American Taekwondo Association (original) (raw)

[13 Jun 2006|10:25am]
I used to be a serious TaeKwonDo competitor, however I no longer train. I have a bunch of white uniforms for 5−5-520. Nearly all are crisp and white, and all were well cared for. one size 0six size 3one size 4one size 5(plus extra pieces include three size 3 pants, one size two top, one size three top) Also available: one black/red hogu (chest protector), 1 set cloth forearm guards, 1 set Adidas forearm guards, 1 set Adidas shin/instep guards, 1 set red foam boots, 1 white foam Macho helmet, 1 set of boxing gloves, one pair Masterline training shoes (fits womens 8-8.5). Pix & specific uniform details available at request.
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First Tournament yesterday [02 Apr 2006|11:21am]
Well, I went to my first tournament yesterday.To put it simply "I choked"! I got up to do my form and I turned the wrong way after step five and ....Well, I kept going and finished anyway. There is another tournament in four weeks so I will try again!On the plus side 1) I got trounament experience, 2) I met some nice women and had a good time 3) My instructor won her events, 4) I came home and shared my experience with my 8 year old son who also does TKD and he said "It's ok mom, I bet I would have choked too infront of all those people!"He is now planning on going to the next tournament.Back to the Do Jhang!
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[16 Mar 2006|10:08am]
Dear ATA friends, thank you for the advice regarding the tournament in April. I have another question for everyone. Everytime I spar I end up with badly bruised toes! I am taping them to keep me in the game but what i need to learn is how to prevent jamming them in the first place! I know to kick with the instep and I try but I keep limping off the floor at the end of the class!Any ideas on what i am doing wrong and how to correct it?Thanks!
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Hi! [15 Mar 2006|12:19pm]
Hello, I just found this ATA blog and had to join. I had found a TKD group elsewhere but they don't seem to know about ATA and songham. Anyway, I am a new green belt (as is my 8 yr old son). We have been with ATA for about 8 months. We are both in the black belt club. We will participate in our first tournament on April first so wish us luck!(And if anyone has advice on tournaments please pass it along!)Thanksscout
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Hey! [09 Jul 2005|12:13am]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] My name is Justin and I am from Sarasota Florida I do Taekwondo and it is ATA pretty fricken crazzy you guys have this on here.I am a 1st degree black belt and a 2005 State champ in form and sparring. And who is going to Fall Nationals this year let me know!
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any ideas? [12 Jun 2005|01:36pm]
[ **mood** | it's not fair ] i just stumbled on this community and i was wondering if anybody had an idea or a comment, really. i'm nutsi and i'm a first degree black belt. i've been a junior instructor for over a year and a half and there's something fishy going on at my ATA school, here in buddy, beau, wants to test for his fourth degree black belt but he doesn't have permission to test. one of the owners of my school doesn't want him to pass her even though she's not going to be moving up anytime soon. i mean, she can't even kick over her ankle anymore for goodness sake. anyway, he got a call from headquarters and he's just not allowed to test. they didn't give a reason why but we all knew anyway. it just doesn't seem right. to top it all off, he's not allowed to hang out with anyone from our ATA school anymore. well, he's not allowed to hang out with us outside of the school. he got called pulled into the office at the school and was given a talk about it being unprofessional and he's not even allowed to give me a lift home from class anymore. what does our master expect me to do? i don't have a car and beau didn't want me to walk home in the dark. they're ones to talk. i mean, the same owner mentioned above basically lives at my aunt's house hanging out with my cousin, who takes class. it's just wicked to escape the corruption of our school, he's going to be moving back to florida. it's all for the best i suppose but it just sucks cuz now i'm losing a good friend. *sigh*it's just not fair.oh... and thanks for listening to me rant.
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[06 Jun 2005|03:02pm]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] Who's going to World's next week? My instructor is. That means a whole week w/o class. Boo hoo. :(( Maybe I'll get to go next year. that's all for now.-Maggie
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cross country and tkd [02 Jun 2005|04:59pm]
[ **mood** | confused ] ok so I have this conflict. I want to try out for cross country next year in August. The season goes from August to October. The problem is, I have tkd class M/W/F from 4-6 and Sat from 8-10, and practices are from 3-5 M-F. So I would only be getting to class some Saturdays. My instructor said he could make up a training program for me, and it's only for 3 months, but I'm going to be testing for brown belt early August and red sometime in October. I really don't know if I should try out for cross country, or just screw it. Plus my Dad works most Saturdays so I don't know how I would get to the Saturday meets. So give me your advice people, what would you do?
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We're Movin' On Up! [27 May 2005|03:04pm]
[ **mood** | ecstatic ] WAHOO! We will be moving at the end of June! Our school will be doubling in floor space for the same rent. And if the new landlord lets us, we may just host June's testing in the new space.Sorry, just felt like bragging. As you were. ;)
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i hope i can compete at worlds :/ [22 May 2005|12:03am]
[ **mood** | just babysat 5 boys!!! ] Man, i just like totally screwed up my knee at a camp here in colorado, and couldnt test for my 3rd degree cuz i couldnt bend my knee hardly. i swear my knee swelled up like 3 times its regular size! its been like 3 weeks since its happend, and i can still barley bend it.. i got an MRI n stuff done. i dont need surgery, thank goodness!!! but i have like a really bad bruised bone and a bit of a tear... hopefull will heal in a few months... but not early enough for worlds... :(.. im top ten for weapons AND forms this year!! it hecka sucks!! so who's gonna be at worlds? its like only 4 weeks away! i cant wait to go! but ya, comment if u are going to worlds. l8r peeps
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[30 Apr 2005|01:47pm]
[ **mood** | bored ] Well... Feeling lonely here all by myself. Had a fun class this morning. First started with sparring and then played with the gum do (sword) for a bit. Can't wait till monday. i hate weekends. anyone going to the tournament in Illnois in July? fergot what the city was called. I think my class is all car pooling up there. Well actually down there. well not much else to say so toodles.
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Hello [27 Apr 2005|05:42pm]
[ **mood** | calm ] New to the community and am a die hard student to Taekwondo. I love every martial arts and have had a little training in Kungfu, Judo, Haidong gumdo, and Jujitsu...only...I always end up focusing and dedicating myself 100% of my time to Taekwondo so never have that much time for the others.I have been training for 3 yrs now and want to do it for the rest of my life. My dreams:1)Compete in the Olympics2)Open my own dojang
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[23 Apr 2005|10:46pm]
[ **mood** | Another LONG day at a tourny!! ] Hey, Who all lives in Colorado??? If you live in boulder, and used to do ATA, and havent been able to, possibly because a school is too far away, let me know. We actually own one here in Boulder, CO. And it would be nice to know some ppl here too!! Write Back Plz
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oooh wow [23 Apr 2005|03:54pm]
Oooh wow I didn't know ATA had a lj community. I'm Maggie from Milwaukee WI. Anybody from there? I'm a soon to be purple belt under instruction with Mr. R(ieselbach) He's a great teacher and nice to meet you all.-Maggie
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World Championships [15 Apr 2005|10:43pm]
[ **mood** | as usual ] Who's all going to worlds?? Im soo nervous! im placed in top 10 for forms and weapons this year. last year was only weapons, and i placed 2nd... lost by one point, and by the girl who was in the same TKD school as me!! it sucked like you wouldnt believe! but o'well, i plan to beat her this year :D. How bout anybody else? anybody placed in top 10 this year?
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[22 Mar 2005|11:43am]
[ **mood** | happy ] Hey is any1 here gonna go to the tournament april 2 at Boca Raton?
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[26 Jan 2005|10:42pm]
[ **mood** | bouncy ] so, who am I going to see in Las Vegas next week? :)♥
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[23 Jan 2005|11:41am]
[ **mood** | confused ] hey everyone, I need some advice...I just checked the ring assignments for spring nationals. As if I'm not nervous enough, I found out that my instructor is one of my weapons judges. This is the same instructor who has been giving me private lessons specifically on the weapon I compete with, and has me training really hard in it.When I told him, he asked me if I wanted him to step down, and I said I didn't know. I really don't know how I feel about this. He could judge me harder because he already knows what he showed me and all my little mistakes that no one else usually sees. But then again, he could judge me like he doesn't know me, like he would anyone else in my ring. anyone have any advice?♥Dana
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