Julian Alps Traverse (original) (raw)

Day 1: Explore Ljubljana as a mountaineer

Welcome to beautiful Slovenia! Arrive in Ljubljana and start your hiking adventure by discovering one of the greenest European capitals.

Ljubljana has been the capital of Slovenia since 1918, yet its history goes way back to the ancient lake dwellers, but the current name, Ljubljana, comes from the Slavic name ‘Ljuba’, which means “the beloved“. Note that even a keen hiker and mountaineer like yourself is not immune to its compactness and sheer attributes with elevated perspectives. So give in and visit the Neboticnik Skyscraper, the tallest building in Europe when built, to enjoy the city and mountain view from its rooftop terrace cafe. Once back down, walk over the Cobbler’s Bridge and head north along the Ljubljanica River under the shade of the willow trees, shrubs, and vines lining its riverbanks, where you’ll feel like you’re a world away from the city. Then take a hike up the castle hill and ascend the clock tower of the medieval Ljubljana Castle, with about 1000 years of history and yet another elevated view of Ljubljana and beyond.

Meet the locals and other travellers and enjoy a pleasant summer evening in one of the many riverside bars. A great way to start this mountaineering adventure!

Overnight: 3* hotel in Ljubljana

Day 2: Hike from Tamar Valley to Vrsic Pass

Morning transfer gets you to the start of the hike in Slovenia’s far north-western corner, the Planica Nordic ski centre. It’s a famous ski flying cradle, where two legends jumped over 100 and 200 metres for the first time in history. The valley extends further to the remote but well-visited alpine valley of Tamar, where you’ll enjoy a leisurely walk. Once pass the popular mountain hut, you’ll start a serious uphill hike over foothills to the base of the Mojstrovka Mountain. Cross its north-facing scree slopes and reach the Vrsic pass.

On this highest mountain road pass in the country, you’ll reach your accommodation for the night, where, after a hearty dinner, you can do a short sunset walk to admire the nearby peaks coloured in crimson by the last sun rays of the day.

Hiking: 11 km / elevation gain +1100 m, -400 m / approx. 6-7 hours
Overnight: mountain hut in shared or private rooms 1/2, 1/4 or 1/6 and shared washroom

Day 3: Hiking underneath the Mount Prisojnik

On this day you’ll hike the southern slopes underneath Mt. Prisojnik. This majestic mountain’s name means ‘close to the sun’, moreover, its huge north wall is visible even from the town of Kranjska Gora.

In the morning you’ll have a nice view over the rocky face of the famous ‘Pagan girl’ and onto a huge natural window just below the summit of Prisojnik. For the most part of the day, you’ll hike on the Slovenian Mountain Trail – a long-distance trail connecting alpine Slovenia with the Pannonian Plains in the east, and the Adriatic coast in the south. On the first two-thirds of the way, the trail crosses the slopes without much elevation gain and you get to enjoy the nice views towards the Soca valley in the south. The last third is a bit more challenging with a couple of rope aids and scree sections which you have to cross in order to reach the next mountain hut located on Kriski podi, in the realm of the mountain ibex.

You can call it a day here, or explore the tiny high mountain lakes, the Kriska jezera lakes, a few minutes’ hike from the hut.

Hiking: 8 km / elevation +950 m, -600 m / approx. 5-6 hours
Overnight: mountain hut in shared rooms 1/4, 1/6 or 1/10 and shared washroom

Day 4: In the Kingdom of Goldenhorn

On the third day of your traverse, you’ll hike in the vicinity of the highest summit of the Julian Alps and the top of Slovenia, the iconic Mount Triglav. The mighty three-headed peak is Slovenia’s national symbol, which every ‘true’ Slovenian should climb at least once in their life.

In the morning you’ll ascent the Bovski Gamsovec peak and if you are lucky enough, you might spot majestic alpine ibexes grazing and lay around on narrow ledges above high vertical drops there. No wonder this place is also referred to as the Kingdom of Goldenhorn, a legendary white chamois buck, that roamed the heights of Mount Triglav.

After reaching a comfortable saddle, your path follows a well preserved and comfortable WWI mule track until you start climbing again on a rocky and gravel trail winding around the sinkholes across Hribarice Plateau. Reach a mountain hut at a stunning location and treat yourself to an amazing sunset.

If you opt for climbing Mt. Triglav, you’ll do a morning side-trip to a peak with amazing views of the Triglav North wall and follow the rest of the trail to a hut below the summit.

Hiking: 12 km / elevation +1150 m, -1100 m / approx. 5-6 hours
Overnight: mountain hut in a dormitory room and shared washroom

Optional Day: Climbing Mt. Triglav with a guide

For all who are interesting in climbing the highest mountain in the Julian Alps, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Add one more day to your hike and tackle Mt. Triglav safely with a local IFMGA mountain guide.

You will meet your guide early in the morning at the hut. From there, a less-travelled route to the top will take you across the karst plateau and over an exposed via-ferrata section. Before you know it, you’ll be standing at the top of Slovenia. The views from the summit are simply breathtaking. After receiving the honour of reaching the summit for the first time, a traditional baptism with a rope, you’ll descend via a ridge-line route. Once you exit the technical part of the trail and reach easier terrain once again, you’ll navigate to the next mountain hut on your own.

Cross the high-alpine karst landscape which resembles the impact craters of the moon’s surface, catch a glimpse down the Seven Triglav Lakes valley and reach a mountain hut at a stunning sunset location.

Hiking: 12 km / elevation +870 m, -990 m / approx. 6-7 hours
Overnight: mountain hut in a dormitory room and shared washroom

Day 5: Hike through the Seven Triglav Lakes Valley

Do a 30-minute morning hike to a stunning sunrise peak with amazing panoramic views and take in the serenity of the moment. Return back to the hut for breakfast and head in the direction of the Seven Triglav Lakes Valley.

This day can be as relaxing or as active as you would like it to be. Walk through the Seven Triglav Lakes valley, stop by the alpine lakes and observe the marmots play or climb some more and take a ridge-line route to get an aerial view of the lakes and ascent two summits with vistas across the Julian Alps and towards Lake Bohinj.

Even though the crystal clear waters of the high alpine lakes are extremely inviting, please resist the temptation. Swimming is strictly forbidden. Learn more about it in our FAQ below.

You’ll stay in the simplest, but also the cosiest and one of the most authentic mountain huts in Slovenia.

Hiking: 14 km / elevation +540 m, -950 m / approx. 6-7 hours (including side trips)
Overnight: mountain hut in dormitory room and shared washroom

Day 6: Leave the Alps behind and reach Lake Bohinj

You’ll leave the high alpine terrain behind as you descend into the glacial valley of the largest permanent lake in the country, the Bohinj Lake.

The trail becomes more and more comfortable with each step as you descend past alpine meadows & farms. Reach the eastern shore of the wonderful Lake Bohinj, kick off your shoes and jump in for a well-deserved refreshing swim. Relax in this alpine paradise and reminisce about your hiking adventures of the previous days.

When you’ve recharged your batteries a little, catch one of the frequent buses leaving for Bled for a nice hot shower and a proper ‘restaurant dinner’.

Hiking: 11 km / elevation +80 m, -1200 m / approx. 4 hours
Overnight: 3* hotel in Bled

Day 7: Sunrise hike at Lake Bled and departure

Make your departure day one of your favourite travel memories. As the magic is in the little moments, brave the early hour and hike at sunrise to the Ojstrica and Osojnica hills – the perfect photo spots above Lake Bled. With Bled being so popular, this is one of the rare moments when you can enjoy the place to yourself; unless some passionate photographers beat you to it. Have the privilege of a front-row view of nature’s finest spectacle – an explosion of colours over the lake, the cliff-top castle and the world’s favourite lone island with the Karavanke mountains in the backdrop. Even though many prefer the close view from Ojstrica, you might love the Osojnica view more for its remote feel and higher perspective.

By now, you’ve probably eyed enough gems to believe you’ll come back for more truly off the beaten path adventures in the future. Therefore, we’ll wish you farewell for now and look forward to having you back soon!