Maksymilian Solarski | University of Silesia in Katowice (original) (raw)

Papers by Maksymilian Solarski


Mining traditions in Bytom-Tarnowskie Góry region date back to the 12th century when shallow depo... more Mining traditions in Bytom-Tarnowskie Góry region date back to the 12th century when shallow deposits of
ore resources were discovered here. These were especially rich in silver as well as lead and zinc ores. The particularly
intensive development of this type of mining took place in the late 18th century, under the Prussian government,
when due to the increasing demands for raw material and due to the improvement of production methods,
mining activities were intensified. The purpose of this article is to collect historical facts relating to the extraction
of zinc and lead ores in the Bytom-Tarnowskie Góry region from the 18th century to the present day as well as to
provide details related to the mining in spatial perspective. The information collected shows that from the late 18th
century the mining for non-ferrous metal ores covered almost 13.5 km2 in the Tarnowskie Góry area and 40.6 km2
in Bytom area (Fig. 1, 2). At the end of the 20th century the density of pits reached nearly 60 km·km-2 at places,
the total length of the excavation was 872.1 km, and the deepest gates descended to more than 100 m below
ground surface (Fig. 3).

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In this article an attempt was made to analyze the Miechowicka Upland relief changes in 1883-1994... more In this article an attempt was made to analyze the Miechowicka Upland relief changes in 1883-1994 years. It
concentrates on the forms which are an effect of the mining and metallurgical activity such as subsidence depressions
and dumps. An area and values of subsidence for areas subjected to the mining activity, changes of the
slopes, an average land altitude in 1883 and 1994 year were determined and an anthropogenic denudation ratio
was also calculated. As the result of research made, it has been established that the area of the subsidence is 5 250
ha (about 50% of the research area) and the maximum value of subsidence is 37 meters, there was growth of the
slopes at a simultaneous drop of the land average altitude, and the anthropogenic denudation ratio is 39 mm/year
(800 greater than the natural denudation ratio).

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This article is a comparative analasys of spatial organization of two chosen villages in Opolszcz... more This article is a comparative analasys of spatial organization of two chosen villages in Opolszczyzna (Kromołów
and Siołkowice Nowe), situated in different environmental conditions and differ in terms of morphogenetic and functional
structures. Changes of individual elements of spatial organisation which took place in 19th and 20th century,
were charted on the strenght of prussian and polish topographic maps. It contains analasys of changes of village's
surfaces and course of border, evolution of settlement, field pattern and course of ways. It take attempt to show that
origin and functions of villages have influence on its spatial organisation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphological and hydrological effects of subsidence and land use change in industrial and urban areas

Land subsidence caused by mining activities is an example of human transformation of the natural ... more Land subsidence caused by mining activities is an example of human transformation of the natural environment and leads to changes in land use. The study covers an area of 958 ha in the Silesian Upland, southern Poland. Records from the period 1890–1990 document the presence of subsidence effects in 82.9% of the study area and the maximum displacement figure is more than 30 m which translates to an average rate of 0.3 m per year. It was found that subsidence basins serve as the new local erosion base and new sedimentation basins. They are filled with sediments whose level of pollution ranges from moderate to heavy and extremely heavy. Subsidence has caused a dramatic change in the local hydrology, including the quality and quantity of the water. The specifics involve: the emergence of new closed drainage catchments with a total area of 651.1 ha; an increase in the total watercourse length (from 0.9 to 5.7 km); an increase in the river network density (from 0.09 to 0.56 km km−2); a decrease in the number (from 81 to 48) and an increase in the area (from 23.8 to 58.4 ha) of lakes and ponds; an increase in the lake coverage ratio (from 2.5% to 6.1%) and in water pollution. Subsidence has limited the potential land uses, which led to a decrease in arable land from 619.0 to 122.5 ha that gave way to other land uses, including those equivalent to wasteland.

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The aim of this research work was to determine quantitative and qualitative transformations in Mi... more The aim of this research work was to determine quantitative and qualitative transformations in Miechowicka Upland’s hydrographical network in the years 1827-1994. Based upon archival and contemporary cartographic
materials, the hydrographical network’s condition was defined in the following 4 temporal steps: early and late 19th
century, and early and late 20th century. As follows from the research work conducted, Miechowicka Upland’s hydrographical network was subject to some considerable transformations over almost two hundred years. Among
others, these transformations include: increase in the number of water reservoirs, emergence of many genetic types
of water reservoirs, decay in riverhead sections, shortened lengths of watercourses due to river area development
works, changes in the character of river-beds. Besides its topographic profile, the hydrographical network at the
research work area was the natural environment’s component, which was transformed in the most significant way as a result of human activities (mining, industry, urbanisation).

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Research paper thumbnail of Natural and anthropogenic influences on ice formation on various water bodies of the Silesian Upland (southern Poland)

Limnological Review, 2011

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Codzienne obserwacje zlodzenia przeprowadzono w półroczu zimowym roku hydro-logicznego 2010 na ni... more Codzienne obserwacje zlodzenia przeprowadzono w półroczu zimowym roku hydro-logicznego 2010 na niewielkim poeksploatacyjnym zbiorniku wodnym położonym w połu-dniowo-wschodniej części Czeladzi przy trasie Warszawa-Katowice (rys. 1). Celem kriolo-gicznych badań zbiornikowych prowadzonych z uwzględnieniem wyników obserwacji mete-orologicznych było szczegółowe rozpoznanie przebiegu zjawisk lodowych i określenie form występowania lodu na wszystkich etapach zlodzenia akwenu (ze szczególnym uwzględnie-niem form i procesów zlodzenia dotychczas nie identyfikowanych).

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Water reservoirs in the subsidence depressions are a specific and one of the most dynamically cha... more Water reservoirs in the subsidence depressions are a specific and one of the most dynamically changing elements of the hydrographic system. In spite of the fact, that they formed in basins which are an effect of the human activity, from the moment of their formation, they are subject to the same processes like the natural lakes. Nowadays they play a role which is similar to the natural ecosystems and they are used as recreational areas all year around. Due to use safety of the reservoirs it is very important to learn about regularities in the course of the ice phenomena within the whole area. Changes of the ice thickness in time and its diversification in its entire area belong to the most important regularities. The authors of the article made an attempt to determine regularities in functioning of the ice cover in 2008/09 winter season. The research were performed on the water reservoir in the subsidence depressions located in the central part of Bytom and they required a complex approach, the reservoir morphometric parameters and its localization. Соларски М., Прадэла A. Протекание ледовых явлений в водоеме во впадине оседания в зимний сезон 2008/2009 гг. Водоемы во впадинах оседания представляют собой специ-фический и один из наиболее динамично изменяющихся элементов ландшафта, образованного после выработки карьера. Несмотря на то, что они образовались в котловинах, которые являются результатом деятельности человека, они с момента образования подвергаются тем же самым процессам, что и естественные озера. Водоемы осуществляют функции, приближенные к функциям природных экосистем, и часто используются в рекреационных целях круглогодично. С точки зрения безопасности использования водоемов зимой весьма важным является изучение закономерностей в протекании ледовых явлений в границах водоемов. К наиболее важным параметрам следует отнести изменение толщины слоя льда с течением времени и ее дифференцирование в границах всей поверхности водоема. В данной работе авторы предприняли попытку определения закономерностей существования ледового покрова в зимний сезон 2008/2009 гг. на поверхности водоема во впадине оседания, расположенного в обширном бессточном углублении, находящемся в центральной части Бытома. Эти исследования потребовали применения комплексного подхода, охватывающего изучение не только ледяного покрова, но также и факторов, определяющих его характеристики, таких как атмосферные условия, морфометрические параметры водоема и его расположение. Słowa kluczowe: zjawiska lodowe, zbiornik wodny, niecka osiadania, Bytom WPROWADZENIE Wśród zbiorników wodnych Górnośląskiego Pojezierza Antropogenicznego (GPA) szczególne miejsce zajmują te powstałe w zapadliskach i nieckach osiadania. Wiele z nich cechuje się złożoną genezą (poligenezą), a ich misy powstają w miejscach gdzie powierzchnia terenu obniżyła się na skutek podziemnych prac górniczych (Rzętała 2008). Stanowią one ponadto jeden z najbardziej dynamicznie zmieniających się elementów sieci hydrograficznej, charakteryzując się stosunkowo krótką żywotnością oraz częstymi zmianami kształtu,

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Morphometric characteristic of the Nakło-Chechło water body. The aim of this work was to make a d... more Morphometric characteristic of the Nakło-Chechło water body. The aim of this work was to make a detailed morphometric characteristics of the after-exploitation Nakło-Chechło water body. In April 2012 field bathometric measurements from a pontoon with use of a Lowrence HDS 5 sonic depth finder with a built-in GPS were made to realize the determined goal, and also a course of the water body shoreline was determined on the basis of satellite photographs from the IKONOS satellite. Parameters characterizing the water body surface and basin were determined on the basis of the data. Among the numerous morphometric parameters the following ones, among others, were determined: the water body surface (0,8354 km 2), capacity (2,1 mln m 3), the maximum depth (5,5 m), the average depth (2,5 m).

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Research paper thumbnail of Wykorzystanie Systemów Informacji Geograficznej do badań przemian powierzchniowej sieci hydrograficznej w XIX i XX wieku na przykładzie bytomskiego rejonu złożowego

W opracowaniu przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania narzędzi GIS do badań przemian sieci hydrogra... more W opracowaniu przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania narzędzi GIS do
badań przemian sieci hydrograficznej. W analizie wykorzystano informacje z okresu
ostatnich 200 lat, a wszystkie prace wykonano na bazie dostępnych materiałów
analogowych. Zaprezentowane zostały trzy przykładowe metody przedstawienia zmian
parametrów sieci hydrograficznej. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły stwierdzić,
że archiwalne materiały kartograficzne stanowią solidną i wiarygodną podstawę do
przeprowadzania analiz przestrzennych. Materiały te można porównywać z danymi
współczesnymi, a otrzymane wyniki umożliwiają wnioskowanie o wpływie analizowanych
czynników na zmiany sieci hydrograficzn

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Research paper thumbnail of Przebieg zjawisk lodowych w wybranych antropogenicznych zbiornikach wodnych Wyżyny Katowickiej

Antropogeniczne zbiorniki wodne są specyficznym i jednym z najbardziej dynamicznie zmieniających ... more Antropogeniczne zbiorniki wodne są specyficznym i jednym z najbardziej
dynamicznie zmieniających się elementów sieci hydrograficznej. Pomimo iż uformowały
się one w misach będących efektem działalności człowieka, to od momentu powstania
ulegają takim samym procesom jak jeziora naturalne. Obecnie często odgrywają rolę
zbliżoną do naturalnych ekosystemów i są użytkowane rekreacyjnie przez cały rok.
Ze względu na bezpieczeństwo użytkowania zbiorników bardzo ważne jest, aby poznać
prawidłowości w kształtowaniu zjawisk lodowych na całej powierzchni zbiornika.
Do najważniejszych należą zmiany miąższości pokrywy lodowej w czasie i jej
zróżnicowanie w obrębie całej powierzchni zbiornika. W artykule autorzy zwrócili uwagę
na prawidłowości w funkcjonowaniu pokrywy lodowej w sezonie zimowym 2008/09
na sześciu wybranych antropogenicznych zbiornikach wodnych Wyżyny Katowickiej.

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthropogenic transformation of the Bytom area relief in the period of 1883-1994

In this article an attempt was made to analyse the Bytom city relief changes in 1883-1994 years. ... more In this article an attempt was made to analyse the Bytom city relief changes in 1883-1994 years. It concentrates on the forms
which are an effect of the mining and metallurgical activity such as subsidence depressions and dumps. Two digital relief
models representing a topographic situation in year 1883 and 1994 were made by the Vertical Mapper tool in order to
determine changes in the relief. The models were made by linear vectorization of contour lines, which then were processed
into points. The made points were interpolated by the natural neighbour method. Maps of slopes, area profiles, contour line
sketches and hypsographic curves were generated for two time periods on basis of the digital relief models. An area and
values of subsidence for areas subjected to the mining activity, changes of the slopes, an average land altitude in 1883 and
1994 year were determined and an anthropogenic denudation ratio was also calculated. As the result of the research made, it
has been established that the area of the subsidence is 3727 ha (about 54% of the city area) and the maximum value of
subsidence is about 37 meters, there was a growth of the slopes at a simultaneous drop of the land average altitude, and the
anthropogenic denudation ratio is 44 mm/year (800 greater than the natural denudation ratio).

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Research paper thumbnail of Eutrophication of water reservoirs under anthropogenic, agricultural and industrial impacts (example of Southern Poland)

The purpose of the study was to identify the trophic level in retention water bodies located in S... more The purpose of the study was to identify the trophic level in retention water bodies located in Southern Poland (Central Europe). Thirty nine different water bodies were selected for study. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the chlorophyll concentration was measured in the epilimnion layer of these reservoirs throughout the 2012 hydrological year. The water transparency during the summer season was also measured using the Secchi disc method. Based on the chlorophyll content and Secchi disc visibility, the Trophic State Index (TSI) values were calculated for chlorophyll α and Secchi disc visibility (Carlson method) and for chlorophyll α alone (Walker method). Additional measurements included the pH, dissolved oxygen, oxygenation and conductivity of the water. As demonstrated by the analyses conducted in the experiment, the annual average chlorophyll α content varied from approximately 2.5 ug/L in oligotrophic reservoirs (such as for example Pogoria III and Kuźnica Warężyńska), up to more than 70 ug/L in retention reservoirs holding strongly eutrophicated water (i.e. Rozlewisko Bytomki and Żabie Doły N).
Water transparency ranged from over 5 m in oligotrophic reservoirs (5.1 m in Pogoria III and 5.5 m in Kuźnica Warężyńska), down to less than 0.5 m in hypertrophic reservoirs (Kamieniec – 0.35 m and Rozlewisko Bytomki - 0.45 m ). Based on the calculated TSI indicators and the classifications found in bibliographic sources covering chlorophyll content, the reservoirs covered by the study were classified according to their specific trophic type. There were three reservoirs classified as oligotrophic and eight as mesotrophic water bodies. There were 28 reservoirs at various stages of eutrophication, ranging from mesoeutrophic (3 reservoirs), eutrophic (18), to water bodies demonstrating seasonal or permanent signs of hypertrophy (7).

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Research paper thumbnail of Natural and anthropogenic influences on ice formation on various water bodies of the Silesian Upland (southern Poland)

Limnological Review, 2011

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Conference Presentations by Maksymilian Solarski

Research paper thumbnail of Specyfika zamarzania wybranych zbiorników wodnych na Wyżynie Śląskiej

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The objective of the research was to identify the diversity and variability of oxygen conditions ... more The objective of the research was to identify the diversity and variability of oxygen conditions in anthropogenic reservoirs in the Silesian Upland, southern Poland. The choice of oxygen conditions as the factor to be investigated was dictated by the fact that it had a particular importance for ecological conditions in the lakes and influenced the ichthyofauna. The study (performed during the hydrological years 2010, 2011 and 2012-underway) looked at 39 water bodies of different origins, sizes, hydrology and function and the anthropopressure they were subject to. The results show that oxygen conditions in the water bodies varied across a very wide spectrum from oxygen-less, recorded during long periods of continuous ice cover (e.g. Rozlewisko Bytomki 4%, 0.6 mg/l; Brzeziny 5%, 0.7 mg/l) or at a time of sewage discharge incidents (e.g. Trzy Stawy Miechowice 10%, 1.0 mg/l), to extreme supersaturation during spring and summer algal blooms (e.g. Kamieniec 399,7%, 32,8 mg/l; Farskie 313,2%, 27,3 mg/l). The greatest diversity in vertical cross-sections was recorded in summer when phytoplankton development caused oxygen supersaturation in the epilimnion while hampering light penetration into deeper areas, which contributed to the development of oxygen-less conditions in the hypolimnion (e.g. Brantka from 111%, 10.1 mg/l to 2%, 0.2 mg/l, Szczygłowice from 145%, 13.4 mg/l to 3%, 0.3 mg/l). This was particularly frequent in polluted water bodies. In winter, the oxygen content depended on the duration of ice cover, especially in small, highly polluted ponds. In spring and autumn, the best oxygen conditions were recorded in the vertical cross-sections due to the vertical circulation of water and vigorous water turnover.

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Thesis Chapters by Maksymilian Solarski


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Mining traditions in Bytom-Tarnowskie Góry region date back to the 12th century when shallow depo... more Mining traditions in Bytom-Tarnowskie Góry region date back to the 12th century when shallow deposits of
ore resources were discovered here. These were especially rich in silver as well as lead and zinc ores. The particularly
intensive development of this type of mining took place in the late 18th century, under the Prussian government,
when due to the increasing demands for raw material and due to the improvement of production methods,
mining activities were intensified. The purpose of this article is to collect historical facts relating to the extraction
of zinc and lead ores in the Bytom-Tarnowskie Góry region from the 18th century to the present day as well as to
provide details related to the mining in spatial perspective. The information collected shows that from the late 18th
century the mining for non-ferrous metal ores covered almost 13.5 km2 in the Tarnowskie Góry area and 40.6 km2
in Bytom area (Fig. 1, 2). At the end of the 20th century the density of pits reached nearly 60 km·km-2 at places,
the total length of the excavation was 872.1 km, and the deepest gates descended to more than 100 m below
ground surface (Fig. 3).

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In this article an attempt was made to analyze the Miechowicka Upland relief changes in 1883-1994... more In this article an attempt was made to analyze the Miechowicka Upland relief changes in 1883-1994 years. It
concentrates on the forms which are an effect of the mining and metallurgical activity such as subsidence depressions
and dumps. An area and values of subsidence for areas subjected to the mining activity, changes of the
slopes, an average land altitude in 1883 and 1994 year were determined and an anthropogenic denudation ratio
was also calculated. As the result of research made, it has been established that the area of the subsidence is 5 250
ha (about 50% of the research area) and the maximum value of subsidence is 37 meters, there was growth of the
slopes at a simultaneous drop of the land average altitude, and the anthropogenic denudation ratio is 39 mm/year
(800 greater than the natural denudation ratio).

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This article is a comparative analasys of spatial organization of two chosen villages in Opolszcz... more This article is a comparative analasys of spatial organization of two chosen villages in Opolszczyzna (Kromołów
and Siołkowice Nowe), situated in different environmental conditions and differ in terms of morphogenetic and functional
structures. Changes of individual elements of spatial organisation which took place in 19th and 20th century,
were charted on the strenght of prussian and polish topographic maps. It contains analasys of changes of village's
surfaces and course of border, evolution of settlement, field pattern and course of ways. It take attempt to show that
origin and functions of villages have influence on its spatial organisation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphological and hydrological effects of subsidence and land use change in industrial and urban areas

Land subsidence caused by mining activities is an example of human transformation of the natural ... more Land subsidence caused by mining activities is an example of human transformation of the natural environment and leads to changes in land use. The study covers an area of 958 ha in the Silesian Upland, southern Poland. Records from the period 1890–1990 document the presence of subsidence effects in 82.9% of the study area and the maximum displacement figure is more than 30 m which translates to an average rate of 0.3 m per year. It was found that subsidence basins serve as the new local erosion base and new sedimentation basins. They are filled with sediments whose level of pollution ranges from moderate to heavy and extremely heavy. Subsidence has caused a dramatic change in the local hydrology, including the quality and quantity of the water. The specifics involve: the emergence of new closed drainage catchments with a total area of 651.1 ha; an increase in the total watercourse length (from 0.9 to 5.7 km); an increase in the river network density (from 0.09 to 0.56 km km−2); a decrease in the number (from 81 to 48) and an increase in the area (from 23.8 to 58.4 ha) of lakes and ponds; an increase in the lake coverage ratio (from 2.5% to 6.1%) and in water pollution. Subsidence has limited the potential land uses, which led to a decrease in arable land from 619.0 to 122.5 ha that gave way to other land uses, including those equivalent to wasteland.

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The aim of this research work was to determine quantitative and qualitative transformations in Mi... more The aim of this research work was to determine quantitative and qualitative transformations in Miechowicka Upland’s hydrographical network in the years 1827-1994. Based upon archival and contemporary cartographic
materials, the hydrographical network’s condition was defined in the following 4 temporal steps: early and late 19th
century, and early and late 20th century. As follows from the research work conducted, Miechowicka Upland’s hydrographical network was subject to some considerable transformations over almost two hundred years. Among
others, these transformations include: increase in the number of water reservoirs, emergence of many genetic types
of water reservoirs, decay in riverhead sections, shortened lengths of watercourses due to river area development
works, changes in the character of river-beds. Besides its topographic profile, the hydrographical network at the
research work area was the natural environment’s component, which was transformed in the most significant way as a result of human activities (mining, industry, urbanisation).

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Research paper thumbnail of Natural and anthropogenic influences on ice formation on various water bodies of the Silesian Upland (southern Poland)

Limnological Review, 2011

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Codzienne obserwacje zlodzenia przeprowadzono w półroczu zimowym roku hydro-logicznego 2010 na ni... more Codzienne obserwacje zlodzenia przeprowadzono w półroczu zimowym roku hydro-logicznego 2010 na niewielkim poeksploatacyjnym zbiorniku wodnym położonym w połu-dniowo-wschodniej części Czeladzi przy trasie Warszawa-Katowice (rys. 1). Celem kriolo-gicznych badań zbiornikowych prowadzonych z uwzględnieniem wyników obserwacji mete-orologicznych było szczegółowe rozpoznanie przebiegu zjawisk lodowych i określenie form występowania lodu na wszystkich etapach zlodzenia akwenu (ze szczególnym uwzględnie-niem form i procesów zlodzenia dotychczas nie identyfikowanych).

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Water reservoirs in the subsidence depressions are a specific and one of the most dynamically cha... more Water reservoirs in the subsidence depressions are a specific and one of the most dynamically changing elements of the hydrographic system. In spite of the fact, that they formed in basins which are an effect of the human activity, from the moment of their formation, they are subject to the same processes like the natural lakes. Nowadays they play a role which is similar to the natural ecosystems and they are used as recreational areas all year around. Due to use safety of the reservoirs it is very important to learn about regularities in the course of the ice phenomena within the whole area. Changes of the ice thickness in time and its diversification in its entire area belong to the most important regularities. The authors of the article made an attempt to determine regularities in functioning of the ice cover in 2008/09 winter season. The research were performed on the water reservoir in the subsidence depressions located in the central part of Bytom and they required a complex approach, the reservoir morphometric parameters and its localization. Соларски М., Прадэла A. Протекание ледовых явлений в водоеме во впадине оседания в зимний сезон 2008/2009 гг. Водоемы во впадинах оседания представляют собой специ-фический и один из наиболее динамично изменяющихся элементов ландшафта, образованного после выработки карьера. Несмотря на то, что они образовались в котловинах, которые являются результатом деятельности человека, они с момента образования подвергаются тем же самым процессам, что и естественные озера. Водоемы осуществляют функции, приближенные к функциям природных экосистем, и часто используются в рекреационных целях круглогодично. С точки зрения безопасности использования водоемов зимой весьма важным является изучение закономерностей в протекании ледовых явлений в границах водоемов. К наиболее важным параметрам следует отнести изменение толщины слоя льда с течением времени и ее дифференцирование в границах всей поверхности водоема. В данной работе авторы предприняли попытку определения закономерностей существования ледового покрова в зимний сезон 2008/2009 гг. на поверхности водоема во впадине оседания, расположенного в обширном бессточном углублении, находящемся в центральной части Бытома. Эти исследования потребовали применения комплексного подхода, охватывающего изучение не только ледяного покрова, но также и факторов, определяющих его характеристики, таких как атмосферные условия, морфометрические параметры водоема и его расположение. Słowa kluczowe: zjawiska lodowe, zbiornik wodny, niecka osiadania, Bytom WPROWADZENIE Wśród zbiorników wodnych Górnośląskiego Pojezierza Antropogenicznego (GPA) szczególne miejsce zajmują te powstałe w zapadliskach i nieckach osiadania. Wiele z nich cechuje się złożoną genezą (poligenezą), a ich misy powstają w miejscach gdzie powierzchnia terenu obniżyła się na skutek podziemnych prac górniczych (Rzętała 2008). Stanowią one ponadto jeden z najbardziej dynamicznie zmieniających się elementów sieci hydrograficznej, charakteryzując się stosunkowo krótką żywotnością oraz częstymi zmianami kształtu,

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Morphometric characteristic of the Nakło-Chechło water body. The aim of this work was to make a d... more Morphometric characteristic of the Nakło-Chechło water body. The aim of this work was to make a detailed morphometric characteristics of the after-exploitation Nakło-Chechło water body. In April 2012 field bathometric measurements from a pontoon with use of a Lowrence HDS 5 sonic depth finder with a built-in GPS were made to realize the determined goal, and also a course of the water body shoreline was determined on the basis of satellite photographs from the IKONOS satellite. Parameters characterizing the water body surface and basin were determined on the basis of the data. Among the numerous morphometric parameters the following ones, among others, were determined: the water body surface (0,8354 km 2), capacity (2,1 mln m 3), the maximum depth (5,5 m), the average depth (2,5 m).

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Research paper thumbnail of Wykorzystanie Systemów Informacji Geograficznej do badań przemian powierzchniowej sieci hydrograficznej w XIX i XX wieku na przykładzie bytomskiego rejonu złożowego

W opracowaniu przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania narzędzi GIS do badań przemian sieci hydrogra... more W opracowaniu przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania narzędzi GIS do
badań przemian sieci hydrograficznej. W analizie wykorzystano informacje z okresu
ostatnich 200 lat, a wszystkie prace wykonano na bazie dostępnych materiałów
analogowych. Zaprezentowane zostały trzy przykładowe metody przedstawienia zmian
parametrów sieci hydrograficznej. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły stwierdzić,
że archiwalne materiały kartograficzne stanowią solidną i wiarygodną podstawę do
przeprowadzania analiz przestrzennych. Materiały te można porównywać z danymi
współczesnymi, a otrzymane wyniki umożliwiają wnioskowanie o wpływie analizowanych
czynników na zmiany sieci hydrograficzn

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Research paper thumbnail of Przebieg zjawisk lodowych w wybranych antropogenicznych zbiornikach wodnych Wyżyny Katowickiej

Antropogeniczne zbiorniki wodne są specyficznym i jednym z najbardziej dynamicznie zmieniających ... more Antropogeniczne zbiorniki wodne są specyficznym i jednym z najbardziej
dynamicznie zmieniających się elementów sieci hydrograficznej. Pomimo iż uformowały
się one w misach będących efektem działalności człowieka, to od momentu powstania
ulegają takim samym procesom jak jeziora naturalne. Obecnie często odgrywają rolę
zbliżoną do naturalnych ekosystemów i są użytkowane rekreacyjnie przez cały rok.
Ze względu na bezpieczeństwo użytkowania zbiorników bardzo ważne jest, aby poznać
prawidłowości w kształtowaniu zjawisk lodowych na całej powierzchni zbiornika.
Do najważniejszych należą zmiany miąższości pokrywy lodowej w czasie i jej
zróżnicowanie w obrębie całej powierzchni zbiornika. W artykule autorzy zwrócili uwagę
na prawidłowości w funkcjonowaniu pokrywy lodowej w sezonie zimowym 2008/09
na sześciu wybranych antropogenicznych zbiornikach wodnych Wyżyny Katowickiej.

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthropogenic transformation of the Bytom area relief in the period of 1883-1994

In this article an attempt was made to analyse the Bytom city relief changes in 1883-1994 years. ... more In this article an attempt was made to analyse the Bytom city relief changes in 1883-1994 years. It concentrates on the forms
which are an effect of the mining and metallurgical activity such as subsidence depressions and dumps. Two digital relief
models representing a topographic situation in year 1883 and 1994 were made by the Vertical Mapper tool in order to
determine changes in the relief. The models were made by linear vectorization of contour lines, which then were processed
into points. The made points were interpolated by the natural neighbour method. Maps of slopes, area profiles, contour line
sketches and hypsographic curves were generated for two time periods on basis of the digital relief models. An area and
values of subsidence for areas subjected to the mining activity, changes of the slopes, an average land altitude in 1883 and
1994 year were determined and an anthropogenic denudation ratio was also calculated. As the result of the research made, it
has been established that the area of the subsidence is 3727 ha (about 54% of the city area) and the maximum value of
subsidence is about 37 meters, there was a growth of the slopes at a simultaneous drop of the land average altitude, and the
anthropogenic denudation ratio is 44 mm/year (800 greater than the natural denudation ratio).

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Research paper thumbnail of Eutrophication of water reservoirs under anthropogenic, agricultural and industrial impacts (example of Southern Poland)

The purpose of the study was to identify the trophic level in retention water bodies located in S... more The purpose of the study was to identify the trophic level in retention water bodies located in Southern Poland (Central Europe). Thirty nine different water bodies were selected for study. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the chlorophyll concentration was measured in the epilimnion layer of these reservoirs throughout the 2012 hydrological year. The water transparency during the summer season was also measured using the Secchi disc method. Based on the chlorophyll content and Secchi disc visibility, the Trophic State Index (TSI) values were calculated for chlorophyll α and Secchi disc visibility (Carlson method) and for chlorophyll α alone (Walker method). Additional measurements included the pH, dissolved oxygen, oxygenation and conductivity of the water. As demonstrated by the analyses conducted in the experiment, the annual average chlorophyll α content varied from approximately 2.5 ug/L in oligotrophic reservoirs (such as for example Pogoria III and Kuźnica Warężyńska), up to more than 70 ug/L in retention reservoirs holding strongly eutrophicated water (i.e. Rozlewisko Bytomki and Żabie Doły N).
Water transparency ranged from over 5 m in oligotrophic reservoirs (5.1 m in Pogoria III and 5.5 m in Kuźnica Warężyńska), down to less than 0.5 m in hypertrophic reservoirs (Kamieniec – 0.35 m and Rozlewisko Bytomki - 0.45 m ). Based on the calculated TSI indicators and the classifications found in bibliographic sources covering chlorophyll content, the reservoirs covered by the study were classified according to their specific trophic type. There were three reservoirs classified as oligotrophic and eight as mesotrophic water bodies. There were 28 reservoirs at various stages of eutrophication, ranging from mesoeutrophic (3 reservoirs), eutrophic (18), to water bodies demonstrating seasonal or permanent signs of hypertrophy (7).

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Research paper thumbnail of Natural and anthropogenic influences on ice formation on various water bodies of the Silesian Upland (southern Poland)

Limnological Review, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Specyfika zamarzania wybranych zbiorników wodnych na Wyżynie Śląskiej

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The objective of the research was to identify the diversity and variability of oxygen conditions ... more The objective of the research was to identify the diversity and variability of oxygen conditions in anthropogenic reservoirs in the Silesian Upland, southern Poland. The choice of oxygen conditions as the factor to be investigated was dictated by the fact that it had a particular importance for ecological conditions in the lakes and influenced the ichthyofauna. The study (performed during the hydrological years 2010, 2011 and 2012-underway) looked at 39 water bodies of different origins, sizes, hydrology and function and the anthropopressure they were subject to. The results show that oxygen conditions in the water bodies varied across a very wide spectrum from oxygen-less, recorded during long periods of continuous ice cover (e.g. Rozlewisko Bytomki 4%, 0.6 mg/l; Brzeziny 5%, 0.7 mg/l) or at a time of sewage discharge incidents (e.g. Trzy Stawy Miechowice 10%, 1.0 mg/l), to extreme supersaturation during spring and summer algal blooms (e.g. Kamieniec 399,7%, 32,8 mg/l; Farskie 313,2%, 27,3 mg/l). The greatest diversity in vertical cross-sections was recorded in summer when phytoplankton development caused oxygen supersaturation in the epilimnion while hampering light penetration into deeper areas, which contributed to the development of oxygen-less conditions in the hypolimnion (e.g. Brantka from 111%, 10.1 mg/l to 2%, 0.2 mg/l, Szczygłowice from 145%, 13.4 mg/l to 3%, 0.3 mg/l). This was particularly frequent in polluted water bodies. In winter, the oxygen content depended on the duration of ice cover, especially in small, highly polluted ponds. In spring and autumn, the best oxygen conditions were recorded in the vertical cross-sections due to the vertical circulation of water and vigorous water turnover.

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