smallville_cons - Profile (original) (raw)

Welcome to Smallville_Cons!
AN AFFILIATE OF : cloisicontest, smllvill_chorus, acting_graphics, smallvillechall, smallwartsicons, and Associated with smallville
A Smallville Icon Community, that wants your Icons and believes in Community.

This community was designed for those of us who like to make Smallville Icons, share Smallville Icons and just like to collect Smallville Icons. This is where we can share our Icons with each other, comment (nicely) and help people build better icons. We love icons, we want your icons, we need your icons.

It is okay to post the following Smallville related Graphics:
* Bases! Backdrops for icons.
* Header, Banner, & friends only graphics for User Info layouts.
* Photo spam of Smallville actors & actresses, author, and such.
* Wanna share a wallpaper, go for it, just lj-cut it
* Advertising Smallville related communities is okay, one time post only though, unless you are an affilate and then you may post news and highlights withoug icons see rules below..
* Fanart of a clean nature. Any fan art above a PG rating is not for this Lj Community
* Be active in Icontests:
Have a Smallville Icon test? Wish to be listed as such... contact MMP
ALSO if you wish to affiliate with smallville_cons please ask here

--Anything else, Just ask me first if it's okay and not listed at all here.I'm fairly metophoicly that is. *

We encourage Xposting, so go for it!

Unlike other Icon communities out there, we have very few complicated rules. We believe that community is about the people who are involved in it and not about the moderator's facist view of the world. These are the rules:

1. If you post icons in this community they must be Smallville related.

1(a. Affiliates & Sponsors may post ads about their community (relating to Smallville, such as Icon-tests and news) without Icons, these are your affiliates: smllvill_chorus

2. If you post icons in this community you are sharing them. Do not post if you don't want to share them.

3. If you take the icons and use them, YOU MUST CREDIT the artist in keywords. Commenting is optional, although artists enjoy feedback. Negative feedback will not be tolorated; constructive critiques are allowed, being mean and rude is not. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.

4. To post, you must post 2-3 icons (teasers) with any post, and then lj cut the rest. If you have more than 3 please lj cut them. Fairly basic and simple. Individual Icon posting causes lj-scroll syndrome, and people don't like having to do that. But Requests may be made without the an icon.

5. If you are mean and evil, you will be banned. If you are catty or an a-whole, you will be banned.

6. Be creative. Be encoraging. Be true. Be kind. DON'T BE A BITCH. DON'T BE A JERK. DON'T BE A DISRESPECTING EGO-MANIAC. Prissiness, arrogance and self-rightiousness will not be tolorated (see rule 8).

7. Icons can only be a maximum size of 100x100 pixels and under 40kb to post; cause otherwise nobody on LiveJournal can use them (Duhhhh!).

8. OMG! Nobody is perfect. What a news flash! Here's the policy. No flamers! How can I stress this? If you think you are perfect, all that, and you suffer from ego trips; you will be asked to leave. If you behave like this I will give you a GOY warning: Get Over Yourself. If you recieve more than one GOY Warning, you will be banned. Do not attack members. Do not attack the Moderator. If you do you will be banned. I loath people who think they are better then other people and try to make others feel less because of it. Remember this is just a lj-community, no need to get huffy about anything, being here is optional.You have been warned.

9. By joining, posting, or even watching this community, you agree to ALL these rules. If you do not follow them you will be banned.

10. All rules are subject to change at the Moderator's discretion. Deal with it.

In addition to these rules, this community was created by an American who believes in the Freedom of Speech. Please respect this term and right, of all members who post here. All icons are welcome in accordance with the rules. The only icons that will not be tolorated are those that involve pornographic imagery or profanity. Opinion and Political icons are acceptable, on the grounds that if you like them then you like them, if you don't then you don't have to use them. Please be respectful to the icon creators and understand that their view may not be yours but they have the right to have a particular view even if you do not agree with it. To each their own and long live Freedom, Justice and the American Way.

I, your lj maintainer, missmarypotter, have a stong belief that we are only as good as our resources. So the following are links to other communities and sites that will help you create better icons, & communities.

* Communies of Related interests: smallvillechall,smllvill_chorus, sv_icons, sv_icontest, icons, 1cons, smallville, sv_world, tw_daily, michael_daily, smallvillestill, krypton_club

* Websites: Smallville on the WB,,,

Be active in Icontests: