showtell (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Sep. 3rd, 2005|02:13 pm]Crafty Show and Tell
I finally started doing some beadweaving a month or so ago, and I finished this spiral-stitch lariat recently. I am way too proud of it, so I have to brag. ;) Please click on it to see it close up.( Another photo of the necklace, and some other goodies...Collapse )(x-posted to some relevant communities)
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(no subject) [Jan. 17th, 2005|09:23 pm]Crafty Show and Tell
[mood |accomplished]I made my very first pair of chandelier earrings:What d'ya think?
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(no subject) [Jan. 14th, 2005|05:59 pm]Crafty Show and Tell
Hey all. I am new here and figured I'd post a few things I have made...( Enjoy.Collapse )
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(no subject) [May. 31st, 2004|08:12 pm]Crafty Show and Tell
I finally made some chandelier earrings! I'm entitled to stray from my usual medium, polymer clay, every once in a while. ;) ( Click to seeCollapse )
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(no subject) [Feb. 15th, 2004|03:20 pm]Crafty Show and Tell
Hi kiddies!I'm your friendly neighborhood moderator with a reminder: This community is not for selling things.Please include an explantaion of how you made your crafty item, along with the pics. If you want to link to your website and you offer things for sale there, fine, but I don't want to hear about it here. Further posts pushing items for sale will be deleted.
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(no subject) [Feb. 10th, 2004|03:24 pm]Crafty Show and Tell
I was shopping the other day and, inspired by all the black-and-white looks that are in style now, I made some jewelry to match--pendants and barrettes, so far...(x-posted 'cause I wanna show off) ;)( Click here to see...Collapse )
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I made holiday jewelry :) [Dec. 14th, 2003|10:20 pm]Crafty Show and Tell
Please check it out in my journal (I have the pics separated out in 4 different posts since there are quite a few of them). I had a lot of fun making the Chanukah/Jewish jewelry and am thinking about making lots more of it and making a whole section of my web site just for Judaica. The stars of David are really fun and relatively easy to make. I'd really like to try to make hamsas (the upside-down hand symbols), and maybe at some point try to make a mezuzah as well...I'll have to see how far I can take this. :)Anyone else make Judaica of some sort?(x-posted)
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