The Drabble Dungeon (original) (raw)

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Dear Snape100 community,

It's been a rough few weeks for all of us, including your mod, who is an essential healthcare worker. And it's clear everyone here is busy, too, since the last few challenges have gone unanswered.
As a result, I'm suspending new challenges for about 3 weeks until (hopefully) things calm down for us all.
Do feel free to answer any of our previous challenges in the interim, and PLEASE stay safe during the pandemic. ♥

Your Snapely Mod, Alisanne.

We all know the famous saying about things that are unavoidable. Over the next few weeks we'll explore the magical world's equivalents. Are there wizarding world taxes? I imagine there must be. How does Snape feel about filing his? However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and the Inevitable - Taxes.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

Like many of us, it's more than likely Snape has been psychologically manipulated into questioning his own sanity by those in positions of authority who should know better. Do you think he realized what was happening at the time? If he did, how did he react? However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and Gaslighting.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

It's likely the magical world's reaction to a pandemic like COVID-19 would be similar to ours, don't you think? Especially if their medical science is akin to hours. So how would a sequestered magical society function? And how would such a Ministry mandated quarantine order affect Snape? However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and Social Distancing.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

While Snape may not be personally worried about this, many other likely are. Especially if they are as vulnerable to the vagaries of the stock market as we are in the Muggle world. How would societal pressures that could eliminate low wage earning jobs affect the magical world? Or Snape? However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and Job (In)Security.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

Title: Election Day, IX
Prompt: Price Gouging
Word Count: 100

My dear Draco:

I trust you are well, and the medications I sent to Astoria are having the desired effect. Please give her my best, and assure her that all necessary accommodations will be made so that she will be able to attend my upcoming nuptials.

A less personal matters have recently come to my attention, and I would greatly appreciate your advice and possible assistance. Might you be free for lunch at The Welsh Drover some day this week? I understand their luncheon offerings are excellent.

My owl will await your reply. My best to Astoria –


S. Snape

Title: Election Day, VIII
Prompt: Price Gouging
Word Count: 100

Reverse-formulating the ink would not be difficult; Severus was the most skilled apothecaries in Britain, after all. The paper would be more difficult, but Severus knew people who knew people so it would not be impossible. “We could donate enough to cover the school and the town,” Septima pointed out.

“Unfortunately, it’s not our place to interfere in the elections,” Minerva said after a few Floo calls. “Or so Kingsley informs me.”

“But if we volunteer our services – “

Minerva thinned her lips. “The Tories regard the Order as a group of, and I quote, ‘interfering busybodies.’ So we’re stuck.”

Title: Election Day, VII
Prompt: Price Gouging
Word Count: 100

“More like quintupled it,” said Septima, skimming the relevant article in the Prophet and doing the math in her head. “If that weren’t bad enough, the ink can only be purchased from a conglomerate based in Argentina that’s been price gouging for years. The Headmistress of Castelbruxo had to threaten to turn their board into capybaras before they’d give her the traditional student discount.”

“So this means – “

“The Wizengamot may or may not have the funds necessary to print and send the ballot cards in the first place.” Septima handed Severus the paper. “See?”

“Monstrous,” murmured Severus, scowilng. “Monstrous.”

Title: Election Day, VI
Prompt: Price Gouging
Word Count: 100

“There’s another problem with the elections,” Minerva said the next evening, this time in Septima’s airy sitting room. “The Wizengamot changed the criteria for the paper and ink used on the poll cards after that ridiculous scandal a few years ago when a handful of students decided to run their pet goat in a town election and charmed their Chocolate Frog cards.”

Severus winced at the memory of “Prudentius Junius Porsena’s” run for office. “That was quite ridiculous, but what does it have to do with the upcoming elections?”

“The paper manufacturer was bought by Americans and tripled the price.”

Just about all the Muggle world is taking about right now is the current Coronavirus pandemic, and one of the biggest issues being reported in the news is price gouging. Normally inexpensive products have had their prices hiked 10 fold or more. What about the Wizarding World? Would they be vulnerable to similar tendencies? And how would Snape react to such underhanded tactics? However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and Price Gouging.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

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Snape in 100 words

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