// SINGEFUL : graphics journal (original) (raw)

Join icon_error! [
16Jun07 3:16pm
No updates. Just pimping.icon_error is a friendly place to share icons and get constructive criticism about your icons, get tutorials, enter contests and overall help improve your icon-ing abilities IN THE MOST FRIENDLIEST MANNER. 8D
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20Mar07 9:58pm
singeful is backNew layout! More graphics! More variety!Singeful is no longer strictly j-rock. All fandoms are now welcome in the suggestion box, but please keep in mind that I'll only be using images that I personally like (regardless of subject), therefor not all suggestions will be fulfilled, but throw whatever you want at me anyway! :DGraphics soon to come: Ugly Betty iconsSuper Accountant Henry (Ugly Betty) layout more?
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20Jan07 12:40am
As from now on, singeful is going to be on a VERY long hiatus. Either that or I will stop making grpahics here altogether. I probably won't find the time to create free graphics anymore, but I'll keep all the posts open/public so that the graphics may still be used.Suggestion box is also now closed. ^^;For other graphic comms/journals, check the links.Thanks to everyone who supported this journal and used my graphics with credit! ♥
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singeful → v.2 [
28Sep06 11:10pm
NEW LAYOUT AT singeful ☆Used the same pics as my previous layout only because I could not, for the life of me, let go of the hotness that is Shou 8B. 'Tis now colourful. You will feel jolly.I even took the time to make a matching icon and button! 8D OYAY.Anyway, although that I have unfortunately been neglecting this dear home of my graphics, you should be glad to know that I've tried to become more organised by tagging everything and deleting the memories. I will also try to be more active. *shifty eyes* I fixed the coding for the La'Cryma layout (at least I think I did? o_O;) and an Uruha layout is soon to come up for grabs! Will also do a whole load of house-cleaning in terms of organisation here only because I'm very much in the mood to be anal and perfect things.Also, I've realised that I've lacked replying to comments, but I assure you that I read them all and only reply to those that have asked me questions (and those who happen to be my friend XD) Bias much? Perhaps. But I do thank you all for your kind comments, crediting me, friending me etc. I HEART YOU!<3 singeful / o_o4the procrastinating graphic designer of doom 8D
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textures / kiyoharu, TMR wallpapers [
1Jul06 9:57pm
Guess what I have instore for you this time..... TEXTURES! I scanned in some textures (anything I could find around my room), meddled with them on Photoshop, then decided to put them up for grabs ^^ textures: x5 (they're all similar though.....and girly) XD wallpapers: Kiyoharu, TMR (one of each, but now available in two sizes!) ( click hereCollapse )
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singeful → v.2 [
20Jun06 8:16pm
NEW LAYOUT!Featuring Shou (alice nine.)It's all in warm, earthy colours this time :DI also updated my custom layouts archiveAND I'm going to take the opportunity to pimp my DA XDBecause I can.And that is all. ^^
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suggestion box [
26May06 11:08pm
Hey guys, Because my folders of pictures are pretty much limited to the bands I like, I'll leave this post as a suggestion box so that you can have input on the pictures that I use for graphics ^^This will be the closest thing to 'requesting'. All you need to do is reply to this post with pictures you'd like me to use as graphics.» All fandoms welcome!» Please place links, not thumbnails or actual images.Please note that not all suggestions can be fulfilled, and the graphics are for everyone -these are NOT requests! Thanks ♥
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