::Simply Addicted v.03 Underneath it All:: (original) (raw)

Im Baaaack! [11 Sep 2002|04:00pm]
Hey there, I havent been around for awhile and even when I was, I wasnt really. Does that make any sense?? So I put my other journal away and am going to write in this one from now on. HmmmI dont think I have anything very interesting to talk about. Just finished up this new layout Do you like? Since, im a free user its not that great, cuz there isnt that much I can do with the overrides. Also on my computer the writing all lines up, but...i know it wont look the same on everyones. Sorry.Ok well I have to run just want to write real quick and let ya know Im here, and Ill be writing everyday (well almost) and maybe even posting some goodies for y'all.Buh~Bye
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New Layout [16 Jul 2002|04:59pm]
How do u like my new layout, it takes a bit of time to bring up the background pic but I like it. I am updating my icon site so Ill write more soon to let u know when its all ready. Ok well buh bye
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Still here [08 Jul 2002|04:39pm]
Hi all im still here, just my computer broke at home so I dont have much time on here ya know. But good news I have over 200 icons to share, and will be posting in the next week! sorry I ran out like this...but Ill be back. bye
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New Layout [17 Jun 2002|06:36am]
[ **mood** | accomplished ] hey guys, just wanted to show off my new layout lol. What do u think? I really like it, I hope it looks good on other screen sizes. Anywho, I got to go ill write more later(yeah right):)Oh feel free to comment on ideas for this weeks icons...Im making some avril ones, and some Spiderman ones anything else??
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Remember me? [28 May 2002|07:20pm]
[ **mood** | stressed ] hey all, long time no read, eh? lol just kidding but seriously I havent been around or posting icons. So I figured Id stop in and give ya a heads up on whats going on. Ok first of Im reaching the end of the term so everything I put off a few weeks ago I have to do now on top of all the other crap. So, I just dont have time to make any icons right now. But there is some good news.I am revamping my site, changing the layout adding new sections, like AIM icons and desktop goodies...and of course tons of lj icons. So when I get back around to making icons(hopefully next week) I should have a huge selection to choose from. So thats good, right??Alright-now I must ask for some advice. Who do u want to see? Or what? u name it and Ill try to make it.But for now byebye :)
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New Layout [21 May 2002|11:55am]
[ **mood** | artistic ] ok, so how does it look? Im trying to do a new layout and Im kinda liking it so far but I think I need to tweak things just a little more. Anyway, my website is down for a couple weeks butwill be back up with a new layout(im in an Alicia Keys faze) and all new icons!! so ill let u know more later....:)
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[28 Apr 2002|11:50pm]
[ **mood** | cranky ] Today sucked! I mean I totally had a bad day, the worse day I have had in a long time. I just feel like going to bed, and sleeping forever (well until morning) but the worse thing is I cant sleep!!! its like my body is tired and my mind isnt. ugh!Anywho...I posted a new batch of icons...read the *rules* and let me know if u like anything. they are definately not my best work but anyway here u go http://www.geocities.com/simplyaddictedicons
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Icons [22 Apr 2002|11:15pm]
[ **mood** | calm ] Hey all...I posted a new batch of icons this last Sunday you can find them here http://www.geocities.com/simplyaddictedicons all I ask is that you read the *rules* and give me some feedback. Ill be posting a new batch every Sunday...so remember to check back in ::if u like what u see:: Chat at you later.
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