

Research paper thumbnail of Relational neurostrategy

Kybernetes, Dec 25, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of La vida como unidad relacional, el proceso de ecopoiesis

Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Feb 2, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of La destrucción del OIKOS: Mercantilizar el Conocimiento

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Research paper thumbnail of The Sound of the Spiral

IGI Global eBooks, Feb 3, 2015

When we speak of organizations and organization, we necessarily have recourse to the idea of form... more When we speak of organizations and organization, we necessarily have recourse to the idea of form. Our Judaeo-Christian culture has pressured us towards what is stable, certain, invariant: this to keep from sinning. We drastically need to create objects that remain independent and indefinitely without us, so that we can preserve them and reference them as signs of reality. But what is it that remains, and what is it that changes when we refer to organizations? We are talking in a world of the unseen, the relational process, of which we cannot say anything complete, anything referring to moments of certainty; it appears to us in a ghostly, hidden, and playful way. It is of this world whose condition of uncertainty we have not been able to live, and where nothing is more than the opportunity to know, of this world in a spiral that the authors discuss in this final chapter.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Manufacture to Mindfacture

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Research paper thumbnail of Uso del Espacio en los Períodos Alfarero Temprano y Tardío: Análisis Comparativo

IV Congreso Chileno de Antropología, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Life as a relational unit, the process of ecopoiesis


PurposeThe purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Ecopoiesis. Introduction of the c... more PurposeThe purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Ecopoiesis. Introduction of the concept of ecopiesis, which explains the linkage strategy between relational and energetic resources (sustainability) that enable the relational viability of living things.Design/methodology/approachThe design is based on the use of the relationship between abduction, epigenesis, cismogenesis and morphogenesis.FindingsThis paper concludes with a counter-intuitive proposal to the dominant lines of thought, distinguishing: Complexity as vital interweaving, Aristotelian Oikos as communitarian distinction, Organism-Entorno from relational theory (beyond the interactional), in a cybernetic referential framework that allows tending to sustain and sustain life from Ecopoiesis.Originality/valueAccording to a relational theory of cognition, the sources of knowledge go beyond genetic and environmental factors. In the sphere of explanation, this study moves from “how much,” “why” and “how” to “why n...

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Research paper thumbnail of Life as a relational unit, the process of ecopoiesis

Life as a relational unit, the process of ecopoiesis, 2023

The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Ecopoiesis. Introduction of the concept ... more The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Ecopoiesis. Introduction of the concept of
ecopiesis, which explains the linkage strategy between relational and energetic resources (sustainability) that
enable the relational viability of living things

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Research paper thumbnail of Estrategia cognitiva para el desarrollo de herramientas computacionales en planificación territorial

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Cognitive Network Analysis to Mine Operations

International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, Dec 9, 2022

A faster pace of change in business strategies and the adoption of new mining models on the part ... more A faster pace of change in business strategies and the adoption of new mining models on the part of mining companies is their response to commodity price decrease, global demand change, operating costs increase, ore grade declining, the need to extend asset life cycle, community empowerment, and increased mining operating licenses. One of the mainstream solutions is the organization's automation and digital transformation aiming to achieve new levels of performance throughout the process network. However, the barrier that hinders any transformation process is the network culture supporting productive/administrative processes. This paper shows how relational change determines the amount of organizational waste production, so trying to introduce digital change excluding network culture results in a futile effort. The data shown comes from assessments in the Occupational Safety and Health Management (OSHM) of Chuquicamata Division, Codelco, Chile.

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Research paper thumbnail of Definición del Objeto Patrimonial en Chile a través de la Teoría Relacional

VI Congreso Chileno de Antropología, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of From Manufacture to Mindfacture: A Relational Viable Systems Theory

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Research paper thumbnail of Intellectual capital: object or process?

Journal of Intellectual Capital, Jan 18, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Warping in the Transition and Interaction Process Between Open Pit and Underground Mining

International journal of project management and productivity assessment, Feb 24, 2022

Codelco Chile will revolutionize underground mining as we know it today. The large infrastructure... more Codelco Chile will revolutionize underground mining as we know it today. The large infrastructure developed should be automated and monitored according to the most recent advances in the field. It implies a systemic conception of the operation to allow the remote control of communications and connectivity of the organization, making possible its coordination, cohesion, and management. The foregoing requires the implementation of an integrated technological model, which includes semi-autonomous operations from an integrated operations and control centre, but for this to happen, the entire organization needs to be adjusted. We propose a systemic model based on the control of the Organizational Waste (Variety No Required VNR). To reduce the loss of value (waste) need to evaluate and correct the incoherence in the decision-making processes, break in the continuity of the information flows by poorly designed organizational structures and by the elevated risk in redundancy values because of the disconnection between these.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Manufacture to Cognofacture

International journal of project management and productivity assessment, 2021

This paper aims to contribute to developing a new approach related to the viability concept. This... more This paper aims to contribute to developing a new approach related to the viability concept. This paper also demonstrates the relevance of change from the 'object' concept to the concept of 'relation' for organizational design. A system, or a viable unit in a relational sense, cannot be separated from its circumstances: what surrounds it must remain with it. What is referred to as external is not an entity apart from the unit, and, for that reason, the definitions of 'medium' and 'environment' that are being used do not correspond to these criteria. In the present context, the value generation process is mainly located in the strategic role of intangibles; as noted earlier, value propagation necessarily implies the understanding that this process is distanced from traditional physical rules whenever there emerges a relational field that allows its implementation. Emergent design or warp network is fundamentally a relational process developed from co-autonomy upon a heterarchical operational structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Landsat image and sample design for water reservoirs (Rapel dam Central Chile)

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of Cognicion y Territorio

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Research paper thumbnail of Estrategias Cognitivas: Una Propuesta Para El Proceso De Reformulación y Explicación en Arqueología

Chungara, Sep 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of From cybersin to cybernet. Considerations for a cybernetics design thinking in the socialism of the XXI century

AI & society, Jan 20, 2022

From its origins, cybernetics has based its desire on the concept of transverse nature, today tra... more From its origins, cybernetics has based its desire on the concept of transverse nature, today transdisciplinary. Within its history, the breaking point is unquestionably Stafford Beer and the VMS applied in Salvador Allende's government. Chile's historical conditions and context undoubtedly allowed a series of conceptual emergencies that were not necessarily developed after the 1973 coup d'état. Beer's design, as he claims, could serve both a socialist vision and a fascist command. This tells us that the tool depends on the hand of the administrator. On the other hand, good but insufficient attempts have been made in the field of biologies, such as the theory of autopoiesis and epistemological positions concerning the observer, which have not been able to add value to the VMS. The errors in the design of the VMS can be summarized as follows: • Confusion of interactions with relationships • Confusing Co-Autonomy with Self-Organization • Confusion of centrism and centralities necessarily as central, • Establish isomorphisms in a mathematical system aiming at conceptual homologation. As is the case with Information and Entropy. This work shows that the VMS must obligatorily migrate to a Relational Viable system, whose bases are the relations of cooperation and reciprocity based on heterarchical structures for limited or scarce material energy resources. This is the basis of the socialist design which forces the economy to reduce the production of Non-Required Variety.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Union's Knowledge Strategies to Reach Success in the Implementation of Remote Operating Centers (COR)

International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment

Current conditions in metal mining, increasing operating costs, lower ore grades, and deeper depo... more Current conditions in metal mining, increasing operating costs, lower ore grades, and deeper deposits, make it necessary to take technological breaks to allow for high operating and production efficiencies. In Chile, there are integrated operations centers at the project level. The implementation of state-of-the-art technology has encountered problems such as the lack of a business perspective co-constructed in a political-technical system that breaks with the rigidity of the usual criteria and practices. The resistance to the redistribution of power so as not to perceive these centers as an operational anomaly to overcome the preference to operate manually is generating doubt of their real contribution of value. A transformation cannot be imposed but must be co-created. The knowledge of the trade union networks opens to the company culture possibilities of action that, in the face of a paradigmatic change, emerge to constitute value. This work shows the knowledge strategies to turn...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relational neurostrategy

Kybernetes, Dec 25, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of La vida como unidad relacional, el proceso de ecopoiesis

Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Feb 2, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of La destrucción del OIKOS: Mercantilizar el Conocimiento

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Research paper thumbnail of The Sound of the Spiral

IGI Global eBooks, Feb 3, 2015

When we speak of organizations and organization, we necessarily have recourse to the idea of form... more When we speak of organizations and organization, we necessarily have recourse to the idea of form. Our Judaeo-Christian culture has pressured us towards what is stable, certain, invariant: this to keep from sinning. We drastically need to create objects that remain independent and indefinitely without us, so that we can preserve them and reference them as signs of reality. But what is it that remains, and what is it that changes when we refer to organizations? We are talking in a world of the unseen, the relational process, of which we cannot say anything complete, anything referring to moments of certainty; it appears to us in a ghostly, hidden, and playful way. It is of this world whose condition of uncertainty we have not been able to live, and where nothing is more than the opportunity to know, of this world in a spiral that the authors discuss in this final chapter.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Manufacture to Mindfacture

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Research paper thumbnail of Uso del Espacio en los Períodos Alfarero Temprano y Tardío: Análisis Comparativo

IV Congreso Chileno de Antropología, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Life as a relational unit, the process of ecopoiesis


PurposeThe purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Ecopoiesis. Introduction of the c... more PurposeThe purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Ecopoiesis. Introduction of the concept of ecopiesis, which explains the linkage strategy between relational and energetic resources (sustainability) that enable the relational viability of living things.Design/methodology/approachThe design is based on the use of the relationship between abduction, epigenesis, cismogenesis and morphogenesis.FindingsThis paper concludes with a counter-intuitive proposal to the dominant lines of thought, distinguishing: Complexity as vital interweaving, Aristotelian Oikos as communitarian distinction, Organism-Entorno from relational theory (beyond the interactional), in a cybernetic referential framework that allows tending to sustain and sustain life from Ecopoiesis.Originality/valueAccording to a relational theory of cognition, the sources of knowledge go beyond genetic and environmental factors. In the sphere of explanation, this study moves from “how much,” “why” and “how” to “why n...

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Research paper thumbnail of Life as a relational unit, the process of ecopoiesis

Life as a relational unit, the process of ecopoiesis, 2023

The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Ecopoiesis. Introduction of the concept ... more The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Ecopoiesis. Introduction of the concept of
ecopiesis, which explains the linkage strategy between relational and energetic resources (sustainability) that
enable the relational viability of living things

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Research paper thumbnail of Estrategia cognitiva para el desarrollo de herramientas computacionales en planificación territorial

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Cognitive Network Analysis to Mine Operations

International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, Dec 9, 2022

A faster pace of change in business strategies and the adoption of new mining models on the part ... more A faster pace of change in business strategies and the adoption of new mining models on the part of mining companies is their response to commodity price decrease, global demand change, operating costs increase, ore grade declining, the need to extend asset life cycle, community empowerment, and increased mining operating licenses. One of the mainstream solutions is the organization's automation and digital transformation aiming to achieve new levels of performance throughout the process network. However, the barrier that hinders any transformation process is the network culture supporting productive/administrative processes. This paper shows how relational change determines the amount of organizational waste production, so trying to introduce digital change excluding network culture results in a futile effort. The data shown comes from assessments in the Occupational Safety and Health Management (OSHM) of Chuquicamata Division, Codelco, Chile.

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Research paper thumbnail of Definición del Objeto Patrimonial en Chile a través de la Teoría Relacional

VI Congreso Chileno de Antropología, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of From Manufacture to Mindfacture: A Relational Viable Systems Theory

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Research paper thumbnail of Intellectual capital: object or process?

Journal of Intellectual Capital, Jan 18, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Warping in the Transition and Interaction Process Between Open Pit and Underground Mining

International journal of project management and productivity assessment, Feb 24, 2022

Codelco Chile will revolutionize underground mining as we know it today. The large infrastructure... more Codelco Chile will revolutionize underground mining as we know it today. The large infrastructure developed should be automated and monitored according to the most recent advances in the field. It implies a systemic conception of the operation to allow the remote control of communications and connectivity of the organization, making possible its coordination, cohesion, and management. The foregoing requires the implementation of an integrated technological model, which includes semi-autonomous operations from an integrated operations and control centre, but for this to happen, the entire organization needs to be adjusted. We propose a systemic model based on the control of the Organizational Waste (Variety No Required VNR). To reduce the loss of value (waste) need to evaluate and correct the incoherence in the decision-making processes, break in the continuity of the information flows by poorly designed organizational structures and by the elevated risk in redundancy values because of the disconnection between these.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Manufacture to Cognofacture

International journal of project management and productivity assessment, 2021

This paper aims to contribute to developing a new approach related to the viability concept. This... more This paper aims to contribute to developing a new approach related to the viability concept. This paper also demonstrates the relevance of change from the 'object' concept to the concept of 'relation' for organizational design. A system, or a viable unit in a relational sense, cannot be separated from its circumstances: what surrounds it must remain with it. What is referred to as external is not an entity apart from the unit, and, for that reason, the definitions of 'medium' and 'environment' that are being used do not correspond to these criteria. In the present context, the value generation process is mainly located in the strategic role of intangibles; as noted earlier, value propagation necessarily implies the understanding that this process is distanced from traditional physical rules whenever there emerges a relational field that allows its implementation. Emergent design or warp network is fundamentally a relational process developed from co-autonomy upon a heterarchical operational structure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Landsat image and sample design for water reservoirs (Rapel dam Central Chile)

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1990

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Research paper thumbnail of Cognicion y Territorio

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Research paper thumbnail of Estrategias Cognitivas: Una Propuesta Para El Proceso De Reformulación y Explicación en Arqueología

Chungara, Sep 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of From cybersin to cybernet. Considerations for a cybernetics design thinking in the socialism of the XXI century

AI & society, Jan 20, 2022

From its origins, cybernetics has based its desire on the concept of transverse nature, today tra... more From its origins, cybernetics has based its desire on the concept of transverse nature, today transdisciplinary. Within its history, the breaking point is unquestionably Stafford Beer and the VMS applied in Salvador Allende's government. Chile's historical conditions and context undoubtedly allowed a series of conceptual emergencies that were not necessarily developed after the 1973 coup d'état. Beer's design, as he claims, could serve both a socialist vision and a fascist command. This tells us that the tool depends on the hand of the administrator. On the other hand, good but insufficient attempts have been made in the field of biologies, such as the theory of autopoiesis and epistemological positions concerning the observer, which have not been able to add value to the VMS. The errors in the design of the VMS can be summarized as follows: • Confusion of interactions with relationships • Confusing Co-Autonomy with Self-Organization • Confusion of centrism and centralities necessarily as central, • Establish isomorphisms in a mathematical system aiming at conceptual homologation. As is the case with Information and Entropy. This work shows that the VMS must obligatorily migrate to a Relational Viable system, whose bases are the relations of cooperation and reciprocity based on heterarchical structures for limited or scarce material energy resources. This is the basis of the socialist design which forces the economy to reduce the production of Non-Required Variety.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Union's Knowledge Strategies to Reach Success in the Implementation of Remote Operating Centers (COR)

International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment

Current conditions in metal mining, increasing operating costs, lower ore grades, and deeper depo... more Current conditions in metal mining, increasing operating costs, lower ore grades, and deeper deposits, make it necessary to take technological breaks to allow for high operating and production efficiencies. In Chile, there are integrated operations centers at the project level. The implementation of state-of-the-art technology has encountered problems such as the lack of a business perspective co-constructed in a political-technical system that breaks with the rigidity of the usual criteria and practices. The resistance to the redistribution of power so as not to perceive these centers as an operational anomaly to overcome the preference to operate manually is generating doubt of their real contribution of value. A transformation cannot be imposed but must be co-created. The knowledge of the trade union networks opens to the company culture possibilities of action that, in the face of a paradigmatic change, emerge to constitute value. This work shows the knowledge strategies to turn...

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Research paper thumbnail of Del Cibersyn a la Ciber-Rel. Consideraciones para un pensamiento de diseño cibernético en el postsocialismo del siglo XXI

Desde sus orígenes, la cibernética ha basado su voluntad en el concepto de naturaleza transversal... more Desde sus orígenes, la cibernética ha basado su voluntad en el concepto de naturaleza transversal, hoy transdisciplinar. Dentro de su historia, el punto de ruptura es sin duda Stafford Beer y el VMS aplicado en el gobierno de Salvador Allende. Las condiciones históricas y el contexto de Chile permitieron, sin duda, una serie de emergencias conceptuales que no necesariamente se desarrollaron después del golpe de Estado de 1973. El diseño de Beer, como él mismo afirma, podía servir tanto a una visión socialista como a un mando fascista. Esto nos dice que la herramienta depende de la mano del administrador. Por otra parte, se han hecho intentos buenos pero insuficientes en el campo de las biologías, como la teoría de la autopoiesis y las posiciones epistemológicas relativas al observador, que no han podido añadir valor de uso al VMS. Los errores en el diseño del VMS se pueden resumir en: confundir las interacciones con las relaciones, confundir la coautonomia con la autoorganización, confundir el centralismo y las centralidades necesariamente como centrales y establecer isomorfismos en un sistema matemático que pretende la homologación conceptual, como es el caso de la Información y la Entropía. Este trabajo muestra que el VMS debe migrar obligatoriamente a un sistema relacional viable, cuyas bases son las relaciones de cooperación y reciprocidad basadas en estructuras heterárquicas para recursos energéticos materiales limitados o escasos. Esta es la base del diseño relacional pos-socialista que obliga a la economía a reducir la producción de Variedad No Requerida o desperdicio,
Palabras clave: Pos- Socialismo, Cibernética, Variedad, Variedad no requerida, Sistemas relacionales viables.

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Research paper thumbnail of La destrucción del OIKOS: Mercantilizar el Conocimiento

Los fenómenos asociados a la globalización como la proliferación y nacimiento de las compañías tr... more Los fenómenos asociados a la globalización como la proliferación y nacimiento de las compañías transnacionales, nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación, redes sociales virtuales y flujos migratorios internacionales, interpelan a las Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales a generar marcos de referencia en torno a dinámicas que son producto de matrices paradigmáticas de pensamiento no-lineal que poseen un carácter sistémico, emergente y recurrente (Walby: 2009). En efecto, las Ciencias Sociales se abren a un espectro de acción orientado hacia la complejidad y la transdisciplina en un meta-contexto de globalización y de transformaciones de impactos sistémicos y multidimensionales en la sociedad y la cultura. Esto ha trasuntado en un programa dinámico y complejo en términos de construcción conceptual y prospectivas de lo humano y la realidad. Esta nueva panorámica sistémica y no-lineal de interacciones múltiples debe afrontar teórica, práctica y metodológicamente puntos de inflexión epistémicos-socioculturales, propiedades sinérgicas del conocimiento, pensamiento lateral, paradojas, patrones y pautas de interacción disciplinar, flujos y manejos de información desprendidas de un contexto de crisis (Morin: 2001, 2006; Maldonado: 2009, 2005; Lavanderos y Malpartida: 2000, 2001; Becquet & Musselin: 2004).

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This paper introduces a new concept in Ecology called Ecological Viability. This concept has tran... more This paper introduces a new concept in Ecology called Ecological Viability. This concept has transdisciplinary and systemic characteristics. The concept of Ecotome is introduced to homologate it with the Ayllu (Quechua Aymara) and to design the latter as a cybernetic system. The final objective is to recover the Oikos that ecology and economics (exchange value chrematistics) have left out of the culture-nature relationship.

Keywords: Ecological Viability, Ecotomo, Chrematistic, Ayllu, Culture-Nature,

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A new concept such as Ecological Viability is defined based on relational concepts such as Sumak ... more A new concept such as Ecological Viability is defined based on relational concepts such as Sumak Kawsay. The design of a cybernetic system for the Ayllu is proposed based on the concept of ecotomo.
Se define un nuevo concepto como es el de Viabilidad Ecológica a partir de conceptos relacionales como el Sumak Kawsay. Se propone el diseño de un sistema cibernético para el Ayllu a partir del concepto de ecotomo.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Cybersin to Cybernet.  Considerations for a cybernetics design thinking in the socialism of the XXI century

Within its history, the breaking point is unquestionably Stafford Beer and the VMS applied in Sal... more Within its history, the breaking point is unquestionably Stafford Beer and the VMS applied in Salvador Allende's government. Chile's historical conditions and context undoubtedly allowed a series of conceptual emergencies that were not necessarily developed after the 1973 coup d'état.

As we pointed out, the deviations of cybernetic Cognobourgeoisie is not having evolved Beer's model towards a socialist political vision since they confused and maintained the fetish of the commodity in dissociated proposals such as Ecology, which leaves out the social as a relationship, and Economics, which leaves out nature as a relationship. Both allow the chrematistic to impose itself, transforming the world into a super-commodity and now promoting knowledge as a commodity of exchange through Artificial Intelligence.

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Research paper thumbnail of AYLLU Y SU CIBERNETICA

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Research paper thumbnail of From Cybersin to Cybernet. Considerations for a cybernetics design thinking in the socialism of the XXI century

From its origins, cybernetics has based its desire on the concept of transverse nature, today tra... more From its origins, cybernetics has based its desire on the concept of transverse nature, today transdisciplinary. Within its history, the breaking point is unquestionably Stafford Beer and the VMS applied in Salvador Allende's government. Chile's historical conditions and context undoubtedly allowed a series of conceptual emergencies that were not necessarily developed after the 1973 coup d'état. Beer's design, as he claims, could serve both a socialist vision and a fascist command. This tells us that the tool depends on the hand of the administrator. On the other hand, good but insufficient attempts have been made in the field of biologies, such as the theory of autopoiesis and epistemological positions concerning the observer, which have not been able to add value to the VMS. The errors in the design of the VMS can be summarized as follows: • Confusion of interactions with relationships • Confusing Co-Autonomy with Self-Organization • Confusion of centrism and centralities necessarily as central, • Establish isomorphisms in a mathematical system aiming at conceptual homologation. As is the case with Information and Entropy. This work shows that the VMS must obligatorily migrate to a Relational Viable system, whose bases are the relations of cooperation and reciprocity based on heterarchical structures for limited or scarce material energy resources. This is the basis of the socialist design which forces the economy to reduce the production of Non-Required Variety.

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Los estilos y formas de pensar actuales que se jactan de los cambios de paradigma no han logrado ... more Los estilos y formas de pensar actuales que se jactan de los cambios de paradigma no han logrado levantar las anclas del cartesianismo y la misa religiosa que se celebra para ofrecer la certeza del objeto. Sea cual sea su forma, el fetiche epistemológico que surge de la objetividad y la subjetividad ha preservado un oscurantismo contra la posibilidad de comprender la relación como fundamento del conocimiento. Este capítulo tiene por objeto entender la "relación" como concepto centralizador cuando se explica el proceso de conocimiento y las estrategias emergentes en la conformación de las organizaciones. Desde esta perspectiva, ya no es posible hablar de autonomía, porque son necesarios otros para que esto ocurra (es decir, necesariamente debemos hablar de una epistemología para la co-autonomía).

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Research paper thumbnail of INTELIGENCIA TERRITORIAL


En resumen, podríamos decir que el proceso de ordenamiento o configuración territorial y el proce... more En resumen, podríamos decir que el proceso de ordenamiento o configuración territorial y el proceso de toma de decisiones que la constituyen, adquieren la categoría de complejos por la dinámica de relaciones que los diferentes actores involucrados (gobierno, privados, grupos de interés, sindicatos, gobiernos extranjeros, etc.) imprimen en el estilo y en la narrativa asociada. La forma de sistematizar y ordenar la complejidad de multicriterios y estilos en la selección de decisiones para un sistema de redes se ha definido como Inteligencia Territorial.

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Research paper thumbnail of LA GUERRA DEL CONOCIMIENTO


LA GUERRA DEL CONOCIMIENTO. La transdisciplina, trinchera contra la fragmentación neoliberal del... more LA GUERRA DEL CONOCIMIENTO.
La transdisciplina, trinchera contra la fragmentación neoliberal del pensamiento Dr. Leonardo Lavanderos Corporación :

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Trabajo presentado el 14 de Agosto de 2019, a petición de la COMISION DE EDUCACION de la cámara ... more Trabajo presentado el 14 de Agosto de 2019, a petición de la COMISION DE EDUCACION de la cámara de diputados del Congreso Nacional, a fin dar conocer su opinión sobre el proyecto de ley que modifica la ley General de Educación y la ley sobre Subvención del Estado a establecimientos educacionales, en el sentido de prohibir que se condicione la permanencia de estudiantes al consumo de medicamentos para tratar trastornos de conducta :(boletín No 11662-04).

El desarrollo de psicofármacos es producto de muchos años de estudio controlado y pueden ser excelentes en determinadas circunstancias, las cuales no son cualquier circunstancia y menos aun cuando se trata de escolares o personas en crecimiento. Para lo cual, se requieren protocolos exhaustivos antes de hacerse de su uso, esto es así puesto que fuera de la exigencia de lograr el éxito y de lo normado, fuera de la historia individual, muchas veces solo se requiere tiempo para crecer y “madurar”.

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Desde hace un tiempo a la fecha, se está hablando de organizaciones en redes lo que no resulta no... more Desde hace un tiempo a la fecha, se está hablando de organizaciones en redes lo que no resulta novedoso si en general las conexiones y su variedad siguen esa forma narrativa. Lo importante es saber como se configura una estructura detrás de un imaginario como lo es el organigrama o la matricial, hoy de moda. Este capítulo muestra como hemos logrado evaluar la estructura y el proceso detrás del espejo organizacional.

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Within the context of cognitive sciences, there is no theory that allows us to explain the organi... more Within the context of cognitive sciences, there is no theory that allows us to explain the organization of the system culture-nature as autonomic and relational units. This is to say that the basis of distinction originates in the relational process as the pattern of organization and not in the entities that generate it. The purpose of this work is to explain the organization of the culture-nature system as coautonomous relational units, constituted by communicational structures that allow the organization of these units to operate. As stated above, the operation to create distinction are configurations originated in-groups of observers. This means that forms and types are only understood within organized meta-configurations that originate in the production and conservation of those patterns. This is why the distinction that includes the operation within the descriptive process rests in the affected operation, modifying what is observed in such a way that prediction of occurrence is not possible. We can therefore, state that this form of operation can only be understood when we comprehend how we generate the distinction.
Based on the above, we can define culture as the meta-configuration organized to maintain the pattern of what we accept as our own and to which we belong (or what we feel we are part of)

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Proposal Relational Cybernetics and post Socialism S4 Colloquium Toronto October 2021

Call for Proposal Relational Cybernetics and post Socialism S4 Society for Social Studies of Scie... more Call for Proposal Relational Cybernetics and post Socialism S4 Society for Social Studies of Science Colloquium Toronto October 2021

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