International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (original) (raw)

List of topics including, but not limited to:

Computer science, Information security

Information and communication technology , Cloud computing security

Wireless, mobile, and sensor networks, Forensics computing and security

Parallel and distributed systems, Network security and privacy

Pervasive computing, Security, Trust and Privacy

Data mining and predictive modelling, Cloud and big data analytics

Computer vision, Data warehouse

Multimedia systems, Internet of Things (IoT)

3D Modelling, Animation and Virtual Reality, Enterprise Systems

Biometrics and Pattern Recognition, Software Engineering

Computational science, Software security

Digital image processing, Business Intelligence & Analytics

Computer networks, Wireless sensor networks

Green and Sustainable Computing, Educational and web technologies

Software testing tools & technologies, Computer applications technology

Network protocols, services and applications, Intelligent systems

Cloud Services and Networks, Communication Technologies

Cloud Computing, Applied Informatics

Information Processing, Smart Learning Environments

Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networks and Systems,

Interaction Science, Mathematical/Analytical Modelling and Computer Simulation,

Social and Mobile Connected Smart Objects, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing