Lizard Drainers (original) (raw)

Crack the cap and be down with the green
New one [20 Apr 2006|05:25pm]
I just joined this community and wanted to say Hello to everyone. I actually started drinking sobe only a few weeks ago and they're so GOOD, they're so addicting, I can't believe I've been deprived of it so for so many years. Thank God there's a lot of flavors :).
Drain The Lizard
It tastes that bad. [10 Apr 2006|08:44pm]
[ mood | for the birds ] O.M.G. This sobe tastes like a combination of everything in this picture: scummy bird water, the Pacific ocean next to the Venice pier, and recycled Sobe. But since there's some beach in my bottle I figured it'd be clever to have it on the label as well. My stomach rues my word associated brain.
3 Addicted| Drain The Lizard
[08 Mar 2006|04:51pm]
Image hosting by Photobucketnew use for old bottles. trying to grow roots from a broken violet leaf. wish me luck.
Drain The Lizard
[07 Feb 2006|12:39pm]
Is SoBe Green Tea really "Healthy"?It tastes too good to be true!!
Drain The Lizard
Bad SoBe. >_ [19 Sep 2005|11:35pm]
[ mood | disappointed ] I just opened up a bottle of SoBe Lean Mango(to fill the void in my life where SoBe Nirvana was) and much to my alarm, there was FUNGUS in the bottom! O_O The date on the bottle says December 19th so I know it can't be bad. I'm going to call up SoBe and see if they'll get me some coupons or something. I've never once had a bad experience with a SoBe and I hope this will be my last but I'm so bummed that I didn't get my SoBe fix tonight. :(Andrew
3 Addicted| Drain The Lizard
Irony. [12 Jun 2005|08:20pm]
[ mood | amused ] I had to share this with everyone. I was having a hard time getting my latest SoBe bottle open, the one with the contest caps. No amount of turning would get it open, so my boyfriend decides to be all big and try to get it open. There was no opening it. It wouldn't budge, nor would the tabs snap. After 10 minutes, we get out a knife and start to saw at the tabs, and finally manage to get it open. What does the cap say? "You call that a workout?" I swear they did it on purpose.
1 Addicted| Drain The Lizard
*newbie* [28 Apr 2005|12:15am]
[ mood | curious ] so yeah, my name is Shannon - 20 and ever since i saw this girl Stefani in my class drinking a Lava Lizard ive been HOOKED...and that was in 2003.ive had:1. Strawberry Banana2. Strawberry Daiquiri3. Fruit Punch4. Pina Colada (i think its gross)i LOVE collecting the bottles!here is my obsession.( Read more...Collapse )
7 Addicted| Drain The Lizard
[26 Apr 2005|09:55pm]
[ mood | chipper ] Just thought I'd let y'all know I'm SoBeing it up, Nirvana style.:)
Drain The Lizard
[12 Apr 2005|08:55pm]
I bought a SoBe Energy from the corner store today after riding my bike back from campus... As usual, I hung the plastic bag containing the precious fluid on my handlebar and started riding home. In the parking lot of my apartment complex the bag decided to rip and throw the bottle to the pavement. The bottle hit, made a sound like breaking glass and then rolled... I picked it up and there was a little dent on the corner of the cap but otherwise the bottle was unscathed. Awesome.The cap reads, "LEAVE NO LIZARD BEHIND"I found it strangely fitting as I contemplated not stopping to check the bottle since I assumed that it would shatter on impact. I was pleased, to say the least.
2 Addicted| Drain The Lizard
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