Evarts family - Social Networks and Archival Context (original) (raw)

Jeremiah Evarts (1781-1831): author, editor, lawyer, and philanthropist; editor of the Panoplist; member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

Jeremiah Evarts, son of James and Sarah Todd Evarts, was born February 3, 1781, in Sunderland, Vermont. The family moved to Georgia, Vermont, six years later. In January, 1798, Jeremiah Evarts went to East Guilford, Connecticut, where he studied with the Rev. John Elliot. In September of the same year, he entered Yale College.

Evarts attended Yale during the presidency of Timothy Dwight at a period when religious revival was beginning at the college. In his senior year, Evarts experienced a religious conversion which led him to join the Church in the spring of 1802.

After graduation, Evarts returned to his home in Vermont for a period of time before accepting the position of principal of the Caledonia County Grammar School in Peacham, Vermont, in April, 1803. One year later, Evarts, having decided to study law, entered the New Haven law office of Judge Charles Chauncey. Jeremiah Evarts was admitted to the Connecticut Bar Association in July, 1806, and practiced law in New Haven until 1810.

In 1804 Jeremiah Evarts married Mehetabel Sherman Barnes, daughter of Roger Sherman and widow of Daniel Barnes, who had one son, Daniel, by her previous marriage. Jeremiah and Mehetabel Evarts had five children: Mary, Martha, John Jay, Sarah, and William Maxwell.

While living in New Haven, Jeremiah Evarts contributed articles to the Panoplist, first published in 1805 in Massachusetts. Edited and written by Jedidiah Morse, Leonard Woods, and others, the magazine represented the views of orthodox Congregationalism. During the years 1805 to 1809, the Panoplist actively encouraged the union of Congregational churches in a General Association and the founding of Andover Theological Seminary.

In January, 1810, Jeremiah Evarts abandoned the practice of law to become the editor of the Panoplist . He left New Haven and settled with his family in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Six years later, he moved to Boston, where he resided until his death in 1831.

Jeremiah Evarts edited the Panoplist from 1810 until 1820, when he was forced to discontinue its publication because of other commitments. As editor, he wrote on issues of social reform, such as slavery and the temperance movement, reviewed works on religious subjects, and defended the doctrines of Calvinism. He viewed with alarm the growing Unitarian movement within the Congregational Church., since he believed it to be incompatible with orthodox Congregationalism. This issue was heatedly contested by both sides, and the controversy was mirrored in the pages of the Panoplist .

The early years of the nineteenth century in New England saw the formation of charitable and educational organizations, the founding of societies for the dissemination of Bibles and religious tracts, as well as increasingly widespread domestic and foreign missionary endeavors. An important function of the Panoplist was to keep the Christian public informed of the existence and progress of such ventures.

While editor of the Panoplist, Jeremiah Evarts was active in the organization of the Massachusetts Bible Society and served as manager of the American Bible Society. He was also a vice-president of the American Education Society and an active member of the Park Street Congregational Church in Boston.

Jeremiah Evarts had been a strong advocate and an early member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, founded in 1810. Evarts was elected treasurer of the Board in 1811 and a member of the Prudential Committee in 1812. As treasurer, he worked closely with Samuel Worcester, who was corresponding secretary during the same period. When Worcester's health forced him to leave Boston for a warmer climate in January, 1821 (he died in June of that year), Evarts assumed the duties of corresponding secretary as well. He continued to hold both offices until 1822. At the annual meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in September of that year, Henry Hill was elected treasurer and Jeremiah Evarts was elected corresponding secretary, a position which he held until his death in 1831. Evarts' duites also included the editorship of the Missionary Herald, published by the A. B. C. F. M. to record its proceedings and activities.

As treasurer, corresponding secretary, and a member of the Prudential Committee of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Evarts was influential in shaping the policies and direction of American missionary enterprises at home and abroad. As a special agent of the A. B. C. F. M., he personally visited, on several occasions between 1818 and 1830, missions to the Cherokee and Choctaw nations in the South. (A chronology of the journeys undertaken by Evarts on behalf of the A. B. C. F. M. follows this biographical sketch.)

Visits to mission stations increased Evarts' fears for the physical survival, as well as the moral and spiritual well-being, of the Southern tribes. In 1827 and 1828, the Georgia state legislature asserted the claim that it could take possession, at will, of Cherokee lands within the chartered limits of the state. Alabama and Mississippi adopted similar laws respecting Indians within their boundaries. Removal of the Indians to territory west of the Mississippi, Evarts believed, would decimate their numbers and offer no assurance that the same action would not be taken against them in the future.

Sympathetic to the Cherokees' efforts to seek justice through the courts and the Congress, and convinced that the United States government was morally bound to honor its treaty obligations, Jeremiah Evarts actively espoused the Indian cause. In an attempt to place the merits of the Indians' case before the American people, Evarts wrote a series of essays defending the legal rights of the Cherokees to their land. Published in the National Intelligencer, from August to December, 1829, under the pseudonym, "William Penn," the essays were reproduced in the newspapers and circulated in a pamphlet edition.

Since a bill on the removal of the Indians was to be introduced in the first session of the 21st Congress (December 7, 1829 - May 31, 1830), Evarts encouraged public meetings of concerned citizens, drafted petitions to the Congress which were endorsed by leading citizens in New York and Boston, and wrote a memorial to Congress on behalf of the Cherokees from the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

When a bill authorizing the President to remove the Indians was passed by Congress in the spring of 1830, Evarts was discouraged by the outcome. Nevertheless, he continued his efforts, editing a pamphlet of speeches on the Indian bill, and writing articles for the Missionary Herald, the New York Observer, and the North American Review . In November, 1830, he contributed two additional essays by "William Penn" to the National Intelligencer, and in January, 1831, drafted a second memorial to Congress from the A. B. C. F. M. on the state of the Indians.

Evarts had to abandon plans to go to Washington on behalf of the Cherokees in the early part of 1831. As his health progressively worsened, he was advised in February of that year to leave Boston for a milder climate. He arrived at Havana, Cuba, early in March. After a six-week stay, Evarts mistakenly believed his condition had greatly improved and sailed to Savannah. After a brief visit, he proceeded to the home of friends in Charleston, where he died on May 10, 1831.

From the guide to the Evarts family papers, 1753-1960, 1798-1901, (Manuscripts and Archives)

Bibliographic and Digital Archival Resources

Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Adams, Henry Brooks, 1838-1918 person
associatedWith Alvord, Benjamin, 1813-1884 person
associatedWith American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. corporateBody
associatedWith Anderson, Rufus, 1796-1880 person
associatedWith Angell, James Burrill, 1829-1916 person
associatedWith Armstrong, Samuel Turrell, 1784-1850 person
associatedWith Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886 person
associatedWith Astor, John Jacob, 1822-1890 person
associatedWith Austin, Samuel, 1760-1830 person
associatedWith Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887 person
associatedWith Baldwin, Elizabeth Sherman Burr, 1765-1850 person
associatedWith Baldwin, Simeon, 1761-1851 person
associatedWith Bancroft, George, 1800-1891 person
associatedWith Bartlett, Shubael, 1778-1854 person
associatedWith Bates, Frances Chapman. person
associatedWith Bates, Isaac Chapman, 1780-1845 person
associatedWith Battell, Joseph, 1774-1841 person
associatedWith Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 person
associatedWith Belmont, August, 1816-1890 person
associatedWith Bernhardt, Sarah, 1844-1923 person
associatedWith Bigelow, John, 1817-1911 person
associatedWith Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890 person
associatedWith Bingham, Hiram, 1789-1869 person
associatedWith Bingham, Sybil Moseley, 1792-1848 person
associatedWith Bismarck, Otto, Fürst von, 1815-1898 person
associatedWith Bissell, Josiah. person
associatedWith Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893 person
associatedWith Boardman, Samuel Ward, 1830- person
associatedWith Brainerd, Cephas, 1831-1910 person
associatedWith Chambers, William H. person
associatedWith Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890 person
associatedWith Chittenden, Simeon Baldwin, 1814-1889 person
associatedWith Choate, Joseph Hodges, 1832-1917 person
associatedWith Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 person
associatedWith Cobden, Richard, 1804-1865 person
associatedWith Coit, Henry Augustus, 1830-1895 person
associatedWith Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885 person
associatedWith Cranworth, Robert Monsey Rolfe, Baron, 1790-1868 person
associatedWith Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-1882 person
associatedWith Day, Jeremiah, 1773-1867 person
associatedWith Deĭch, G. M. (Genrikh Markovich) person
associatedWith Dilke, Charles Wentworth, Sir, bart., 1843-1911 person
associatedWith Dwight, Sereno Edwards, 1786-1850 person
associatedWith Dwight, Timothy, 1752-1817 person
associatedWith Dwight, Timothy, 1828-1916 person
associatedWith Edmunds, George Franklin, 1828-1919 person
associatedWith Edwards, Jonathan, 1841-1886 person
associatedWith Edwards, Justin, 1787-1853 person
associatedWith Evarts, Jeremiah, 1781-1831 person
associatedWith Evarts, Mehetabel Sherman Barnes, 1774-1851 person
associatedWith Evarts, William Maxwell, 1818-1901 person
associatedWith Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 person
associatedWith Eversley, George John Shaw-Lefevre, 1797-1879 person
associatedWith Farrar, Samuel, 1773-1864 person
associatedWith Field, Cyrus West, 1819-1892 person
associatedWith Field, David D. (David Dudley), 1781-1867 person
associatedWith Fisher, George Park, 1827-1909 person
associatedWith Fish, Hamilton, 1808-1893 person
associatedWith Forbes, John Murray, 1813-1898 person
associatedWith Forster, W. E. (William Edward), 1818-1886 person
associatedWith Foster, Eleazer, 1778-1819 person
associatedWith Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 1787-1862 person
associatedWith Gardiner, David Lyon, 1817-1892 person
associatedWith Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881 person
associatedWith Gibbs, Frederick Waymouth, 1821-1898 person
associatedWith Gibbs, William, 1785- person
associatedWith Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885 person
associatedWith Griffin, Edward Dorr, 1770-1837 person
associatedWith Grimké, Thomas Smith, 1786-1834 person
associatedWith Hadley, Arthur Twining, 1856-1930 person
associatedWith Hale, David, 1791-1849 person
associatedWith Hallock, William Allen, 1794-1880 person
associatedWith Hamilton, Schuyler, 1822- person
associatedWith Harcourt, William George Granville Venables Vernon, Sir, 1827-1904 person
associatedWith Harrington, Joseph. person
associatedWith Harrison, Benjamin, 1833-1901 person
associatedWith Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1822-1893 person
associatedWith Hay, John, 1838-1905 person
associatedWith Hewitt, Abram Stevens, 1822-1903 person
associatedWith Hill, Henry, 1795-1892 person
associatedWith Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood, 1816-1895 person
associatedWith Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904 person
associatedWith Holmes, Abiel, 1763-1837 person
associatedWith Howe, Timothy Otis, 1816-1883 person
associatedWith Hubbard, Samuel, 1785-1847 person
associatedWith Hurlbert, William Henry, 1827-1895 person
associatedWith International Monetary Conference (1881: Paris, France) corporateBody
associatedWith Jay, John, 1745-1829 person
associatedWith Jenks, William, 1778-1866 person
associatedWith Kasson, John Adam, 1822-1910 person
associatedWith Kellogg, William Pitt, 1830-1918 person
associatedWith Kerr, Dorcas M. person
associatedWith King, Horatio Collins, 1837-1918 person
associatedWith Kingsley, James Luce, 1778-1852 person
associatedWith Kirk, Edward Norris, 1802-1874 person
associatedWith Knox, Jonathan Day. person
associatedWith Lane, Ebenezer, 1793-1866 person
associatedWith Lord, Eleazer, 1788-1871 person
associatedWith Lossing, Benson John, 1813-1891 person
associatedWith Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891 person
associatedWith Low, Seth, 1850-1916 person
associatedWith Lyon, C. Burton Phillips. person
associatedWith Magnin, Pierre Joseph, 1824-1910 person
associatedWith Marshall, Henry Rutgers, 1852-1927 person
associatedWith Mason, Lowell, 1792-1872 person
associatedWith Maxwell, William, 1784-1857 person
associatedWith McCrary, George Washington, 1835-1890 person
associatedWith Merritt, Edwin Albert, 1860-1914 person
associatedWith Merwin, Samuel, 1781-1856 person
associatedWith Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826 person
associatedWith Nash, Stephen Payne, 1821-1898 person
associatedWith Noyes, Edward Follanshee, 1832-1890 person
associatedWith Olcott, Thomas Worth. person
associatedWith Palmer, Benjamin M. (Benjamin Morgan), 1781-1847 person
associatedWith Parker, Cortlandt, 1818-1907 person
associatedWith Peabody, Charles Augustus, 1814-1901 person
associatedWith Perkins, Charles Callahan, 1823-1886 person
associatedWith Phelps, Edward John, 1822-1900 person
associatedWith Pierrepont, Edwards, 1817-1892 person
associatedWith Poor, Daniel, 1789-1855 person
associatedWith Porter, Ebenezer, 1772-1834 person
associatedWith Porter, Fitz-John, 1822-1901 person
associatedWith Porter, Noah, 1811-1892 person
associatedWith Potter, Henry Codman, bp., 1834-1908 person
associatedWith Proctor, John Cleaveland. person
associatedWith Putnam, James Osborne, 1818-1903 person
associatedWith Randolph, John, 1773-1833 person
associatedWith Reeve, Henry, 1813-1895 person
associatedWith Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912 person
associatedWith Republican Party (U.S.) corporateBody
associatedWith Rice, William Whitney, 1826-1896 person
associatedWith Riggs, George Washington, 1813-1881 person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 person
associatedWith Ross, John, 1790-1866 person
associatedWith Rothery, Henry Cadogan, 1817-1888 person
associatedWith Sanders, Frank Knight, 1861-1933 person
associatedWith Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 person
associatedWith Scudder, Horace Elisha, 1838-1902 person
associatedWith Seward, Frederick William, 1830-1915 person
associatedWith Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872 person
associatedWith Sherman, David Austin, 1781-1843 person
associatedWith Sherman, Roger, 1721-1793 person
associatedWith Sherman, Roger, 1768-1856 person
associatedWith Sherman, Roger Minott, 1773-1844 person
associatedWith Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891 person
associatedWith Shipman, William Davis, 1818-1898 person
associatedWith Smalley, George W. (George Washburn), 1833- person
associatedWith Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 person
associatedWith Spencer, Ambrose, 1765-1848 person
associatedWith Spring, Gardiner, 1785-1873 person
associatedWith Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883 person
associatedWith Stevens, Benjamin Franklin, 1833-1902 person
associatedWith St. Hilaire, Barthelemy. person
associatedWith Storrs, Richard Salter, 1763-1819 person
associatedWith Storrs, Richard Salter, 1787-1873 person
associatedWith Stuart, Moses, 1780-1852 person
associatedWith Swann, Roswell Randell. person
associatedWith Taunton, Henry Labouchere, 1st baron, 1798-1869 person
associatedWith Thacher, Thomas Anthony, 1815-1886 person
associatedWith Thayer, Eli, 1819-1899 person
associatedWith Thomas, Isaiah, 1749-1831 person
associatedWith Tilden, Samuel Jones, 1814-1886 person
associatedWith Todd, John, 1800-1873 person
associatedWith Tremain, Henry Edwin, 1841-1910 person
associatedWith Trescot, William Henry, 1822-1898 person
associatedWith Tyler, David Gardiner. person
associatedWith Tyler, Joseph. person
associatedWith Tyler, Julia Gardiner. person
associatedWith Underwood, Levi. person
associatedWith United States. Dept. of State. corporateBody
associatedWith Varnum, Joseph Bradley, 1818-1874 person
associatedWith Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey, 1827-1897 person
associatedWith Wadsworth, Daniel, 1771-1848 person
associatedWith Waite, Morrison Remick, 1816-1888 person
associatedWith Ward, Samuel, 1814-1884 person
associatedWith Webb, Alexander Stewart, 1835-1911 person
associatedWith Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 person
associatedWith Weed, Thurlow, 1797-1882 person
associatedWith Westlake, John, 1828-1913 person
associatedWith White, Andrew Dickson, 1832-1918 person
associatedWith Whiting, Nathan, 1772-1848 person
associatedWith Whittelsey, Samuel, 1775-1842 person
associatedWith Winthrop, Augusta T. person
associatedWith Winthrop, Robert Charles, 1809-1894 person
associatedWith Wisner, Benjamin Blydenburg, 1794-1835 person
associatedWith Woods, Leonard, 1774-1854 person
associatedWith Worcester, Samuel, 1770-1821 person
associatedWith Yale College, 1718-1887. Class of 1802. corporateBody
associatedWith Yale College, 1718-1887. Class of 1837. corporateBody
associatedWith Yale University. Students. corporateBody
associatedWith Yerkes, Stephen. person
associatedWith Young, John Russell, 1841-1899 person