socialist_music - Profile (original) (raw)

Ok, I must first make myself clear on this. I do not support one bit the views of socialism.

OK. Now that I have said that, WELCOME TO SOCIALIST MUSIC. The place where you get ideas for songs and such through previous ideas created by somebody else. Also, to be clear, this is not a community where coppying is encouraged. Actually, it is highly discouraged, and I imagine it would be hard to copy exactly since you don't know the beats/rhythm and such.

OK. I'm just going to get straight to the point. What you do on this community is post riffs and such and also read other people's riffs, play with them and create something new. I also suggest that you don't post entire songs, it doesn't really go along with the point of this community considering that it is a bit harder to make something new out of it. Go ahead and post a song if you don't care if somebody takes it and claims it as their own and such.

You must have something to post and share.
You must be either a guitarist or a bassist.

1. No remarks that may be taken as offensive to another person.
2. All tablature longer than two bars must be behind a lj-cut.

1 bar= 1 row (example below)


3. No tablature of a preexisting song will be allowed
I shall reserve the right to, without warning, delete any posts that break these rules.
If you continue to break the rules then I shall reserve the right to remove you from the members list and kick you out for good.

Blah blah blah. Just use some common sense about this stuff. I'm a nice guy, and I'm not bitchy about crap like this so just use your noggin dammit.

Enjoy, and if you have any suggestions just tell me what they are.

P.S. If you don't know how to change the font of only one part of an entry, use either the

or tags. Below is a link to the tutorial for these tags
I suggest that you only use Courier New if you are writing tablature. I find it works the best.