BNEF.HAS.AIDS = BNEF.HAS.OH.SNAP (original) (raw)

Mad funny story! [
17112005 @ 1435
in english today, we played "spyf" --> sticky picky yicky facts ---> and we had to choose team names. And in our group, we made patty choose, and as she was thinking, she was like "oh god..." and Ms Baca, our teacher, is like "okay! the oh, gods!" we were all laughing hysterically. then the team after us decided to name theirs "jesus" and another decided to name theirs "Judas." mad funny. Jesus won! ahahahahaha
16112005 @ 1754
*cries* english sucks. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh
05112005 @ 1354
our convos are so violent! but... nothing compared to me and nkechele duking it out with snipers and flamethrowers XP**( oh teh violenceCollapse )**
05112005 @ 1250
start your day the holy way with christ chex! its a miracle in a bowl! its like u open it and it goes "ahhhhh". and then an angel comes out and goes "good morning!! *flaps wings* life is bee-yoo-tee-ful! *flaps wings*"and in the middle of mass thered be snack time. the priest would go "lets have some yum yumssss. i made snaaacks." and then ud go up and get the cruton-o-christ. i used to want to mess with the priest, because he always held the bowl like this (like hogging it). like "*sticks tongue out* *slaps hands together* your move holy man... *moves tongue around* ... choose wisely..."how did mary die? a tire... hit her in the FACE!what was she doing putting her face near tires?no, this tire hunted mary down. this tire... murdered mary...boy, girl... am naming my first kid "rrrrrr."then the rest am naming after my favorite cartoon: transformers. its like "come here optimus prime. have a seat next to megatron and we'll have a chat"
04112005 @ 2159
[ **mood** | weird ] yo....sonYESSS my first post! Mel, we're awesome!Okay so is it weird that brian and i fight over who is going to open our lockers? we both know both when one of us has to go to their locker, we'll race to it, and try to open it first. >.<And is it also weird, that when im really sad, i go under things? like.....beds, tables, chairs....on the floor....yeahis it weird to get mad at yourself for feeling mad or sad or whatever? internal conflicttttt woooo!er Mel, I want to go out but its like 10 o'clock. And SATs tomorrow. gwah. but hey, im allowed to go out tomorrow!ooh did i mention i have a fire escape ladder under my bed?
04112005 @ 2139
welcome one, welcome all!! make urselves at home... but stay away from the fridge u bunch of freeloaders!! :Djeez, wut to say, wut to say... i guess ill put up some quotes of the day... and this is only in one day! lol... ready? dam strait!( quotes are teh shetCollapse )
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