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SLoD - Guys and Dolls

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I wanted to make more of these, but I haven't really found the time for it, so I figured I'd just show you guys the itty bitty and simple batch I made.

Icons of Skippy, because this image was just too adorable:

I deeply hope to see more of this little guy, he seems adorable.

Speculation beneath the cut and in the comments, guys!



That is all.

Fugagorn: "Dolls of Gondor and Rohan! Of Mirkwood and Rivendell! Of Oxford and...where-ever the hell Iorek and Serafina are from...My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me!

A day may come, when the courage of dolls fails...when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day!

An hour of squirrels, and braying hounds, when the age of Dolls comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand! DOLLS OF THE SHELF!"

New Secret Life of Dolls means new chances to post over here!


There be speculation in the comments.

Are you all as thrilled by the update as I am? I knew you were! I'm really curious about what Serafina is up to, and something sprang to mind...( What's in the bottle, honey?Collapse )

Let the crazy theories fly!

Cleo provided some lovely pictures to add to the story line of chaos. However one picture has left me a little curious. You know that one with Tonner Edward looming over TLB?

( What on the Shelf?Collapse )

Only Cleo and the Shelfians know the truth of what can or will happen.

Okay... Maybe I'm being as paranoid as Bella Swan on a bad hair day, but I'm pretty sure that this was directed at me:

Also, if you feel creative in the comments or something, this is precisely what folks created [info]slodfans for. I mean, fanfic of fanfic will probably destroy the universe, but that's what it's there for.

...because of this.

You see, so many people were posting that Muppets Fourth of July thing from YouTube, you know with that eagle guy who's always complaining about "weirdos." Then corbyjane asked me why there wasn't any SLoD fanfiction yet.

( I was only sort of kidding, really.Collapse )

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