AstroInformatics 2021 (original) (raw)

AstroInformatics 2021

This is the eleventh in the series of the annual Astroinformatics conferences. Their intent is to stimulate the development of this vibrant field, which is essential for the data-rich, computationally enabled astrophysics in the 21st century. Our goals are to assemble researchers working in this field, in order to describe their latest work in this arena, exchange ideas with the other participants, and discuss the future prospects for the field.

Because of the ongoing pandemic, this year's conference will take place online with 3 hours of exciting content each day. But this is not just going to be endless Powerpoint over Zoom! We will be requesting contributed talks to be prerecorded and submitted by November 11th. Registered participants of the conference will then be able to watch these at their leisure. Our online time will feature short summaries by the contributors of their work and then dedicated discussion sessions.

In fact, we want to encourage discussion: chatting, debating, brainstorming with colleagues is the thing we are missing the most in our current online lives and so we want to see if we can at least recover some element of that. So we are going to making use of Gather Town ( as a online discussion platform (watch out for more details).

We're not completely abandoning presentations, however, and each day will also feature a real-time keynote speaker covering an important current topic in the field. We'll be announcing our speakers soon.

The conference is sponsored in part by the Center for Data-Driven Discovery (CD3) and the Astronomy Department at Caltech, the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS).

Registration is now open.