Márta Marschalkó | Semmelweis University (original) (raw)
Papers by Márta Marschalkó
Orvosi Hetilap, Jun 18, 2023
A hüvelyi mikrobiom fontos tényező a patogén mikroorganizmusokkal szembeni védekezésben, az egész... more A hüvelyi mikrobiom fontos tényező a patogén mikroorganizmusokkal szembeni védekezésben, az egészséges hüvelyi miliő fenntartásában. A hüvelyi mikrobiom összetételéről, funkcióiról, változásairól az újgenerációs szekvenálási technikák révén rendelkezünk alapvetőn új, széles körű ismeretekkel. Az összefoglaló tanulmány célja a kérdés alapismereteinek összefoglalása. A hüvelyi mikrobiom az életkorral párhuzamosan változik, reproduktív korban éri el funkcionális kiteljesedését. Alkotói a reproduktív korban elsősorban Lactobacillus speciesek, főként L. crispatus, L. iners, L. gasseri, L. jensenii, melyek a fiziológiás stabilitását biztosítják. A hüvelyi mikrobiom a szervezet többi mikrobiomjával szemben alacsony diverzitású, a diverzitás szélesedése patogén állapothoz vezet. A hagyományos, tenyésztéses technikák korában is ismert volt a Lactobacillusok szerepe a tejsavfermentálás során kialakuló savas hüvelyi pH fenntartásában és antimikrobás anyagok termelésében. A közleményben részletesen tárgyaljuk az 5 típusú, különböző bakteriális összetételű hüvelyi közösséget, összetételüket, demográfiai előfordulásukat, a típusváltásokat, a domináló flóra átmeneti változásait, annak jelentőségét, összehasonlítva a nem Lactobacillus dominálta, fiziológiásnak tekinthető flórával. A mikrobiomnak lényeges szerepe van a lokális nyálkahártya-immunitásban, a patogénekkel szembeni védekezésben, a fiziológiás változásokkal szembeni immuntolerancia kialakításában. A bakteriális vaginosis a nem egészséges flóra domináló szerepének klasszikus példája. Bakteriális vaginosisban a Lactobacillus-flóra drámaian csökken, és helyét nagy diverzitású anaerob baktériumok foglalják el. Az állapot az aktuális kellemetlenségek mellett súlyos nőgyógyászati, szülészeti következményekkel járhat: meddőség, vetélés, koraszülés, chorioamnionitis, endometritis, növekszik a fogékonyság a felső genitalis traktusi és húgyúti infekciók, valamint a szexuális úton terjedő fertőzések, HIV-akviráció iránt, emellett a bakteriális vaginosisban szenvedő nők HIV-vírus-átadási képessége partnerük és az újszülött számára növekedett. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(24): 923–930.
PubMed, Sep 16, 2001
14 patients suffering from early stage mycosis fungoides were treated with interferon alpha 2-a a... more 14 patients suffering from early stage mycosis fungoides were treated with interferon alpha 2-a and PUVA/1 patient in stage I a, 3 patients in stage I b, 4 patients in stage II a and 6 patients in stage II b/during 3-21 months time course. Interferon alpha 2-a was administered 3 times a week, in escalating dose from 3 MU to 9 MU, determining the individual maximal tolerated dose. All of the patients responded well to the treatment. Partial remission was observed after 4-13 weeks of treatment. Total remission developed in 8 cases, after 8 weeks- 9 months of the treatment. Side effects occurred frequently: weight loss, pain, fever, fatigue, leucopenia, thrombopenia, liver enzyme elevation. Because of the side effects the dose of the interferon was reduced individually, the dose reduction did not cause relapse.
Acta dermato-venereologica, Sep 1, 1996
Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, Aug 24, 2010
Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, Feb 1, 2003
We describe a patient with therapy-resistant cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Sézary syndrome variant, ... more We describe a patient with therapy-resistant cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Sézary syndrome variant, in association with concurrent polyarthritis and vitiligo, who was successfully treated with extracorporeal photochemotherapy (ECP). The combination of Sézary syndrome with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis is rare. In our patient the T-cell lymphoma was refractory to standard treatments that included psoralen-UVA, lymph node irradiation, and polychemotherapy. ECP has been shown to be effective in the treatment of selected cases of Sézary syndrome. There is a strong suggestion that ECP as a monotherapy can provide a significant benefit for other T-cell-mediated diseases including rheumatoid arthritis. In spite of a disease duration of 10 years, a very low CD8 cell count (2% of lymphocytes), a very high CD4 cell count (94%), and multiple unsuccessful chemotherapeutic trials before initiation of ECP, our patient achieved a long-lasting complete remission of both diseases with normalization of the CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte subsets. Concurrent developing vitiligo was unaffected by ECP.
Bőrgyógyászati és venerológiai szemle, Mar 14, 2023
British Journal of Dermatology, Jan 21, 2010
Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. 1. Abt. Originale A, Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektionskrankheiten und Parasitologie, Mar 1, 1980
The TPHA test is performed with sheep erythrocytes treated with formalin and tannin solution and ... more The TPHA test is performed with sheep erythrocytes treated with formalin and tannin solution and conjugated with fragments of pathogenic Treponema pallidum. Absorption media was prepared by adding normal rabbit serum, powdered rabbit testicle, sheep and cow stroma and sonicated Reiter treponeme. The reagents prepared in our laboratory proved to be specific and sensitive enough for routine use. It can be confirmed that the TPHA reaction is a good confirmatory test in the serodiagnosis of syphilis. Further studies are necessary to explain the divergent results between TPHA and TPIT. We plan to carry out detailed investigation. Analysis of patients data in a large population after the problem of storage of our reagents over extended periods has been resolved.
Bőrgyógyászati és venerológiai szemle, Oct 21, 2020
PubMed, Oct 25, 1998
Authors report the case of a white male patient suffering from a rare neurocutaneous dysplasia. M... more Authors report the case of a white male patient suffering from a rare neurocutaneous dysplasia. Macrocrania and right ventricular dilation of the brain were present at birth. Motor milestones were delayed and epilepsy with staring spells started at the age of 6 months. On examination at 2 years of age hypopigmented areas of linear distribution were noted on the right extremities and on the right side of the trunk, beyond macrocrania, psychomotor and mental delay. Cranial MRI performed at 5 years of age proved predominantly right-sided megalencephaly, gray matter heterotopia within the right hemispherium and polymicrogyria in the perisylvian region. The EEG was characterized by high-amplitude rhythmic theta activity over the right frontal area. Hypomelanosis of Ito was diagnosed. Authors call attention on the importance of skin lesions in neuropediatric disorders, and give a brief review of the literature in hypomelanosis of Ito.
PubMed, Jan 30, 2000
Clinical data of 34 patients with DM, who have been treated during the years 1971 and 1998 were e... more Clinical data of 34 patients with DM, who have been treated during the years 1971 and 1998 were evaluated. 79% of the patients (27 patients) were female, 21% of them (7 patients) were male. 59% of the patients (20 pts) were between the ages of 41 and 50 years. The characteristic heliotrop rash were observed in 26 patients, Gottron's papules in 20 patients, poikiloderma in 2 patients, calcification, ulcers, Raynaud syndrome in 1 patient. 3 of the 34 patients presented with strongly itching erythematopapulosus symptoms, most prominently on the scalp. Cardiac involvement were present in 10 patients (29%), lung involvement in 8 patients (23%), gastrointestinal complaints in 11 patients, dysphagia, dysphonia in 4 patients, joint pain in 5 patients. Overlap syndrome--scleroderma-dermatomyositis, SLE-dermatomyositis--was present in 2 patients. 9 of the 34 patients (26%) suffered from malignant tumours: gastric, breast, lung, epipharynx carcinoma, malignant melanoma. 13 of the 34 patients have been treated with corticosteroids together with immunosuppressor agents, in most cases azathioprin was administered. Cyclosporin was given in 7 cases, chloroquine in 2 cases.
Contact Dermatitis, Jun 1, 2004
Contact sensitization has been an accepted topical immunotherapy in the treatment of alopecia are... more Contact sensitization has been an accepted topical immunotherapy in the treatment of alopecia areata (1, 2). Whether the age of patients is a significant factor in the treatment results is a matter of controversy. In our study, we investigated the correlation between age of the patients and diphenylcyclopropen-one contact sensitization in vivo and in vitro (3, 4).
Journal of The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Sep 1, 2005
To the Editor Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) is an uncommon benign disorder o... more To the Editor Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) is an uncommon benign disorder of young adults with female predominance, characterized by solitary or multiple nodules on the head and neck region. Some cases associated with pregnancy have been reported earlier.1 During the first semester of the second pregnancy, the 28year-old female patient developed two subcutaneous, livid nodules 1–1.5 cm in diameter at the lateral side of the left eyebrow and in the left temporal region, as well as several smaller lesions on the scalp of the left parietal region. Sometimes they were spontaneously bleeding. The overlying skin was purplish or normal, larger lesions were pulsating (fig. 1). The two largest nodules were surgically removed. The histological picture showed circumscribed, lobuled lesions, oedematous endothelial cells in the dermal blood vessels and lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltration (fig. 2). Routine laboratory investigations, peripheral eosinophil count revealed negative results. Direct immunofluorescent histology did not show overexpression of oestrogen or progesterone receptors in the lesions. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) investigations of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) and human T cell lymphoma virus (HTLV) were also negative. After the patient has delivered, the lesions showed spontaneous regression. ALHE was originally described by Wells and Whimster in 1969.2 This rare benign tumour occurs with a female predominance, and most often affects the head and neck region. The typical clinical signs are solitary or multiple purplish, brownish papules and subcutaneous nodules. The histological picture is characterized by the proliferation of endothelial cells associated with lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltrate. Results of immunohistological examinations, showed that perivascular infiltrating lymphocytes are mostly CD4 + positive. Proliferating endothel cells express adhesion molecules: VLA-1, -3, -5, ICAM-1, ELAM-1.3 Sometimes marked peripheral eosinophilia can be detected. Kimura’s disease was earlier thought to be related to ALHE, but nowadays it is considered a different clinical entity. The main differences between the two diseases were described by Chum et al. in 1992.4,5 Some earlier clinical entities with other names are identified as ALHE, some authors suggested the nomenclature of epithelioid haemangioma.6 The origin of the disease is not known, infection (HTLV or HHV8), hormonal background, or possible role of trauma are the mostly discussed possibilities. Increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and interleukin 5 (IL-5) was detected in some cases.7 Associated cases of the disease to pregnancy were already described. Moy et al. found oestrogen and progesterone receptor overexpression in the lesional skin of pregnant women.1 In our case, direct immunofluorescent histology did not show overexpression of oestrogen or progesterone receptors in the lesions. HHV8 and HTLV PCR investigations were also negative. The possible treatment modalities were intralesional steroid or IFN α, surgical excision, cryotherapy and laser therapy.8 Association of ALHE with nephrotic syndrome has also been described.9 The interest of our case makes the typical clinical picture and outcome of the rare disease. Its association with pregnancy suggests the pathogenetic role of immunological and endocrinological changes in the background.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) is an autoimmune skin disease with various clinical forms, in... more Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) is an autoimmune skin disease with various clinical forms, including the subtypes of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE). The altered function of the programmed cell death 1/programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) axis in CLE pathogenesis has been suggested. Here, the soluble forms of PD-1 (sPD-1) and PD-L1 (sPD-L1) were explored in untreated DLE and SCLE. Levels of sPD-1 and sPD-L1 were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in serums of 21 DLE, 18 SCLE, 13 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients and 20 healthy controls (HCs). Differences between patient groups and HCs, and the association between clinical activity of skin symptoms and sPD-1/sPD-L1 levels were analyzed with Mann–Whitney U-test and Spearmann’s correlation. Regarding sPD-1 levels, no statistically significant differences were found between DLE and SCLE groups, nor compared to HCs. As for sPD-L1, a significantly lower ...
Bőrgyógyászati és venerológiai szemle, Mar 14, 2023
Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases
Orvosi Hetilap
Bevezetés: A lupus erythematosus panniculitis (LEP) a cutan lupus erythematosus krónikus formáján... more Bevezetés: A lupus erythematosus panniculitis (LEP) a cutan lupus erythematosus krónikus formájának ritka variánsa, klinikailag tömött, subcutan csomók és erythemás plakkok jellemzik. Az aktív tünetek az arcot és testet torzító maradványtünetekkel gyógyulhatnak, rontva a betegek életminőségét. A szisztémás lupus erythematosus (SLE) részjelensége lehet, első tüneteként is kialakulhat. Célkitűzés: A LEP klinikopatológiai képének bemutatása saját beteganyagunk szemléltetésével, a betegség lefolyásának értékelése. Módszerek: A Semmelweis Egyetem Bőr-, Nemikórtani és Bőronkológiai Klinikáján 2000 és 2022 között jelentkezett LEP-betegek összegyűjtése, adataik retrospektív elemzése. Eredmények: A 17 beteg közül 1 férfi, 16 nő, átlagéletkoruk 37,8 év volt. Tüneteik a leggyakrabban a proximalis alsó és felső végtagokon jelentkeztek (alsó: 8/17, felső: 7/17), az arc 4, az emlő 3, a mellkas és a farpofák 2-2, a hát és a lábszár 1-1 esetben volt érintett. A leggyakrabban aktív csomó (11/17), il...
European Journal of Cancer, 2019
British Journal of Dermatology, 2019
Orvosi Hetilap, Jun 18, 2023
A hüvelyi mikrobiom fontos tényező a patogén mikroorganizmusokkal szembeni védekezésben, az egész... more A hüvelyi mikrobiom fontos tényező a patogén mikroorganizmusokkal szembeni védekezésben, az egészséges hüvelyi miliő fenntartásában. A hüvelyi mikrobiom összetételéről, funkcióiról, változásairól az újgenerációs szekvenálási technikák révén rendelkezünk alapvetőn új, széles körű ismeretekkel. Az összefoglaló tanulmány célja a kérdés alapismereteinek összefoglalása. A hüvelyi mikrobiom az életkorral párhuzamosan változik, reproduktív korban éri el funkcionális kiteljesedését. Alkotói a reproduktív korban elsősorban Lactobacillus speciesek, főként L. crispatus, L. iners, L. gasseri, L. jensenii, melyek a fiziológiás stabilitását biztosítják. A hüvelyi mikrobiom a szervezet többi mikrobiomjával szemben alacsony diverzitású, a diverzitás szélesedése patogén állapothoz vezet. A hagyományos, tenyésztéses technikák korában is ismert volt a Lactobacillusok szerepe a tejsavfermentálás során kialakuló savas hüvelyi pH fenntartásában és antimikrobás anyagok termelésében. A közleményben részletesen tárgyaljuk az 5 típusú, különböző bakteriális összetételű hüvelyi közösséget, összetételüket, demográfiai előfordulásukat, a típusváltásokat, a domináló flóra átmeneti változásait, annak jelentőségét, összehasonlítva a nem Lactobacillus dominálta, fiziológiásnak tekinthető flórával. A mikrobiomnak lényeges szerepe van a lokális nyálkahártya-immunitásban, a patogénekkel szembeni védekezésben, a fiziológiás változásokkal szembeni immuntolerancia kialakításában. A bakteriális vaginosis a nem egészséges flóra domináló szerepének klasszikus példája. Bakteriális vaginosisban a Lactobacillus-flóra drámaian csökken, és helyét nagy diverzitású anaerob baktériumok foglalják el. Az állapot az aktuális kellemetlenségek mellett súlyos nőgyógyászati, szülészeti következményekkel járhat: meddőség, vetélés, koraszülés, chorioamnionitis, endometritis, növekszik a fogékonyság a felső genitalis traktusi és húgyúti infekciók, valamint a szexuális úton terjedő fertőzések, HIV-akviráció iránt, emellett a bakteriális vaginosisban szenvedő nők HIV-vírus-átadási képessége partnerük és az újszülött számára növekedett. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(24): 923–930.
PubMed, Sep 16, 2001
14 patients suffering from early stage mycosis fungoides were treated with interferon alpha 2-a a... more 14 patients suffering from early stage mycosis fungoides were treated with interferon alpha 2-a and PUVA/1 patient in stage I a, 3 patients in stage I b, 4 patients in stage II a and 6 patients in stage II b/during 3-21 months time course. Interferon alpha 2-a was administered 3 times a week, in escalating dose from 3 MU to 9 MU, determining the individual maximal tolerated dose. All of the patients responded well to the treatment. Partial remission was observed after 4-13 weeks of treatment. Total remission developed in 8 cases, after 8 weeks- 9 months of the treatment. Side effects occurred frequently: weight loss, pain, fever, fatigue, leucopenia, thrombopenia, liver enzyme elevation. Because of the side effects the dose of the interferon was reduced individually, the dose reduction did not cause relapse.
Acta dermato-venereologica, Sep 1, 1996
Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, Aug 24, 2010
Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, Feb 1, 2003
We describe a patient with therapy-resistant cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Sézary syndrome variant, ... more We describe a patient with therapy-resistant cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Sézary syndrome variant, in association with concurrent polyarthritis and vitiligo, who was successfully treated with extracorporeal photochemotherapy (ECP). The combination of Sézary syndrome with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis is rare. In our patient the T-cell lymphoma was refractory to standard treatments that included psoralen-UVA, lymph node irradiation, and polychemotherapy. ECP has been shown to be effective in the treatment of selected cases of Sézary syndrome. There is a strong suggestion that ECP as a monotherapy can provide a significant benefit for other T-cell-mediated diseases including rheumatoid arthritis. In spite of a disease duration of 10 years, a very low CD8 cell count (2% of lymphocytes), a very high CD4 cell count (94%), and multiple unsuccessful chemotherapeutic trials before initiation of ECP, our patient achieved a long-lasting complete remission of both diseases with normalization of the CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte subsets. Concurrent developing vitiligo was unaffected by ECP.
Bőrgyógyászati és venerológiai szemle, Mar 14, 2023
British Journal of Dermatology, Jan 21, 2010
Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. 1. Abt. Originale A, Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektionskrankheiten und Parasitologie, Mar 1, 1980
The TPHA test is performed with sheep erythrocytes treated with formalin and tannin solution and ... more The TPHA test is performed with sheep erythrocytes treated with formalin and tannin solution and conjugated with fragments of pathogenic Treponema pallidum. Absorption media was prepared by adding normal rabbit serum, powdered rabbit testicle, sheep and cow stroma and sonicated Reiter treponeme. The reagents prepared in our laboratory proved to be specific and sensitive enough for routine use. It can be confirmed that the TPHA reaction is a good confirmatory test in the serodiagnosis of syphilis. Further studies are necessary to explain the divergent results between TPHA and TPIT. We plan to carry out detailed investigation. Analysis of patients data in a large population after the problem of storage of our reagents over extended periods has been resolved.
Bőrgyógyászati és venerológiai szemle, Oct 21, 2020
PubMed, Oct 25, 1998
Authors report the case of a white male patient suffering from a rare neurocutaneous dysplasia. M... more Authors report the case of a white male patient suffering from a rare neurocutaneous dysplasia. Macrocrania and right ventricular dilation of the brain were present at birth. Motor milestones were delayed and epilepsy with staring spells started at the age of 6 months. On examination at 2 years of age hypopigmented areas of linear distribution were noted on the right extremities and on the right side of the trunk, beyond macrocrania, psychomotor and mental delay. Cranial MRI performed at 5 years of age proved predominantly right-sided megalencephaly, gray matter heterotopia within the right hemispherium and polymicrogyria in the perisylvian region. The EEG was characterized by high-amplitude rhythmic theta activity over the right frontal area. Hypomelanosis of Ito was diagnosed. Authors call attention on the importance of skin lesions in neuropediatric disorders, and give a brief review of the literature in hypomelanosis of Ito.
PubMed, Jan 30, 2000
Clinical data of 34 patients with DM, who have been treated during the years 1971 and 1998 were e... more Clinical data of 34 patients with DM, who have been treated during the years 1971 and 1998 were evaluated. 79% of the patients (27 patients) were female, 21% of them (7 patients) were male. 59% of the patients (20 pts) were between the ages of 41 and 50 years. The characteristic heliotrop rash were observed in 26 patients, Gottron's papules in 20 patients, poikiloderma in 2 patients, calcification, ulcers, Raynaud syndrome in 1 patient. 3 of the 34 patients presented with strongly itching erythematopapulosus symptoms, most prominently on the scalp. Cardiac involvement were present in 10 patients (29%), lung involvement in 8 patients (23%), gastrointestinal complaints in 11 patients, dysphagia, dysphonia in 4 patients, joint pain in 5 patients. Overlap syndrome--scleroderma-dermatomyositis, SLE-dermatomyositis--was present in 2 patients. 9 of the 34 patients (26%) suffered from malignant tumours: gastric, breast, lung, epipharynx carcinoma, malignant melanoma. 13 of the 34 patients have been treated with corticosteroids together with immunosuppressor agents, in most cases azathioprin was administered. Cyclosporin was given in 7 cases, chloroquine in 2 cases.
Contact Dermatitis, Jun 1, 2004
Contact sensitization has been an accepted topical immunotherapy in the treatment of alopecia are... more Contact sensitization has been an accepted topical immunotherapy in the treatment of alopecia areata (1, 2). Whether the age of patients is a significant factor in the treatment results is a matter of controversy. In our study, we investigated the correlation between age of the patients and diphenylcyclopropen-one contact sensitization in vivo and in vitro (3, 4).
Journal of The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Sep 1, 2005
To the Editor Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) is an uncommon benign disorder o... more To the Editor Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) is an uncommon benign disorder of young adults with female predominance, characterized by solitary or multiple nodules on the head and neck region. Some cases associated with pregnancy have been reported earlier.1 During the first semester of the second pregnancy, the 28year-old female patient developed two subcutaneous, livid nodules 1–1.5 cm in diameter at the lateral side of the left eyebrow and in the left temporal region, as well as several smaller lesions on the scalp of the left parietal region. Sometimes they were spontaneously bleeding. The overlying skin was purplish or normal, larger lesions were pulsating (fig. 1). The two largest nodules were surgically removed. The histological picture showed circumscribed, lobuled lesions, oedematous endothelial cells in the dermal blood vessels and lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltration (fig. 2). Routine laboratory investigations, peripheral eosinophil count revealed negative results. Direct immunofluorescent histology did not show overexpression of oestrogen or progesterone receptors in the lesions. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) investigations of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) and human T cell lymphoma virus (HTLV) were also negative. After the patient has delivered, the lesions showed spontaneous regression. ALHE was originally described by Wells and Whimster in 1969.2 This rare benign tumour occurs with a female predominance, and most often affects the head and neck region. The typical clinical signs are solitary or multiple purplish, brownish papules and subcutaneous nodules. The histological picture is characterized by the proliferation of endothelial cells associated with lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltrate. Results of immunohistological examinations, showed that perivascular infiltrating lymphocytes are mostly CD4 + positive. Proliferating endothel cells express adhesion molecules: VLA-1, -3, -5, ICAM-1, ELAM-1.3 Sometimes marked peripheral eosinophilia can be detected. Kimura’s disease was earlier thought to be related to ALHE, but nowadays it is considered a different clinical entity. The main differences between the two diseases were described by Chum et al. in 1992.4,5 Some earlier clinical entities with other names are identified as ALHE, some authors suggested the nomenclature of epithelioid haemangioma.6 The origin of the disease is not known, infection (HTLV or HHV8), hormonal background, or possible role of trauma are the mostly discussed possibilities. Increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and interleukin 5 (IL-5) was detected in some cases.7 Associated cases of the disease to pregnancy were already described. Moy et al. found oestrogen and progesterone receptor overexpression in the lesional skin of pregnant women.1 In our case, direct immunofluorescent histology did not show overexpression of oestrogen or progesterone receptors in the lesions. HHV8 and HTLV PCR investigations were also negative. The possible treatment modalities were intralesional steroid or IFN α, surgical excision, cryotherapy and laser therapy.8 Association of ALHE with nephrotic syndrome has also been described.9 The interest of our case makes the typical clinical picture and outcome of the rare disease. Its association with pregnancy suggests the pathogenetic role of immunological and endocrinological changes in the background.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) is an autoimmune skin disease with various clinical forms, in... more Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) is an autoimmune skin disease with various clinical forms, including the subtypes of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) and subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE). The altered function of the programmed cell death 1/programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) axis in CLE pathogenesis has been suggested. Here, the soluble forms of PD-1 (sPD-1) and PD-L1 (sPD-L1) were explored in untreated DLE and SCLE. Levels of sPD-1 and sPD-L1 were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in serums of 21 DLE, 18 SCLE, 13 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients and 20 healthy controls (HCs). Differences between patient groups and HCs, and the association between clinical activity of skin symptoms and sPD-1/sPD-L1 levels were analyzed with Mann–Whitney U-test and Spearmann’s correlation. Regarding sPD-1 levels, no statistically significant differences were found between DLE and SCLE groups, nor compared to HCs. As for sPD-L1, a significantly lower ...
Bőrgyógyászati és venerológiai szemle, Mar 14, 2023
Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases
Orvosi Hetilap
Bevezetés: A lupus erythematosus panniculitis (LEP) a cutan lupus erythematosus krónikus formáján... more Bevezetés: A lupus erythematosus panniculitis (LEP) a cutan lupus erythematosus krónikus formájának ritka variánsa, klinikailag tömött, subcutan csomók és erythemás plakkok jellemzik. Az aktív tünetek az arcot és testet torzító maradványtünetekkel gyógyulhatnak, rontva a betegek életminőségét. A szisztémás lupus erythematosus (SLE) részjelensége lehet, első tüneteként is kialakulhat. Célkitűzés: A LEP klinikopatológiai képének bemutatása saját beteganyagunk szemléltetésével, a betegség lefolyásának értékelése. Módszerek: A Semmelweis Egyetem Bőr-, Nemikórtani és Bőronkológiai Klinikáján 2000 és 2022 között jelentkezett LEP-betegek összegyűjtése, adataik retrospektív elemzése. Eredmények: A 17 beteg közül 1 férfi, 16 nő, átlagéletkoruk 37,8 év volt. Tüneteik a leggyakrabban a proximalis alsó és felső végtagokon jelentkeztek (alsó: 8/17, felső: 7/17), az arc 4, az emlő 3, a mellkas és a farpofák 2-2, a hát és a lábszár 1-1 esetben volt érintett. A leggyakrabban aktív csomó (11/17), il...
European Journal of Cancer, 2019
British Journal of Dermatology, 2019