Sing! (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Jul. 14th, 2005|08:59 am]songsters
I was thinking about bardic and SCA demos. Our demos for the barony of Marinus which I've been able to go to usually have a games display, some fighting and occassionally a showcase on cooking and crafts. I don't think i've seen much in way at a demo for bardic however. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for making a successful bardic portion of a demo. I of course figure this includes learning some bardic history so if anyone could also recommend some books on the subjects of performance arts, poetry, trubadours, bards, etc..., that'd be great.On top of that I also wanted to know how one becomes a titled bard and what awards and honors can one earn in the SCA from bardic ventures.
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Song Suggestions? [Jun. 29th, 2005|10:51 pm]songsters
Hola all,For the past little while, I've been wanting to put together a pagan/sca campfire song-book. Nothing new or unique, just something that covers a good selection of the popular tunes that folks like to sing/hear around the campfire at freak events. Basically, I want something I can share with others, but mainly, something I can use to remind myself what I know. It really pissed me off when two songs were mentioned in my last song-related post that I knew, but had forgotten I knew. I want something I can use to know that I have a good repertoire handy when camping.Classic folks tunes, pagany stuff, medieval or faux-medieval that people like to hear sung at night (Eg. Witch of the Westmoreland, The Whistling Gypsy Rover, etc...), or group-sing stuff that everyone can chime in on (Barrett's Privateers, Black Velvet Band, et al...).Basically, what are the songs that you've enjoyed at fests or events, or that you think you would.Scadians please note, I'm NOT looking for any kingdom specific tunes here either. If it references a particular kingdom (like the Ealdormere song, for example), or even the SCA, I'm not really interested in it. I'd like this to be something that can work well at either an SCA event or a pagan event (and yes, that means know, the stuff we sing at the fire AFTER the laurels go to bed...)Pagans please note, I would LOVE to see new or eclectic songs here. it's hard to find stuff...If you know lyrics, GREAT! If you don't, but can link to it, or even just give me a definite title, it'll be worth it for me to search it out.Thanks in advance to all and sundry that may respond.X-posted to songsters and my own LJ.
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Hey! Let's make some MUSIC people. [Jun. 22nd, 2005|03:03 pm]songsters
So, I found this lovely link. For those who are always trying to find pagan chants and songs, take a gander:, if you are looking for folky-music, of traditional or modern sorts. Your best (by which I mean BEST) resource online is the Digital Traditions lyrics and knowledge search, available here :
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(no subject) [May. 30th, 2005|10:22 am]songsters
I want to build my song repertoire as my first official step toward bardom. I can't find the songs I know of very well on shareaza though. Does anyone know a good site or two? Maybe a some cds I should be buying?
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New Camp Song Community! [May. 28th, 2004|01:34 am]songsters
Just wanted to let you all know about the new community for sharing camp songs, finding old lyrics you can't remember, and learning new ones. If you are interested in camp songs check it out at campsongs!
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Band Played Walzing Matilda [Apr. 27th, 2004|02:41 am]songsters
[mood** |recumbentsober]History of the Song here.Real-Audio Version here.Reason here.( Band Played Walzing MatildaCollapse )**
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