SIcons (original) (raw)

Faves [13 Oct 2005|10:59pm]
**POST YOUR FAVOURITE SICONS!Welcome everyone, welcome indeed! Now, it's time for all of you to post a few of your favourite icons related to self injury. Funny or serious, deliberate or accidental, they're all welcome :)WARNING: Some of these make fun of self harm and suicide - if this is a sensitive issue for you... you have been warned.( here are my favourites!Collapse )**Now, off you go and make your own posts :)
Rip my heart out 1 are bleeding
Cutting Post [28 Sep 2005|12:11am]
My first go at some SIcons.Today's theme is.... CUTTING ^.^Warning: A couple of these are quiet gory. So if gore makes you sick, then I advise not looking ;) If you love the stuff, then, go for it :P If the teasers make you sick, than I think this community is not for you.Credits: Thanks google!Teasers:1.Image hosted by 2.Image hosted by 3. Image hosted by cutting time!Collapse )
Rip my heart out 3 are bleeding
[27 Sep 2005|01:31am]
Anyone know of some good SI pictures that can be turned into icons... or atleast gimme some inspiration?
Rip my heart out 3 are bleeding
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