Ulin Nihayah | UIN Walisongo Semarang (original) (raw)
Papers by Ulin Nihayah
Prophetic : Professional, Empathy, Islamic Counseling Journal
Psikologi positif adalah studi tentang berbagai emosi positif yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hi... more Psikologi positif adalah studi tentang berbagai emosi positif yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia. Sedangkan kesehatan mental diartikan sebagai sebagai kesadaran individu bahwa dirinya dalam kondisi sejahtera dan memiliki kemampuan untuk pengelolaan stress, dapat bekerja produktif juga menghasilkan serta memiliki peran dikomunitasnya. Individu yang sehat mentalnya adalah individu yang bukan hanya terbebas dari gangguan psikologis, namun, kesehatan mental berhubungan dengan kapabilitas serta kualitas dimana seseorang dapat melakukan penyesuaian terhadap perubahan yang terjadi, mampu memanage situasi yang sedang krisis, memperlihatkan kepada individu lain terkait hubungan yang bermakna serta mampu menghargai kehidupan. sehat mental dapat didasarkan pada kondisi serta sifat-sifat positif misalnya kesejahteraan psikologi (psychological well-being), memiliki sifat-sifat yang baik/ kebajikan (virtues) seperti optimism, kerja keras dsb serta karakter yang cenderung kuat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dimana objek yang digunakan adalah video dari channel youtube are we okay yang berjudul "Sakit Hati Mendalam Dustin-Are We Okay Season 2". Peneliti menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan atau literature review sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dimana penelitian ini menggunakan referensi dan juga informasi yang memiliki kesesuaian dengan pembahasan pada penelitian ini. Dari hasil Analisa peneliti didapatkan bahwa Psikologi positif memiliki peran dalam menumbuhkan kesehatan mental dimana dapat ditingkatkan melalui variable-variabel seperti kesejahteraan psikologis, meningkatkan pikiran positif, dan juga meningkatkan kepuasan hidup.
Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling
Purpose - The purpose of this study was to describe the problems of academic anxiety that occur ... more Purpose - The purpose of this study was to describe the problems of academic anxiety that occur in college students as a result of the COVID pandemic that occurs and alternative solutions to overcome them in the perspective of counseling guidance.Method - The research method used was descriptive quantitative, where the author conducts a survey to students who experience academic anxiety during the pandemic. The sample of the study consisted of 28 students from 9 universitiesResult - The results of the research conducted are that the psychological anxiety disorders due to online lectures related to the influence of online lectures on student sleep patterns as much as 32.1%, 17.9% have difficulty sleeping, and 11.1% wake up sluggish. In addition, there are anxiety disorders due to online lectures that have a physical impact on the condition marked by 42.9% feeling lethargic and unmotivated, 14.3% achy, 28.6% eye strain, 14.8%, so it has an impact on mastery of the material with the r...
Ghaidan: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam dan Kemasyarakatan
Toxic relationship is one example of how then a problem that affects a person's relationship ... more Toxic relationship is one example of how then a problem that affects a person's relationship with his partner. This is usually indicated by a sense of competition from within the individual and the absence of cohesiveness. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the self-acceptance of toxic victim relationships in fostering mental health, the author is also associated with a toxic victim case study entitled "An overview of acceptance of violence in early adults who are victims of dating violence", which includes an overview of how the attitudes and behavior of victims in accepting violence in dating and also the factors that influence it. The method in this research is descriptive research, where the researcher conducts an in-depth exploration of programs, processes, events, and activities of one or more people using a case study approach by finding a number of adult women who have experienced sexual experiences.
An-Nida : Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, Jun 1, 2015
Dakwah merupakan kegiatan menyeru untuk kebaikan, menjauhi kemungkaran. Pesantren sebagai salah s... more Dakwah merupakan kegiatan menyeru untuk kebaikan, menjauhi kemungkaran. Pesantren sebagai salah satu lembaga dakwah pada umumnya menggunakan teknik dakwah dengan retorika. Sebagai solusi alternatif, saat ini dakwah menggunakan formulasi dengan menggunakan syair, salah satunya qasidah burdah. Burdah merupakan syair indah yang ditulis oleh Imam Al-Bushiri. Isinya mengandung nilai-nilai yang beragam, mulai dari pembukaan yang berisi tentang perwujudan rasa cinta kepada Rasullah, nasihat untuk menjaga hawa nafsu, hingga penutup yang berisi doa. Kata kunci: qasidah, alternatif, dakwah Dakwah is an activity calling the goodness and avoiding the badness. The Islamic boarding school, as one of Dakwah institutions, generally uses Dakwah technique by using rhetoric. As an alternative solution, nowadays Dakwah uses the poem formulation, called Qasidah Burdah. Burdah is beautiful poem written by Imam Al Bushiri. The content of his poem contains many values. The opening of this poem contains the love expression to Rasullullah and the advice for keeping Hawa Nafsu. Then, the closing of his poem contains the prayer. Keywords: Qasidah, alternative, Dakwah
Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development, 2021
Forgiveness is a very important positive force that exists within a person so as not to always be... more Forgiveness is a very important positive force that exists within a person so as not to always be trapped in a negative emotional state which can proceed to release all negative emotions such as feelings of anger, feelings of hatred, hurt and even the desire to take revenge for others. how others treat us. Forgiveness is also included in a concept contained in the study of positive psychology which according to Martin Seligman that positive psychology does not only focus on a person's weakness or mental illness but also focuses on the positive strengths possessed by each person to regulate these negative emotions into a positive emotion. One way to develop yourself is by forgiving. Forgiveness has a very important role in a person's mental health, where when an individual is having feelings of anger, hurt, disappointment, and feelings of hatred towards others, this can increase the negative emotions that exist within the individual which can later cause stress. frustration, ...
Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development, 2021
A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an obj... more A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an object (called a fetish) in order to get sexual stimulation and satisfaction. The perpetrator will be stimulated on a body part or an object which for some people is just a stimulus. The object will make the basis of fantasy and help romance but is not a substitute for more conventional sexual activities, fetishes that may be on body parts such as the buttocks of the eyes while on inanimate objects such as cloth, underwear, shoes, etc. this fetish is a form of sexual crossing which, if carried out continuously, can result in on going stress and disrupt the mental health of the perpetrator. The research method used in writing this journal is descriptive qualitative which is used to examine natural objects, by untilizing qualitative data and then sharing descriptively. The results of the analysis show that fetish behavior can affect mental health and can be cured by treatment in the form of s...
Nosipakabelo: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam, 2021
The occurrence of violence against children is due to trivial problems, in this violence mostly o... more The occurrence of violence against children is due to trivial problems, in this violence mostly occurs in children, even the impact of violence on children is very dangerous, because many children will be depressed, have prolonged trauma, are sensitive, tend to be quiet, rebellious, and more dangerous. Again, children will commit suicide because they are no longer strong with violence. In dealing with these problems, children really need therapy, so that children can return to being like other children, although in realizing it again becomes a child's personality in general it is very difficult. This act of child abuse is very detrimental to the future of the child, because it is clear, the future of the child will be bad, of course the child will not develop well, in the concept of child abuse will use the research method to be carried out namely descriptive research methods, in this study aims to describe every event or incident objectively, from here the violence in child abu...
Penelitian yang berjudul”Aplikasi Perencanaan Ibadah Haji Di Kementerian Agama Kota Semarang Tahu... more Penelitian yang berjudul”Aplikasi Perencanaan Ibadah Haji Di Kementerian Agama Kota Semarang Tahun 2009”merupakan salah satu penelitian yang meneliti tentang unsur manajemen yaitu perencanaan. Perencanaan dianggap suatu yang sangat penting karena perencanaan merupakan pangkal dari manajemen, karena tanpa perencanaan dan rencana berarti tidak ada tujuan yang ingin dicapai.Tanpa perencanan dan rencana tidak ada pedoman pelaksanaan sehingga banyak pemborosan. Rencana adalah dasar pengendalian,karena tanpa adanya rencana pengendalian tidak dapat dilakukan. Dan tanpa perencanaan dan rencana berarti tidak ada keputusan dan proses manajemen pun tidak ada. Penelitian ini berusaha mengetahui aplikasi (penerapan) perencanaan yang telah dilakukan oleh kementerian agama kota semarang terkait penyelenggaraan ibadah haji dalam kurun waktu tahun 2009 dan bagaimana fungsi perencanaan dalam penyelenggaraan ibadah haji ini diterapkan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode...
Islamic Counseling : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2021
This article aims to explain a dangerous form of sexual deviation where the perpetrator uses sexu... more This article aims to explain a dangerous form of sexual deviation where the perpetrator uses sexual gratification with sexually oriented inanimate or inanimate objects known as fetishes. Fetish behavior is a form of sexual deviation where the sexual activity carried out is carried out improperly to get sexual pleasure. This deviant behavior is very dangerous, because the perpetrators tend to use sexual objects that are unnatural or abnormal. Deviant sexual behavior if not above will lead to sexual behavior that is growing and even leads to prolonged stress. This is because the perpetrators cannot channel their deviant sexual desires and also have an impact on a person's mental health disorder. The research method used in writing this journal is a literature study based on case studies. The results of the analysis obtained data that fetish sexual deviation behavior in mental health can be treated through Islamic therapy to suppress deviations committed by perpetrators.
Ghaidan: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam dan Kemasyarakatan, 2021
A person's mental health is affected by events in life that leave a large impact on a person&... more A person's mental health is affected by events in life that leave a large impact on a person's personality and behavior. These events can include domestic violence, child abuse, or long-term stress. The literature research combines the literature studies found by the authors. The results showed; 1) The victim is very traumatized by the sexual harassment incident and must be accompanied by a counselor to relax her mind. 2) implications of handling the victim, with several conditions experienced by the victim after treatment, including; a) feel relieved and already want to talk to other people and family b). feel have the spirit of life c). his condition is more stable because he feels comfortable after receiving therapy from the counselor
KURIOSITAS: Media Komunikasi Sosial dan Keagamaan, 2021
Budaya merupakan penyatu dalam masyarakat. Budaya Jawa sangat melekat pada masyarakat Jawa dengan... more Budaya merupakan penyatu dalam masyarakat. Budaya Jawa sangat melekat pada masyarakat Jawa dengan ritual dan tradisi yang dilakukan secara turun menurun. Prosesi adat budaya dilakukan masyarakat melalui upacara adat, dapat menyatukan semua unsur masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan berdasarkan studi pustaka. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pada prosesi larung sesaji dan ragkaian prosesi lomban kupatan sungai Tayu, terdapat konsep sakral dan profan yang dikemukakan oleh Emile Durkheim, sebagai sebuah kesatuan masyarakat Tayu sebagai pelaku dan didukung oleh para wisatawan diluat kota Tayu. Selain itu, hasil dari prosesi lomban memperlihatkan ciri integrasi sosial pada masyarakat dengan adanya interaksi, identifikasi, kerjasama, integrasi dan asimilasi yang telah diwujudkan dalam rangkaian upacara lomban kupatan
Banyaknya produksi singkong dan ikan bandeng menjadikan kulit singkong dan tulang ikan bandeng ha... more Banyaknya produksi singkong dan ikan bandeng menjadikan kulit singkong dan tulang ikan bandeng hanya menjadi limbah. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan kandungan kulit singkong dan tulang ikan bandeng menjadikan kedua limbah ini tidak termanfaatkan. Kerupuk merupakan salah satu jenis makananan ringan yang banyak digemari masyarakat indonesia. Pengelolaan limbah kulit singkong dan tulang ikan bandeng menjadi tepung sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan kerupuk adalah alternatif yang tepan.di sisi lain kandungan kalsium yang cukup tinggi dari tulang ikan bandeng menjadi salah satu keunggulan dari kerupuk ini.
Jurnal Dakwah Risalah, 2019
This article discusses counselling communication found in Walisongo State Islamic University Sema... more This article discusses counselling communication found in Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang. Students in completing their final assignment are facing internal and external problems. Therefore counseling communication is needed to identify student problems preventively. Counselling communication techniques are carried out with verbal communication, vocal communication and body communication. This reserach uses descriptive qualitative approach. The data is gathered through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The research result shows that counselling communication which was conducted by the guardian lecturers using verbal communication could not maximally carried out due to lack of information of students who rarely interacted with the lecturers.
Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender, 2017
Saturated feeling often experienced by man as an individual. Attitude saturation on this individu... more Saturated feeling often experienced by man as an individual. Attitude saturation on this individual, addressed with a mixed response. Not a few people who stuck with the feeling of saturation that result in actions that might be considered negative because it harms him, one of them housewives. Feeling tired or bored of the routines performed by housewives if not addressed will result in stress that will have an impact on the problem of domestic life. As one alternative that is done to overcome this stress is to do with interpersonal communication with a partner. Interpersonal communication is intended to help in order to solve problems related to boredom experienced by a housewife.
Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender, 2015
Pengembangan potensi anak melalui pengembangan bakat minat salah satunya dilakukan dengan mengiku... more Pengembangan potensi anak melalui pengembangan bakat minat salah satunya dilakukan dengan mengikuti acara ajang pencarian bakat minat ditelevisi. Hal ini menimbulkan dilematis, dengan tujuan ingin mengembangkan potensi yang ada, anak lebih cepat terkenal dan mendapatkan karir dalam dunia hiburan anak juga menjadi korban eksploitasi. Ironisnya mereka tidak tahu atau mungkin tidak sadar atas apa yang telah hilang di kehidupan mereka, kesempatan untuk belajar secara optimal dan masa-masa bermain mereka karena terlalu terfosir dalam melakukan pekerjaan mereka. Bukan itu saja, pengembangan potensi anak dengan beberapa ajang tersebut, dianggap oleh masyarakat sebagai hal yang lumrah, bahkan dijadikan alasan bagi pendidikan anak agar mampu mandiri di masa dewasanya kelak, padahal hal tersebut merupakan sebuah eksploitasi anak.
Nosipakabelo: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam
Bullying is an act of aggression committed by someone ora group of people committed against anoth... more Bullying is an act of aggression committed by someone ora group of people committed against another person and committed repeatedly to harm others physically and mentally. Bullying can affect others who feel harassed, bullied, feared, and without the power to fight the perpetrator. Bullying behavior is divided into a variety of physical bullying, verbal bullying, online bullying, and even cyberbullying. Bullying may occur because of such factors as ward factors, family factors, behavior or personality factors, and the role of peers. Research methods used to write this journal are studies of literature based on case studies. Analysis reveals that the effects of bullying, affecting mental health, and this can be counseled behavior and interpersonal realities to prevent the disparity caused by bullying.
Prophetic : Professional, Empathy, Islamic Counseling Journal
Psikologi positif adalah studi tentang berbagai emosi positif yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hi... more Psikologi positif adalah studi tentang berbagai emosi positif yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia. Sedangkan kesehatan mental diartikan sebagai sebagai kesadaran individu bahwa dirinya dalam kondisi sejahtera dan memiliki kemampuan untuk pengelolaan stress, dapat bekerja produktif juga menghasilkan serta memiliki peran dikomunitasnya. Individu yang sehat mentalnya adalah individu yang bukan hanya terbebas dari gangguan psikologis, namun, kesehatan mental berhubungan dengan kapabilitas serta kualitas dimana seseorang dapat melakukan penyesuaian terhadap perubahan yang terjadi, mampu memanage situasi yang sedang krisis, memperlihatkan kepada individu lain terkait hubungan yang bermakna serta mampu menghargai kehidupan. sehat mental dapat didasarkan pada kondisi serta sifat-sifat positif misalnya kesejahteraan psikologi (psychological well-being), memiliki sifat-sifat yang baik/ kebajikan (virtues) seperti optimism, kerja keras dsb serta karakter yang cenderung kuat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dimana objek yang digunakan adalah video dari channel youtube are we okay yang berjudul "Sakit Hati Mendalam Dustin-Are We Okay Season 2". Peneliti menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan atau literature review sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dimana penelitian ini menggunakan referensi dan juga informasi yang memiliki kesesuaian dengan pembahasan pada penelitian ini. Dari hasil Analisa peneliti didapatkan bahwa Psikologi positif memiliki peran dalam menumbuhkan kesehatan mental dimana dapat ditingkatkan melalui variable-variabel seperti kesejahteraan psikologis, meningkatkan pikiran positif, dan juga meningkatkan kepuasan hidup.
Journal of Advanced Guidance and Counseling
Purpose - The purpose of this study was to describe the problems of academic anxiety that occur ... more Purpose - The purpose of this study was to describe the problems of academic anxiety that occur in college students as a result of the COVID pandemic that occurs and alternative solutions to overcome them in the perspective of counseling guidance.Method - The research method used was descriptive quantitative, where the author conducts a survey to students who experience academic anxiety during the pandemic. The sample of the study consisted of 28 students from 9 universitiesResult - The results of the research conducted are that the psychological anxiety disorders due to online lectures related to the influence of online lectures on student sleep patterns as much as 32.1%, 17.9% have difficulty sleeping, and 11.1% wake up sluggish. In addition, there are anxiety disorders due to online lectures that have a physical impact on the condition marked by 42.9% feeling lethargic and unmotivated, 14.3% achy, 28.6% eye strain, 14.8%, so it has an impact on mastery of the material with the r...
Ghaidan: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam dan Kemasyarakatan
Toxic relationship is one example of how then a problem that affects a person's relationship ... more Toxic relationship is one example of how then a problem that affects a person's relationship with his partner. This is usually indicated by a sense of competition from within the individual and the absence of cohesiveness. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the self-acceptance of toxic victim relationships in fostering mental health, the author is also associated with a toxic victim case study entitled "An overview of acceptance of violence in early adults who are victims of dating violence", which includes an overview of how the attitudes and behavior of victims in accepting violence in dating and also the factors that influence it. The method in this research is descriptive research, where the researcher conducts an in-depth exploration of programs, processes, events, and activities of one or more people using a case study approach by finding a number of adult women who have experienced sexual experiences.
An-Nida : Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, Jun 1, 2015
Dakwah merupakan kegiatan menyeru untuk kebaikan, menjauhi kemungkaran. Pesantren sebagai salah s... more Dakwah merupakan kegiatan menyeru untuk kebaikan, menjauhi kemungkaran. Pesantren sebagai salah satu lembaga dakwah pada umumnya menggunakan teknik dakwah dengan retorika. Sebagai solusi alternatif, saat ini dakwah menggunakan formulasi dengan menggunakan syair, salah satunya qasidah burdah. Burdah merupakan syair indah yang ditulis oleh Imam Al-Bushiri. Isinya mengandung nilai-nilai yang beragam, mulai dari pembukaan yang berisi tentang perwujudan rasa cinta kepada Rasullah, nasihat untuk menjaga hawa nafsu, hingga penutup yang berisi doa. Kata kunci: qasidah, alternatif, dakwah Dakwah is an activity calling the goodness and avoiding the badness. The Islamic boarding school, as one of Dakwah institutions, generally uses Dakwah technique by using rhetoric. As an alternative solution, nowadays Dakwah uses the poem formulation, called Qasidah Burdah. Burdah is beautiful poem written by Imam Al Bushiri. The content of his poem contains many values. The opening of this poem contains the love expression to Rasullullah and the advice for keeping Hawa Nafsu. Then, the closing of his poem contains the prayer. Keywords: Qasidah, alternative, Dakwah
Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development, 2021
Forgiveness is a very important positive force that exists within a person so as not to always be... more Forgiveness is a very important positive force that exists within a person so as not to always be trapped in a negative emotional state which can proceed to release all negative emotions such as feelings of anger, feelings of hatred, hurt and even the desire to take revenge for others. how others treat us. Forgiveness is also included in a concept contained in the study of positive psychology which according to Martin Seligman that positive psychology does not only focus on a person's weakness or mental illness but also focuses on the positive strengths possessed by each person to regulate these negative emotions into a positive emotion. One way to develop yourself is by forgiving. Forgiveness has a very important role in a person's mental health, where when an individual is having feelings of anger, hurt, disappointment, and feelings of hatred towards others, this can increase the negative emotions that exist within the individual which can later cause stress. frustration, ...
Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development, 2021
A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an obj... more A fetish case is a case in which the perpetrator has sexual aberrations with body parts or an object (called a fetish) in order to get sexual stimulation and satisfaction. The perpetrator will be stimulated on a body part or an object which for some people is just a stimulus. The object will make the basis of fantasy and help romance but is not a substitute for more conventional sexual activities, fetishes that may be on body parts such as the buttocks of the eyes while on inanimate objects such as cloth, underwear, shoes, etc. this fetish is a form of sexual crossing which, if carried out continuously, can result in on going stress and disrupt the mental health of the perpetrator. The research method used in writing this journal is descriptive qualitative which is used to examine natural objects, by untilizing qualitative data and then sharing descriptively. The results of the analysis show that fetish behavior can affect mental health and can be cured by treatment in the form of s...
Nosipakabelo: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam, 2021
The occurrence of violence against children is due to trivial problems, in this violence mostly o... more The occurrence of violence against children is due to trivial problems, in this violence mostly occurs in children, even the impact of violence on children is very dangerous, because many children will be depressed, have prolonged trauma, are sensitive, tend to be quiet, rebellious, and more dangerous. Again, children will commit suicide because they are no longer strong with violence. In dealing with these problems, children really need therapy, so that children can return to being like other children, although in realizing it again becomes a child's personality in general it is very difficult. This act of child abuse is very detrimental to the future of the child, because it is clear, the future of the child will be bad, of course the child will not develop well, in the concept of child abuse will use the research method to be carried out namely descriptive research methods, in this study aims to describe every event or incident objectively, from here the violence in child abu...
Penelitian yang berjudul”Aplikasi Perencanaan Ibadah Haji Di Kementerian Agama Kota Semarang Tahu... more Penelitian yang berjudul”Aplikasi Perencanaan Ibadah Haji Di Kementerian Agama Kota Semarang Tahun 2009”merupakan salah satu penelitian yang meneliti tentang unsur manajemen yaitu perencanaan. Perencanaan dianggap suatu yang sangat penting karena perencanaan merupakan pangkal dari manajemen, karena tanpa perencanaan dan rencana berarti tidak ada tujuan yang ingin dicapai.Tanpa perencanan dan rencana tidak ada pedoman pelaksanaan sehingga banyak pemborosan. Rencana adalah dasar pengendalian,karena tanpa adanya rencana pengendalian tidak dapat dilakukan. Dan tanpa perencanaan dan rencana berarti tidak ada keputusan dan proses manajemen pun tidak ada. Penelitian ini berusaha mengetahui aplikasi (penerapan) perencanaan yang telah dilakukan oleh kementerian agama kota semarang terkait penyelenggaraan ibadah haji dalam kurun waktu tahun 2009 dan bagaimana fungsi perencanaan dalam penyelenggaraan ibadah haji ini diterapkan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode...
Islamic Counseling : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2021
This article aims to explain a dangerous form of sexual deviation where the perpetrator uses sexu... more This article aims to explain a dangerous form of sexual deviation where the perpetrator uses sexual gratification with sexually oriented inanimate or inanimate objects known as fetishes. Fetish behavior is a form of sexual deviation where the sexual activity carried out is carried out improperly to get sexual pleasure. This deviant behavior is very dangerous, because the perpetrators tend to use sexual objects that are unnatural or abnormal. Deviant sexual behavior if not above will lead to sexual behavior that is growing and even leads to prolonged stress. This is because the perpetrators cannot channel their deviant sexual desires and also have an impact on a person's mental health disorder. The research method used in writing this journal is a literature study based on case studies. The results of the analysis obtained data that fetish sexual deviation behavior in mental health can be treated through Islamic therapy to suppress deviations committed by perpetrators.
Ghaidan: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam dan Kemasyarakatan, 2021
A person's mental health is affected by events in life that leave a large impact on a person&... more A person's mental health is affected by events in life that leave a large impact on a person's personality and behavior. These events can include domestic violence, child abuse, or long-term stress. The literature research combines the literature studies found by the authors. The results showed; 1) The victim is very traumatized by the sexual harassment incident and must be accompanied by a counselor to relax her mind. 2) implications of handling the victim, with several conditions experienced by the victim after treatment, including; a) feel relieved and already want to talk to other people and family b). feel have the spirit of life c). his condition is more stable because he feels comfortable after receiving therapy from the counselor
KURIOSITAS: Media Komunikasi Sosial dan Keagamaan, 2021
Budaya merupakan penyatu dalam masyarakat. Budaya Jawa sangat melekat pada masyarakat Jawa dengan... more Budaya merupakan penyatu dalam masyarakat. Budaya Jawa sangat melekat pada masyarakat Jawa dengan ritual dan tradisi yang dilakukan secara turun menurun. Prosesi adat budaya dilakukan masyarakat melalui upacara adat, dapat menyatukan semua unsur masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan berdasarkan studi pustaka. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pada prosesi larung sesaji dan ragkaian prosesi lomban kupatan sungai Tayu, terdapat konsep sakral dan profan yang dikemukakan oleh Emile Durkheim, sebagai sebuah kesatuan masyarakat Tayu sebagai pelaku dan didukung oleh para wisatawan diluat kota Tayu. Selain itu, hasil dari prosesi lomban memperlihatkan ciri integrasi sosial pada masyarakat dengan adanya interaksi, identifikasi, kerjasama, integrasi dan asimilasi yang telah diwujudkan dalam rangkaian upacara lomban kupatan
Banyaknya produksi singkong dan ikan bandeng menjadikan kulit singkong dan tulang ikan bandeng ha... more Banyaknya produksi singkong dan ikan bandeng menjadikan kulit singkong dan tulang ikan bandeng hanya menjadi limbah. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan kandungan kulit singkong dan tulang ikan bandeng menjadikan kedua limbah ini tidak termanfaatkan. Kerupuk merupakan salah satu jenis makananan ringan yang banyak digemari masyarakat indonesia. Pengelolaan limbah kulit singkong dan tulang ikan bandeng menjadi tepung sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan kerupuk adalah alternatif yang tepan.di sisi lain kandungan kalsium yang cukup tinggi dari tulang ikan bandeng menjadi salah satu keunggulan dari kerupuk ini.
Jurnal Dakwah Risalah, 2019
This article discusses counselling communication found in Walisongo State Islamic University Sema... more This article discusses counselling communication found in Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang. Students in completing their final assignment are facing internal and external problems. Therefore counseling communication is needed to identify student problems preventively. Counselling communication techniques are carried out with verbal communication, vocal communication and body communication. This reserach uses descriptive qualitative approach. The data is gathered through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The research result shows that counselling communication which was conducted by the guardian lecturers using verbal communication could not maximally carried out due to lack of information of students who rarely interacted with the lecturers.
Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender, 2017
Saturated feeling often experienced by man as an individual. Attitude saturation on this individu... more Saturated feeling often experienced by man as an individual. Attitude saturation on this individual, addressed with a mixed response. Not a few people who stuck with the feeling of saturation that result in actions that might be considered negative because it harms him, one of them housewives. Feeling tired or bored of the routines performed by housewives if not addressed will result in stress that will have an impact on the problem of domestic life. As one alternative that is done to overcome this stress is to do with interpersonal communication with a partner. Interpersonal communication is intended to help in order to solve problems related to boredom experienced by a housewife.
Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender, 2015
Pengembangan potensi anak melalui pengembangan bakat minat salah satunya dilakukan dengan mengiku... more Pengembangan potensi anak melalui pengembangan bakat minat salah satunya dilakukan dengan mengikuti acara ajang pencarian bakat minat ditelevisi. Hal ini menimbulkan dilematis, dengan tujuan ingin mengembangkan potensi yang ada, anak lebih cepat terkenal dan mendapatkan karir dalam dunia hiburan anak juga menjadi korban eksploitasi. Ironisnya mereka tidak tahu atau mungkin tidak sadar atas apa yang telah hilang di kehidupan mereka, kesempatan untuk belajar secara optimal dan masa-masa bermain mereka karena terlalu terfosir dalam melakukan pekerjaan mereka. Bukan itu saja, pengembangan potensi anak dengan beberapa ajang tersebut, dianggap oleh masyarakat sebagai hal yang lumrah, bahkan dijadikan alasan bagi pendidikan anak agar mampu mandiri di masa dewasanya kelak, padahal hal tersebut merupakan sebuah eksploitasi anak.
Nosipakabelo: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam
Bullying is an act of aggression committed by someone ora group of people committed against anoth... more Bullying is an act of aggression committed by someone ora group of people committed against another person and committed repeatedly to harm others physically and mentally. Bullying can affect others who feel harassed, bullied, feared, and without the power to fight the perpetrator. Bullying behavior is divided into a variety of physical bullying, verbal bullying, online bullying, and even cyberbullying. Bullying may occur because of such factors as ward factors, family factors, behavior or personality factors, and the role of peers. Research methods used to write this journal are studies of literature based on case studies. Analysis reveals that the effects of bullying, affecting mental health, and this can be counseled behavior and interpersonal realities to prevent the disparity caused by bullying.