No. 6 | Skeptical Inquirer (original) (raw)

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La búsqueda de evidencia negativa James McGaha, Joe Nickell, Traducido por Alejandro Borgo

A todo el mundo le gustan los misterios. Resuelva uno en el campo científico y enseguida vendrán los elogios.

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Investigative Files
Poltergeist Scribbler: The Bizarre Case of Matthew Manning Joe Nickell

What has been called “one of the most extraordinary outbreaks of poltergeist phenomena” of the twentieth century began with an English schoolboy, aged eleven and a half years, Matthew Manning.

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Notes on a Strange World
The Charlie Charlie Challenge Massimo Polidoro

This is the latest web craze known as the “Charlie Charlie Challenge,” perhaps dating back to an ancient Mexican tradition, an experience that intrigues kids and scares adults. Through a sort of séance, some claim people can ask questions to some unseen entity that should be able to reply.

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Skeptical Inquiree
Beware Mesmer Thieves! Benjamin Radford

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The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Delusion: Looking Back after Forty Years Larry Kusche

The man who solved the Bermuda Triangle “mystery” looks back after four decades on his investigations into the missing flight that started it all and the shoddy research, gullibility, and distortions that created this mystery.

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The Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming James Lawrence Powell

In 2013–2014, only four of 69,604 publishing climate scientists rejected anthropogenic global warming. The consensus on anthropogenic global warming is not 97 percent, as is widely claimed; it is above 99.9 percent.

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We Are All GMOs Matan Shelomi

Increasing evidence that gene transfer across huge evolutionary distances is common in animals, including humans, provides a strong retort to the claim that GMOs are “unnatural.”

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The Devil and the Details Edouard Harris, Jérémie Harris

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The Search for Negative Evidence James McGaha, Joe Nickell

By their nature, paranormal claims depend not on positive but negative evidence, by which proponents attempt to use mysteries (“the unexplained”) to support their beliefs. In contrast, scientists seek to use positive evidence to solve mysteries.

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A Protopian View of Moral Progress Daniel Grassam

A Review of The Moral Arc: How Science and Reason Lead Humanity Toward Truth, Justice, and Freedom by Michael Shermer

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Unlocking the Treasures David Kordahl

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On Her Majesty’s Secret Saucers Robert Sheaffer

A Review of How UFO’s Conquered the World by David Clarke

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Memoir of an Accused Satanist Mike Moran

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Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

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The Last Laugh
The Last Laugh

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