Events Schedule | Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (original) (raw)

Each year the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia hosts and supports a wide range of social science or policy-focused lectures, forums, roundtables and other events around the country. Many of these events are free of charge and open to the public.

The Academy also offers a number of awards for its Fellows, and often shares grants and other opportunities with Fellows.


Upcoming and past events, lectures, public forums and annual symposia

2024 Annual Dinner

2024 New Fellows Presentations

Tax reform: laying the foundations | 2024 Keith Hancock Lecture and Panel Discussion

Indigenous language landscapes: Why a fuller understanding of Indigenous peoples’ language contexts is important

The Stupidity Paradox of Working in Universities | The Peer Revue

Making ‘sustainable finance’ more sustainable

The Great Debate: Does social media unite or divide us?

Using social science to inform hepatitis C elimination efforts in prisons

AUKUS: Assumptions and Implications

Priorities and Future Directions for Educational Research

Information session: Workshops Program 2025

The Future of Medicare: Research-informed policy for better access and health

Exploring Indigenous Research: Conducting ethical research and improving access of research outcomes to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Youth, Masculinity and the Far Right in Australia

Marriage, family and work in an age of rising gender equality

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