 2014, writers, zz9