Negro Labor Committee records, 1925-1969. - View Resource (original) (raw)
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Negro Labor Committee records, 1925-1969.
Negro Labor Committee records, 1925-1969.
Records of the Negro Labor Committee encompassing historical and activity records, general subject and activity files, records of affiliated unions and locals, and personal files of Frank R. Crosswaith. Historical and activity files include records of predecessor organizations of the Committee, the Trade Union Committee for Organizing Negro Workers, 1925, and the Harlem Labor Committee, 1934, and items summarizing the Committee's general interests and activities from its founding in 1935 to 1969. Records contain general correspondence, minutes, committee reports, financial records, form letters, and related materials. General subject and activity files of the Committee include material on conferences and conventions in which the Committee participated, documents relating to activities and special projects of the Committee such as the Harlem Labor Center, Scholarship Benefit Fund, Negro Labor Committee-U.S.A., anniversary journals, and the proposed March on Washington in 1943. Also, minutes of the Negro Labor Assembly, of which the Committee was an integral part, and press releases of the Negro Labor News Service, 1935-1951. In addition, the collection contains files from the individual unions which were affiliated with the Committee and which joined in many of its projects, programs, and activities. Files present a cross section of the progressive labor movement in New York City during the 1930s and 1940s.
Originals: 14.6 lin ft.Copies: 17 microfilm reels.