Dr. Sandy Ariawan | Stipak (original) (raw)

Papers by Dr. Sandy Ariawan

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Al-Quran Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Pembelajaran Qur’An Hadits

El -Hekam

Al-Qur'an adalah buku petunjuk bagi umat islam dan umat manusia lainnya. Al-Qur'an menjadi pedoma... more Al-Qur'an adalah buku petunjuk bagi umat islam dan umat manusia lainnya. Al-Qur'an menjadi pedoman dan ajaran bagi kehidupan manusia dalam menjalankan kehidupannya. Al-Qur'an adalah salah satu aspek yang memiliki kedudukan utama bagi umat islam sebagai sumber hukum islam. Selain Al-Qur'an juga terdapat hadits yang menjadi sumber hukum ajaran islam. Al-Qur'an dan hadits ini memiliki kaitan yang sangat erat diantara keduanya dan memiliki peranan penting dalam kehidupan. Al-Qur'an dan Hadits adalah sumber hukum bagi umat islam dalam beribadah. Al-Qur'an dan Hadits ini merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran didalam Pendidikan Agama Islam pada sekolah madrasah. Tujuan penelitian ini sebagai peninjau terkait peran Al-Quran dalam meningkatkan pemahaman pembelajaran Qur'an Hadits, serta pemahaman antara keduanya adalah suatu keharusan bagi setiap umat islam. Dalam meningkatkan pemahaman antara keduanya itu dapat dimulai dari cara yang sederhana dan bagaimana kita menerapkannya didalam kehidupan. Dengan memahami Al-Qur'an dan Hadits ini juga dapat membentuk sikap dan karakter dari seseorang. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara yang mendalam terhadap beberapa guru di madrasah aliyah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Al-Qur'an sangat berperan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran Qur'an Hadits. Keterbatasan peneliti adalah hanya dapat meneliti kepada beberapa guru saja terkait peran Al-Quran, oleh karena itu peneliti berharap agar peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam tentang peran Al-Quran dalam meningkatkan pemahaman pada mata pelajaran.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Aspects Representation in English Textbook and Its Implication on English Language Learning


The present study investigates cultural aspects representation in an English textbook prescribed ... more The present study investigates cultural aspects representation in an English textbook prescribed for senior high school in Indonesia which is officially published by Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017. The study aims to explore cultural aspects revealed in the textbook by employing Byram's checklist of cultural dimensions and Cortazzi and Jin's categories of culture as the theoretical frameworks. The data for analysis is selected from the textbook which includes conversations, reading texts and visual elements. The inclusion of national identity is pivotal for learners since the textbook is prescribed for senior high school students who are tremendously curious to determine their own characters. Regarding cultural aspects representation or categories, source culture or Indonesian culture is the most prominent with 61.2%, while target culture and international target culture achieve 19.8% and 14.9% respectively. The presence of source culture encompasses social interaction, school and family environment, national identity and national history as well as national geography. Where the target culture is concerned, the United States of America is the most highly represented inner circle country's culture in the textbook, while India and Japan are the countries primarily represented in the international target culture category. The inclusion of source culture in the English textbook is fundamental since culture teaching can improve learners' communicative competence; however, the representation of target culture and international target culture is also crucial to achieve linguistics as well as cultural competence. It is concluded that English textbook in Indonesia is on the way to its perfection in terms of proportionally represented cultural aspects. However, the presence of various cultural aspects of source culture, target culture and international target culture is also important to help students develop multicultural awareness and a certain level of respects as well as tolerance for others. in the use of student's diary as well is presented as the implication of this research for further related studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening the Character of the Nation through the Social Movement of Zikir

IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application)

This research aims to prove the benefits of zikir that contribute positively to the strengthening... more This research aims to prove the benefits of zikir that contribute positively to the strengthening of the character of the nation. The approach used in this research was qualitative, and data collection used interview, observation, and documentation techniques, with 6 informants involved in it. Data validity assurance technique was conducted by extending the time of data collection, persistence of observation, data triangulation, and conducting negative case analysis. The results of this study were: (1) The concept of social thoughts in building social movements and to be implemented in the civilization based on three things, namely: social of right society (الصفحة في المتواحدة االمة), social of law society (القانونية في المتواحدة االمة) and social gathering of philosophy (الفالسفية في المتواحدة االمة); (2) Forms of activities developed in their social movements through theological thinking based on social movements, including recitation, Tahlilan, Zikir Akbar and Haul Majelis Zikir;...

Research paper thumbnail of COUNTERING THE NEXT PANDEMIC AFTER COVID-19: An Effort of Christian Education to Stop Phubbing

MAHABBAH: Journal of Religion and Education

This research aims to see the magnitude of the influence of Christian education in the family on ... more This research aims to see the magnitude of the influence of Christian education in the family on the potential of phubbing in students. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by households in Indonesia shows rapid development, followed by student delinquency rates that continue to increase. This is a quantitative research, using a measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire, that was conducted on 300 respondents. The result showed that coeficient correlation between potency of Phubbing and Fatherlessness in Junior High School: 0,78; Senior High School: 0,72; and College: 0,76. Christian education in the family has a positive influence on the potential of phubbing in students. There are values that can be given special emphasis, which are able to overcome the pandemic after Covid-19, which is called phubbing. Thus, it is highly recommended for each family to implement: sticking to the standards of God, opening heart to be taught, and fearing the Lord.

Research paper thumbnail of Reorganizing Christian Education After the Pandemic in Indonesia: A Need for Learning Management

This study aimed to analyze the influence of learning management on the learning achievements of ... more This study aimed to analyze the influence of learning management on the learning achievements of Christian education. The data analysis methods used were simple correlation analysis method, simple linear regression analysis and t test. The samples in this study were 95 Christian students of state senior high school. The relationship between Learning Management (X) and Learning Achievement (Y) amounted to 0.661. The correlation relationship rate was in the high category. So there was a positive relationship with the low category between Learning Management and Student Learning Achievement. R Square of 0.437 this showed that the influence of Learning Management with Student Learning Achievement was 43.70% and the remaining 56.3% was influenced by other factors not discussed in this study. The t test was conducted by comparing tcount and ttable. In accordance with the testing requirements that tcount (3,580) > ttable (0,2796), this means that the variables of Learning Management hav...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of The Ash-Shidqi Remembrance Assembly in Improving Quality of Religious Education for Medan City Community

Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

This paper discusses the role of the Ash-Shidqi remembrance assembly in the city of Medan in impr... more This paper discusses the role of the Ash-Shidqi remembrance assembly in the city of Medan in improving the quality of religious education for the people of Medan. This research is a field research using qualitative methods. The data collection process was carried out by the author by interviewing the chairman and management of the Ash-Shidqi remembrance assembly, while in analyzing the data the author applied several stages; compiling data, connecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. This study found that in improving the quality of religious education for the people of Medan, the As-Shidqi remembrance assembly launched three programs, as for the three programs as follows: First, an educational scholarship program for underprivileged and high achievers. Second, the program for distributing the Qur'an and books to Islamic boarding schools and tahfidz houses. Third, religious education program for the general public. The program consists of three acti...

Research paper thumbnail of Fostering fraternity in humanity: the Church’s efforts to bring compassion within the framework of religious moderation


The nature of religion which refers to etymological studies clearly aims so that human life is no... more The nature of religion which refers to etymological studies clearly aims so that human life is not chaotic, so it is not surprising that all religions teach goodness. Only the lofty ideals of each religion cannot be adequately implemented among the grassroots so that it is presented precisely as violence and intolerance between adherents of one religion with another religion. Abuse in the name of religion occurs and becomes the beginning of the legitimacy of acts of violence in the cloak of religion. Reconciliation efforts are the church’s responsibility because the church has significant power in society and the church becomes a representation of God that brings the mandate and spirit of reconciliation to the world. The church is also the holder of the baton of Jesus' ministry on earth. In the historical reality of human life, Jesus is the only one who can do good and right throughout His life. The angel called him "Holy, Son of God" (Luk. 1:35), which is confirmed in...

Research paper thumbnail of Tanggung Jawab Gereja Membangun Gerakan Eco-literacy di Kaldera Toba UNESCO Global Geopark

Penetapan kawasan Danau Toba menjadi Kaldera Toba UNESCO Global Geopark (Kaldera Toba UGG), tidak... more Penetapan kawasan Danau Toba menjadi Kaldera Toba UNESCO Global Geopark (Kaldera Toba UGG), tidak hanya memberikan kebanggan tersendiri, tetapi juga harapan baru dalam mewujudkan kawasan Danau Toba menjadi destinasi wisata super prioritas. Ironisnya, kerusakan ekologis di kawasan Kaldera Toba masih terus berlangsung, seperti: perambahan hutan secara massif, pencemaran air Danau melalui keramba jaring apung. Kerusakan ekologis berhubungan dengan moralitas dan praktek ketidakadilan. Gereja dipanggil melakukan diakonia transformatif secara holistik untuk menyelamatkan kawasan Kaldera Toba UGG melalui gerakan eco-literacy atau melek ekologi. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tanggungjawab gereja sebagai komunitas ekologis untuk mewujudkan gerakan eco-literacy yang berorientasi terhadap penyelamatan Kaldera Toba UGG sebagai warisan dunia? Gereja diharapkan melakuka upaya rancang bangun transformasi ekologis (eco-transformation design) menuju eco-literacy dan mempromosikanny...

Research paper thumbnail of 강원 영서 지역의 안택경 음악연구 원주 횡성 지역을 중심으로

Research paper thumbnail of Beware of the Decline in Pedagogical Competence of Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reflecting on Divine Calling

Jurnal Teologi, Misi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Jun 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Bagaimana Pandangan Etika Kontekstual Mendukung Metode Blended Learning ?

ABSTRAK Ada banyak pengambilan keputusan yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru untuk meningkatkan nilai ... more ABSTRAK Ada banyak pengambilan keputusan yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru untuk meningkatkan nilai hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Akan tetapi dalam penulisan ini guru menggunakan pandangan etika kontekstual dalam menggunakn metode Blended Learning Berdasarkan hasil pemaparan yang dilakukan, melalaui pembacaan jurnal dan buku-buku pandanaan etika kontekstual saat diperlukan oleh seorang guru dalam proses pengambilan keputusan di dalam pembelajaran. Sehingga penulis tertarik untuk melakukan pemaparan dengan judul Bagimana pandangan etika kontekstual mendukung metode Blended Learning. Blended Learning menjadi salah satu alternative metode pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien bagi siswa yang sedang belajar. Pembasan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana menerapkan pandangan etika kontekstual pada saat menggunkan metode belajar yang tepat khususnya metode Blended Learning. Berdasarkan hasil pemaparan di atas pendangan etika kontekstual sejalan metode Blended Learning dengan. Hal ini bisa dilihat ketika seorang guru tersebut mengajar di dalam kelas, ia harus menerapkan metode belajar secara tepat bukan terpaku kepada metode belajar yang benar. Saran penulis untuk guru adalah padangan kontekstual sangat membantu guru dalam memilih metode pembelajaran Blended Learning karena di dalam kelas yang guru tidak hanya menggunkan metode yang baik dan benar, tetapi harus tepat dan sesuai dengan situasi di mana ia mengajar

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance of Understanding True Christian Ethics for High Scholl Educators

Christian ethics is teaching about actions or how to behave honestly and believe in God who gave ... more Christian ethics is teaching about actions or how to behave honestly and believe in God who gave us this gift in the form of His righteousness. The Bible describes and provides guidelines as standards for Christians in their behavior or actions as norms that apply in the Christian life. Thus, every believer, especially as an educator, must have the principles or values that are in the Bible in order to have a character in truth according to God's word. The type of research conducted in this research is experimental quantitative research. The teacher studies Christian ethics material first and teaches it to students as an experiment. Researchers also conducted pre and post teaching tests to see differences in students' understanding of ethics learning given by the quantitative experimental research method teacher).

Research paper thumbnail of Perlunya Kedisiplinan Dalam Pelajaran Agama Kristen Terhadap Sikap Keseharian DI Sekolah

Pendidikan Agama Kristen adalah usaha sadar untuk menyiapkan siswa agar memahami (know), terampil... more Pendidikan Agama Kristen adalah usaha sadar untuk menyiapkan siswa agar memahami (know), terampil melaksanakan (doing), dan mengamalkan (being) agama Kristen melalui kegiatan pendidikan. Tujuan pembelajaran pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah ialah murid memahami, terampil melaksanakan, dan melaksanakan ajaran agama Kristen dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga menjadi orang yang bertaqwa kepada Tuhan, berakhlak mulia dalam kehidupan pribadi, berkeluarga, bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Pengujian diperlukan agar dapat mengetahui apakah kedisiplinan mewujudkan sikap kekristenan pada keseharian siswa. Pada sekolah umum siswa beragama Kristen adalah minoritas dan hasil dari pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen cenderung kurang memuaskan, meskipun nilai yang diberikan guru adalah cukup tetapi pada dasarnya disebabkan faktor-faktor lain yang dijadikan pendukung, jika dari hasil penilaian murni, hasilnya jauh dari yang diharapkan. Oleh sebab itu dilaksanakan sebuah penelitian yang...

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring spirituality above religiosity: efforts to suppress the procrastination of teachers of Christian education through the internalization of love

The purpose of this study is to identify the internalization of love as an effort to suppress the... more The purpose of this study is to identify the internalization of love as an effort to suppress the procrastination of teachers of Christian education. Christian education in the New Testament is a pivoted education on the Great Teacher of Jesus Christ. It is a Divine and human effort that has existed for a long time and continues to undergo changes in which it contains philosophical and theological content whose function produces life changes that draw one closer to establishing a relationship with God. This research was conducted using quantitative approaches with descriptive methods of correlation. The population distribution in this study was teachers of Christian education in North Sumatera, represented by 42 respondents as a sample (N=42). The sampling technique used was random sampling and be analyzed with simple regression analysis. The correlation that occurs between the two variables is 0.614. It appears that the effect of the effort to internalize love on Suppressing Procra...

Research paper thumbnail of The Welfare of The Family Through Management and Communication Patterns of Social Companion

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Apresiasi Gereja Berbentuk Materi dan Non Materi Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Musik Gereja di Kota Yogyakarta

DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen Duta Harapan, Jun 16, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Leadership In Improving Employee Discipline

Jurnal Christian Humaniora, 2021

Discipline is very important because discipline plays a role in creating disciplined and producti... more Discipline is very important because discipline plays a role in creating disciplined and productive employees. Discipline means carrying out its responsibilities in accordance with office regulations, thus employees will become more productive and able to work effectively and efficiently. One of the factors that affect the discipline of work is the example of the leader, the example of the leader is very instrumental in determining the discipline of employees, because the leadership is used as an example and role model by his subordinates. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of leadership on work discipline. This research was included in associative-quantitative research, which was research that connects two or more variables to see the influence between variables through hypothesis testing. In this study, researcher gave five alternative answers to respondents using a scale of one to five. The population in this study was employees at the Office of Cooperatives, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Discussion for Improving Motivation: A Christian Education Strategy against Covid-19 Pandemic Effect

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Building Critical Thinking in Covid-19 Pandemic Era: Impossible or I am Possible?

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2020

This study aimed to examine the influence of blended learning on critical thinking of Indonesian ... more This study aimed to examine the influence of blended learning on critical thinking of Indonesian Christian students during the covid-19 pandemic era. Blended learning was a mixture of traditional learning and online learning. It was a method that students were freely to study the subject matter independently by utilizing the materials available online or conducting discussions with teachers or other students outside the hours of face-to-face, and teachers could add enrichment materials through internet facilities, might have students read the material or did the tests performed before the study. This method produced a critical thinking, which was a consideration of viewpoint, interpretation and withdrawal of conclusions, assumptions, implications, and consequences, open minds, collecting, assessing and translating relevant information. This study was a quantitative research, using simple linier regression. A hundred and twenty students were randomly selected from schools in Malang East Java Indonesia. The result reveals that blended learning influenced 81.6% adjustment of critical thinking of students. In this regard, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia should on regular bases organize workshops on blended learning for teachers.

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Guru SD Dalam Etika Kristen Demi Pembentukan Karakter Siswa

Kehidupan Masyarakat Indonesia kini tengah menghadapi krisis karakter yang melanda para generasi ... more Kehidupan Masyarakat Indonesia kini tengah menghadapi krisis karakter yang melanda para generasi mudanya. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan pendidikan karakter yang tepat untuk dapat mengatasi hal tersebut. Sebagai orang Kristen, Alkitab merupakan dasar dari pendidikan karakter. Karakter ditunjukkan seseorang melalui perilaku maupun tindakannya sehari-hari. Karakter yang baik haruslah sesuai dengan etika, nilai, dan norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Pemahaman tentang etika Kristen sangat membantu orang percaya untuk dapat berperilaku dan menunjukkan keKristenannya. Bagi peserta didik Sumba yang mayoritas beragama Kristen dan kini menempuh pendidikan di kota Malang juga mengalami permasalah karakter ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengetahuan guru dalam etika Kristen (pendidikan seks) terhadap karakter peserta didik. Dalam tulisan ini peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan menemukan hasil bahwa pengaruh etika Kristen terhadap karakter Kristen peserta didi...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Al-Quran Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Pembelajaran Qur’An Hadits

El -Hekam

Al-Qur'an adalah buku petunjuk bagi umat islam dan umat manusia lainnya. Al-Qur'an menjadi pedoma... more Al-Qur'an adalah buku petunjuk bagi umat islam dan umat manusia lainnya. Al-Qur'an menjadi pedoman dan ajaran bagi kehidupan manusia dalam menjalankan kehidupannya. Al-Qur'an adalah salah satu aspek yang memiliki kedudukan utama bagi umat islam sebagai sumber hukum islam. Selain Al-Qur'an juga terdapat hadits yang menjadi sumber hukum ajaran islam. Al-Qur'an dan hadits ini memiliki kaitan yang sangat erat diantara keduanya dan memiliki peranan penting dalam kehidupan. Al-Qur'an dan Hadits adalah sumber hukum bagi umat islam dalam beribadah. Al-Qur'an dan Hadits ini merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran didalam Pendidikan Agama Islam pada sekolah madrasah. Tujuan penelitian ini sebagai peninjau terkait peran Al-Quran dalam meningkatkan pemahaman pembelajaran Qur'an Hadits, serta pemahaman antara keduanya adalah suatu keharusan bagi setiap umat islam. Dalam meningkatkan pemahaman antara keduanya itu dapat dimulai dari cara yang sederhana dan bagaimana kita menerapkannya didalam kehidupan. Dengan memahami Al-Qur'an dan Hadits ini juga dapat membentuk sikap dan karakter dari seseorang. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara yang mendalam terhadap beberapa guru di madrasah aliyah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Al-Qur'an sangat berperan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran Qur'an Hadits. Keterbatasan peneliti adalah hanya dapat meneliti kepada beberapa guru saja terkait peran Al-Quran, oleh karena itu peneliti berharap agar peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam tentang peran Al-Quran dalam meningkatkan pemahaman pada mata pelajaran.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Aspects Representation in English Textbook and Its Implication on English Language Learning


The present study investigates cultural aspects representation in an English textbook prescribed ... more The present study investigates cultural aspects representation in an English textbook prescribed for senior high school in Indonesia which is officially published by Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017. The study aims to explore cultural aspects revealed in the textbook by employing Byram's checklist of cultural dimensions and Cortazzi and Jin's categories of culture as the theoretical frameworks. The data for analysis is selected from the textbook which includes conversations, reading texts and visual elements. The inclusion of national identity is pivotal for learners since the textbook is prescribed for senior high school students who are tremendously curious to determine their own characters. Regarding cultural aspects representation or categories, source culture or Indonesian culture is the most prominent with 61.2%, while target culture and international target culture achieve 19.8% and 14.9% respectively. The presence of source culture encompasses social interaction, school and family environment, national identity and national history as well as national geography. Where the target culture is concerned, the United States of America is the most highly represented inner circle country's culture in the textbook, while India and Japan are the countries primarily represented in the international target culture category. The inclusion of source culture in the English textbook is fundamental since culture teaching can improve learners' communicative competence; however, the representation of target culture and international target culture is also crucial to achieve linguistics as well as cultural competence. It is concluded that English textbook in Indonesia is on the way to its perfection in terms of proportionally represented cultural aspects. However, the presence of various cultural aspects of source culture, target culture and international target culture is also important to help students develop multicultural awareness and a certain level of respects as well as tolerance for others. in the use of student's diary as well is presented as the implication of this research for further related studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening the Character of the Nation through the Social Movement of Zikir

IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application)

This research aims to prove the benefits of zikir that contribute positively to the strengthening... more This research aims to prove the benefits of zikir that contribute positively to the strengthening of the character of the nation. The approach used in this research was qualitative, and data collection used interview, observation, and documentation techniques, with 6 informants involved in it. Data validity assurance technique was conducted by extending the time of data collection, persistence of observation, data triangulation, and conducting negative case analysis. The results of this study were: (1) The concept of social thoughts in building social movements and to be implemented in the civilization based on three things, namely: social of right society (الصفحة في المتواحدة االمة), social of law society (القانونية في المتواحدة االمة) and social gathering of philosophy (الفالسفية في المتواحدة االمة); (2) Forms of activities developed in their social movements through theological thinking based on social movements, including recitation, Tahlilan, Zikir Akbar and Haul Majelis Zikir;...

Research paper thumbnail of COUNTERING THE NEXT PANDEMIC AFTER COVID-19: An Effort of Christian Education to Stop Phubbing

MAHABBAH: Journal of Religion and Education

This research aims to see the magnitude of the influence of Christian education in the family on ... more This research aims to see the magnitude of the influence of Christian education in the family on the potential of phubbing in students. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by households in Indonesia shows rapid development, followed by student delinquency rates that continue to increase. This is a quantitative research, using a measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire, that was conducted on 300 respondents. The result showed that coeficient correlation between potency of Phubbing and Fatherlessness in Junior High School: 0,78; Senior High School: 0,72; and College: 0,76. Christian education in the family has a positive influence on the potential of phubbing in students. There are values that can be given special emphasis, which are able to overcome the pandemic after Covid-19, which is called phubbing. Thus, it is highly recommended for each family to implement: sticking to the standards of God, opening heart to be taught, and fearing the Lord.

Research paper thumbnail of Reorganizing Christian Education After the Pandemic in Indonesia: A Need for Learning Management

This study aimed to analyze the influence of learning management on the learning achievements of ... more This study aimed to analyze the influence of learning management on the learning achievements of Christian education. The data analysis methods used were simple correlation analysis method, simple linear regression analysis and t test. The samples in this study were 95 Christian students of state senior high school. The relationship between Learning Management (X) and Learning Achievement (Y) amounted to 0.661. The correlation relationship rate was in the high category. So there was a positive relationship with the low category between Learning Management and Student Learning Achievement. R Square of 0.437 this showed that the influence of Learning Management with Student Learning Achievement was 43.70% and the remaining 56.3% was influenced by other factors not discussed in this study. The t test was conducted by comparing tcount and ttable. In accordance with the testing requirements that tcount (3,580) > ttable (0,2796), this means that the variables of Learning Management hav...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of The Ash-Shidqi Remembrance Assembly in Improving Quality of Religious Education for Medan City Community

Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

This paper discusses the role of the Ash-Shidqi remembrance assembly in the city of Medan in impr... more This paper discusses the role of the Ash-Shidqi remembrance assembly in the city of Medan in improving the quality of religious education for the people of Medan. This research is a field research using qualitative methods. The data collection process was carried out by the author by interviewing the chairman and management of the Ash-Shidqi remembrance assembly, while in analyzing the data the author applied several stages; compiling data, connecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. This study found that in improving the quality of religious education for the people of Medan, the As-Shidqi remembrance assembly launched three programs, as for the three programs as follows: First, an educational scholarship program for underprivileged and high achievers. Second, the program for distributing the Qur'an and books to Islamic boarding schools and tahfidz houses. Third, religious education program for the general public. The program consists of three acti...

Research paper thumbnail of Fostering fraternity in humanity: the Church’s efforts to bring compassion within the framework of religious moderation


The nature of religion which refers to etymological studies clearly aims so that human life is no... more The nature of religion which refers to etymological studies clearly aims so that human life is not chaotic, so it is not surprising that all religions teach goodness. Only the lofty ideals of each religion cannot be adequately implemented among the grassroots so that it is presented precisely as violence and intolerance between adherents of one religion with another religion. Abuse in the name of religion occurs and becomes the beginning of the legitimacy of acts of violence in the cloak of religion. Reconciliation efforts are the church’s responsibility because the church has significant power in society and the church becomes a representation of God that brings the mandate and spirit of reconciliation to the world. The church is also the holder of the baton of Jesus' ministry on earth. In the historical reality of human life, Jesus is the only one who can do good and right throughout His life. The angel called him "Holy, Son of God" (Luk. 1:35), which is confirmed in...

Research paper thumbnail of Tanggung Jawab Gereja Membangun Gerakan Eco-literacy di Kaldera Toba UNESCO Global Geopark

Penetapan kawasan Danau Toba menjadi Kaldera Toba UNESCO Global Geopark (Kaldera Toba UGG), tidak... more Penetapan kawasan Danau Toba menjadi Kaldera Toba UNESCO Global Geopark (Kaldera Toba UGG), tidak hanya memberikan kebanggan tersendiri, tetapi juga harapan baru dalam mewujudkan kawasan Danau Toba menjadi destinasi wisata super prioritas. Ironisnya, kerusakan ekologis di kawasan Kaldera Toba masih terus berlangsung, seperti: perambahan hutan secara massif, pencemaran air Danau melalui keramba jaring apung. Kerusakan ekologis berhubungan dengan moralitas dan praktek ketidakadilan. Gereja dipanggil melakukan diakonia transformatif secara holistik untuk menyelamatkan kawasan Kaldera Toba UGG melalui gerakan eco-literacy atau melek ekologi. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tanggungjawab gereja sebagai komunitas ekologis untuk mewujudkan gerakan eco-literacy yang berorientasi terhadap penyelamatan Kaldera Toba UGG sebagai warisan dunia? Gereja diharapkan melakuka upaya rancang bangun transformasi ekologis (eco-transformation design) menuju eco-literacy dan mempromosikanny...

Research paper thumbnail of 강원 영서 지역의 안택경 음악연구 원주 횡성 지역을 중심으로

Research paper thumbnail of Beware of the Decline in Pedagogical Competence of Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reflecting on Divine Calling

Jurnal Teologi, Misi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Jun 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Bagaimana Pandangan Etika Kontekstual Mendukung Metode Blended Learning ?

ABSTRAK Ada banyak pengambilan keputusan yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru untuk meningkatkan nilai ... more ABSTRAK Ada banyak pengambilan keputusan yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru untuk meningkatkan nilai hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Akan tetapi dalam penulisan ini guru menggunakan pandangan etika kontekstual dalam menggunakn metode Blended Learning Berdasarkan hasil pemaparan yang dilakukan, melalaui pembacaan jurnal dan buku-buku pandanaan etika kontekstual saat diperlukan oleh seorang guru dalam proses pengambilan keputusan di dalam pembelajaran. Sehingga penulis tertarik untuk melakukan pemaparan dengan judul Bagimana pandangan etika kontekstual mendukung metode Blended Learning. Blended Learning menjadi salah satu alternative metode pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien bagi siswa yang sedang belajar. Pembasan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana menerapkan pandangan etika kontekstual pada saat menggunkan metode belajar yang tepat khususnya metode Blended Learning. Berdasarkan hasil pemaparan di atas pendangan etika kontekstual sejalan metode Blended Learning dengan. Hal ini bisa dilihat ketika seorang guru tersebut mengajar di dalam kelas, ia harus menerapkan metode belajar secara tepat bukan terpaku kepada metode belajar yang benar. Saran penulis untuk guru adalah padangan kontekstual sangat membantu guru dalam memilih metode pembelajaran Blended Learning karena di dalam kelas yang guru tidak hanya menggunkan metode yang baik dan benar, tetapi harus tepat dan sesuai dengan situasi di mana ia mengajar

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance of Understanding True Christian Ethics for High Scholl Educators

Christian ethics is teaching about actions or how to behave honestly and believe in God who gave ... more Christian ethics is teaching about actions or how to behave honestly and believe in God who gave us this gift in the form of His righteousness. The Bible describes and provides guidelines as standards for Christians in their behavior or actions as norms that apply in the Christian life. Thus, every believer, especially as an educator, must have the principles or values that are in the Bible in order to have a character in truth according to God's word. The type of research conducted in this research is experimental quantitative research. The teacher studies Christian ethics material first and teaches it to students as an experiment. Researchers also conducted pre and post teaching tests to see differences in students' understanding of ethics learning given by the quantitative experimental research method teacher).

Research paper thumbnail of Perlunya Kedisiplinan Dalam Pelajaran Agama Kristen Terhadap Sikap Keseharian DI Sekolah

Pendidikan Agama Kristen adalah usaha sadar untuk menyiapkan siswa agar memahami (know), terampil... more Pendidikan Agama Kristen adalah usaha sadar untuk menyiapkan siswa agar memahami (know), terampil melaksanakan (doing), dan mengamalkan (being) agama Kristen melalui kegiatan pendidikan. Tujuan pembelajaran pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah ialah murid memahami, terampil melaksanakan, dan melaksanakan ajaran agama Kristen dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga menjadi orang yang bertaqwa kepada Tuhan, berakhlak mulia dalam kehidupan pribadi, berkeluarga, bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Pengujian diperlukan agar dapat mengetahui apakah kedisiplinan mewujudkan sikap kekristenan pada keseharian siswa. Pada sekolah umum siswa beragama Kristen adalah minoritas dan hasil dari pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen cenderung kurang memuaskan, meskipun nilai yang diberikan guru adalah cukup tetapi pada dasarnya disebabkan faktor-faktor lain yang dijadikan pendukung, jika dari hasil penilaian murni, hasilnya jauh dari yang diharapkan. Oleh sebab itu dilaksanakan sebuah penelitian yang...

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring spirituality above religiosity: efforts to suppress the procrastination of teachers of Christian education through the internalization of love

The purpose of this study is to identify the internalization of love as an effort to suppress the... more The purpose of this study is to identify the internalization of love as an effort to suppress the procrastination of teachers of Christian education. Christian education in the New Testament is a pivoted education on the Great Teacher of Jesus Christ. It is a Divine and human effort that has existed for a long time and continues to undergo changes in which it contains philosophical and theological content whose function produces life changes that draw one closer to establishing a relationship with God. This research was conducted using quantitative approaches with descriptive methods of correlation. The population distribution in this study was teachers of Christian education in North Sumatera, represented by 42 respondents as a sample (N=42). The sampling technique used was random sampling and be analyzed with simple regression analysis. The correlation that occurs between the two variables is 0.614. It appears that the effect of the effort to internalize love on Suppressing Procra...

Research paper thumbnail of The Welfare of The Family Through Management and Communication Patterns of Social Companion

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Apresiasi Gereja Berbentuk Materi dan Non Materi Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Musik Gereja di Kota Yogyakarta

DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen Duta Harapan, Jun 16, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Leadership In Improving Employee Discipline

Jurnal Christian Humaniora, 2021

Discipline is very important because discipline plays a role in creating disciplined and producti... more Discipline is very important because discipline plays a role in creating disciplined and productive employees. Discipline means carrying out its responsibilities in accordance with office regulations, thus employees will become more productive and able to work effectively and efficiently. One of the factors that affect the discipline of work is the example of the leader, the example of the leader is very instrumental in determining the discipline of employees, because the leadership is used as an example and role model by his subordinates. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of leadership on work discipline. This research was included in associative-quantitative research, which was research that connects two or more variables to see the influence between variables through hypothesis testing. In this study, researcher gave five alternative answers to respondents using a scale of one to five. The population in this study was employees at the Office of Cooperatives, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Discussion for Improving Motivation: A Christian Education Strategy against Covid-19 Pandemic Effect

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Building Critical Thinking in Covid-19 Pandemic Era: Impossible or I am Possible?

International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2020

This study aimed to examine the influence of blended learning on critical thinking of Indonesian ... more This study aimed to examine the influence of blended learning on critical thinking of Indonesian Christian students during the covid-19 pandemic era. Blended learning was a mixture of traditional learning and online learning. It was a method that students were freely to study the subject matter independently by utilizing the materials available online or conducting discussions with teachers or other students outside the hours of face-to-face, and teachers could add enrichment materials through internet facilities, might have students read the material or did the tests performed before the study. This method produced a critical thinking, which was a consideration of viewpoint, interpretation and withdrawal of conclusions, assumptions, implications, and consequences, open minds, collecting, assessing and translating relevant information. This study was a quantitative research, using simple linier regression. A hundred and twenty students were randomly selected from schools in Malang East Java Indonesia. The result reveals that blended learning influenced 81.6% adjustment of critical thinking of students. In this regard, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia should on regular bases organize workshops on blended learning for teachers.

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Guru SD Dalam Etika Kristen Demi Pembentukan Karakter Siswa

Kehidupan Masyarakat Indonesia kini tengah menghadapi krisis karakter yang melanda para generasi ... more Kehidupan Masyarakat Indonesia kini tengah menghadapi krisis karakter yang melanda para generasi mudanya. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan pendidikan karakter yang tepat untuk dapat mengatasi hal tersebut. Sebagai orang Kristen, Alkitab merupakan dasar dari pendidikan karakter. Karakter ditunjukkan seseorang melalui perilaku maupun tindakannya sehari-hari. Karakter yang baik haruslah sesuai dengan etika, nilai, dan norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Pemahaman tentang etika Kristen sangat membantu orang percaya untuk dapat berperilaku dan menunjukkan keKristenannya. Bagi peserta didik Sumba yang mayoritas beragama Kristen dan kini menempuh pendidikan di kota Malang juga mengalami permasalah karakter ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengetahuan guru dalam etika Kristen (pendidikan seks) terhadap karakter peserta didik. Dalam tulisan ini peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan menemukan hasil bahwa pengaruh etika Kristen terhadap karakter Kristen peserta didi...