Luis Miotti | Université Sorbonne Paris Nord / Sorbonne Paris Nord University (original) (raw)
Papers by Luis Miotti
Scientometers and sociologists of science have spilled much ink on the topic of peer review over ... more Scientometers and sociologists of science have spilled much ink on the topic of peer review over the past twenty years given its primordial role in a context marked by the exponential growth of scientific production and the proliferation of predatory journals. Although the topic is addressed under different prisms, few studies have empirically analyzed to what extent it can affect the quality of publications. Here we study (1) the link between the length of reviewers' reports and the citations received by publications, (2) The threshold (expressed in number of words in reviewers' reports) at which the effect on citations becomes statistically significant. To do this, we used data from the Publons database (58,093 peer review reports). We have adjusted this sample to match the WoS database structure. Our regression results show that peer review positively affects the quality of publications. In other words, the more in-depth (longer) the referees' reports are, the greater...
Revue de la régulation, 2012
Revue de la régulation Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs 11 | 1er semestre / Spring 2012 Les ca... more Revue de la régulation Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs 11 | 1er semestre / Spring 2012 Les capitalismes en Amérique latine. De l'économique au politique Continuités et ruptures dans l'accumulation et la régulation en Amérique latine dans les années 2000 : le cas de l'Argentine, du Brésil et du Chili Continuities and breakdowns in accumulation and regulation during the 2000s:
11èmes journées scientifiques de l'université de Toulon, Apr 26, 2017
Si les etudes economiques concluent en general a un faible impact des delocalisations au niveau m... more Si les etudes economiques concluent en general a un faible impact des delocalisations au niveau macroeconomique, celles-ci engendrent des chocs asymetriques importants sur les territoires qu'il faut pouvoir anticiper. C'est l'enjeu de cette etude qui construit un indicateur original de la vulnerabilite des territoires face aux risques de delocalisations dans les activites manufacturieres. Tout d'abord, les facteurs de vulnerabilite sont identifies a un niveau fin des activites. Une analyse en composantes principales a ce niveau sectoriel permet de degager quatre types de secteurs de l'industrie manufacturiere selon leur potentiel de delocalisation, fonction des caracteristiques de leurs emplois et leur contenu en tâches routinieres et des caracteristiques des produits. Puis, suivant la demarche d'Aubert et Sillard (2005) mise en œuvre sur donnees d'etablissement, un indice de delocalisation effective au niveau sectoriel est estime. Il permet a la fois de caracteriser le risque de delocalisation des quatre grands types de secteurs et de mesurer la vulnerabilite economique des zones d'emploi.
The views expressed in this document, which has been reproduced without formal editing, are those... more The views expressed in this document, which has been reproduced without formal editing, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Organization.
is a strong characteristic of the financial global environment. Volatility has implications on th... more is a strong characteristic of the financial global environment. Volatility has implications on the emerging economies' competitiveness and extemal-debt burden. This paper develops a simple model centered on debt dynamics. We show that an emerging economy can stabilize the domestic value of its extemal debt using three parameters: the currency composition of its debt, its exchange-rate regime, and the geographic structure of its trade.
L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser le developpement a long terme de l'economie arge... more L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser le developpement a long terme de l'economie argentine, et plus specifiquement les changements structurels et le comportement dynamique qui l'ont caracterisee de 1870 jusqu'a nos jours. L'etude se sert des categories d'analyse developpees par l'ecole de la regulation et tente de mettre en lumiere les particularites des differents regimes de croissance, leurs points de rupture et les specificites de leurs crises. L'analyse approfondie de la crise contemporaine, ouverte en 1975, permet d'aborder les possibilites de sortie de crise, a travers l'evaluation de differents scenarios prospectifs.
Este libro fue preparado en el marco del proyecto sobre Promoción de la integración social y econ... more Este libro fue preparado en el marco del proyecto sobre Promoción de la integración social y económica de los pequeños y medianos agricultores a la agroindustria, conforme al convenio de cooperación suscrito
Routledge Studies in Global Competition, 2001
This article analyses the distributional impact of remittances across two regions of Algerian emi... more This article analyses the distributional impact of remittances across two regions of Algerian emigration (Nedroma and Idjeur) using an original survey we conducted of 1,200 households in 2011. Remittances and especially the role played by foreign pensions decrease the Gini index by nearly 4 % for the two Algerian regions, with the effect in Idjeur being twice as large as Nedroma. At the same time, they help reduce poverty by nearly 13 percentage points. Remittances have a strong positive impact on very poor families in Idjeur but much less in Nedroma, where poor families suffer from a "double loss" due to the absence of their migrants and the fact that the latter do not send money home.
In this paper, we analyze the determinants and the final use of remittances of migrants settled i... more In this paper, we analyze the determinants and the final use of remittances of migrants settled in France sending remittances to the southern Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan African countries. Research using microdata is very scarce in this region; we rely on a specially designed survey (2MO) we conducted in 2007-2008 of 1,000 people who remit to the three Maghreb countries, to Turkey and to the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. We also use a second survey conducted by the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (DREES) which includes a sample of 3,500 people from the regions we are interested in. DREES microdata set enables us to understand who is more likely to remit (extensive margin). 2MO microdata allows an analysis of remittance behavior amongst those who remit (intensive margin) including sum and reported final use of remittances (housing, investment, current expenditures). Using these two microdatasets, we examine the likelihood to remit across the different waves of immig...
The internationalisation of the euro is in its initial stages and it is still difficult to draw a... more The internationalisation of the euro is in its initial stages and it is still difficult to draw any definitive conclusions regarding its scope and its implications for Latin America. Indeed, the emergence of an internationally used currency is slow and subject to inertial forces. Nonetheless, several fairly robust conclusions can be inferred from the results of the document. The most plausible medium- to long-term international scenario seems to be development of an asymmetrical duopoly between the euro and the dollar. In a context of scant international monetary cooperation, this scenario could lead to high volatility between the two main international currencies, which will be a powerful destabilising factor for third countries. In terms of official international reserves, the growing financial use of the single European currency and the development of Euroland capital markets should lead to greater diversification in favour of the euro in the medium and long term. Together with o...
Si les etudes economiques concluent en general a un faible impact des delocalisations au niveau m... more Si les etudes economiques concluent en general a un faible impact des delocalisations au niveau macroeconomique, celles-ci engendrent des chocs asymetriques importants sur les territoires qu'il faut pouvoir anticiper. C'est l'enjeu de cette etude qui construit un indicateur original de la vulnerabilite des territoires face aux risques de delocalisations dans les activites manufacturieres. Tout d'abord, les facteurs de vulnerabilite sont identifies a un niveau fin des activites. Une analyse en composantes principales a ce niveau sectoriel permet de degager quatre types de secteurs de l'industrie manufacturiere selon leur potentiel de delocalisation, fonction des caracteristiques de leurs emplois et leur contenu en tâches routinieres et des caracteristiques des produits. Puis, suivant la demarche d'Aubert et Sillard (2005) mise en œuvre sur donnees d'etablissement, un indice de delocalisation effective au niveau sectoriel est estime. Il permet a la fois de ...
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, Feb 7, 2018
The rise of new technologies and globalization has recently generated major structural changes in... more The rise of new technologies and globalization has recently generated major structural changes in developed economies. These changes alter significantly economic activities and affect spatial disparities. The articles by Charnoz and Orand and by Jennequin, Miotti and Mouhoud offer two original analyses of changing patterns in local labour markets in France. They show that structural changes affect employment zones differently depending on their employment structure and their international exposure. Because of their specialisations in high value-added jobs, major cities emerge the winners from these changing patterns. The rural territories and cities traditionally specialised in routine jobs have, meanwhile, turned to computers and robotisation and are thus experiencing a decline in these jobs. This phenomenon is magnified by offshoring. These papers have important implications for economic policies, as they identify the infranational territories that may have large effects on employment and wages trends at the national level.
Revue économique
Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research pu... more Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but IZA takes no institutional policy positions. The IZA research network is committed to the IZA Guiding Principles of Research Integrity. The IZA Institute of Labor Economics is an independent economic research institute that conducts research in labor economics and offers evidence-based policy advice on labor market issues. Supported by the Deutsche Post Foundation, IZA runs the world's largest network of economists, whose research aims to provide answers to the global labor market challenges of our time. Our key objective is to build bridges between academic research, policymakers and society. IZA Discussion Papers often represent preliminary work and are circulated to encourage discussion. Citation of such a paper should account for its provisional character. A revised version may be available directly from the author.
Scientometers and sociologists of science have spilled much ink on the topic of peer review over ... more Scientometers and sociologists of science have spilled much ink on the topic of peer review over the past twenty years given its primordial role in a context marked by the exponential growth of scientific production and the proliferation of predatory journals. Although the topic is addressed under different prisms, few studies have empirically analyzed to what extent it can affect the quality of publications. Here we study (1) the link between the length of reviewers' reports and the citations received by publications, (2) The threshold (expressed in number of words in reviewers' reports) at which the effect on citations becomes statistically significant. To do this, we used data from the Publons database (58,093 peer review reports). We have adjusted this sample to match the WoS database structure. Our regression results show that peer review positively affects the quality of publications. In other words, the more in-depth (longer) the referees' reports are, the greater...
Revue de la régulation, 2012
Revue de la régulation Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs 11 | 1er semestre / Spring 2012 Les ca... more Revue de la régulation Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs 11 | 1er semestre / Spring 2012 Les capitalismes en Amérique latine. De l'économique au politique Continuités et ruptures dans l'accumulation et la régulation en Amérique latine dans les années 2000 : le cas de l'Argentine, du Brésil et du Chili Continuities and breakdowns in accumulation and regulation during the 2000s:
11èmes journées scientifiques de l'université de Toulon, Apr 26, 2017
Si les etudes economiques concluent en general a un faible impact des delocalisations au niveau m... more Si les etudes economiques concluent en general a un faible impact des delocalisations au niveau macroeconomique, celles-ci engendrent des chocs asymetriques importants sur les territoires qu'il faut pouvoir anticiper. C'est l'enjeu de cette etude qui construit un indicateur original de la vulnerabilite des territoires face aux risques de delocalisations dans les activites manufacturieres. Tout d'abord, les facteurs de vulnerabilite sont identifies a un niveau fin des activites. Une analyse en composantes principales a ce niveau sectoriel permet de degager quatre types de secteurs de l'industrie manufacturiere selon leur potentiel de delocalisation, fonction des caracteristiques de leurs emplois et leur contenu en tâches routinieres et des caracteristiques des produits. Puis, suivant la demarche d'Aubert et Sillard (2005) mise en œuvre sur donnees d'etablissement, un indice de delocalisation effective au niveau sectoriel est estime. Il permet a la fois de caracteriser le risque de delocalisation des quatre grands types de secteurs et de mesurer la vulnerabilite economique des zones d'emploi.
The views expressed in this document, which has been reproduced without formal editing, are those... more The views expressed in this document, which has been reproduced without formal editing, are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Organization.
is a strong characteristic of the financial global environment. Volatility has implications on th... more is a strong characteristic of the financial global environment. Volatility has implications on the emerging economies' competitiveness and extemal-debt burden. This paper develops a simple model centered on debt dynamics. We show that an emerging economy can stabilize the domestic value of its extemal debt using three parameters: the currency composition of its debt, its exchange-rate regime, and the geographic structure of its trade.
L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser le developpement a long terme de l'economie arge... more L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser le developpement a long terme de l'economie argentine, et plus specifiquement les changements structurels et le comportement dynamique qui l'ont caracterisee de 1870 jusqu'a nos jours. L'etude se sert des categories d'analyse developpees par l'ecole de la regulation et tente de mettre en lumiere les particularites des differents regimes de croissance, leurs points de rupture et les specificites de leurs crises. L'analyse approfondie de la crise contemporaine, ouverte en 1975, permet d'aborder les possibilites de sortie de crise, a travers l'evaluation de differents scenarios prospectifs.
Este libro fue preparado en el marco del proyecto sobre Promoción de la integración social y econ... more Este libro fue preparado en el marco del proyecto sobre Promoción de la integración social y económica de los pequeños y medianos agricultores a la agroindustria, conforme al convenio de cooperación suscrito
Routledge Studies in Global Competition, 2001
This article analyses the distributional impact of remittances across two regions of Algerian emi... more This article analyses the distributional impact of remittances across two regions of Algerian emigration (Nedroma and Idjeur) using an original survey we conducted of 1,200 households in 2011. Remittances and especially the role played by foreign pensions decrease the Gini index by nearly 4 % for the two Algerian regions, with the effect in Idjeur being twice as large as Nedroma. At the same time, they help reduce poverty by nearly 13 percentage points. Remittances have a strong positive impact on very poor families in Idjeur but much less in Nedroma, where poor families suffer from a "double loss" due to the absence of their migrants and the fact that the latter do not send money home.
In this paper, we analyze the determinants and the final use of remittances of migrants settled i... more In this paper, we analyze the determinants and the final use of remittances of migrants settled in France sending remittances to the southern Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan African countries. Research using microdata is very scarce in this region; we rely on a specially designed survey (2MO) we conducted in 2007-2008 of 1,000 people who remit to the three Maghreb countries, to Turkey and to the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. We also use a second survey conducted by the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (DREES) which includes a sample of 3,500 people from the regions we are interested in. DREES microdata set enables us to understand who is more likely to remit (extensive margin). 2MO microdata allows an analysis of remittance behavior amongst those who remit (intensive margin) including sum and reported final use of remittances (housing, investment, current expenditures). Using these two microdatasets, we examine the likelihood to remit across the different waves of immig...
The internationalisation of the euro is in its initial stages and it is still difficult to draw a... more The internationalisation of the euro is in its initial stages and it is still difficult to draw any definitive conclusions regarding its scope and its implications for Latin America. Indeed, the emergence of an internationally used currency is slow and subject to inertial forces. Nonetheless, several fairly robust conclusions can be inferred from the results of the document. The most plausible medium- to long-term international scenario seems to be development of an asymmetrical duopoly between the euro and the dollar. In a context of scant international monetary cooperation, this scenario could lead to high volatility between the two main international currencies, which will be a powerful destabilising factor for third countries. In terms of official international reserves, the growing financial use of the single European currency and the development of Euroland capital markets should lead to greater diversification in favour of the euro in the medium and long term. Together with o...
Si les etudes economiques concluent en general a un faible impact des delocalisations au niveau m... more Si les etudes economiques concluent en general a un faible impact des delocalisations au niveau macroeconomique, celles-ci engendrent des chocs asymetriques importants sur les territoires qu'il faut pouvoir anticiper. C'est l'enjeu de cette etude qui construit un indicateur original de la vulnerabilite des territoires face aux risques de delocalisations dans les activites manufacturieres. Tout d'abord, les facteurs de vulnerabilite sont identifies a un niveau fin des activites. Une analyse en composantes principales a ce niveau sectoriel permet de degager quatre types de secteurs de l'industrie manufacturiere selon leur potentiel de delocalisation, fonction des caracteristiques de leurs emplois et leur contenu en tâches routinieres et des caracteristiques des produits. Puis, suivant la demarche d'Aubert et Sillard (2005) mise en œuvre sur donnees d'etablissement, un indice de delocalisation effective au niveau sectoriel est estime. Il permet a la fois de ...
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, Feb 7, 2018
The rise of new technologies and globalization has recently generated major structural changes in... more The rise of new technologies and globalization has recently generated major structural changes in developed economies. These changes alter significantly economic activities and affect spatial disparities. The articles by Charnoz and Orand and by Jennequin, Miotti and Mouhoud offer two original analyses of changing patterns in local labour markets in France. They show that structural changes affect employment zones differently depending on their employment structure and their international exposure. Because of their specialisations in high value-added jobs, major cities emerge the winners from these changing patterns. The rural territories and cities traditionally specialised in routine jobs have, meanwhile, turned to computers and robotisation and are thus experiencing a decline in these jobs. This phenomenon is magnified by offshoring. These papers have important implications for economic policies, as they identify the infranational territories that may have large effects on employment and wages trends at the national level.
Revue économique
Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research pu... more Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but IZA takes no institutional policy positions. The IZA research network is committed to the IZA Guiding Principles of Research Integrity. The IZA Institute of Labor Economics is an independent economic research institute that conducts research in labor economics and offers evidence-based policy advice on labor market issues. Supported by the Deutsche Post Foundation, IZA runs the world's largest network of economists, whose research aims to provide answers to the global labor market challenges of our time. Our key objective is to build bridges between academic research, policymakers and society. IZA Discussion Papers often represent preliminary work and are circulated to encourage discussion. Citation of such a paper should account for its provisional character. A revised version may be available directly from the author.
La compilación transita los grandes cambios ocurridos en la realidad agroindustrial de la región ... more La compilación transita los grandes cambios ocurridos en la realidad agroindustrial de la región pampeana en los últimos 20 años, marcando las notorias diferencias del modelo de desarrollo implantado durante ese período con el que le antecedío, y con el desplegado por la pequeña agricultura familiar en todo el país.
Le renforcement du CIR a eu un impact positif sur l’embauche de jeunes diplômés sur des fonctions... more Le renforcement du CIR a eu un impact positif sur l’embauche de jeunes diplômés sur des fonctions de R&D dans les entreprises Les renforcements du CIR à travers les réformes de 2004, 2006 et 2008 ont eu un impact positif sur l’embauche en CDI sur des postes de R&D pour l’ensemble des diplômés du supérieur, dont les ingénieurs et les docteurs. Ce résultat est cohérent avec les études d’impact précédentes du CIR qui indiquent un effet d’addition du CIR sur les dépenses de R&D des entreprises, et donc un impact positif sur l’embauche de chercheurs (MENESR 2014). La baisse du coût des chercheurs que représente le CIR stimule les activités de R&D et le recrutement de chercheurs. Ce résultat est aussi cohérent avec l’augmentation sensible du nombre de chercheurs en entreprises en France, malgré la désindustrialisation et les impacts de la crise économique de 2008. L’augmentation de l’embauche de chercheurs par les entreprises a notamment bénéficié aux jeunes diplômés.