ARİF SARIÇOBAN | Shinawatra University (original) (raw)
Bu kitap ileri düzeyde İngilizce sınavlarına hazırlanan adaylar için yeni bir yaklaşım modeli ile... more Bu kitap ileri düzeyde İngilizce
sınavlarına hazırlanan adaylar için yeni bir yaklaşım modeli ile hazırlanmıştır. Bu yaklaşım modeli,
metni ve sorunun tamamını okumaya zorlamadan sınavlarda adaylara verilen sorularda boş bırakılan
kısım ile ilgilidir. Modelimizde adayların boşluk öncesi ve boşluk sonrası verilen ifadelerde neye dikkat
etmeleri ve doğru cevaba ne şekilde yaklaşacakları açıklanmaktadır. Golden Key to KPDS, ÜDS, YDS,
and TOEFL: The Sarıçoban Approach’ da tüm İngilizce dilbilgisi konularını kapsayacak şekilde soru
maddeleri bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca, kitabın kapsamında;
Sözcük Bilgisi,
Cümle Tamamlama,
Paragraf Tamamlama,
Paragrafı Bozan Cümleyi Bulma,
Verilen Durumda Söylenmiş ya da söylenecek olan İfadeyi Bulma,
Karşılıklı Konuşma,
Bir Cümle ya da İfadeyi Yeniden Söyleme ya da Yazma: Eş Anlamlı Cümle ve
Metin Okuma
bölümleri de bulunmaktadır.
Golden Key to KPDS, ÜDS, YDS, and TOEFL: The Sarıçoban Approach, adaylara hem test
tekniğini bu zamana kadar hiçbir kitapta verilmeyen farklı bir yaklaşımla (The Sarıçoban Approach)
sunmakta hem de adayların sınavdaki kaygı düzeylerini mümkün olduğu kadar aşağıya çeken ve
önerilen teknikle doğru cevabı çok çabuk buldurabilen bir eserdir.
Golden Key to KPDS, ÜDS, YDS, and TOEFL: The Sarıçoban Approach, KPDS, YDS, ÜDS
ve TOEFL sınavlarının kapsadığı özgün sorular çerçevesinde hazırlanmıştır. Dolayısıyla, eserimiz bu
sınava katılacak olan adaylara bugüne kadar sorulmuş olan dilbilgisi ve sözcük gibi çok önemli dil öğeleri
ile ilgili tüm bilgileri, açıklamaları ve test soruları ile ilgili pratik çözüm yollarını sunmaktadır. Dilbilgisi
konularına yönelik alıştırma ve konu testleri ile desteklenmektedir. Eserimizde, kaynakçamızda belirtilen
diğer yazarların ve bazı internet sitelerinde bulunan beğendiğimiz sorulara da yer verilmiştir. The Golden
Key to KPDS, ÜDS, YDS, and TOEFL: The Sarıçoban Approach’ da ayrıca KPDS ve ÜDS’ ye yönelik
11 (onbir) adet örnek sınav ve bugüne dek sınavlarda kullanılan kelime listesi de bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca
ikinci baskımızda yukarıda sözü edilen dil yeterlilik sınavlarında daha önceki yıllarda çıkan sorular her
bölümün ardından açıklamalı çözümleri verilmektedir. İkinci baskı 2011 yılı ilkbahar döneminde KPDS ve
ÜDS’ deki değişiklik dikkate alınarak 2006-2011 yılları arasındaki sınavların yeniden derlemesi yapılarak
son sınav (2011 İlkbahar) formatına uygun bir şekilde 80’erlik sorular halinde hazırlanarak adayları bu
sınav formatına göre hazırlanmaları hedeflenmiştir.
Bu sınavlara hazırlanan adaylara kitabın en son bölümünde yer alan 2011 İlkbahar sınavı kitabı
çalışmaya başlamadan önce ön test olarak çözüp, kitabı çalıştıktan sonra da son test olarak çözerek
kendi kişisel ilerlemelerini görmeleri tavsiye edilir.
Modern dünyada internet uygulamaları baş döndürücü bir hızda artmakta ve internet giderek hayatım... more Modern dünyada internet uygulamaları baş döndürücü bir hızda artmakta ve internet giderek hayatımızın olmazsa olmazlarından biri haline gelmektedir. Aralık 2009 itibariyle dünyada farklı dillerde oluşturulan Web sitesi sayısı 234 milyon olup, bu sayıya her yıl yaklaşık 50 milyon yeni site eklenmektedir. İnternetin günümüz insanına sunduğu bu devasa boyuttaki imkân sayesinde artık paçanga böreği tarifinden İspanya ligindeki maç sonuçlarına kadar aklımıza gelen her konuda cevabı Google’da arıyoruz.
Peki, internet dünyasının sunduğu bu muazzam imkândan eğitim amaçlı yeterince yararlanabiliyor muyuz? Örneğin İngilizce öğrenmek isteyenler interneti dil öğrenme çabalarında kendilerine en büyük destekçilerinden biri haline getirebilir mi? Daha iyi bir İngilizce öğrenmek için hangi sitelere girmek ve bu siteleri nasıl kullanmak gerekir?
İnternet yoluyla İngilizce öğrenmek kişiye inanılmaz faydalar sağlayabilir. Bir kere internet ucuzdur ve kişiye kendi istediği zaman ve mekânda öğrenim fırsatları sunar. Aynı zamanda internet uygulamaları sürekli olarak günceldir. Yani sürekli bir yenilenme vardır. Fakat internette yer alan yüz milyonlarca site içerisinde kişinin hedef odaklı ilerleyebilmesi ancak bir pusula yardımıyla olur. Nasıl ki Çinli denizciler günümüzden yaklaşık 2200 yıl önce pusulayı icat ederek o gün onlara sonsuzmuş gibi görünen denizlere açılma cesaretine ve bilgisine kavuştularsa, bugün de uçsuz bucaksız internet denizinde bir pusula olmaksızın herhangi bir hedefe varmak pek mümkün gözükmemektedir.
İşte elinizdeki bu kitap her düzeyde İngilizce öğrenmek isteyenlere rehberlik etmek üzere hazırlandı. İngilizce dinleme, okuma, konuşma ve yazma becerilerini geliştirmek isteyenler için internet düşük maliyetli, esnek ve zamandan tasarruf sağlayıcı özelliğiyle kişiye oldukça yardımcı bir araç olabilir. Bu rehber sayesinde size bunun nasıl olabileceği konusunda yardımcı olacağız. Kitabımız başlangıç, orta ve ileri düzeyde öğrencilere dinleme, okuma, konuşma ve yazma becerilerini geliştirebilecekleri siteleri ve bunların özelliklerini önermektedir. Ayrıca İngilizce kelime ve gramer bilgisini artırmak isteyenlere de ilgili bölümlerde site isimleri önermekte, aynı zamanda bu sitelerin nasıl kullanılması gerektiği ile ilgili açıklamalar vermektedir.
Kitapta yer alan internet adresleri zaman içinde değişiklik gösterebilir. Bu nedenle kitabın içeriğinin güncel tutulabilmesi amacıyla adresinde bir blog hazırladık. Bu blog hem kitabımızın okuyucuları için bir buluşma mekânı, hem de güncellemeleri birbirimizle paylaşabileceğimiz haberleşme adresimiz. İngilizce İçin İnternet Rehberi adlı kitabımızın ülkemizde yabancı dil öğrenmek isteyen herkesin çabalarına önemli katkılar sağlamasını umuyoruz.
This book, which aims to find solutions to the problem of what to teach with what to Turkish lear... more This book, which aims to find solutions to the problem of what to teach with what to Turkish learners of English as a foreign language in our country, is designed, developed and prepared for service of current Foreign Language Teachers and prospective Foreign Language Teachers of our country at different institutions ranging from primary and secondary schools up to upper-levels of education in the new millennium.
This course book is especially designed to provide both experienced and inexperienced language teachers with a variety of language teaching materials and their use in classroom situations. The book also presents sample lesson plans for use in the foreign language classrooms for teachers with a wide variety of choice to teach mainly the four main skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The first chapter is devoted to the importance of language teaching materials and the criteria for material selection. This chapter also puts forward the evaluative aspects of foreign language programs from fact-finding stages to data analysis. In this process the chapter tries to make any language teacher become familiar with the steps for program evaluation. The second chapter examines teaching materials. The third chapter focuses on the techniques used in foreign language teaching with special reference to ELT. The fourth chapter sheds light on the classification of foreign language teaching materials. In this chapter technical materials and non-technical materials are discussed in detail.
Teaching a foreign language is a difficult process because everything is new and strange for lear... more Teaching a foreign language is a difficult process because everything is new and strange for learners of it. Foreign language teachers should consider the cultural and structural differences between the native language of their learners and the target language. Therefore, most of us, as foreign language teachers, try to find ways to teach it easily and effectively. However, we all know that there is no best method to teach although there has been a tremendous amount of both scientific and technological contributions to the studies of foreign language learning and teaching in the world.
What, where, when, how and whom to teach have always been a matter of discussion in the field of foreign language teaching. Therefore, in this course book, it is seriously aimed to address to these issues.
In addition to four main skills (Receptive Skills: listening, reading, and Productive Skills: speaking and writing), this course book tries to present ways to teach vocabulary, grammar, translation, and pronunciation as the unignorable language skills, aiming at providing the foreign language teachers with practical sample lesson plans for use in the real classroom teaching situation.
In the first chapter of this book an overall emphasis is put on the important problems the foreign language teachers face in large classrooms. Some suggestions are made for EFL teachers to solve these problems by the author of this book.
Chapter Two presents well-known approaches and methods in foreign language teaching in our field. The methods and approaches have been explained and made clear in regard to classroom use.
Another important issue studied in the third chapter of this book is how to prepare a lesson plan in foreign language teaching because it is really a difficult issue for prospective teachers of a foreign language to design and plan so. Those teachers are given a sample design and a sample lesson plan following the teaching of each skill in the following chapters.
The following chapters examine the teaching of (foreign) language skills in detail from classroom application point of view to real language use outside the classroom. Each chapter is supported by sample lesson plan in order to provide the foreign language teachers directly with the practical side of instruction in classrooms.
In bringing the information about the teaching of different language areas such as vocabulary, grammar, translation, and pronunciation, and skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, a number of utmost important resources were scrutinized, edited and adopted including the author’s own experiences in foreign language teaching classes.
Bayburt eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Mar 1, 2007
Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Feb 17, 2010
This paper aims at identifying the strategies employed by Foreign Language learners in Turkey in ... more This paper aims at identifying the strategies employed by Foreign Language learners in Turkey in learning English grammar. To do this a Grammar Learning Strategy Questionnaire was administered to subjects at a preparatory school at the university level. It can be stated that this study has proven very successful in the identification of many students' beliefs about grammar learning in a foreign language (FL) class. Some of the results reported here may surprise FL teachers, but it is clear that most of them will confirm their experiences and ideas in teaching grammar. Students expressed that they subconsciously used the cognitive strategies. However, it is clear that they also need to use the socioaffective strategies to learn grammar efficiently. That is why, teachers need to build some strategic techniques so that the students can have a better learning environment. This study will contribute to FL teachers by bringing some insights about learner strategies in Grammar and it is believed that under the light of the findings FL teachers will improve and adopt new tactics for the teaching of grammar.
Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Sep 1, 2008
Bu çalışmanın amacı okul deneyimi ve öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerine ilişkin İgilizce uygulama ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı okul deneyimi ve öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerine ilişkin İgilizce uygulama (rehber) öğretmenlerinin ve ingilizce öğretmen adaylarının bakış açılarını ve her iki taraf arasında görüşleri açısından istatistiksel açıdan önemli ayrılıklar olup olmadığını belirlemekti. Bu amaçla her iki gruba (64 öğrenci ve 16 rehber öğretmen) Topkaya ve Yalın' dan(2005) adapte edilip konu alanı odaklı olarak araştırmacı ve alan uzmanları tarafından yeniden yapılandırılan ve 40 maddeden oluşan bir tutum ölceği verilmiştir (r=.86). Elde edilen bulgular ışığında rehber öğretmenler ile aday öğretmenlerin görüşleri arasında; (a) uygulama öğretmeninin öğretmen adaylarına iyi bir şekilde rehberlik etmesi, onlara iyi bir model olamsı ve lider olması; (b) uygulama öğretmenliğinin mesleki deneyimin yanı sıra farklı becerileri de gerektirmesi; (c) uygulama öğretmenlerinin, öğretmen adaylarını sistematik bir şekilde gözlemleyebilecek bilgi birikimine sahip olmaları; (d) okul deneyimi ve öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerinin öğretmen adaylarına eğitimci olarak profesyonel bir bakış acısı kazandırması; ve (e) okul deneyimi ve öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerinin öğretmen adaylarının eğitim sistemini tam olarak anlamalarını sağlaması gibi konularda farklılıklar görülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonunda bu ortaya çıkan fikir ayrılıkları ile ilgili olarak bir takım öneriler getirilmiştir.
Participatory educational research, 2016
The unsatisfactory language performance of L2 is among very common complaints voiced by the langu... more The unsatisfactory language performance of L2 is among very common complaints voiced by the language teachers and educators for many years. These complaints push the applied researchers in the field of learning and teaching L2 searching for the causes of these kinds of problems and offering recommendations for solutions. Therefore, the need for this attempt dates back to the early years of 1970s as the majority of the research focused on developing the teaching methods and instructional materials. Parallel to the great efforts to understand the nature of the learning and teaching, since the early years of 1970s, great emphasis has been placed on social, psychological and affective factors that enhance or inhibit L2 success and achievement. Motivation, personality, learning style is among these variables that sound important places in different research. Taking a further step, this research aims to investigate the role of strategies and attitudes in L2 learning and teaching settings where English language has a role of foreign language as well. For this purpose, this research seeks the answers of what strategies the ELT preparatory class student use, whether the students' achievement differs according to the strategy they use or not, what the students' attitudes towards foreign language learning are, whether the students' achievement differs according to the attitudes towards foreign language learning and there is a meaningful relation between the students' strategy using profiles and attitudes towards foreign language learning or not. 22 Amasya University ELT preparatory class students, enrolling in 2014-2015 academic year, consist the scope of this research. The data provide basis for this research have been collected via two different data collection instruments which are labelled as SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) and a questionnaire on attitudes towards learning a foreign language. The strategy inventory for Language Learning (SILL) is for the students of a second language developed by Oxford (1990). This inventory consists of 5 parts aimed to define the students strategy profiles in terms of remembering more effectively, using all mental process, compensating for missing, organizing and evaluating, managing emotions, learning with others. The inventory comprises 50 items each of which is labelled with the options that range from ''1= Never or almost never true for me'', ''2= Usually not true of me'', ''3= Somewhat true of me'', ''4= Usually true of me'' and ''5= Always or almost always true of me''. The questionnaire on attitudes towards foreign language learning was adopted by Tunçok (2010) from Horwitz's (1988) Beliefs About
Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Nov 9, 2015
Crosswords and other word puzzles are commonly enjoyed by a great majority of people in our daily... more Crosswords and other word puzzles are commonly enjoyed by a great majority of people in our daily lives, and they are also used in books and other instructional materials. In language teaching and learning, paper-based and interactive puzzles have been used to add flavour to vocabulary acquisition processes in terms of teaching spelling rules, internalising lexical meaning, recognising synonyms and word collocations and so on. The introduction of Web 2.0 technologies has added further dimensions to their preparation and use, such as user-friendliness, flexibility and ability to share, making them easier to access for both instructors and teachers. However, some foreign language teachers may not be familiar with how to prepare interactive puzzles and how to utilize puzzles that are produced using Web 2.0 tools in vocabulary instruction. Therefore, this study aims to give an overview of interactive puzzles generated using Web 2.0 tools and other software and how to utilize them in vocabulary acquisition. To this end, this paper elaborates on the use of puzzles in vocabulary acquisition within the framework of emerging Web 2.0 technologies. The researchers describe simple design procedures involving Web 2.0 tools and other educational software to do away with the misconception that it is the job of an expert to build up interactive puzzles. Moreover, they also make some practical recommendations to materials designers, teachers and learners to help them harness the power of puzzles in vocabulary instruction.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the question of whether or not good language learner beha... more The purpose of this study is to clarify the question of whether or not good language learner behaviors really lead to studentsuccess. For the purpose of this study, School of Foreign Languages at Hacettepe University was selected as the setting of thestudy. One elementary level class with 19 students was selected to conduct the research. In order to collect data, a list of goodlanguage learner behaviors evaluated by the teacher of the selected class from the most important (5) to the least important (1)was used. Using this list, the teacher observed her students for about one month and recorded her observations on thefrequency lists which had scales from 1 to 5; 1 being "almost never" and 5 being "always". At the end of one-month observation,the lists on which the frequency of students' display of good language learning behaviors were recorded were collected from theteacher and the results were transferred into tables. Along with the frequency lists the scores that students made on the examwere collected from the teacher. Data analysis was carried out through percentages. Tables were prepared to present the resultsand the frequency of subjects' display of good language behaviors was given along with the grades that subjects received on their exam. The importance of this study stems from the fact that it helps illuminate the extent to which the behaviors of good andefficient language learners have an impact on the their success in the foreign language being learned. Thus, students andteachers, taking the results into account, will able to take a closer look at the probable effects of efficient language learningbehavior on the student achievement. It was found in this study that the findings of the study supported the first hypothesisformulated for the study, which states that learners who exhibit good language learner behaviors will be more successful in theend than those learners who do not exhibit good language learner behaviors.
It is difficult for EFL learners to improve their speaking skills. Thus, In addition to tradition... more It is difficult for EFL learners to improve their speaking skills. Thus, In addition to traditional speaking activities used in English language teaching, creating learner podcasts can be integrated into EFL classroom as a new instructional tool to improve students’ speaking skills. Therefore, this paper investigates students’ attitudes towards using and creating learner podcasts to develop their English speaking skills. The study was conducted with 56 EFL students studying in the Preparatory School at Hacettepe University. The students were at three different proficiency levels: B1, B1+ and B2.During the six-week study, after the students were introduced what a podcast is and how to create learner podcasts, they created five different podcasts and published them to the class podcast page. During this process, the learner podcasts were created individually and in pairs. After students created their podcasts in pairs, they were asked to listen to another podcast created by another pa...
Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, Jul 1, 2013
Bu calismanin amaci ogretim elemanlari arasinda hangi yikici davranislarin son derece problemli o... more Bu calismanin amaci ogretim elemanlari arasinda hangi yikici davranislarin son derece problemli olarak goruldugunu ve bu davranislara karsi tepkilerini ortaya koymaktir. Calismada 126 ogretim elemaninin iki farkli anket yoluyla toplanan gorusleri yer almaktadir. Ilk anket yikici davranislarin siralamasini amaclarken, ikinci anket bu davranislara karsi tepkileri ortaya koymayi amaclamistir. Arastirmaci tarafindan a)Bahsedilen davranislarin tumunun katilimcilar tarafindan yikici olarak goruldugu, b) Ogretim elemanlarinin tepkilerinin deneyim, cinsiyet ve haftalik ders yukune gore farklilastigi c) Ingilizce ogretim programlarinda yeni vizyonlara ihtiyac duyuldugu sonuclarina ulasilmistir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Yikici davranislar, Ingiliz dili egitimi, ogretim elemani, gorusler. The purpose of this study is to find out which disruptive behaviors are regarded highly problematic among instructors and to reveal their reactions towards them. The study included opinions of 126 instructors through two different surveys. While first survey aimed to construct a rank order of disruptive behaviors, second survey sought to reveal reactions on these behaviors. The researcher found a) that all of the given behaviors are seen as disruptive by the participants b) Reactions of instructors vary in accordance with their experience, gender and weekly course load c) New visions to ELT programs are required in terms of pedagogy Key Words: Disruptive behaviors, ELT, instructors, opinions
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2018
Language and Teaching Department. His interest areas are L2 teacher education and pedagogical con... more Language and Teaching Department. His interest areas are L2 teacher education and pedagogical content knowledge. Copyright by Informascope. Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of IOJET.
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, Jun 1, 2011
In this article the researcher has examined the current situation in test (a) construction: desig... more In this article the researcher has examined the current situation in test (a) construction: designing, structuring, developing, (b) administering, and (c) assessing the foreign language tests to see if we are still at the same point (traditional) and has given some suggestions on this indispensable issue. To collect the necessary data the 4 th year students doing their practicum studies at a state high school in Ankara under the supervision of the researcher are asked to collect one sample of each test (written or oral form) their mentors have been using to assess their foreign language students. The common characteristics of the test samples are scrutinized in terms of validity and reliability, language skills and areas including spelling, contextualization, time, typing, students' foreign language level (simple or complex structures), instructions, and backwash effect. Relying on the findings of the study some recommendations have been made for foreign language teachers.
International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Sep 7, 2020
The present study was undertaken in order to analyze two elementary school coursebooks in terms o... more The present study was undertaken in order to analyze two elementary school coursebooks in terms of their intercultural content. The analysis was based upon Yuen's (2011) framework, which comprises of products, practices, perspectives, and persons. The category of products involves tangible products such as books or paintings as well as abstract products, such as oral tales or traditional dances. Based on this framework, it is possible to categorize food, entertainment, tools, dwellings, clothing, laws, education, religions, or travel as products. The category of practices encompasses the behavioral patterns of a particular society such as customs and information about daily life, forms of address, use of personal space, and rituals. The third category, perspectives, is related to the underlying beliefs and values, inspirations, myths, superstitions, and world views of a given society. Finally, the category of persons includes famous individuals and fictitious or unknown people from a particular society. The present study aims at analyzing the cultural content in Turkish high school coursebooks, namely Moonlight 7 and Moonlight 8, based on this framework. The rationale behind sticking to Yuen's model is that it allows cultural content to be analyzed in an explicit and understandable way.
Sustainability, May 18, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jan 27, 2013
Dil gelisiminin yapi taslari arasinda yeralan yazmak, sureci en mesakkatli olandir. Her ... more Dil gelisiminin yapi taslari arasinda yeralan yazmak, sureci en mesakkatli olandir. Her asamasi ayri dikkat gerektirir ve geribildirim verecek olanlar da ogretmenler oldugundan bu dikkat ozellikle onlardan beklenir. Ogretmenler ne kadar zaman ve caba harcarlarsa harcasinlar ogrencilerin ayni hatalari yapmayi surdureceklerini bildiklerinden ogrenci calismalarini degerlendirmek hep zevksiz bir is olmustur. Bu yuzden ogretmenler cabalarini degersiz gormekte ve hatta yazmayi ogretim programlarinin bir parcasi yapmaktan vagecmeyi bile dusunmektedirler. Şuphesiz bu mantikli bir karar olmayacaktir cunku bir “destek becerisi” olan yazma, dil ogrenme ve ogretmenin vazgecilmez bir ogesidir. Bunun sebebi ogrencilerin hedef dildeki yapi ve islevleri tekrar etmelerini saglamasidir. Bu sebeple ogretmenlerin ihtiyac duydugu sey vazgecmek degil, geneleksel tekniklerin zayifliklarini telafi eden, ogrencilerin seviyelerini gelistiren, onlari surecin bir parcasi yapan ve gelisemenin izini surebilen etkili bir teknik ve pratik bir sistem kullanmalaridir. Bu arastirmanin oncelikli sebebi “ogrenme icin yazmak” stratejisini desteklemek amaciyla ogrenci yazilarini degerlendirme araci olarak “Yazma defterlerinin” etkililigini vurgulamaktir. Bu calisma Ufuk Universitesi, Hazirlik Okulunda yapildi ve asagidaki sorular yanitlanmaya calisildi: mi? 1. Geleneksel degerlendirme tekniklerinin sonuclari nelerdir? 2.Degerlendirmeler ogrenmek icin yazmak stratejisini nasil etkiler? 3.Ogrenciler ne yazdiklarinin ve nasil yazdiklarinin kontrolunu kazanabilirler 4.Ogrenciler icin hangisi daha faydalidir – yazdiklarinin duzeltilmesi mi yoksa yazma defterinde Yazim Duzeltme Kodlamasini kullanarak hatalarini isaretlemek ve kendi yazilarini kendilerinin duzeltmelerini beklemek mi? Sonuclar gostermistir ki yazilari geleneksel yolla degerlendirmenin ogrencilerin dil ogrenimlerindeki ilerlemelerine bir faydasi yokken bir yazma defteri kulllanarak duzeltme asamasina dahil olduklarindan onlari kendi calismalari uzerinde tekrar dusundurmek genel dil yeterliliklerini gelistirmektedir. Anahtar sozcukler: Ogrenci yazilari, geri donut verme, yazma defterleri, geleneksel teknikler Among the building blocks of language development, writing is the one the process of which is known as the most gruelling. Every stage of it requires an individual attention notably from the teachers, since they are the ones who will give feedback to the students. Responding students’ works has always been a chore for them as they know that no matter how much time and effort they spend for checking and correcting the students will keep on making the same mistakes again and again. That’s why many teachers see their endeavour worthless and even think of desisting from making writing a part of their teaching programs. Without doubt, this will not be a rational decision because writing, as a support skill, is an indispensible element of language learning and teaching. The reason is that it enables students to practise the forms and functions in the target language. Therefore, what teachers need is not to give up but to use an effective technique and a practical system which complement the weaknesses of traditional techniques, improve the students’ language level, make the students become a part of the process and keep the track of the development. The primary purpose of this research was to focus on the effectiveness of “Writing notebooks” as tools for responding students’ writing to support the strategy of “writing-to-learn”. The study took place at Ufuk University, Preparatory School in Ankara and following research questions were tried to answer: 1.What are the outcomes of the traditional correction technique? 2.How do responds affect writing-to-learn strategy? 3.Can students gain control of what they write and how they write? 4.Which one is more beneficial for the students – getting their written work corrected or getting their mistakes indicated via Writing Correction Code in a writing notebook and being expected to edit their own writing? The results indicated that the traditional way of responding writings is not beneficial for learners’ progress in language learning, whereas, making students rethink over their own works improve their general language proficiency as they become involved in the editing stage by using a writing notebook. Keywords: students’ writings, giving feedback, writing notebooks, traditional techniques
Materials have a fundamental role in learning a language. Text books are the key participants of ... more Materials have a fundamental role in learning a language. Text books are the key participants of the materials in language instructions. In recent years many language professionals have supported language learners with a choice in their own learning process. That is, students would choose the topics according to their needs and interests. In developing reading skills in a foreign language, degree of interest is taken as an important factor in raising motivation. This study aims to report on the preferences of Turkish ELT (English Language Teaching) students and teachers in text book topics and to raise awareness of the language teachers about the motivating aspects of topic selection in the language classroom.
Advances in religious and cultural studies (ARCS) book series, Jun 24, 2022
Multilingualism, defined as the ability of speaking two or more languages, is a phenomenon gainin... more Multilingualism, defined as the ability of speaking two or more languages, is a phenomenon gaining importance each passing day. Accordingly, there is a growing interest in how multilingual individuals make use of their linguistic repertoires in the language learning process. This chapter aims to explore the crosslinguistic interaction of multilingual English language learners living in Mardin in their writing tasks and thinking processes. The results yielded that bi/multilingual individuals actively use their previously learned languages flexibly. There was also evidence translanguaging across all languages with the dominance role of Turkish. The findings propose that proficiency of learners in their L1 and L2 should not be underestimated in evaluating proficiency in L3 as multilingual individuals use different resources of different languages all together for effective communication, and there are no ‘boundaries' across their languages as proposed by Canagarajah.
Bu kitap ileri düzeyde İngilizce sınavlarına hazırlanan adaylar için yeni bir yaklaşım modeli ile... more Bu kitap ileri düzeyde İngilizce
sınavlarına hazırlanan adaylar için yeni bir yaklaşım modeli ile hazırlanmıştır. Bu yaklaşım modeli,
metni ve sorunun tamamını okumaya zorlamadan sınavlarda adaylara verilen sorularda boş bırakılan
kısım ile ilgilidir. Modelimizde adayların boşluk öncesi ve boşluk sonrası verilen ifadelerde neye dikkat
etmeleri ve doğru cevaba ne şekilde yaklaşacakları açıklanmaktadır. Golden Key to KPDS, ÜDS, YDS,
and TOEFL: The Sarıçoban Approach’ da tüm İngilizce dilbilgisi konularını kapsayacak şekilde soru
maddeleri bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca, kitabın kapsamında;
Sözcük Bilgisi,
Cümle Tamamlama,
Paragraf Tamamlama,
Paragrafı Bozan Cümleyi Bulma,
Verilen Durumda Söylenmiş ya da söylenecek olan İfadeyi Bulma,
Karşılıklı Konuşma,
Bir Cümle ya da İfadeyi Yeniden Söyleme ya da Yazma: Eş Anlamlı Cümle ve
Metin Okuma
bölümleri de bulunmaktadır.
Golden Key to KPDS, ÜDS, YDS, and TOEFL: The Sarıçoban Approach, adaylara hem test
tekniğini bu zamana kadar hiçbir kitapta verilmeyen farklı bir yaklaşımla (The Sarıçoban Approach)
sunmakta hem de adayların sınavdaki kaygı düzeylerini mümkün olduğu kadar aşağıya çeken ve
önerilen teknikle doğru cevabı çok çabuk buldurabilen bir eserdir.
Golden Key to KPDS, ÜDS, YDS, and TOEFL: The Sarıçoban Approach, KPDS, YDS, ÜDS
ve TOEFL sınavlarının kapsadığı özgün sorular çerçevesinde hazırlanmıştır. Dolayısıyla, eserimiz bu
sınava katılacak olan adaylara bugüne kadar sorulmuş olan dilbilgisi ve sözcük gibi çok önemli dil öğeleri
ile ilgili tüm bilgileri, açıklamaları ve test soruları ile ilgili pratik çözüm yollarını sunmaktadır. Dilbilgisi
konularına yönelik alıştırma ve konu testleri ile desteklenmektedir. Eserimizde, kaynakçamızda belirtilen
diğer yazarların ve bazı internet sitelerinde bulunan beğendiğimiz sorulara da yer verilmiştir. The Golden
Key to KPDS, ÜDS, YDS, and TOEFL: The Sarıçoban Approach’ da ayrıca KPDS ve ÜDS’ ye yönelik
11 (onbir) adet örnek sınav ve bugüne dek sınavlarda kullanılan kelime listesi de bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca
ikinci baskımızda yukarıda sözü edilen dil yeterlilik sınavlarında daha önceki yıllarda çıkan sorular her
bölümün ardından açıklamalı çözümleri verilmektedir. İkinci baskı 2011 yılı ilkbahar döneminde KPDS ve
ÜDS’ deki değişiklik dikkate alınarak 2006-2011 yılları arasındaki sınavların yeniden derlemesi yapılarak
son sınav (2011 İlkbahar) formatına uygun bir şekilde 80’erlik sorular halinde hazırlanarak adayları bu
sınav formatına göre hazırlanmaları hedeflenmiştir.
Bu sınavlara hazırlanan adaylara kitabın en son bölümünde yer alan 2011 İlkbahar sınavı kitabı
çalışmaya başlamadan önce ön test olarak çözüp, kitabı çalıştıktan sonra da son test olarak çözerek
kendi kişisel ilerlemelerini görmeleri tavsiye edilir.
Modern dünyada internet uygulamaları baş döndürücü bir hızda artmakta ve internet giderek hayatım... more Modern dünyada internet uygulamaları baş döndürücü bir hızda artmakta ve internet giderek hayatımızın olmazsa olmazlarından biri haline gelmektedir. Aralık 2009 itibariyle dünyada farklı dillerde oluşturulan Web sitesi sayısı 234 milyon olup, bu sayıya her yıl yaklaşık 50 milyon yeni site eklenmektedir. İnternetin günümüz insanına sunduğu bu devasa boyuttaki imkân sayesinde artık paçanga böreği tarifinden İspanya ligindeki maç sonuçlarına kadar aklımıza gelen her konuda cevabı Google’da arıyoruz.
Peki, internet dünyasının sunduğu bu muazzam imkândan eğitim amaçlı yeterince yararlanabiliyor muyuz? Örneğin İngilizce öğrenmek isteyenler interneti dil öğrenme çabalarında kendilerine en büyük destekçilerinden biri haline getirebilir mi? Daha iyi bir İngilizce öğrenmek için hangi sitelere girmek ve bu siteleri nasıl kullanmak gerekir?
İnternet yoluyla İngilizce öğrenmek kişiye inanılmaz faydalar sağlayabilir. Bir kere internet ucuzdur ve kişiye kendi istediği zaman ve mekânda öğrenim fırsatları sunar. Aynı zamanda internet uygulamaları sürekli olarak günceldir. Yani sürekli bir yenilenme vardır. Fakat internette yer alan yüz milyonlarca site içerisinde kişinin hedef odaklı ilerleyebilmesi ancak bir pusula yardımıyla olur. Nasıl ki Çinli denizciler günümüzden yaklaşık 2200 yıl önce pusulayı icat ederek o gün onlara sonsuzmuş gibi görünen denizlere açılma cesaretine ve bilgisine kavuştularsa, bugün de uçsuz bucaksız internet denizinde bir pusula olmaksızın herhangi bir hedefe varmak pek mümkün gözükmemektedir.
İşte elinizdeki bu kitap her düzeyde İngilizce öğrenmek isteyenlere rehberlik etmek üzere hazırlandı. İngilizce dinleme, okuma, konuşma ve yazma becerilerini geliştirmek isteyenler için internet düşük maliyetli, esnek ve zamandan tasarruf sağlayıcı özelliğiyle kişiye oldukça yardımcı bir araç olabilir. Bu rehber sayesinde size bunun nasıl olabileceği konusunda yardımcı olacağız. Kitabımız başlangıç, orta ve ileri düzeyde öğrencilere dinleme, okuma, konuşma ve yazma becerilerini geliştirebilecekleri siteleri ve bunların özelliklerini önermektedir. Ayrıca İngilizce kelime ve gramer bilgisini artırmak isteyenlere de ilgili bölümlerde site isimleri önermekte, aynı zamanda bu sitelerin nasıl kullanılması gerektiği ile ilgili açıklamalar vermektedir.
Kitapta yer alan internet adresleri zaman içinde değişiklik gösterebilir. Bu nedenle kitabın içeriğinin güncel tutulabilmesi amacıyla adresinde bir blog hazırladık. Bu blog hem kitabımızın okuyucuları için bir buluşma mekânı, hem de güncellemeleri birbirimizle paylaşabileceğimiz haberleşme adresimiz. İngilizce İçin İnternet Rehberi adlı kitabımızın ülkemizde yabancı dil öğrenmek isteyen herkesin çabalarına önemli katkılar sağlamasını umuyoruz.
This book, which aims to find solutions to the problem of what to teach with what to Turkish lear... more This book, which aims to find solutions to the problem of what to teach with what to Turkish learners of English as a foreign language in our country, is designed, developed and prepared for service of current Foreign Language Teachers and prospective Foreign Language Teachers of our country at different institutions ranging from primary and secondary schools up to upper-levels of education in the new millennium.
This course book is especially designed to provide both experienced and inexperienced language teachers with a variety of language teaching materials and their use in classroom situations. The book also presents sample lesson plans for use in the foreign language classrooms for teachers with a wide variety of choice to teach mainly the four main skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The first chapter is devoted to the importance of language teaching materials and the criteria for material selection. This chapter also puts forward the evaluative aspects of foreign language programs from fact-finding stages to data analysis. In this process the chapter tries to make any language teacher become familiar with the steps for program evaluation. The second chapter examines teaching materials. The third chapter focuses on the techniques used in foreign language teaching with special reference to ELT. The fourth chapter sheds light on the classification of foreign language teaching materials. In this chapter technical materials and non-technical materials are discussed in detail.
Teaching a foreign language is a difficult process because everything is new and strange for lear... more Teaching a foreign language is a difficult process because everything is new and strange for learners of it. Foreign language teachers should consider the cultural and structural differences between the native language of their learners and the target language. Therefore, most of us, as foreign language teachers, try to find ways to teach it easily and effectively. However, we all know that there is no best method to teach although there has been a tremendous amount of both scientific and technological contributions to the studies of foreign language learning and teaching in the world.
What, where, when, how and whom to teach have always been a matter of discussion in the field of foreign language teaching. Therefore, in this course book, it is seriously aimed to address to these issues.
In addition to four main skills (Receptive Skills: listening, reading, and Productive Skills: speaking and writing), this course book tries to present ways to teach vocabulary, grammar, translation, and pronunciation as the unignorable language skills, aiming at providing the foreign language teachers with practical sample lesson plans for use in the real classroom teaching situation.
In the first chapter of this book an overall emphasis is put on the important problems the foreign language teachers face in large classrooms. Some suggestions are made for EFL teachers to solve these problems by the author of this book.
Chapter Two presents well-known approaches and methods in foreign language teaching in our field. The methods and approaches have been explained and made clear in regard to classroom use.
Another important issue studied in the third chapter of this book is how to prepare a lesson plan in foreign language teaching because it is really a difficult issue for prospective teachers of a foreign language to design and plan so. Those teachers are given a sample design and a sample lesson plan following the teaching of each skill in the following chapters.
The following chapters examine the teaching of (foreign) language skills in detail from classroom application point of view to real language use outside the classroom. Each chapter is supported by sample lesson plan in order to provide the foreign language teachers directly with the practical side of instruction in classrooms.
In bringing the information about the teaching of different language areas such as vocabulary, grammar, translation, and pronunciation, and skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, a number of utmost important resources were scrutinized, edited and adopted including the author’s own experiences in foreign language teaching classes.
Bayburt eğitim fakültesi dergisi, Mar 1, 2007
Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Feb 17, 2010
This paper aims at identifying the strategies employed by Foreign Language learners in Turkey in ... more This paper aims at identifying the strategies employed by Foreign Language learners in Turkey in learning English grammar. To do this a Grammar Learning Strategy Questionnaire was administered to subjects at a preparatory school at the university level. It can be stated that this study has proven very successful in the identification of many students' beliefs about grammar learning in a foreign language (FL) class. Some of the results reported here may surprise FL teachers, but it is clear that most of them will confirm their experiences and ideas in teaching grammar. Students expressed that they subconsciously used the cognitive strategies. However, it is clear that they also need to use the socioaffective strategies to learn grammar efficiently. That is why, teachers need to build some strategic techniques so that the students can have a better learning environment. This study will contribute to FL teachers by bringing some insights about learner strategies in Grammar and it is believed that under the light of the findings FL teachers will improve and adopt new tactics for the teaching of grammar.
Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Sep 1, 2008
Bu çalışmanın amacı okul deneyimi ve öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerine ilişkin İgilizce uygulama ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı okul deneyimi ve öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerine ilişkin İgilizce uygulama (rehber) öğretmenlerinin ve ingilizce öğretmen adaylarının bakış açılarını ve her iki taraf arasında görüşleri açısından istatistiksel açıdan önemli ayrılıklar olup olmadığını belirlemekti. Bu amaçla her iki gruba (64 öğrenci ve 16 rehber öğretmen) Topkaya ve Yalın' dan(2005) adapte edilip konu alanı odaklı olarak araştırmacı ve alan uzmanları tarafından yeniden yapılandırılan ve 40 maddeden oluşan bir tutum ölceği verilmiştir (r=.86). Elde edilen bulgular ışığında rehber öğretmenler ile aday öğretmenlerin görüşleri arasında; (a) uygulama öğretmeninin öğretmen adaylarına iyi bir şekilde rehberlik etmesi, onlara iyi bir model olamsı ve lider olması; (b) uygulama öğretmenliğinin mesleki deneyimin yanı sıra farklı becerileri de gerektirmesi; (c) uygulama öğretmenlerinin, öğretmen adaylarını sistematik bir şekilde gözlemleyebilecek bilgi birikimine sahip olmaları; (d) okul deneyimi ve öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerinin öğretmen adaylarına eğitimci olarak profesyonel bir bakış acısı kazandırması; ve (e) okul deneyimi ve öğretmenlik uygulaması derslerinin öğretmen adaylarının eğitim sistemini tam olarak anlamalarını sağlaması gibi konularda farklılıklar görülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonunda bu ortaya çıkan fikir ayrılıkları ile ilgili olarak bir takım öneriler getirilmiştir.
Participatory educational research, 2016
The unsatisfactory language performance of L2 is among very common complaints voiced by the langu... more The unsatisfactory language performance of L2 is among very common complaints voiced by the language teachers and educators for many years. These complaints push the applied researchers in the field of learning and teaching L2 searching for the causes of these kinds of problems and offering recommendations for solutions. Therefore, the need for this attempt dates back to the early years of 1970s as the majority of the research focused on developing the teaching methods and instructional materials. Parallel to the great efforts to understand the nature of the learning and teaching, since the early years of 1970s, great emphasis has been placed on social, psychological and affective factors that enhance or inhibit L2 success and achievement. Motivation, personality, learning style is among these variables that sound important places in different research. Taking a further step, this research aims to investigate the role of strategies and attitudes in L2 learning and teaching settings where English language has a role of foreign language as well. For this purpose, this research seeks the answers of what strategies the ELT preparatory class student use, whether the students' achievement differs according to the strategy they use or not, what the students' attitudes towards foreign language learning are, whether the students' achievement differs according to the attitudes towards foreign language learning and there is a meaningful relation between the students' strategy using profiles and attitudes towards foreign language learning or not. 22 Amasya University ELT preparatory class students, enrolling in 2014-2015 academic year, consist the scope of this research. The data provide basis for this research have been collected via two different data collection instruments which are labelled as SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) and a questionnaire on attitudes towards learning a foreign language. The strategy inventory for Language Learning (SILL) is for the students of a second language developed by Oxford (1990). This inventory consists of 5 parts aimed to define the students strategy profiles in terms of remembering more effectively, using all mental process, compensating for missing, organizing and evaluating, managing emotions, learning with others. The inventory comprises 50 items each of which is labelled with the options that range from ''1= Never or almost never true for me'', ''2= Usually not true of me'', ''3= Somewhat true of me'', ''4= Usually true of me'' and ''5= Always or almost always true of me''. The questionnaire on attitudes towards foreign language learning was adopted by Tunçok (2010) from Horwitz's (1988) Beliefs About
Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Nov 9, 2015
Crosswords and other word puzzles are commonly enjoyed by a great majority of people in our daily... more Crosswords and other word puzzles are commonly enjoyed by a great majority of people in our daily lives, and they are also used in books and other instructional materials. In language teaching and learning, paper-based and interactive puzzles have been used to add flavour to vocabulary acquisition processes in terms of teaching spelling rules, internalising lexical meaning, recognising synonyms and word collocations and so on. The introduction of Web 2.0 technologies has added further dimensions to their preparation and use, such as user-friendliness, flexibility and ability to share, making them easier to access for both instructors and teachers. However, some foreign language teachers may not be familiar with how to prepare interactive puzzles and how to utilize puzzles that are produced using Web 2.0 tools in vocabulary instruction. Therefore, this study aims to give an overview of interactive puzzles generated using Web 2.0 tools and other software and how to utilize them in vocabulary acquisition. To this end, this paper elaborates on the use of puzzles in vocabulary acquisition within the framework of emerging Web 2.0 technologies. The researchers describe simple design procedures involving Web 2.0 tools and other educational software to do away with the misconception that it is the job of an expert to build up interactive puzzles. Moreover, they also make some practical recommendations to materials designers, teachers and learners to help them harness the power of puzzles in vocabulary instruction.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the question of whether or not good language learner beha... more The purpose of this study is to clarify the question of whether or not good language learner behaviors really lead to studentsuccess. For the purpose of this study, School of Foreign Languages at Hacettepe University was selected as the setting of thestudy. One elementary level class with 19 students was selected to conduct the research. In order to collect data, a list of goodlanguage learner behaviors evaluated by the teacher of the selected class from the most important (5) to the least important (1)was used. Using this list, the teacher observed her students for about one month and recorded her observations on thefrequency lists which had scales from 1 to 5; 1 being "almost never" and 5 being "always". At the end of one-month observation,the lists on which the frequency of students' display of good language learning behaviors were recorded were collected from theteacher and the results were transferred into tables. Along with the frequency lists the scores that students made on the examwere collected from the teacher. Data analysis was carried out through percentages. Tables were prepared to present the resultsand the frequency of subjects' display of good language behaviors was given along with the grades that subjects received on their exam. The importance of this study stems from the fact that it helps illuminate the extent to which the behaviors of good andefficient language learners have an impact on the their success in the foreign language being learned. Thus, students andteachers, taking the results into account, will able to take a closer look at the probable effects of efficient language learningbehavior on the student achievement. It was found in this study that the findings of the study supported the first hypothesisformulated for the study, which states that learners who exhibit good language learner behaviors will be more successful in theend than those learners who do not exhibit good language learner behaviors.
It is difficult for EFL learners to improve their speaking skills. Thus, In addition to tradition... more It is difficult for EFL learners to improve their speaking skills. Thus, In addition to traditional speaking activities used in English language teaching, creating learner podcasts can be integrated into EFL classroom as a new instructional tool to improve students’ speaking skills. Therefore, this paper investigates students’ attitudes towards using and creating learner podcasts to develop their English speaking skills. The study was conducted with 56 EFL students studying in the Preparatory School at Hacettepe University. The students were at three different proficiency levels: B1, B1+ and B2.During the six-week study, after the students were introduced what a podcast is and how to create learner podcasts, they created five different podcasts and published them to the class podcast page. During this process, the learner podcasts were created individually and in pairs. After students created their podcasts in pairs, they were asked to listen to another podcast created by another pa...
Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, Jul 1, 2013
Bu calismanin amaci ogretim elemanlari arasinda hangi yikici davranislarin son derece problemli o... more Bu calismanin amaci ogretim elemanlari arasinda hangi yikici davranislarin son derece problemli olarak goruldugunu ve bu davranislara karsi tepkilerini ortaya koymaktir. Calismada 126 ogretim elemaninin iki farkli anket yoluyla toplanan gorusleri yer almaktadir. Ilk anket yikici davranislarin siralamasini amaclarken, ikinci anket bu davranislara karsi tepkileri ortaya koymayi amaclamistir. Arastirmaci tarafindan a)Bahsedilen davranislarin tumunun katilimcilar tarafindan yikici olarak goruldugu, b) Ogretim elemanlarinin tepkilerinin deneyim, cinsiyet ve haftalik ders yukune gore farklilastigi c) Ingilizce ogretim programlarinda yeni vizyonlara ihtiyac duyuldugu sonuclarina ulasilmistir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Yikici davranislar, Ingiliz dili egitimi, ogretim elemani, gorusler. The purpose of this study is to find out which disruptive behaviors are regarded highly problematic among instructors and to reveal their reactions towards them. The study included opinions of 126 instructors through two different surveys. While first survey aimed to construct a rank order of disruptive behaviors, second survey sought to reveal reactions on these behaviors. The researcher found a) that all of the given behaviors are seen as disruptive by the participants b) Reactions of instructors vary in accordance with their experience, gender and weekly course load c) New visions to ELT programs are required in terms of pedagogy Key Words: Disruptive behaviors, ELT, instructors, opinions
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2018
Language and Teaching Department. His interest areas are L2 teacher education and pedagogical con... more Language and Teaching Department. His interest areas are L2 teacher education and pedagogical content knowledge. Copyright by Informascope. Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of IOJET.
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, Jun 1, 2011
In this article the researcher has examined the current situation in test (a) construction: desig... more In this article the researcher has examined the current situation in test (a) construction: designing, structuring, developing, (b) administering, and (c) assessing the foreign language tests to see if we are still at the same point (traditional) and has given some suggestions on this indispensable issue. To collect the necessary data the 4 th year students doing their practicum studies at a state high school in Ankara under the supervision of the researcher are asked to collect one sample of each test (written or oral form) their mentors have been using to assess their foreign language students. The common characteristics of the test samples are scrutinized in terms of validity and reliability, language skills and areas including spelling, contextualization, time, typing, students' foreign language level (simple or complex structures), instructions, and backwash effect. Relying on the findings of the study some recommendations have been made for foreign language teachers.
International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Sep 7, 2020
The present study was undertaken in order to analyze two elementary school coursebooks in terms o... more The present study was undertaken in order to analyze two elementary school coursebooks in terms of their intercultural content. The analysis was based upon Yuen's (2011) framework, which comprises of products, practices, perspectives, and persons. The category of products involves tangible products such as books or paintings as well as abstract products, such as oral tales or traditional dances. Based on this framework, it is possible to categorize food, entertainment, tools, dwellings, clothing, laws, education, religions, or travel as products. The category of practices encompasses the behavioral patterns of a particular society such as customs and information about daily life, forms of address, use of personal space, and rituals. The third category, perspectives, is related to the underlying beliefs and values, inspirations, myths, superstitions, and world views of a given society. Finally, the category of persons includes famous individuals and fictitious or unknown people from a particular society. The present study aims at analyzing the cultural content in Turkish high school coursebooks, namely Moonlight 7 and Moonlight 8, based on this framework. The rationale behind sticking to Yuen's model is that it allows cultural content to be analyzed in an explicit and understandable way.
Sustainability, May 18, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jan 27, 2013
Dil gelisiminin yapi taslari arasinda yeralan yazmak, sureci en mesakkatli olandir. Her ... more Dil gelisiminin yapi taslari arasinda yeralan yazmak, sureci en mesakkatli olandir. Her asamasi ayri dikkat gerektirir ve geribildirim verecek olanlar da ogretmenler oldugundan bu dikkat ozellikle onlardan beklenir. Ogretmenler ne kadar zaman ve caba harcarlarsa harcasinlar ogrencilerin ayni hatalari yapmayi surdureceklerini bildiklerinden ogrenci calismalarini degerlendirmek hep zevksiz bir is olmustur. Bu yuzden ogretmenler cabalarini degersiz gormekte ve hatta yazmayi ogretim programlarinin bir parcasi yapmaktan vagecmeyi bile dusunmektedirler. Şuphesiz bu mantikli bir karar olmayacaktir cunku bir “destek becerisi” olan yazma, dil ogrenme ve ogretmenin vazgecilmez bir ogesidir. Bunun sebebi ogrencilerin hedef dildeki yapi ve islevleri tekrar etmelerini saglamasidir. Bu sebeple ogretmenlerin ihtiyac duydugu sey vazgecmek degil, geneleksel tekniklerin zayifliklarini telafi eden, ogrencilerin seviyelerini gelistiren, onlari surecin bir parcasi yapan ve gelisemenin izini surebilen etkili bir teknik ve pratik bir sistem kullanmalaridir. Bu arastirmanin oncelikli sebebi “ogrenme icin yazmak” stratejisini desteklemek amaciyla ogrenci yazilarini degerlendirme araci olarak “Yazma defterlerinin” etkililigini vurgulamaktir. Bu calisma Ufuk Universitesi, Hazirlik Okulunda yapildi ve asagidaki sorular yanitlanmaya calisildi: mi? 1. Geleneksel degerlendirme tekniklerinin sonuclari nelerdir? 2.Degerlendirmeler ogrenmek icin yazmak stratejisini nasil etkiler? 3.Ogrenciler ne yazdiklarinin ve nasil yazdiklarinin kontrolunu kazanabilirler 4.Ogrenciler icin hangisi daha faydalidir – yazdiklarinin duzeltilmesi mi yoksa yazma defterinde Yazim Duzeltme Kodlamasini kullanarak hatalarini isaretlemek ve kendi yazilarini kendilerinin duzeltmelerini beklemek mi? Sonuclar gostermistir ki yazilari geleneksel yolla degerlendirmenin ogrencilerin dil ogrenimlerindeki ilerlemelerine bir faydasi yokken bir yazma defteri kulllanarak duzeltme asamasina dahil olduklarindan onlari kendi calismalari uzerinde tekrar dusundurmek genel dil yeterliliklerini gelistirmektedir. Anahtar sozcukler: Ogrenci yazilari, geri donut verme, yazma defterleri, geleneksel teknikler Among the building blocks of language development, writing is the one the process of which is known as the most gruelling. Every stage of it requires an individual attention notably from the teachers, since they are the ones who will give feedback to the students. Responding students’ works has always been a chore for them as they know that no matter how much time and effort they spend for checking and correcting the students will keep on making the same mistakes again and again. That’s why many teachers see their endeavour worthless and even think of desisting from making writing a part of their teaching programs. Without doubt, this will not be a rational decision because writing, as a support skill, is an indispensible element of language learning and teaching. The reason is that it enables students to practise the forms and functions in the target language. Therefore, what teachers need is not to give up but to use an effective technique and a practical system which complement the weaknesses of traditional techniques, improve the students’ language level, make the students become a part of the process and keep the track of the development. The primary purpose of this research was to focus on the effectiveness of “Writing notebooks” as tools for responding students’ writing to support the strategy of “writing-to-learn”. The study took place at Ufuk University, Preparatory School in Ankara and following research questions were tried to answer: 1.What are the outcomes of the traditional correction technique? 2.How do responds affect writing-to-learn strategy? 3.Can students gain control of what they write and how they write? 4.Which one is more beneficial for the students – getting their written work corrected or getting their mistakes indicated via Writing Correction Code in a writing notebook and being expected to edit their own writing? The results indicated that the traditional way of responding writings is not beneficial for learners’ progress in language learning, whereas, making students rethink over their own works improve their general language proficiency as they become involved in the editing stage by using a writing notebook. Keywords: students’ writings, giving feedback, writing notebooks, traditional techniques
Materials have a fundamental role in learning a language. Text books are the key participants of ... more Materials have a fundamental role in learning a language. Text books are the key participants of the materials in language instructions. In recent years many language professionals have supported language learners with a choice in their own learning process. That is, students would choose the topics according to their needs and interests. In developing reading skills in a foreign language, degree of interest is taken as an important factor in raising motivation. This study aims to report on the preferences of Turkish ELT (English Language Teaching) students and teachers in text book topics and to raise awareness of the language teachers about the motivating aspects of topic selection in the language classroom.
Advances in religious and cultural studies (ARCS) book series, Jun 24, 2022
Multilingualism, defined as the ability of speaking two or more languages, is a phenomenon gainin... more Multilingualism, defined as the ability of speaking two or more languages, is a phenomenon gaining importance each passing day. Accordingly, there is a growing interest in how multilingual individuals make use of their linguistic repertoires in the language learning process. This chapter aims to explore the crosslinguistic interaction of multilingual English language learners living in Mardin in their writing tasks and thinking processes. The results yielded that bi/multilingual individuals actively use their previously learned languages flexibly. There was also evidence translanguaging across all languages with the dominance role of Turkish. The findings propose that proficiency of learners in their L1 and L2 should not be underestimated in evaluating proficiency in L3 as multilingual individuals use different resources of different languages all together for effective communication, and there are no ‘boundaries' across their languages as proposed by Canagarajah.
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 2021
Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without written permission o... more Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without written permission of IOJET.
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Oct 21, 2016
This research intends to exemplify one of the new practices that can be used for the assessment o... more This research intends to exemplify one of the new practices that can be used for the assessment of prospective English language teachers' qualifications. Thus, the scope of this research covers the prospective EFL teachers and the implementation of European Profiling Grid (EPG) aimed to be commonly used for language teacher education in Europe. This research is based on a mixed-type research design focusing on both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Thus, it refers to descriptive and experimental research designs. For this purpose, the participants of the study were chosen among the prospective EFL teachers (N=38), their mentors (N=12), course supervisors (N=3), and course registration supervisors (N=3). Totally the research includes 56 participants who reflect the prospective teachers' teaching qualifications in terms of an adapted 7 point likerttype form of EPG. In data analysis process, a series of one-sample T tests, Kruskal Wallis H test for independent samples, one-way ANOVA statistics were applied to the data. The results of the study reveal that EPG has significant effects on prospective EFL teachers in that it can be proposed to use commonly in English language teacher education instead of the Council of Higher Education's assessment form for prospective teacher education.
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Apr 25, 2016
This study aims to scrutinize the possible relationship between academic self-efficacy beliefs an... more This study aims to scrutinize the possible relationship between academic self-efficacy beliefs and foreign language achievement among prospective ELT teachers. To do so, the data for the study were collected through a questionnaire, College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale adapted from Owen & Froman (1988), consisting of 33 items measuring male and female ELT students' Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs as a whole. The scale is a 5point Likert scale ranging from 'very little' (1) 'quite a lot' (5). The reliability was found r= .827. In this study it has been observed that there is statistically a significant relationship between academic self-efficacy beliefs and prospective ELT teachers' achievement among male and female groups.