School of Hogwarts (original) (raw)

[23 Apr 2005|10:53am]
Hey guys,It seems as if this RP is very unactive, so I am going to withdraw and take my journal/PB with me. Sorry for that, but I really don't see the point of being involved in a completely inactive community.
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[13 Mar 2005|10:30am]
[ **mood** | blank ] Okay, my computer died on me. I'm currently on my uncle's computer while he fixes mine. He has no clue what's wrong with it though.I'm not sure when it'll be fixed, although I'm really hoping fro not to long from now. I needs my internet!So if I'm around, poke me repeatedly to RP or i'll do it to you, because I don't know when I'll be back online...Sorry folks!
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[16 Feb 2005|06:35pm]
It's my turn to have computer problems. I got up this morning and my screen had taken on an eerie darkness. Currently my precious laptop is languishing in a repair centre. Fortunately I have the use of a machine from time to time and can access aim and IE. However I'm not getting my email notifications so if I owe anyone a reply or a response or anything could I ask for a poke please?The lovely men at the computer centre assure me I'll have my own machine back on Friday and I've got everything crossed they're right.
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[01 Feb 2005|10:56pm]
[ **mood** | weird ] I'm just on this OOC apologizing to Boot, for my signing off so quickly. AIM all over my area decided to just...die, for no apparent reason, in fact, a lot of my friends got stuck on AIM express so i guess I was luckyI got it working again. And by the time I got it running again, well you were gone. I felt bad too, because I was having fun! Hopefully we'll get to do a thread or something soon, because I was pissed that my AIM decided to kill itself for ten minutes straight.I normally wouldn't bother posting something like this in here, but I'd just met you and I dind't want you to think I just said "HA! i'm leaving without saying goodbye! BWAH!" Because I'm not like that, really!
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Le sigh. [09 Jan 2005|12:18am]
Well.I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to withdraw myself from this RPG. Work, school, misc RL situations and my own writing require it. You all have been fantastic to work with and I'm going to miss playing these people a lot.I don't want to let you guys down. But I'd rather withdraw than let these guys go by the wayside. And hopefully someone will come along who's better than me and who can pick them up again.Best of luck to you all, and thanks for the experience!- Chris (keeper of Seamus, Dean and Severus)
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[27 Dec 2004|11:59am]
[ **mood** | optimistic ] **OOC:**Just a question: Did everybody die??Seamus, Dean, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Lupin, and snape!...wheeeerrreee aaarre youuuuuuu?? *searches high and low*It's after Christmas! I say we get this Rp active again!
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[27 Nov 2004|07:55pm]
Sorry Guys. I know I've been a bit MIA. A lot has been going on.I went to Maryland for the holidays and couldn't get much online time.My grnadfather has a rare form of cancer and had to go 8 hours south of us to Maryland where my great aunt lives so he could get his chemo from a specialist. I live with them, so them leaving has been hard. It involved me leaving home life with my mother for a good week, because we don't have a great relationship and such. So my family decided to visit my grandfather For Turkey Day. And All has been a bit rough.The week before the week of Thanksgiving, i was putting on the musical I was in at school. It was quite a success.So, don't be hating me for not being around. Not that I'm missed much. But still. Millicent and Grace shall have their potion in soon we promise! hehe.And my computer is acting up a bit. but I promise I WILL be back in action soon!
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*huge apologies* [20 Nov 2004|02:59pm]
I need to apologise to everyone, but most especially Gracey and Sev, for my huge failure to update and play as Millie over the last few weeks. It's bad timing really, I should have waited to take on a character till after the end of November. I have been doing NaNo, and with that and the rpg (which has also suffered) that I've been involved in for the last six months I've had very little time. Please Sev don't punish Gracey, send Milli on as many detentions as you like!Anyway *blush* Milli will kickstart properly soon. Please forgive me for being so hopeless.Gill
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*waves excitedly* [28 Oct 2004|08:07pm]
Hi everyone, Gill (pronounced Jill - guess who had parents who can't spell!) here to join in with Millicent Bulstrode.Sorry I've been a bit slow, the birth of her journal coincided with me having a nasty cold and feeling extremely sorry for myself. Give me a day or two to catch up with the happenings to date and I'll launch her.I'm looking forward to meeting everyone very much. Gill
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[27 Oct 2004|11:10pm]
[ **mood** | bouncy ] So . . . I was thinking that we need a Snape.And I think I might have someone who wants to do it . . . if not, anyone object to me playing him for the time being? I think Seamus really does most of the updating, so Dean's got nothing to do at the moment . . .
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Change of screename. . . [04 Oct 2004|04:19pm]
[ **mood** | bwahhhh ] Just wanted to let all you fine people know that from now on, the AIM screename I'll be on is of fallen rain.Feel free to take xxmelodyrosexx off your list, as I won't be using it anymore. ^_~
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[15 Sep 2004|12:35am]
Hey all, sorry I've been absent lately. Posting hasn't been much of a problem -- I'm usually online, but RPing has been a bit too much for me to handle lately. Seamus hasn't been very vocal and Dean basically died for a few weeks there, but I'm cutting my work hours so I should be on more often. IM me and bug me and I'll get into some good RPing with you guys.
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[07 Sep 2004|07:43pm]
Sorry for being gone awhile!I've had to set things up for my first week of school. *sigh* Everything's so freakin busy.But I'm back but I'm very sorry!
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Leaving? [04 Sep 2004|09:04am]
[ **mood** | tired ] Hey, everyone, I really hate to do this. Especially when Ron is such a major character right now...or maybe that's why.I think I'm going to have to leave the group. I seem to not have much time here and maybe someone who's on more should take over as Ron as he's needed for more interaction. I feel really bad, 'cause I had promised to be on more. AIM's been being stupid, and I just haven't had much of a chance to rp here. So, I apologize again. If someone wants my journal, I'll give them the password. Or if they want to just start a new one, that's cool, too.
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Me again... [26 Aug 2004|04:04pm]
Oh!I forgot to mention 2 things - 1 - Last Ginny said something about the future and playing with time so Ginny came back older or something - hence why she doesn't recognise herself in the rp thread2 - my AIM is GinevraMolly Wif anyone wants to RP. ^_^
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So sorry! [25 Aug 2004|09:02pm]
[ **mood** | guilty ] Hey, everyone. I'm so sorry I haven't been on very much for a while now. I know Ron is an important character and really needs more interaction. I've been working 40+ hour weeks and I've been babysitting my nieces a lot when I'm not at work, so haven't had a lot of computer access lately. :"> Anywho...I'm going to try harder to be on more and just wanted to apologize profusely for my absence.Also, welcome Ginny! Can't wait to rp with you. :)
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Introducing myself and apologies lol [26 Aug 2004|12:32am]
[ **mood** | chipper ] Hi guys, *waves* I’m new. I play Gin and I thought I’d make an OOC post to introduce myself and to apologise for the lengthiness of my first post in the RP. I needed to catch up with everything that’s been going on and start a new plot for Ginny.So basically, what I gathered (from the past Ginny) was that Ginny came back from the future or what not so she could get that Dark Mark. So she’s older… And she’s evil.I’m starting with the idea that somehow Voldemort’s (I suppose I can say it right? Seeing as he’s possessed Ginny around twice now lol) spell on her broke and now she can’t remember a thing. So yeah, it’s a new Ginny.Hope it’s making sense (and if I’ve made some mistakes because I haven’t managed to go through everything hee, please correct me!).Looking forward to Rping with you all! ^_^
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Sorry that I havn't [22 Aug 2004|11:22pm]
[ **mood** | anxious ] I applogize to every one that I havn't been around lately. I should be on more now and would like to start RPing again as soon as people are able. Any way please IM or post on my page to the new comers I am also Hagrid any way sorry agian.
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[08 Aug 2004|11:18am]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] I'm Back finally! We've switched our internet providers so I hope that my computer doesn't keep crapping out on me, so I can RP now!
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