slacker_ties (original) (raw)

*taps mic* Hellooooo? [May. 17th, 2015|06:12 pm]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
[can't stop feeling |bouncy]I'm so excited about this collaboration I can hardly contain myself.
Link 6 rode the pony mount him lovingly
I shall just leave this here... [Apr. 17th, 2011|09:06 pm]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
[Tags**|!kindofofficialvid, !youtube] [can't stop feeling** accomplished]
Link 5 rode the pony mount him lovingly
HAIRY HORRORS [Jun. 23rd, 2010|12:20 pm]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
So what are the current theories behind Nick's present haircut, or actually lack there-of? BECAUSE THIS KIND OF THING DOESN'T JUST HAPPEN THERE HAS TO BE A REASON FOR IT. (Tragic images from posts at nicholas_daily)My #1 theory at the moment is: James May. Nick's hair and James May's hair are basically identical and becoming more identical by the minute/millimetre.This James May theory (the James May Theory, if you will) is broken up into two smaller competing theories, both of them equally likely. 1. James May drove so slowly that he went back in time and became a younger version of himself, and this younger James May is actually what we're seeing when we look at Nick. (I don't know where the real Nick went, I need to invent another theory to explain that but I'm too busy at the moment.)2. Nick is getting into character to play James May in an upcoming Broadway musical based on Top Gear called Jeremy and the Amazing Technicolour Bugatti Veyron. FURTHER EXPLANATIONS? PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO OUR UNDERSTANDING IN THESE DARK AND HAIRY TIMES.
Link 18 rode the pony mount him lovingly
Writer's Block: Ten years to the day [Feb. 24th, 2010|01:26 pm]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
[**Tags**|writer's block] Ten years to the day What do you expect to be doing ten years from today, and where do you hope to be living? ALTOGETHER WITH ME NOW: CELEBRATING THE ANNIVERSARY OF THIS QUESTION... IN YOUR PANTS!I couldn't find the actually picture, but you get my point!
Link 2 rode the pony mount him lovingly
Awesome slacker_ties people, I NEED YOUR HELP! [Jan. 8th, 2010|10:38 pm]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
[Tags**|comm-pimpin'] [can't stop feeling** hopeful]I REALLY hope this is allowed because I need TONS of your help! (If it's not however, please tell me, and I'll immediately delete this post).Along with my friend Michellemhelstrom, I've started an online petition to get Muse and Franz Ferdinand to come and play a concert in El Salvador/Central America. What I'm asking of you is to PLEASE sign it, link it to the world (lol) and help us get as many signatures as posible, so that when we get enough, we might be able to send it to Franz and Muse for it to come to their attention; and therefore get them to do something about it. You guys, it's been my longlife dream to see Muse and Franz Ferdinand live, and sadly I don't have enough money to follow them to Rome or travel half the world to say they are my Muuuse(haha) so: PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION GUYS, WE NEED ALL THE SUPPORT WE CAN GET!!! THANK YOU!!!:D♥ALSO, PLEASE JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP!!!
Link 2 rode the pony mount him lovingly
Text File Created While Watching Tonight DVD [Jan. 8th, 2010|05:30 am]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
So, my friends and I may have been drinking or something when we watched all those commentary interviews on the Tonight DVD. And struck by a moment of sheer brilliance, I created a text file so that we could remember the important parts.( I now bring you that file, in its entiretyCollapse )
Link 6 rode the pony mount him lovingly
BOW DOWN BEFORE BOB [Dec. 22nd, 2009|08:32 am]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
[**Tags**|nickmas09]Just when you thought it was safe to go back outside...Featuring the TRUE STORY behind how BOB feeds his BABY-EATING HABIT. ( Click to see the TERRIFYING story of ROBOTS and BABIES and PARKER... IF YOU DARECollapse )
Link 21 rode the pony mount him lovingly
Gloooo-oooo-oooorrrrria in excelsis Bosola [Dec. 18th, 2009|08:12 am]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
[Tags**|nickmas09] [turn it up** Baby Jesus Rock - The Vienna Boys Choir feat. Bosola]WHAT WILL TODAY'S CRACKER BRING? MEAT? CUPCAKES? TENTS? ALL OF THE ABOVE?( Pull, pull like you've never pulled before!Collapse )
Link 30 rode the pony mount him lovingly
hope it's allowed, if not sorry! [Dec. 16th, 2009|11:24 am]slacker_ties! 8=====>~~
[**Tags**|comm-pimpin']The brand new community of all Nick/Alex shippers.(you need humour to get there, and a love for Franz Ferdinand)join us now @ nilex
Link 5 rode the pony mount him lovingly
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