Ryszard Stocki | Saint Mary's University (Canada) (original) (raw)

Papers by Ryszard Stocki

Research paper thumbnail of Czy to sekta? Kwestionariusz dla ostroznych

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond complexities of co-operative values and principles: Developing a framework for lifestyle research and education

RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The paper proposes a meth­odology to study individuals and their institutions... more RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The paper proposes a meth­odology to study individuals and their institutions by the study of their lifestyles. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Following Wojtyla’s methodology of studying the person on the basis of his or her actions and conduct, I decided to use similar methodology to answer the question: Are the 19th century Co‑operative Values and Principles still pertinent in the complex economy of the 21st century, and, if so, how can we operationalise them to become vibrant guidelines not only in contemporary business, but also in improving our everyday lives? THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The overview of the research on lifestyle in ethnography, marketing, lifestyle and occupational medicine, and finally criminology shows that unlike values, lifestyle can more easily be operationalized and measured. We both expose our lifestyle and are exposed to the lifestyles of others. Some status‑based lifestyles spread like viruses creating a pandemic of consumerism...

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Research paper thumbnail of Total Participation Management: Toward Psychological Determinants of Subjective Well-Being at Work

CSN: Business (Topic), 2013

Aiming to determine which management practice has the strongest influence on the subjective well-... more Aiming to determine which management practice has the strongest influence on the subjective well-being (SWB) of employees, three workplaces were assessed with reference to different levels of total participation management (TPM), an innovative approach to human resource management. The study examined whether the level of TPM is positively related with SWB, defined according to Diener’s (1984) affective and cognitive facets of work. The psychological explanation of the predicted dependence was the level of satisfaction of three basic needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness) distinguished by Deci and Ryan (2000a). The hypothesis about a positive relationship between SWB and TPM was confirmed. Results indicate that the least participative company has employees with the lowest subjective well-being and with the lowest satisfaction of basic psychological needs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Materials relating to the Co-op Index for Worker Co-operatives project, including a discussion of the tool’s reliability for co-operative development

This entry contains various materials related to the Co-op Index project, which focused on the de... more This entry contains various materials related to the Co-op Index project, which focused on the development and testing of the Co-op Index Diagonstic Tool for Worker Co-operatives. The Co-op Index is a values-based assessment tool designed specifically for worker co-operatives. The Co-op Index measures a co-operative’s organizational effectiveness based on the following: - The degree to which its members/employees feel involved and empowered in the management of the organization; - The degree to which the co-op adheres to universally recognized co-op principles and values; - The degree to which the co-op adheres to its own mission and values. The overview document describes the Co-op Index tool in some detail, and provides a number of sample questions as well as extracts from a sample diagnostic report and descriptions of the various indices. The slide presentation is from CASC 2015 and the presentation abstract is as follows: The Co-op Index was meant to be a handy diagnostic tool f...

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagnoza organizacji od A do Z

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Research paper thumbnail of Od myślenia pracownika muzeum do myślenia potocznego: poznawcze przesłanki transformacji organizacyjnej Zamku Królewskiego na Wawelu

Mental representations of a museum expert fiffer from representations of a naive person. All empl... more Mental representations of a museum expert fiffer from representations of a naive person. All employees of the museum should be more like experts. The presented questionaire studies show that there is a difference in this respect between two main groups of employees of the museum. The museum employees view attractiveness of some expositions differently than administation. The two groups differ in their understanding of the main functions of the museum. The paper describes how these discrapencies were reduced in OD practices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efekt motyla w psychologii

Krótkie wprowadzenie do wykorzystywania teorii układów dynamicznych w psychologii.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indywidualne procesy poznawcze w nieograniczonej perspektywie czasowej: Styl poznawczy jako przykład długotrwałego procesu poznawczego

The text attampts to show metatheoretical approach to the study of individual differences as a re... more The text attampts to show metatheoretical approach to the study of individual differences as a result of interplay of cognitive processes of various charateristick and durations. Cognitive style is just an example of such a long lasting process. The text is also available in its Italian translation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Co-operative Lifestyle Invitation to come back to Rochdale

Co-operatives are organizations that, by definition, adhere to a certain set of values and princi... more Co-operatives are organizations that, by definition, adhere to a certain set of values and principles. The values were first formulated in Rochdale, where the first co-operative was founded. These values and principles, as any values and principles, should permeate the lifestyles of all those who identify with them. Individuals' exposure to these values and principles will vary between worker co-ops and other types of co-ops. While members of a co-operative bank or consumer coop may only visit once a week, in a worker co-op, people are exposed to the co-operative values for 8 hours a day. Geof Cox noted on LinkedIn that as such, worker co-ops may be considered a "lifestyle business". Unlike values, lifestyle can easily be measured. Marketing specialists in the USA or Canada may quite reliably identify your lifestyle if you give them your postal code; doctors can conjecture it from seeing you for just a few seconds. Sociologists may deduce how you live from your taste -...

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagnoza organizacji od A do Z

A monograph proposing a new approach to dignosis based on nosology or organisational pathologies.... more A monograph proposing a new approach to dignosis based on nosology or organisational pathologies. A model and systematics of the pathologies is proposed. Then a set of practical diagnostic tools is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of How lifestyle induces management: A research model for the study of co-operative isomorphism

DESCRIPTION Worker co-operatives are organizations that adhere to a certain set of values and pri... more DESCRIPTION Worker co-operatives are organizations that adhere to a certain set of values and principles. As such, they can be ideal places to study the gap between personal values and organizational activity. Co-operative values should ideally permeate the lifestyles of all those who identify with them and if not, be guidelines for the individual development effort. Fundamental co-operative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity cannot be reduced only to the business or work area? It is even more true about the traditional values that the founders of the movement referred to: honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others (ICA). In the ideal world, adherence to values should be related to both personal lifestyle and organizational practices. The proposed research is meant to test this assumption and the impact it may have for management. The overview of the research on lifestyle in ethnography, marketing, medicine and cr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stocki Diagnoza - 1-12

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Research paper thumbnail of Dilemmas of Participatory Management and Expertise to Solve Them in a Worker Co-Op

Co-operatives become isomorphic to capital-based companies in aspects they do not notice. One of ... more Co-operatives become isomorphic to capital-based companies in aspects they do not notice. One of them is co-operative auditing and diagnosis. Although we know, they are personal and not capital partnerships we usually diagnose them and report to the board about the organizational results as venture capital companies do. If persons and not capital are main goals of co-operatives, we should diagnose persons and report to the persons how they are meeting their goals with the co-operative. After presenting a few slides of CoopIndex 1.0, I invite all interested to participate in the development of a new tool CoopIndex 2.0 which is sponsored by my EU research fellowship. According to me, such diagnosis is indispensable for the development of competency to solve many participation dilemmas of our century. I present nine of them and try to prove that they are deeply rooted in our human nature, and our culture and we really have to be highly competent in seeing their complexity. The historic...

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Research paper thumbnail of Życie codzienne: Podręcznik akademicki

DESCRIPTION Pierwszy rozdział pierwszego na świecie akademickiego podręcznika życia codziennego. ... more DESCRIPTION Pierwszy rozdział pierwszego na świecie akademickiego podręcznika życia codziennego. Projektu realizacja jest wstrzymana z powodu braku finsnowania. Więcej informacji o podręczniku można znaleźć na stronie www.podrecznikzycia.pl. Zapraszam do dyskusji nad koncepcją i zawartością podręcznika.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vroom’s Participation Model as a Foundation of Organisation Audit: A New Approach to CSR

New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility, 2015

This chapter presents an overview of a personalistic, participative approach to management in soc... more This chapter presents an overview of a personalistic, participative approach to management in socially responsible business organisations. We believe that dialogue is a principle vehicle in CSR communication and this is a missing link to sustainable management. In order to fully explain the link between participation and socially responsible business behaviour, we recall the philosophical work of Karol Wojtyla on the nature of participation. We additionally discuss the connection between two phenomena: organisational isomorphism and “tacit knowledge”. We focus our analysis on participative dialogue with employees. For a better understanding of participation, we present the Vroom model. It helps to build a diagnostic tool, which is the main contribution of this chapter. While this tool is designed to improve “human” management in organisational settings, we conclude the chapter by explaining why participative management and co-operative values are so difficult to implement. Finally, we explain how the diagnostic tool could help to fill the missing link noted.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mastery in happiness – the role of expertise in everyday life

The research is based on Robert Sternberg’s (1999) theory of intelligence as developing expertise... more The research is based on Robert Sternberg’s (1999) theory of intelligence as developing expertise with an emphasis on the role of tacit knowledge in everyday life as well as many years of research on happiness (e.g., Myers and Diner 1995; Argyle 1999; Diener, Suh, Lucas and Smith 1999; Czapiński 2004; Lyubomirsky, King and Diener 2005). The main purpose of the study was to find whether tacit knowledge in everyday life increases happiness. Secondary aim was to explore whether there is any dependency between happiness and gender in the life time; continuous education; community religious activity and frequent contact with God; the quality of relationships with others and social support; proactivity, self-perception. On the basis of Tacit Knowledge Inventory for Managers (Wagner and Sternberg 1987) the Tacit Everyday Knowledge Inventory was created for measuring expertise in everyday life situations. The level of happiness was measured with Happiness Scale referring to both hedonistic ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Participación total en la gestión

"Participación total en la gestión" es un libro revolucionario. Un intento de encontrar... more "Participación total en la gestión" es un libro revolucionario. Un intento de encontrar las conexiones más eficaces y las prácticas más singulares de la gestión de las organizaciones. Se trata de una guía práctica para el mundo de las empresas, en el que cada empleado es un gestor responsable. El libro es el resultado de la investigación y la labor de asesoramiento del Profesor Ryszard Stocki. El libro es una respuesta a los retos de las organizaciones contemporáneas relacionadas con las expectativas de la generación joven. Los autores siguen a sus ejemplos de prácticas en empresas como Semco, SRC Holdings Corp., WL Gore y Harley Davidson. El libro muestra una consistente y tener un sólido modelo de fundamentación teórica de estas empresas excepcionales. Stocki, Prokopowicz y Zmuda centrarse en los mecanismos teóricos de la organización se gestionan con la plena participación de los empleados. Los autores también identifican errores fundamentales en la gestión tradicional....

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Research paper thumbnail of Stocki et al. 2015 Participacion total en Espanol

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Research paper thumbnail of Common Meritocracy

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Research paper thumbnail of Dilemmas of Participatory

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Research paper thumbnail of Czy to sekta? Kwestionariusz dla ostroznych

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond complexities of co-operative values and principles: Developing a framework for lifestyle research and education

RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The paper proposes a meth­odology to study individuals and their institutions... more RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The paper proposes a meth­odology to study individuals and their institutions by the study of their lifestyles. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Following Wojtyla’s methodology of studying the person on the basis of his or her actions and conduct, I decided to use similar methodology to answer the question: Are the 19th century Co‑operative Values and Principles still pertinent in the complex economy of the 21st century, and, if so, how can we operationalise them to become vibrant guidelines not only in contemporary business, but also in improving our everyday lives? THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The overview of the research on lifestyle in ethnography, marketing, lifestyle and occupational medicine, and finally criminology shows that unlike values, lifestyle can more easily be operationalized and measured. We both expose our lifestyle and are exposed to the lifestyles of others. Some status‑based lifestyles spread like viruses creating a pandemic of consumerism...

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Research paper thumbnail of Total Participation Management: Toward Psychological Determinants of Subjective Well-Being at Work

CSN: Business (Topic), 2013

Aiming to determine which management practice has the strongest influence on the subjective well-... more Aiming to determine which management practice has the strongest influence on the subjective well-being (SWB) of employees, three workplaces were assessed with reference to different levels of total participation management (TPM), an innovative approach to human resource management. The study examined whether the level of TPM is positively related with SWB, defined according to Diener’s (1984) affective and cognitive facets of work. The psychological explanation of the predicted dependence was the level of satisfaction of three basic needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness) distinguished by Deci and Ryan (2000a). The hypothesis about a positive relationship between SWB and TPM was confirmed. Results indicate that the least participative company has employees with the lowest subjective well-being and with the lowest satisfaction of basic psychological needs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Materials relating to the Co-op Index for Worker Co-operatives project, including a discussion of the tool’s reliability for co-operative development

This entry contains various materials related to the Co-op Index project, which focused on the de... more This entry contains various materials related to the Co-op Index project, which focused on the development and testing of the Co-op Index Diagonstic Tool for Worker Co-operatives. The Co-op Index is a values-based assessment tool designed specifically for worker co-operatives. The Co-op Index measures a co-operative’s organizational effectiveness based on the following: - The degree to which its members/employees feel involved and empowered in the management of the organization; - The degree to which the co-op adheres to universally recognized co-op principles and values; - The degree to which the co-op adheres to its own mission and values. The overview document describes the Co-op Index tool in some detail, and provides a number of sample questions as well as extracts from a sample diagnostic report and descriptions of the various indices. The slide presentation is from CASC 2015 and the presentation abstract is as follows: The Co-op Index was meant to be a handy diagnostic tool f...

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagnoza organizacji od A do Z

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Research paper thumbnail of Od myślenia pracownika muzeum do myślenia potocznego: poznawcze przesłanki transformacji organizacyjnej Zamku Królewskiego na Wawelu

Mental representations of a museum expert fiffer from representations of a naive person. All empl... more Mental representations of a museum expert fiffer from representations of a naive person. All employees of the museum should be more like experts. The presented questionaire studies show that there is a difference in this respect between two main groups of employees of the museum. The museum employees view attractiveness of some expositions differently than administation. The two groups differ in their understanding of the main functions of the museum. The paper describes how these discrapencies were reduced in OD practices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efekt motyla w psychologii

Krótkie wprowadzenie do wykorzystywania teorii układów dynamicznych w psychologii.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indywidualne procesy poznawcze w nieograniczonej perspektywie czasowej: Styl poznawczy jako przykład długotrwałego procesu poznawczego

The text attampts to show metatheoretical approach to the study of individual differences as a re... more The text attampts to show metatheoretical approach to the study of individual differences as a result of interplay of cognitive processes of various charateristick and durations. Cognitive style is just an example of such a long lasting process. The text is also available in its Italian translation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Co-operative Lifestyle Invitation to come back to Rochdale

Co-operatives are organizations that, by definition, adhere to a certain set of values and princi... more Co-operatives are organizations that, by definition, adhere to a certain set of values and principles. The values were first formulated in Rochdale, where the first co-operative was founded. These values and principles, as any values and principles, should permeate the lifestyles of all those who identify with them. Individuals' exposure to these values and principles will vary between worker co-ops and other types of co-ops. While members of a co-operative bank or consumer coop may only visit once a week, in a worker co-op, people are exposed to the co-operative values for 8 hours a day. Geof Cox noted on LinkedIn that as such, worker co-ops may be considered a "lifestyle business". Unlike values, lifestyle can easily be measured. Marketing specialists in the USA or Canada may quite reliably identify your lifestyle if you give them your postal code; doctors can conjecture it from seeing you for just a few seconds. Sociologists may deduce how you live from your taste -...

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagnoza organizacji od A do Z

A monograph proposing a new approach to dignosis based on nosology or organisational pathologies.... more A monograph proposing a new approach to dignosis based on nosology or organisational pathologies. A model and systematics of the pathologies is proposed. Then a set of practical diagnostic tools is presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of How lifestyle induces management: A research model for the study of co-operative isomorphism

DESCRIPTION Worker co-operatives are organizations that adhere to a certain set of values and pri... more DESCRIPTION Worker co-operatives are organizations that adhere to a certain set of values and principles. As such, they can be ideal places to study the gap between personal values and organizational activity. Co-operative values should ideally permeate the lifestyles of all those who identify with them and if not, be guidelines for the individual development effort. Fundamental co-operative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity cannot be reduced only to the business or work area? It is even more true about the traditional values that the founders of the movement referred to: honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others (ICA). In the ideal world, adherence to values should be related to both personal lifestyle and organizational practices. The proposed research is meant to test this assumption and the impact it may have for management. The overview of the research on lifestyle in ethnography, marketing, medicine and cr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stocki Diagnoza - 1-12

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Research paper thumbnail of Dilemmas of Participatory Management and Expertise to Solve Them in a Worker Co-Op

Co-operatives become isomorphic to capital-based companies in aspects they do not notice. One of ... more Co-operatives become isomorphic to capital-based companies in aspects they do not notice. One of them is co-operative auditing and diagnosis. Although we know, they are personal and not capital partnerships we usually diagnose them and report to the board about the organizational results as venture capital companies do. If persons and not capital are main goals of co-operatives, we should diagnose persons and report to the persons how they are meeting their goals with the co-operative. After presenting a few slides of CoopIndex 1.0, I invite all interested to participate in the development of a new tool CoopIndex 2.0 which is sponsored by my EU research fellowship. According to me, such diagnosis is indispensable for the development of competency to solve many participation dilemmas of our century. I present nine of them and try to prove that they are deeply rooted in our human nature, and our culture and we really have to be highly competent in seeing their complexity. The historic...

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Research paper thumbnail of Życie codzienne: Podręcznik akademicki

DESCRIPTION Pierwszy rozdział pierwszego na świecie akademickiego podręcznika życia codziennego. ... more DESCRIPTION Pierwszy rozdział pierwszego na świecie akademickiego podręcznika życia codziennego. Projektu realizacja jest wstrzymana z powodu braku finsnowania. Więcej informacji o podręczniku można znaleźć na stronie www.podrecznikzycia.pl. Zapraszam do dyskusji nad koncepcją i zawartością podręcznika.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vroom’s Participation Model as a Foundation of Organisation Audit: A New Approach to CSR

New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility, 2015

This chapter presents an overview of a personalistic, participative approach to management in soc... more This chapter presents an overview of a personalistic, participative approach to management in socially responsible business organisations. We believe that dialogue is a principle vehicle in CSR communication and this is a missing link to sustainable management. In order to fully explain the link between participation and socially responsible business behaviour, we recall the philosophical work of Karol Wojtyla on the nature of participation. We additionally discuss the connection between two phenomena: organisational isomorphism and “tacit knowledge”. We focus our analysis on participative dialogue with employees. For a better understanding of participation, we present the Vroom model. It helps to build a diagnostic tool, which is the main contribution of this chapter. While this tool is designed to improve “human” management in organisational settings, we conclude the chapter by explaining why participative management and co-operative values are so difficult to implement. Finally, we explain how the diagnostic tool could help to fill the missing link noted.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mastery in happiness – the role of expertise in everyday life

The research is based on Robert Sternberg’s (1999) theory of intelligence as developing expertise... more The research is based on Robert Sternberg’s (1999) theory of intelligence as developing expertise with an emphasis on the role of tacit knowledge in everyday life as well as many years of research on happiness (e.g., Myers and Diner 1995; Argyle 1999; Diener, Suh, Lucas and Smith 1999; Czapiński 2004; Lyubomirsky, King and Diener 2005). The main purpose of the study was to find whether tacit knowledge in everyday life increases happiness. Secondary aim was to explore whether there is any dependency between happiness and gender in the life time; continuous education; community religious activity and frequent contact with God; the quality of relationships with others and social support; proactivity, self-perception. On the basis of Tacit Knowledge Inventory for Managers (Wagner and Sternberg 1987) the Tacit Everyday Knowledge Inventory was created for measuring expertise in everyday life situations. The level of happiness was measured with Happiness Scale referring to both hedonistic ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Participación total en la gestión

"Participación total en la gestión" es un libro revolucionario. Un intento de encontrar... more "Participación total en la gestión" es un libro revolucionario. Un intento de encontrar las conexiones más eficaces y las prácticas más singulares de la gestión de las organizaciones. Se trata de una guía práctica para el mundo de las empresas, en el que cada empleado es un gestor responsable. El libro es el resultado de la investigación y la labor de asesoramiento del Profesor Ryszard Stocki. El libro es una respuesta a los retos de las organizaciones contemporáneas relacionadas con las expectativas de la generación joven. Los autores siguen a sus ejemplos de prácticas en empresas como Semco, SRC Holdings Corp., WL Gore y Harley Davidson. El libro muestra una consistente y tener un sólido modelo de fundamentación teórica de estas empresas excepcionales. Stocki, Prokopowicz y Zmuda centrarse en los mecanismos teóricos de la organización se gestionan con la plena participación de los empleados. Los autores también identifican errores fundamentales en la gestión tradicional....

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Research paper thumbnail of Stocki et al. 2015 Participacion total en Espanol

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Research paper thumbnail of Common Meritocracy

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Research paper thumbnail of Dilemmas of Participatory

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