Adler Yang | Shure University (original) (raw)
Adler Yang has committed his life since adolescence to addressing systemic challenges and to increasing mutual understanding and empathy in society through cooperative, educative, and peaceful initiatives.
He is the Founding Director of the Awakening Cooperative Lab, a think-and-do tank that aims to research/design for, and actualize regenerative and harmonious societies with compassion and critical, complex systems awareness. Based on longitudinal studies and workshops involving thousands of participants, the Lab researched and developed theories and methodologies for understanding wicked problems and transforming competition for scarce resources into the regeneration of support through prosocial reciprocity, and has successfully supported multiple marginalized youths to become award-winning (e.g,, the Taiwan Presidential Education Award and the Beijing Education Innovation Award), impactful, and compassionate leaders of their generation. The Lab also partnered with Taiwan's major media outlets, such as the National Education Radio, to share critical issues & stories (e.g., an interview with the late Sir Ken Robinson) with the public.
Bringing his expertise from Awakening, he also serves as an R&D Fellow at ZA Share, one of the world’s most popular educational alternative, experimentation, and innovation platform with >30~60k annual participants, to develop educational programs and policy proposals for fostering progressive and equitable education ecosystems.
If There is a Reason to Study, a documentary film that took him 7 years to direct and produce since he was 14 years old, won awards internationally, influenced education movements in Taiwan, and was lauded as the “Epitome of 2016 Taiwanese Movies” and the “Most important film on Taiwanese education.”
His other experiences include but are not limited to the Curator of the National Development Council's Taiwan International Education Summit, consultant for EDiversity in Hong Kong, Board Member of the Japan Society of Synthetic Anthropology, Taiwan Representative of the Alternative Education Resource Organization in New York, and the Lead Coordinator & Researcher for the Taiwan branch of Konrad Adenauer Sharing Political and Civic Engagements Spaces. He guest-mentored/lectured at the Taiwan National Chung Kung University Education Program and the Hong Kong Ednovator Teacher Fellowship. His talk at TEDxTaipei was named one of the “10 Most Important Taiwanese TEDx Talks in 2014,” and speaks at education/social change events globally. He was named to The News Lens 2015 “30 under 30” list.
Supervisors: Kageki Asakura and Chienkuo Mi
Papers by Adler Yang
総合人間学研究 Synthetic Anthropology, Jun 2021
本研究の目的は、人間はどのようなメカニズムに駆り立てられて、有害な構造に囚われてしまうのかを堀り下げることである。例えば、自然環境を破壊したくないにもかかわらず確実に自然破壊に加担してしまってい... more 本研究の目的は、人間はどのようなメカニズムに駆り立てられて、有害な構造に囚われてしまうのかを堀り下げることである。例えば、自然環境を破壊したくないにもかかわらず確実に自然破壊に加担してしまっているようなことである。
Books by Adler Yang
近代的「知」のあり方を問い直す ──授けられる「科学」/「学習」時代に、「学び」はどう対峙する?, 2024
なぜ近代知は様々な支配性、すなわち色々な物事を抹消し犠牲にするほどの力を持っているのか? 近代知の支配性を超克する可能性はあるのか? その超克のためには、どのような課題に対峙しなければならないの... more なぜ近代知は様々な支配性、すなわち色々な物事を抹消し犠牲にするほどの力を持っているのか? 近代知の支配性を超克する可能性はあるのか? その超克のためには、どのような課題に対峙しなければならないのか?本稿は、まず 「近代知」 の特殊性について、近代知までの知(とその力)の系譜、そして近代知支配の外部・物質と内部・文化的な要因の視点から掘り下げて考察をおこなう。それを踏まえて、総合人間学会第18回大会シンポジウムで報告された近代知の支配性に対峙するアプローチを簡単に述べる。さらにその後に、知(文化体系)を変革するための地平として、四つの象限(マトリックス)の類型化とそれらと社会・教育変革の各アプローチとの相互作用に関する考察をおこない、展望について論じていく。 全書紹介: Amazonで購入:
Education for Sustainable Development in Asia and Europe, 2022
Konrad Adenauer Sharing Political and Civic Engagements Spaces (KASpaces): Accelerating Progress and Equity in Education, Feb 2022
夢想高教新視界: 實驗高教的國際視野, Jun 2022
Conference Presentations by Adler Yang
第46回日本唯物論研究協会研究大会(46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for the Study of Materialism, Shiga, Japan), 2023
社会の変革を試みる際、我々は直接的に関連する制度の改革を目指すことが多い。しかし、関連する政策を変更しても、真に問題は解決されるのか。本発表では、台湾の教育改革におけるレジスタンスを事例に、制度... more 社会の変革を試みる際、我々は直接的に関連する制度の改革を目指すことが多い。しかし、関連する政策を変更しても、真に問題は解決されるのか。本発表では、台湾の教育改革におけるレジスタンスを事例に、制度改革が難しく抱える社会問題の自己組織性を探求する。
International Association for Critical Realism Conference, 2023
As a part of long-term research to investigate and uncover underlying common mechanisms perpetuat... more As a part of long-term research to investigate and uncover underlying common mechanisms perpetuating humanity's wicked problems, this paper aims to present how my study -- which uses the persistent "diplomaism" in Taiwan as an example -- led to the discovery of a structure that I call "Allocation Dependence." Ethnographic data of alternative school students from childhood to adulthood at the micro level, and news stories and social surveys after education reforms at the macro level, serve as natural experiments that test the existing theories that attribute the educational race to parental, teacher, and policy factors. They show that diplomaism persists even when addressing these widely perceived factors. After eliminating alternative theories, my retroduction discovered a common dependence on allocated resources. Thereby I define Allocation Dependence as the structure in which agents perceive their dependence on allocated resources, assimilate/trim off their qualities to fit the allocation measures, and expect to exchange for the allocated resources based on their fitness to such measures. The task of future papers will be to elaborate on how its causal powers and generative mechanisms contribute to reproducing wicked problems such as inequality, alienation, waste, and fragility.
総合人間学会第17回研究大会17th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Synthetic Anthropology, 2023
総合人間学会第17回大会シンポ〈近代的「知」のあり方を問い直す〉へのコメント。知・文化的に「普遍妥当性」、社会・政治的に「制度・専門家に対する依存」、教育的に「銀行型教育」を通じて、近代的知は文... more 総合人間学会第17回大会シンポ〈近代的「知」のあり方を問い直す〉へのコメント。知・文化的に「普遍妥当性」、社会・政治的に「制度・専門家に対する依存」、教育的に「銀行型教育」を通じて、近代的知は文化や知、人格における主体性を迫っていることを解明。さらに、知・文化、社会・政治、教育の側面における主体性を取り戻す可能性とそれぞれの課題をマトリックスで提起。
中哲自研會春季論壇:中國的科學哲學, 2023
此講題的與談主講人楊逸帆,曾是紀錄片導演,目前就讀於東吳大學哲研所碩士班,同時也是日本綜合人間學會理事,為該學會最年輕的理事成員,目前致力於日、台青年學者的跨領域學術交流。其研究關注於利用歐陸反... more 此講題的與談主講人楊逸帆,曾是紀錄片導演,目前就讀於東吳大學哲研所碩士班,同時也是日本綜合人間學會理事,為該學會最年輕的理事成員,目前致力於日、台青年學者的跨領域學術交流。其研究關注於利用歐陸反啟蒙工具理性的相關理論來重建中國科學的哲學基礎。 此次論壇當中,逸帆同學將分析解決「現代科學」問題的三條進路之成敗,並透過中國哲學資源反省今日對「科學」的主流標準。在這過程之中,他將檢討胡適、馮友蘭、牟宗三對於「中國沒有科學」的看法,並說明中國哲學的資源,如何讓現代科學獲得進一步的演變。
臺灣大學「方法論與中國哲學」青年學者工作坊, 2022
備註:本次發表分別有「簡報」與「論文」兩個檔案可供參考。 摘要:當代科學經過科哲領域Kuhn、Lakatos、Feyerabend與社哲領域Horkheimer、Adorno、Foucault等... more 備註:本次發表分別有「簡報」與「論文」兩個檔案可供參考。 摘要:當代科學經過科哲領域Kuhn、Lakatos、Feyerabend與社哲領域Horkheimer、Adorno、Foucault等人洗禮,雖已將邏輯實證主義請下神壇,人類/西方中心主義、化約主義、機械式世界觀等性格缺陷卻仍揮之不去,無力面對甚至加深環境浩劫、科技宰制等人類存亡危機。與此同時,明明面對存亡危機,更需深化對危機的認識、強化人與人的團結,實際上我們卻同溫層日益壁壘分明、彼此感受與信念日益不可共量,深陷互控「假訊息」「偽科學」的「後真相」泥淖。可靠的知識是面對危機的必要條件,當代科學作為危機共犯以及異溫層信念體系不可共量的實然卻讓此條件難以達成。因此,我們必須接續反省並重構科學的工程。
第16回総合人間学会研究大会, 2022
昨年(2021)の『総合人間学研究』に掲載された拙稿で、高校入試に遭った台湾のオルタナティブ学校生徒の反実(counterfactual)ケーススタディを通じ、私は〈配分依存〉という生成メカニズ... more 昨年(2021)の『総合人間学研究』に掲載された拙稿で、高校入試に遭った台湾のオルタナティブ学校生徒の反実(counterfactual)ケーススタディを通じ、私は〈配分依存〉という生成メカニズムを提出した。先行研究による社会構造的要因「(進学への)参加規模✕選抜度」と文化的要因「進学主義」がケースの選定で既にコントロールされていても、オルタナティブ学校の生徒も自ら過酷な進学競争と受験勉強へ向かっていた原因とは、生徒が進学入試の結果に準じて配分される教育・進路に関わる資源に依存しているからである。配分される資源とそのプロセスに依存する、即ち、〈配分依存〉という生成メカニズムに駆り立てられるため、生徒は自分を配分の〈枠〉へ当て嵌めさせ、資源を得られるような行為をしたり性質を身に着けたり〈枠〉へ〈同化〉し、資源配分プロセスで得をすることにならない行為をやめたり性質を捨てたり〈枠〉に準じて〈刈込〉をする。次第に、〈同化〉と〈刈込〉が生徒の全人・多様・均衡的発達を破壊するだけでなく、学ぶこと自体の内面的価値も行為の〈通貨化〉に伴い喪失せられ、配分プロセスに依存しないエージェンシーも奪われる。
〈配分依存〉を(複雑適応系の意味での)エージェントの行動ルールとして理解すると、以下の一次的影響(primary effects)が浮かび上がる。エージェントを配分の〈枠〉へ当てはめさせるため、〈同化〉と〈刈込〉が生じ、行為・性質の内面的価値よりもその「資源兌換力」を求めるため、行為とエージェント自身が〈通貨化〉し、それぞれエージェントの性質を〈枠〉で評価されると、エージェントの〈枠〉に対する合致度の不均等が現れ、資源取得への配慮が配分プロセスに限定させられるため、エージェントの自然資源循環からの間接化も見られる。従って、「コントロールと物神化」「病理と疎外」「浪費と汚染」「格差」「資源枯渇」と「脆弱化」など普遍的文明問題もその副次的影響(secondary effects)としてもたらされる。そのことから、私は〈配分依存〉というエージェントの行動ルールが如何にいくつの普遍的文明問題を創発させているのかを明らかにし、「個体のあり方(落ちる一葉)を見ることで社会様式の形成(天下の秋)を知る」総合人間学の可能性を提起してみたい。
Konrad Adenauer Sharing Political and Civic Engagements Spaces (KASpaces) Regional Roundtable on Accelerating Progress and Equity in Education, 2021
2021 International Association of Critical Realism Conference, Sep 22, 2021
Given that wicked problems emerge from the complex patterns of agents' relationships/interactions... more Given that wicked problems emerge from the complex patterns of agents' relationships/interactions with the world, and education serves as a process of alternating or reproducing such patterns, I reason that the failure of education to alternate/reproduce wicked patterns as intended can be used to retroduce generative mechanisms that work against it.
This research took a critical (auto)ethnographic approach for seven years to explore what patterns are alternated/reproduced before, during, and after my schoolmates and I at a learner-centered alternative school in Taiwan faced the hyper-competitive standardized high school entrance exam. Despite the anti-exam-driven learning culture of the parents and the school, and the lack of requisite/pressure to take the exam by neither parties, my classmates and I still compelled ourselves to narrowed and unhealthy study behaviors (commonly attributed to parenting or schooling) we did not agree with, at the cost of our talents, passions, and other important aspects of holistic growth.
Through a comparative study of school admission policies (including the reforms thereof), I reroduce that while students exhibit different behaviors, they are still driven by a mechanism I call Allocation Dependence: As long as agents' survival is dependent on the resources allocated by institutions, agents inevitably assimilate their qualities or trim off their unfit qualities to fit in the measures (criteria, rules, etc.) for such allocation, to secure the exchange for the allocated resources of greater quality/quantity.
My analysis shows the gap between agents' qualities and the allocation measure, and the drive to assimilate and trim off to fit into it entails characteristics/effects including but not limited to deformity, alienation, waste, pollution, disparity, exhaustion, and fragility. Using abduction, I find manifestations of Allocation Dependence in other fields such as international relations and domestication of animals, and will continue to study its explanatory power of other wicked problems.
総合人間学会第15回研究大会 (The 15th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Synthetic Anthropology), Jun 20, 2021
「基準中心」「競争的な学び」から「学習者中心」「協同的な学び」へ転向する際、よく使われる切り口は「教育方法」や「学び方」の変更である。しかし、教育資源の分配体系に依存する限り、分配基準に向けた競... more 「基準中心」「競争的な学び」から「学習者中心」「協同的な学び」へ転向する際、よく使われる切り口は「教育方法」や「学び方」の変更である。しかし、教育資源の分配体系に依存する限り、分配基準に向けた競争、分配基準への同化、それに伴って生じる格差は続かざる終えない。それ故、資源分配体系とそれへの依存を検討しなければ成らない。 この研究は、筆者が取り組んできたソーシャル・インノーべションを学術化するの試みである。インフォーマント達は、他者への関心や善意に基づく貢献によって、有形・無形の資源をその「返礼」として受け取り、自分の能動性を握り始めた。このような学びを、筆者はラーニング・バイ・ケアリング(Learning by Caring)と名付け、持続可能的な共生社会と同調的な教育パラダイムの原型となることを期待している。
Taiwan International Education Summit, 2020
Taiwan International Education Summit, 2020
中小學實驗教育的延伸與完成:另類高教的國際視野與在地設計國際學術研討會, 2020
The alternative higher education movement in Korea emerged in the 2000s despite the lack of legal... more The alternative higher education movement in Korea emerged in the 2000s despite the lack of legal basis, and at least five alternative universities have been established since then. What social context drove the civilian initiative to develop alternative higher education in Korea? How does the social context shape the character and practice of alternative higher education in Korea? This study visited three universities in Korea; namely, the Knowledge Circulation Cooperative University (지식순환협동조합대안대학, KCCU), Busan Om Peum To (부산옴배움터), and Samil Haklim (삼일학림), to observe the operation of their programs and activities and the interaction between students and faculty for more than one day and interviewed the students and faculty of these three universities as well as their affiliates in their communities (e.g., affiliated cooperatives, eco-villages). In addition, this study interviewed Tae-Wook Ha, the founder of a defunct alternative university, Glocal Youth Multiversity (지구마을청년대학), and analyzed the presentations of the three alternative universities - KCCU, Busan Om Peum To, and Guemsan Youth Autonomous University - at the Guemsan Forum on Alternative Higher Education in Korea in November 2019, the Taiwan Conference on Reimagining Experimental Higher Education in January 2020, and the Taiwan International Education Summit in November 2020. Based on the above-mentioned field observations, interviews, and presentations, this study extends the visit to two leading alternative schools in K-12 education, Gandhi School (간디하교) and Sungmisan School (성미산학교), and analyzed the literature on the social context of Korean alternative education according to each school's own narratives and first-hand data above. This study finds that the alternative higher education movement in Korea is not only addressing the "direct causes" such as the physical, mental, and behavioral problems of the youth, but consider those problems to be closely related to the overall social problems in Korea such as high suicide rate, wealth gap, urban-rural gap, and environmental pollution, all of which reflect the "structural causes" of imperialist and capitalist domination. Therefore, alternative higher education initiatives in Korea coincidentally emphasizes the values of "mutual support," "democratic self-governance," and "environmental sustainability," which reveals the strong overtone of reconstructionism.
中小學實驗教育的延伸與完成:另類高教的國際視野與在地設計國際學術研討會, 2020
The alternative higher education movement in Korea emerged in the 2000s despite the lack of legal... more The alternative higher education movement in Korea emerged in the 2000s despite the lack of legal basis, and at least five alternative universities have been established since then. What social context drove the civilian initiative to develop alternative higher education in Korea? How does the social context shape the character and practice of alternative higher education in Korea? This study visited three universities in Korea; namely, the Knowledge Circulation Cooperative University (지식순환협동조합대안대학, KCCU), Busan Om Peum To (부산옴배움터), and Samil Haklim (삼일학림), to observe the operation of their programs and activities and the interaction between students and faculty for more than one day and interviewed the students and faculty of these three universities as well as their affiliates in their communities (e.g., affiliated cooperatives, eco-villages). In addition, this study interviewed Tae-Wook Ha, the founder of a defunct alternative university, Glocal Youth Multiversity (지구마을청년대학), and analyzed the presentations of the three alternative universities - KCCU, Busan Om Peum To, and Guemsan Youth Autonomous University - at the Guemsan Forum on Alternative Higher Education in Korea in November 2019, the Taiwan Conference on Reimagining Experimental Higher Education in January 2020, and the Taiwan International Education Summit in November 2020. Based on the above-mentioned field observations, interviews, and presentations, this study extends the visit to two leading alternative schools in K-12 education, Gandhi School (간디하교) and Sungmisan School (성미산학교), and analyzed the literature on the social context of Korean alternative education according to each school's own narratives and first-hand data above. This study finds that the alternative higher education movement in Korea is not only addressing the "direct causes" such as the physical, mental, and behavioral problems of the youth, but consider those problems to be closely related to the overall social problems in Korea such as high suicide rate, wealth gap, urban-rural gap, and environmental pollution, all of which reflect the "structural causes" of imperialist and capitalist domination. Therefore, alternative higher education initiatives in Korea coincidentally emphasizes the values of "mutual support," "democratic self-governance," and "environmental sustainability," which reveals the strong overtone of reconstructionism.
総合人間学研究 Synthetic Anthropology, Jun 2021
本研究の目的は、人間はどのようなメカニズムに駆り立てられて、有害な構造に囚われてしまうのかを堀り下げることである。例えば、自然環境を破壊したくないにもかかわらず確実に自然破壊に加担してしまってい... more 本研究の目的は、人間はどのようなメカニズムに駆り立てられて、有害な構造に囚われてしまうのかを堀り下げることである。例えば、自然環境を破壊したくないにもかかわらず確実に自然破壊に加担してしまっているようなことである。
近代的「知」のあり方を問い直す ──授けられる「科学」/「学習」時代に、「学び」はどう対峙する?, 2024
なぜ近代知は様々な支配性、すなわち色々な物事を抹消し犠牲にするほどの力を持っているのか? 近代知の支配性を超克する可能性はあるのか? その超克のためには、どのような課題に対峙しなければならないの... more なぜ近代知は様々な支配性、すなわち色々な物事を抹消し犠牲にするほどの力を持っているのか? 近代知の支配性を超克する可能性はあるのか? その超克のためには、どのような課題に対峙しなければならないのか?本稿は、まず 「近代知」 の特殊性について、近代知までの知(とその力)の系譜、そして近代知支配の外部・物質と内部・文化的な要因の視点から掘り下げて考察をおこなう。それを踏まえて、総合人間学会第18回大会シンポジウムで報告された近代知の支配性に対峙するアプローチを簡単に述べる。さらにその後に、知(文化体系)を変革するための地平として、四つの象限(マトリックス)の類型化とそれらと社会・教育変革の各アプローチとの相互作用に関する考察をおこない、展望について論じていく。 全書紹介: Amazonで購入:
Education for Sustainable Development in Asia and Europe, 2022
Konrad Adenauer Sharing Political and Civic Engagements Spaces (KASpaces): Accelerating Progress and Equity in Education, Feb 2022
夢想高教新視界: 實驗高教的國際視野, Jun 2022
第46回日本唯物論研究協会研究大会(46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for the Study of Materialism, Shiga, Japan), 2023
社会の変革を試みる際、我々は直接的に関連する制度の改革を目指すことが多い。しかし、関連する政策を変更しても、真に問題は解決されるのか。本発表では、台湾の教育改革におけるレジスタンスを事例に、制度... more 社会の変革を試みる際、我々は直接的に関連する制度の改革を目指すことが多い。しかし、関連する政策を変更しても、真に問題は解決されるのか。本発表では、台湾の教育改革におけるレジスタンスを事例に、制度改革が難しく抱える社会問題の自己組織性を探求する。
International Association for Critical Realism Conference, 2023
As a part of long-term research to investigate and uncover underlying common mechanisms perpetuat... more As a part of long-term research to investigate and uncover underlying common mechanisms perpetuating humanity's wicked problems, this paper aims to present how my study -- which uses the persistent "diplomaism" in Taiwan as an example -- led to the discovery of a structure that I call "Allocation Dependence." Ethnographic data of alternative school students from childhood to adulthood at the micro level, and news stories and social surveys after education reforms at the macro level, serve as natural experiments that test the existing theories that attribute the educational race to parental, teacher, and policy factors. They show that diplomaism persists even when addressing these widely perceived factors. After eliminating alternative theories, my retroduction discovered a common dependence on allocated resources. Thereby I define Allocation Dependence as the structure in which agents perceive their dependence on allocated resources, assimilate/trim off their qualities to fit the allocation measures, and expect to exchange for the allocated resources based on their fitness to such measures. The task of future papers will be to elaborate on how its causal powers and generative mechanisms contribute to reproducing wicked problems such as inequality, alienation, waste, and fragility.
総合人間学会第17回研究大会17th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Synthetic Anthropology, 2023
総合人間学会第17回大会シンポ〈近代的「知」のあり方を問い直す〉へのコメント。知・文化的に「普遍妥当性」、社会・政治的に「制度・専門家に対する依存」、教育的に「銀行型教育」を通じて、近代的知は文... more 総合人間学会第17回大会シンポ〈近代的「知」のあり方を問い直す〉へのコメント。知・文化的に「普遍妥当性」、社会・政治的に「制度・専門家に対する依存」、教育的に「銀行型教育」を通じて、近代的知は文化や知、人格における主体性を迫っていることを解明。さらに、知・文化、社会・政治、教育の側面における主体性を取り戻す可能性とそれぞれの課題をマトリックスで提起。
中哲自研會春季論壇:中國的科學哲學, 2023
此講題的與談主講人楊逸帆,曾是紀錄片導演,目前就讀於東吳大學哲研所碩士班,同時也是日本綜合人間學會理事,為該學會最年輕的理事成員,目前致力於日、台青年學者的跨領域學術交流。其研究關注於利用歐陸反... more 此講題的與談主講人楊逸帆,曾是紀錄片導演,目前就讀於東吳大學哲研所碩士班,同時也是日本綜合人間學會理事,為該學會最年輕的理事成員,目前致力於日、台青年學者的跨領域學術交流。其研究關注於利用歐陸反啟蒙工具理性的相關理論來重建中國科學的哲學基礎。 此次論壇當中,逸帆同學將分析解決「現代科學」問題的三條進路之成敗,並透過中國哲學資源反省今日對「科學」的主流標準。在這過程之中,他將檢討胡適、馮友蘭、牟宗三對於「中國沒有科學」的看法,並說明中國哲學的資源,如何讓現代科學獲得進一步的演變。
臺灣大學「方法論與中國哲學」青年學者工作坊, 2022
備註:本次發表分別有「簡報」與「論文」兩個檔案可供參考。 摘要:當代科學經過科哲領域Kuhn、Lakatos、Feyerabend與社哲領域Horkheimer、Adorno、Foucault等... more 備註:本次發表分別有「簡報」與「論文」兩個檔案可供參考。 摘要:當代科學經過科哲領域Kuhn、Lakatos、Feyerabend與社哲領域Horkheimer、Adorno、Foucault等人洗禮,雖已將邏輯實證主義請下神壇,人類/西方中心主義、化約主義、機械式世界觀等性格缺陷卻仍揮之不去,無力面對甚至加深環境浩劫、科技宰制等人類存亡危機。與此同時,明明面對存亡危機,更需深化對危機的認識、強化人與人的團結,實際上我們卻同溫層日益壁壘分明、彼此感受與信念日益不可共量,深陷互控「假訊息」「偽科學」的「後真相」泥淖。可靠的知識是面對危機的必要條件,當代科學作為危機共犯以及異溫層信念體系不可共量的實然卻讓此條件難以達成。因此,我們必須接續反省並重構科學的工程。
第16回総合人間学会研究大会, 2022
昨年(2021)の『総合人間学研究』に掲載された拙稿で、高校入試に遭った台湾のオルタナティブ学校生徒の反実(counterfactual)ケーススタディを通じ、私は〈配分依存〉という生成メカニズ... more 昨年(2021)の『総合人間学研究』に掲載された拙稿で、高校入試に遭った台湾のオルタナティブ学校生徒の反実(counterfactual)ケーススタディを通じ、私は〈配分依存〉という生成メカニズムを提出した。先行研究による社会構造的要因「(進学への)参加規模✕選抜度」と文化的要因「進学主義」がケースの選定で既にコントロールされていても、オルタナティブ学校の生徒も自ら過酷な進学競争と受験勉強へ向かっていた原因とは、生徒が進学入試の結果に準じて配分される教育・進路に関わる資源に依存しているからである。配分される資源とそのプロセスに依存する、即ち、〈配分依存〉という生成メカニズムに駆り立てられるため、生徒は自分を配分の〈枠〉へ当て嵌めさせ、資源を得られるような行為をしたり性質を身に着けたり〈枠〉へ〈同化〉し、資源配分プロセスで得をすることにならない行為をやめたり性質を捨てたり〈枠〉に準じて〈刈込〉をする。次第に、〈同化〉と〈刈込〉が生徒の全人・多様・均衡的発達を破壊するだけでなく、学ぶこと自体の内面的価値も行為の〈通貨化〉に伴い喪失せられ、配分プロセスに依存しないエージェンシーも奪われる。
〈配分依存〉を(複雑適応系の意味での)エージェントの行動ルールとして理解すると、以下の一次的影響(primary effects)が浮かび上がる。エージェントを配分の〈枠〉へ当てはめさせるため、〈同化〉と〈刈込〉が生じ、行為・性質の内面的価値よりもその「資源兌換力」を求めるため、行為とエージェント自身が〈通貨化〉し、それぞれエージェントの性質を〈枠〉で評価されると、エージェントの〈枠〉に対する合致度の不均等が現れ、資源取得への配慮が配分プロセスに限定させられるため、エージェントの自然資源循環からの間接化も見られる。従って、「コントロールと物神化」「病理と疎外」「浪費と汚染」「格差」「資源枯渇」と「脆弱化」など普遍的文明問題もその副次的影響(secondary effects)としてもたらされる。そのことから、私は〈配分依存〉というエージェントの行動ルールが如何にいくつの普遍的文明問題を創発させているのかを明らかにし、「個体のあり方(落ちる一葉)を見ることで社会様式の形成(天下の秋)を知る」総合人間学の可能性を提起してみたい。
Konrad Adenauer Sharing Political and Civic Engagements Spaces (KASpaces) Regional Roundtable on Accelerating Progress and Equity in Education, 2021
2021 International Association of Critical Realism Conference, Sep 22, 2021
Given that wicked problems emerge from the complex patterns of agents' relationships/interactions... more Given that wicked problems emerge from the complex patterns of agents' relationships/interactions with the world, and education serves as a process of alternating or reproducing such patterns, I reason that the failure of education to alternate/reproduce wicked patterns as intended can be used to retroduce generative mechanisms that work against it.
This research took a critical (auto)ethnographic approach for seven years to explore what patterns are alternated/reproduced before, during, and after my schoolmates and I at a learner-centered alternative school in Taiwan faced the hyper-competitive standardized high school entrance exam. Despite the anti-exam-driven learning culture of the parents and the school, and the lack of requisite/pressure to take the exam by neither parties, my classmates and I still compelled ourselves to narrowed and unhealthy study behaviors (commonly attributed to parenting or schooling) we did not agree with, at the cost of our talents, passions, and other important aspects of holistic growth.
Through a comparative study of school admission policies (including the reforms thereof), I reroduce that while students exhibit different behaviors, they are still driven by a mechanism I call Allocation Dependence: As long as agents' survival is dependent on the resources allocated by institutions, agents inevitably assimilate their qualities or trim off their unfit qualities to fit in the measures (criteria, rules, etc.) for such allocation, to secure the exchange for the allocated resources of greater quality/quantity.
My analysis shows the gap between agents' qualities and the allocation measure, and the drive to assimilate and trim off to fit into it entails characteristics/effects including but not limited to deformity, alienation, waste, pollution, disparity, exhaustion, and fragility. Using abduction, I find manifestations of Allocation Dependence in other fields such as international relations and domestication of animals, and will continue to study its explanatory power of other wicked problems.
総合人間学会第15回研究大会 (The 15th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Synthetic Anthropology), Jun 20, 2021
「基準中心」「競争的な学び」から「学習者中心」「協同的な学び」へ転向する際、よく使われる切り口は「教育方法」や「学び方」の変更である。しかし、教育資源の分配体系に依存する限り、分配基準に向けた競... more 「基準中心」「競争的な学び」から「学習者中心」「協同的な学び」へ転向する際、よく使われる切り口は「教育方法」や「学び方」の変更である。しかし、教育資源の分配体系に依存する限り、分配基準に向けた競争、分配基準への同化、それに伴って生じる格差は続かざる終えない。それ故、資源分配体系とそれへの依存を検討しなければ成らない。 この研究は、筆者が取り組んできたソーシャル・インノーべションを学術化するの試みである。インフォーマント達は、他者への関心や善意に基づく貢献によって、有形・無形の資源をその「返礼」として受け取り、自分の能動性を握り始めた。このような学びを、筆者はラーニング・バイ・ケアリング(Learning by Caring)と名付け、持続可能的な共生社会と同調的な教育パラダイムの原型となることを期待している。
Taiwan International Education Summit, 2020
Taiwan International Education Summit, 2020
中小學實驗教育的延伸與完成:另類高教的國際視野與在地設計國際學術研討會, 2020
The alternative higher education movement in Korea emerged in the 2000s despite the lack of legal... more The alternative higher education movement in Korea emerged in the 2000s despite the lack of legal basis, and at least five alternative universities have been established since then. What social context drove the civilian initiative to develop alternative higher education in Korea? How does the social context shape the character and practice of alternative higher education in Korea? This study visited three universities in Korea; namely, the Knowledge Circulation Cooperative University (지식순환협동조합대안대학, KCCU), Busan Om Peum To (부산옴배움터), and Samil Haklim (삼일학림), to observe the operation of their programs and activities and the interaction between students and faculty for more than one day and interviewed the students and faculty of these three universities as well as their affiliates in their communities (e.g., affiliated cooperatives, eco-villages). In addition, this study interviewed Tae-Wook Ha, the founder of a defunct alternative university, Glocal Youth Multiversity (지구마을청년대학), and analyzed the presentations of the three alternative universities - KCCU, Busan Om Peum To, and Guemsan Youth Autonomous University - at the Guemsan Forum on Alternative Higher Education in Korea in November 2019, the Taiwan Conference on Reimagining Experimental Higher Education in January 2020, and the Taiwan International Education Summit in November 2020. Based on the above-mentioned field observations, interviews, and presentations, this study extends the visit to two leading alternative schools in K-12 education, Gandhi School (간디하교) and Sungmisan School (성미산학교), and analyzed the literature on the social context of Korean alternative education according to each school's own narratives and first-hand data above. This study finds that the alternative higher education movement in Korea is not only addressing the "direct causes" such as the physical, mental, and behavioral problems of the youth, but consider those problems to be closely related to the overall social problems in Korea such as high suicide rate, wealth gap, urban-rural gap, and environmental pollution, all of which reflect the "structural causes" of imperialist and capitalist domination. Therefore, alternative higher education initiatives in Korea coincidentally emphasizes the values of "mutual support," "democratic self-governance," and "environmental sustainability," which reveals the strong overtone of reconstructionism.
中小學實驗教育的延伸與完成:另類高教的國際視野與在地設計國際學術研討會, 2020
The alternative higher education movement in Korea emerged in the 2000s despite the lack of legal... more The alternative higher education movement in Korea emerged in the 2000s despite the lack of legal basis, and at least five alternative universities have been established since then. What social context drove the civilian initiative to develop alternative higher education in Korea? How does the social context shape the character and practice of alternative higher education in Korea? This study visited three universities in Korea; namely, the Knowledge Circulation Cooperative University (지식순환협동조합대안대학, KCCU), Busan Om Peum To (부산옴배움터), and Samil Haklim (삼일학림), to observe the operation of their programs and activities and the interaction between students and faculty for more than one day and interviewed the students and faculty of these three universities as well as their affiliates in their communities (e.g., affiliated cooperatives, eco-villages). In addition, this study interviewed Tae-Wook Ha, the founder of a defunct alternative university, Glocal Youth Multiversity (지구마을청년대학), and analyzed the presentations of the three alternative universities - KCCU, Busan Om Peum To, and Guemsan Youth Autonomous University - at the Guemsan Forum on Alternative Higher Education in Korea in November 2019, the Taiwan Conference on Reimagining Experimental Higher Education in January 2020, and the Taiwan International Education Summit in November 2020. Based on the above-mentioned field observations, interviews, and presentations, this study extends the visit to two leading alternative schools in K-12 education, Gandhi School (간디하교) and Sungmisan School (성미산학교), and analyzed the literature on the social context of Korean alternative education according to each school's own narratives and first-hand data above. This study finds that the alternative higher education movement in Korea is not only addressing the "direct causes" such as the physical, mental, and behavioral problems of the youth, but consider those problems to be closely related to the overall social problems in Korea such as high suicide rate, wealth gap, urban-rural gap, and environmental pollution, all of which reflect the "structural causes" of imperialist and capitalist domination. Therefore, alternative higher education initiatives in Korea coincidentally emphasizes the values of "mutual support," "democratic self-governance," and "environmental sustainability," which reveals the strong overtone of reconstructionism.
2012 Taiwan International Social Entrepreneurship Forum, 2012
2020 均優學習論壇 Quality Learning Forum, 2020
総合人間学会大会, 2020
「基準中心」「競争的な学び」から「学習者中心」「協同的な学び」へ転向する際,よく使われる切り口は「教育方法」や「学び方」の変更である.しかし,教育資源の分配体系に依存する限り,分配基準に向けた競... more 「基準中心」「競争的な学び」から「学習者中心」「協同的な学び」へ転向する際,よく使われる切り口は「教育方法」や「学び方」の変更である.しかし,教育資源の分配体系に依存する限り,分配基準に向けた競争,分配基準への同化,それに伴って生じる格差は続かざる終えない.それ故,資源分配体系とそれへの依存を検討しなければ成らない.
この研究は,筆者が取り組んできたソーシャル・インノーべションを学術化するの試みである.インフォーマント達は,他者への関心や善意に基づく貢献によって,有形・無形の資源をその「返礼」として受け取り,自分の能動性を握り始めた。このような学びを,筆者はラーニング・バイ・コントリビューティング(Learning by Contributing)と名付け,持続可能的な共生社会と同調的な教育パラダイムの原型となることを期待している.
Reimagining Education Conference 3.0, 2023
An overview of the legalization movement of experimental higher education in Taiwan and its chall... more An overview of the legalization movement of experimental higher education in Taiwan and its challenges.
2022新課綱實施與教育協作論壇, Dec 3, 2022
Watch the talk on YouTube:
國家發展委員會「前草實驗大學x地方創生x育才扶產工作坊」, 2021
Taiwan International Education Summit, 2020
Isha Vidyha Faculty and Staff Training, 2020
International Democratic Education Conference, Nov 4, 2020
We know that communicating with the public about alternative/democratic education is hard. But we... more We know that communicating with the public about alternative/democratic education is hard. But we also want to show you: It's possible!
Since 2015, Asia’s biggest alternative education campaign — ZA Share — has engaged >1.5k change agents, >200k participants, >120m traffic in this movement. Along with this movement, "Non-Schoolers" in Taiwan also 7-folded in 7 years.
Want to know "How were these possible?" Join us to explore our journey, and co-imagine how might we transform this huge community into an ecosystem for education change.
Asian Network for Youth Social Entrepreneurs Forum, 2017
総合人間学 Journal of Synthetic Anthropology, Jun 2024
持続可能性や社会的課題に取り組む大学は増えつつあるが、高等教育そのものの在り方と前提に潜む社会問題の再生産構造はまだ十分な注意が払われていない。本稿は、日本および韓国の三つのオルタナティブ大学を... more 持続可能性や社会的課題に取り組む大学は増えつつあるが、高等教育そのものの在り方と前提に潜む社会問題の再生産構造はまだ十分な注意が払われていない。本稿は、日本および韓国の三つのオルタナティブ大学を事例として取り上げ、それぞれの再生産メカニズムとそれに対処するための直接的な役割を議論する。最後に、オルタナティブ大学を主流の研究開発部門として位置づける可能性と実例を論じ、さらに日本既有の論文博士制をボトムアップ的な高等教育体系・アカデミア変革の切り口とする可能性を提起する。
While universities increasingly address sustainability and social issues, the structural reproduction of social problems inherent in higher education itself remains underexplored. This paper examines three alternative universities that position education not just ''for'' but ''as'' (the process and system of) sustainable development itself, and demonstrates higher education's potential for direct impact on systemic transformation of global issues. The paper concludes by discussing alternative universities role as the ''research and development division'' for mainstream systems and suggests the potential of the existing PhD by Publication pathway in Japan as a minimal viable product for transforming higher education/academia from the bottom-up.
高教新視界:公辦民營教育向上延伸至專科以上辦理實驗高教之需求性與可行方案評估計劃期中報告 (National Research for the Possibility of the Legislation for Privately-managed Public Experimental Higher Education Institutions: Midterm Report), 2020
高教新視界:公辦民營教育向上延伸至專科以上辦理實驗高教之需求性與可行方案評估計劃期中報告 (National Research for the Possibility of the Legislation for Privately-managed Public Experimental Higher Education Institutions: Midterm Report ), Apr 10, 2020
This paper examines whether rational judgment alone can resolve the post-truth condition marked b... more This paper examines whether rational judgment alone can resolve the post-truth condition marked by incommunicable polarisation. Integrating Daoism with critical realism, it reveals two key insights: firstly, all views are aspectively real as they manifest different aspects of reality through varied epistemic (non)conditions; secondly, logocentric activities, including language, reason, and judgement, are confined by inherent logo-(non)capacities, as they unavoidably essentialise things with certain aspects at the expense of others, or necessitate pre-judgement for any judgement criteria. The attempt to reconcile Traditional East Asian Medicine with Modern Western Medicine demonstrates that considering epistemic (non)conditions and logo-(non)capacity negates the possibility of neutral, rational theory elimination. This underscores the limitations of rational judgment in addressing conflicts and potentially aggravating them. Finally, this paper highlights the Daoist approach ‘Response-able Awareness’ with Satir and Gendlin’s psychotherapy as modern examples for its potential to harmonise original critical realism and metaReality and navigate the post-truth landscape.
本研究の目的は、人間はどのようなメカニズムに駆り立てられて、有害な構造に囚われてしまうのかを堀り下げることである。例えば、自然環境を破壊したくないにもかかわらず確実に自然破壊に加担してしまってい... more 本研究の目的は、人間はどのようなメカニズムに駆り立てられて、有害な構造に囚われてしまうのかを堀り下げることである。例えば、自然環境を破壊したくないにもかかわらず確実に自然破壊に加担してしまっているようなことである。