soundtrackked - Profile (original) (raw)

Welcome to Soundtrakked. The idea is simple: you come up with a "soundtrack" to your life. Of course, as a soundtrack, it should contain mp3 files so we can all listen to your awesome playlist.

1. Joining Soundtrakked:

The community is members-locked, so you have to join to view entries and to make posts. You cannot see entries if you only add this community to your friends-list.

All posts must be locked, please remember this! (Hopefully the posts are set to "always-locked" but just in case).

2. How Soundtrakked works:

This is a music-themed community, dur. It was created for people to create "soundtracks to their lives." It doesn't have to be your entire life--you can create a soundtrack to fit your current mood, or a season or holiday, anything that involves you and music.

Every so often, the Maintainers of this community will post a specific theme or idea for you to work with. Feel free to do your own thing, but if nothing is hitting you, use the current ideas to come up with something fresh.

3. Making Soundtracks:

There are only a couple rules to this community.

First, don't spam up here asking for a specific song. There are other communities for that, this isn't one of them.

SECOND, please remember to post under an LJ-CUT so we don't get huuuuge posts in our friends-list.

Most soundtracks usually fit on ONE CD(sometimes two). Usually they have somewhere between 12-20 songs. You can add more if you want, but this is a good general place to start.

You don't have to include some sort of art! Does your life feel artsy? Feel free to include a photo or something (no gross porn or anything, please).

In the subject line of your posts, it is essential you put a title or name of the soundtrack, as well as some sort of theme.

For example: let's say you're making a soundtrack to your life, for your senior year of high school. You want to name the soundtrack "Beach Love." A subject line would look something like this--"Beach Love--a high school senior's soundtrack." It doesn't have to look exactly like that, but you get the idea.

You also don't have to post the songs in this community: you can post here with a link to your journal. Just make sure the post is not friends-only so we can see your soundtrack!

Please upload your music files in mp3 format. A lot of us can't get to software to convert files, plus it takes a lot of time we'd rather spend listening to your music. :D

Also--eventually I'll have a list of TAGS for you to use-this makes it easier for members to search for a certain theme.

4. Downloading Soundtracks:

Right-click, save target AS, etc. Simple! Most posts, to download music, just click on the links.

Members are encouraged to comment if they download someone's soundtrack, or even parts of a soundtrack. If you downloaded something and loved it, please comment! It encourages others to keep on creating!

Please do not direct-link mp3s posted in this community. If you want to redistribute a song or flie to share with your friends, download it and host it somwhere else (like through a file-sharing program). People who violate this rule will be banned.

5. More Info:

No off-topic posts, don't try to spam us with ads for other communities, or places where you're selling something. Keep it on-topic. If you have something that isn't a soundtrack, but you feel is important to mention? E-MAIL one of the maintainers and ask. We're pretty cool.

Again, please do not post requests for mp3s here. Requests will be deleted immediately. For mp3 requests, go to teh_music. Or hey! Go out and buy an album. Or the one song you love on iTunes (it's not that expensive to buy one song).

If you have questions or suggestions which are not mentioned here, ASK a maintainer! We'll try to get back to you quickly.

6. Resources:

There will be an index here, as well as a list of our tags.