Bradley Green | University of Southern Mississippi (original) (raw)

Papers by Bradley Green

Research paper thumbnail of Exploration of the structure of early maladaptive schemas : a taxometric analysis of schema questionnaire data /

Research paper thumbnail of Principal component analysis of the College Date Rape Survey (CDRAS) : An Instrument for the Evaluation of Date Rape Prevention

Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma

... Address correspondence to: Cynthia A. Lanier, Rice University, Department of Kinesiology-MS 5... more ... Address correspondence to: Cynthia A. Lanier, Rice University, Department of Kinesiology-MS 545, Health Sciences Faculty, PO Box 1892, Houston, TX ... reveal that date rape and other forms of sexual aggression are far too common among college students (Koss & Harvey ...

Research paper thumbnail of Screening for Sexual Addiction: Development and Validation of the PATHOS Questionnaire

American Journal on Addictions

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Varying Levels of Confidentiality on Disclosure of Suicidal Thoughts in a Sample of United States National Guard Personnel

Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2015

Increasing rates of suicide in the military indicate current assessment approaches are not yieldi... more Increasing rates of suicide in the military indicate current assessment approaches are not yielding accurate determinations of risk. Concern that endorsement of suicidal ideation may result in obstacles to career advancement may be resulting in nondisclosure. To test this, we recruited a sample of US National Guard personnel (n = 789; 81.7% male; 63.2% white) and administered two measures of current thoughts of suicide. One measure was integrated into our risk assessment protocol and soldiers were thus aware that answers could result in referral to on site military mental health professionals. The other measure was not integrated into the risk assessment protocol and soldiers were thus aware that results would not be reported to on site military mental health professionals. As hypothesized, a higher proportion of individuals reported current thoughts of suicide on the measure not integrated into the risk protocol (9.4%) than on the measure that was (6.0%). Also as hypothesized, a higher proportion of those willing to endorse current thoughts of suicide on the measure not integrated into the risk protocol denied current thoughts of suicide on the one that was (61.5%) than vice versa (39.0%). Limitations include cross-sectional self-report data and a lack of counter-balancing of measures. The results indicate that increasing the confidentiality of risk assessments within the National Guard increases the likelihood of reporting of current thoughts of suicide.

Research paper thumbnail of The Number of NSSI Methods as a Predictor of PTSD: Differences Between Student and Military Samples

Research paper thumbnail of Testing the main hypotheses of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior in a large diverse sample of United States military personnel

Comprehensive psychiatry, Jan 2, 2015

Preliminary data indicate the suicide rate in the United States military decreased in 2013, but t... more Preliminary data indicate the suicide rate in the United States military decreased in 2013, but the National Guard saw a continued increase. We examined the utility of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior (IPTS) in a sample of US military personnel drawn largely from the National Guard (n=934; 77.7% male; 59.5% white). Results indicated the interaction of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness predicted suicidal ideation and resolved plans and preparations for suicide. In each case, risk was greatest at higher levels of both predictors. Furthermore, results indicated the interaction of thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and acquired capability for suicide predicted prior suicide attempts. In this interaction term, the relationship between suicidal desire (thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness) and suicide attempts was significant and positive only at high levels of acquired capability. All analyses were cross-sectional...

Research paper thumbnail of Relationships Between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Coping Strategies

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the relationship between coping strategies and suicidal desire in a sample of United States military personnel

Comprehensive psychiatry, Jan 18, 2014

Suicidal desire in the military has been previously examined through the lens of the Interpersona... more Suicidal desire in the military has been previously examined through the lens of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS). However, no research has examined the impact of specific coping strategies on perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and suicidal ideation in a large population of individuals serving in the US military. Furthermore, the factor structure of previously utilized coping clusters did not apply to our sample of military personnel. Therefore, we found a three-factor solution to be tested in this sample. We hypothesized that specific types of coping behavior clusters (Adaptive and Maladaptive) would predict both IPTS constructs and suicidal ideation. Results indicated that Adaptive and Maladaptive coping clusters predicted the IPTS constructs in the hypothesized directions. However, only the Maladaptive cluster predicted suicidal ideation. These findings implicate the need for further research and suicide prevention efforts focusing on coping...

Research paper thumbnail of Principal Component Analysis of the College Date Rape Attitude Survey (CDRAS)

Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 2006

... Address correspondence to: Cynthia A. Lanier, Rice University, Department of Kinesiology-MS 5... more ... Address correspondence to: Cynthia A. Lanier, Rice University, Department of Kinesiology-MS 545, Health Sciences Faculty, PO Box 1892, Houston, TX ... reveal that date rape and other forms of sexual aggression are far too common among college students (Koss & Harvey ...

Research paper thumbnail of Support Systems: How Post-Deployment Support Impacts Suicide Risk Factors in the United States Army National Guard

Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Moral injury and thwarted belongingness: The potential importance of post-deployment support for U.S. troops

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Moral Injury: Psychometric Properties of the Moral Injury Events Scale in Two Military Samples

Assessment, Jan 19, 2015

As the construct of moral injury has gained increased conceptual and empirical attention among mi... more As the construct of moral injury has gained increased conceptual and empirical attention among military personnel and veterans, preliminary attempts to operationalize and measure the construct have emerged. One such measure is the Moral Injury Event Scale (MIES). The aim of the current study was to further evaluate the MIES's psychometric properties in two military samples: a clinical sample of Air Force personnel and a nonclinical sample of Army National Guard personnel. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses across both samples supported a three-factor solution: transgressions by others, transgressions by self, and betrayal. Transgressions-Others was most strongly associated with posttraumatic stress; Transgressions-Self was most strongly associated with hopelessness, pessimism, and anger; and Betrayal was most strongly associated with posttraumatic stress and anger. Results support the construct validity of the MIES, although areas for improvement are indicated and disc...

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical Relevance of the Proposed Sexual Addiction Diagnostic Criteria

Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2014

The present article examines and compares the various diagnostic rubrics proposed to codify sympt... more The present article examines and compares the various diagnostic rubrics proposed to codify symptoms of sexual addiction, and then briefly summarizes the ongoing controversy on whether sexual addiction is a valid construct. Using the diagnostic criteria proposed by , the prevalence rate of each criterion is examined in terms of scores on the Sexual Addiction Screening Test-Revised scales (). Differences in diagnostic criteria endorsement associated with sex, sexual orientation, and setting were also explored. Results from a clinical sample of men and women seeking treatment for sexual addiction demonstrated clinical relevance of the criteria, in that all but 3 criteria are endorsed at more than 50% of participants screening positive for sexual addiction on the Sexual Addiction Screening Test-Revised. Sex differences were also noted for endorsement rates of several of the criteria. Finally, several proposed criteria may pose a higher clinical threshold and thus be utilized by clinicians to identify patients with increased pathology. Results are discussed in the context of existing diagnostic frameworks across etiological perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparisons of body image dimensions by race/ethnicity and gender in a university population

International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2000

We examined affective and cognitive components of body image related to physical appearance, weig... more We examined affective and cognitive components of body image related to physical appearance, weight, and health among 120 university men and women of three racial/ethnic groups: African American, European American, and Latino/a American. Participants completed a Background Information Sheet, the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), the Body-Esteem Scale (BES) with additional items, and the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR). We tested for effects of race/ethnicity and gender on the body image measures while controlling for age, body size, social desirability, and socioeconomic status (SES). African Americans reported greatest body satisfaction and least overestimation of weight. Latino/a Americans were equal to or higher than European Americans on all indices. Gender differences occurred on global body image, weight concerns, fitness, and health. There were no Gender x Race/Ethnicity interactions. This pattern of racial/ethnic and gender differences shows a need for exploring a wider range of culturally relevant body image dimensions.

Research paper thumbnail of Cybersex Addiction Patterns in a Clinical Sample of Homosexual, Heterosexual, and Bisexual Men and Women

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 2012

The present study examines differences in cybersex behavior related to gender and sexual orientat... more The present study examines differences in cybersex behavior related to gender and sexual orientation. Data were from 4,492 individuals being treated for sexual addiction, including 3,561 heterosexual men, 164 homosexual men, 131 bisexual men, 429 heterosexual women,18 homosexual women, and 61 bisexual women. Measures included the Sexual Dependency Inventor –Revised (SDI-R; Carnes & Delmonico, 1996) and the Sexual Addiction Screening

Research paper thumbnail of The Same Yet Different: Refocusing the Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) to Reflect Orientation and Gender

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 2010

... 9. Garos, S. and Stock, WA 1998. Investigating the discriminant validity and differentiating ... more ... 9. Garos, S. and Stock, WA 1998. Investigating the discriminant validity and differentiating capability of the Garos sexual behavior index. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 5: 251–267. [Taylor & Francis Online]; 10. Hueppelheuser, M., Crawford, P. and George, D. 1997. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Taxometric analyses of paranoid and schizoid personality disorders

Psychiatry Research, 2012

There remains debate about whether personality disorders (PDs) are better conceptualized as categ... more There remains debate about whether personality disorders (PDs) are better conceptualized as categorical, reflecting discontinuity from normal personality; or dimensional, existing on a continuum of severity with normal personality traits. Evidence suggests that most PDs are dimensional but there is a lack of consensus about the structure of Cluster A disorders. Taxometric methods are adaptable to investigating the taxonic status of psychiatric disorders. The current study investigated the latent structure of paranoid and schizoid PDs in an epidemiological sample (N=43,093) drawn from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) using taxometric analyses. The current study used taxometric methods to analyze three indicators of paranoid PD - mistrust, resentment, and functional disturbance - and three indicators of schizoid PD - emotional detachment, social withdrawal, and functional disturbance - derived factor analytically. Overall, taxometrics supported a dimensional rather than taxonic structure for paranoid and schizoid PDs through examination of taxometric graphs and comparative curve fit indices. Dimensional models of paranoid and schizoid PDs better predicted social functioning, role-emotional, and mental health scales in the survey than categorical models. Evidence from the current study supports recent efforts to represent paranoid and schizoid PDs as well as other PDs along broad personality dimensions.

Research paper thumbnail of Are Jungian preferences really categorical?: an empirical investigation using taxometric analysis

Personality and Individual Differences, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Latent structure of intermittent explosive disorder in an epidemiological sample

Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2010

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is characterized by distinct periods of impulsive aggressio... more Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is characterized by distinct periods of impulsive aggression marked by assaultive acts or destruction of property. However, impulsive aggression is also a feature of other disorders, all of which are viewed in diagnostic nomenclature as qualitatively distinct from IED. This state of affairs is problematic for categorical models unless it is demonstrated empirically that IED-related impulsive aggression is qualitatively distinct from impulsive aggression observable in other axis I and II disorders. The current study addresses this question using taxometric methods to examine the latent structure of IED. Participants were respondents on the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiological Surveys, which obtained data on a range of disorders including intermittent explosive disorder (N=20,013) and a range of psychological variables. Indicator variables used were drawn from the survey items and submitted to select taxometric methods (MAMBAC and MAXEIG) to determine the relative fits of a taxonic versus dimensional model. The results of taxometric analyses provided support for a taxonic, rather than dimensional, structure for IED symptoms in the epidemiological sample. Taxon group membership was associated with treatment seeking, family history of anger attacks, lower age of onset of anger attacks, and male biological sex, providing strong support for the validity of the IED taxon.

Research paper thumbnail of The latent structure of alcohol use pathology in an epidemiological sample

Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2011

Whether alcohol use pathology is more accurately conceptualized as a categorical construct, or as... more Whether alcohol use pathology is more accurately conceptualized as a categorical construct, or as existing along a dimension remains an open question. Previous investigations of the latent structure of alcohol use pathology have yielded mixed results. The present study used a sample (N = 43,093) drawn from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. A factor analysis of items drawn from the Alcohol Consumption, Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (Alcohol Experiences), and Alcohol Treatment Utilization sections of the NESARC yielded three factors, labeled Functional Disturbance, Tolerance, and Frequency, which were used as indicators in a series of taxometric analyses. These analyses converged on a low base rate alcohol pathology taxon. The relevance of these findings for the diagnosis, etiology, further research, and treatment of alcohol use disorders is discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploration of the structure of early maladaptive schemas : a taxometric analysis of schema questionnaire data /

Research paper thumbnail of Principal component analysis of the College Date Rape Survey (CDRAS) : An Instrument for the Evaluation of Date Rape Prevention

Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma

... Address correspondence to: Cynthia A. Lanier, Rice University, Department of Kinesiology-MS 5... more ... Address correspondence to: Cynthia A. Lanier, Rice University, Department of Kinesiology-MS 545, Health Sciences Faculty, PO Box 1892, Houston, TX ... reveal that date rape and other forms of sexual aggression are far too common among college students (Koss & Harvey ...

Research paper thumbnail of Screening for Sexual Addiction: Development and Validation of the PATHOS Questionnaire

American Journal on Addictions

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Varying Levels of Confidentiality on Disclosure of Suicidal Thoughts in a Sample of United States National Guard Personnel

Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2015

Increasing rates of suicide in the military indicate current assessment approaches are not yieldi... more Increasing rates of suicide in the military indicate current assessment approaches are not yielding accurate determinations of risk. Concern that endorsement of suicidal ideation may result in obstacles to career advancement may be resulting in nondisclosure. To test this, we recruited a sample of US National Guard personnel (n = 789; 81.7% male; 63.2% white) and administered two measures of current thoughts of suicide. One measure was integrated into our risk assessment protocol and soldiers were thus aware that answers could result in referral to on site military mental health professionals. The other measure was not integrated into the risk assessment protocol and soldiers were thus aware that results would not be reported to on site military mental health professionals. As hypothesized, a higher proportion of individuals reported current thoughts of suicide on the measure not integrated into the risk protocol (9.4%) than on the measure that was (6.0%). Also as hypothesized, a higher proportion of those willing to endorse current thoughts of suicide on the measure not integrated into the risk protocol denied current thoughts of suicide on the one that was (61.5%) than vice versa (39.0%). Limitations include cross-sectional self-report data and a lack of counter-balancing of measures. The results indicate that increasing the confidentiality of risk assessments within the National Guard increases the likelihood of reporting of current thoughts of suicide.

Research paper thumbnail of The Number of NSSI Methods as a Predictor of PTSD: Differences Between Student and Military Samples

Research paper thumbnail of Testing the main hypotheses of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior in a large diverse sample of United States military personnel

Comprehensive psychiatry, Jan 2, 2015

Preliminary data indicate the suicide rate in the United States military decreased in 2013, but t... more Preliminary data indicate the suicide rate in the United States military decreased in 2013, but the National Guard saw a continued increase. We examined the utility of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior (IPTS) in a sample of US military personnel drawn largely from the National Guard (n=934; 77.7% male; 59.5% white). Results indicated the interaction of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness predicted suicidal ideation and resolved plans and preparations for suicide. In each case, risk was greatest at higher levels of both predictors. Furthermore, results indicated the interaction of thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and acquired capability for suicide predicted prior suicide attempts. In this interaction term, the relationship between suicidal desire (thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness) and suicide attempts was significant and positive only at high levels of acquired capability. All analyses were cross-sectional...

Research paper thumbnail of Relationships Between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Coping Strategies

Research paper thumbnail of Examining the relationship between coping strategies and suicidal desire in a sample of United States military personnel

Comprehensive psychiatry, Jan 18, 2014

Suicidal desire in the military has been previously examined through the lens of the Interpersona... more Suicidal desire in the military has been previously examined through the lens of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS). However, no research has examined the impact of specific coping strategies on perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and suicidal ideation in a large population of individuals serving in the US military. Furthermore, the factor structure of previously utilized coping clusters did not apply to our sample of military personnel. Therefore, we found a three-factor solution to be tested in this sample. We hypothesized that specific types of coping behavior clusters (Adaptive and Maladaptive) would predict both IPTS constructs and suicidal ideation. Results indicated that Adaptive and Maladaptive coping clusters predicted the IPTS constructs in the hypothesized directions. However, only the Maladaptive cluster predicted suicidal ideation. These findings implicate the need for further research and suicide prevention efforts focusing on coping...

Research paper thumbnail of Principal Component Analysis of the College Date Rape Attitude Survey (CDRAS)

Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 2006

... Address correspondence to: Cynthia A. Lanier, Rice University, Department of Kinesiology-MS 5... more ... Address correspondence to: Cynthia A. Lanier, Rice University, Department of Kinesiology-MS 545, Health Sciences Faculty, PO Box 1892, Houston, TX ... reveal that date rape and other forms of sexual aggression are far too common among college students (Koss & Harvey ...

Research paper thumbnail of Support Systems: How Post-Deployment Support Impacts Suicide Risk Factors in the United States Army National Guard

Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Moral injury and thwarted belongingness: The potential importance of post-deployment support for U.S. troops

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Moral Injury: Psychometric Properties of the Moral Injury Events Scale in Two Military Samples

Assessment, Jan 19, 2015

As the construct of moral injury has gained increased conceptual and empirical attention among mi... more As the construct of moral injury has gained increased conceptual and empirical attention among military personnel and veterans, preliminary attempts to operationalize and measure the construct have emerged. One such measure is the Moral Injury Event Scale (MIES). The aim of the current study was to further evaluate the MIES's psychometric properties in two military samples: a clinical sample of Air Force personnel and a nonclinical sample of Army National Guard personnel. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses across both samples supported a three-factor solution: transgressions by others, transgressions by self, and betrayal. Transgressions-Others was most strongly associated with posttraumatic stress; Transgressions-Self was most strongly associated with hopelessness, pessimism, and anger; and Betrayal was most strongly associated with posttraumatic stress and anger. Results support the construct validity of the MIES, although areas for improvement are indicated and disc...

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical Relevance of the Proposed Sexual Addiction Diagnostic Criteria

Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2014

The present article examines and compares the various diagnostic rubrics proposed to codify sympt... more The present article examines and compares the various diagnostic rubrics proposed to codify symptoms of sexual addiction, and then briefly summarizes the ongoing controversy on whether sexual addiction is a valid construct. Using the diagnostic criteria proposed by , the prevalence rate of each criterion is examined in terms of scores on the Sexual Addiction Screening Test-Revised scales (). Differences in diagnostic criteria endorsement associated with sex, sexual orientation, and setting were also explored. Results from a clinical sample of men and women seeking treatment for sexual addiction demonstrated clinical relevance of the criteria, in that all but 3 criteria are endorsed at more than 50% of participants screening positive for sexual addiction on the Sexual Addiction Screening Test-Revised. Sex differences were also noted for endorsement rates of several of the criteria. Finally, several proposed criteria may pose a higher clinical threshold and thus be utilized by clinicians to identify patients with increased pathology. Results are discussed in the context of existing diagnostic frameworks across etiological perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparisons of body image dimensions by race/ethnicity and gender in a university population

International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2000

We examined affective and cognitive components of body image related to physical appearance, weig... more We examined affective and cognitive components of body image related to physical appearance, weight, and health among 120 university men and women of three racial/ethnic groups: African American, European American, and Latino/a American. Participants completed a Background Information Sheet, the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), the Body-Esteem Scale (BES) with additional items, and the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR). We tested for effects of race/ethnicity and gender on the body image measures while controlling for age, body size, social desirability, and socioeconomic status (SES). African Americans reported greatest body satisfaction and least overestimation of weight. Latino/a Americans were equal to or higher than European Americans on all indices. Gender differences occurred on global body image, weight concerns, fitness, and health. There were no Gender x Race/Ethnicity interactions. This pattern of racial/ethnic and gender differences shows a need for exploring a wider range of culturally relevant body image dimensions.

Research paper thumbnail of Cybersex Addiction Patterns in a Clinical Sample of Homosexual, Heterosexual, and Bisexual Men and Women

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 2012

The present study examines differences in cybersex behavior related to gender and sexual orientat... more The present study examines differences in cybersex behavior related to gender and sexual orientation. Data were from 4,492 individuals being treated for sexual addiction, including 3,561 heterosexual men, 164 homosexual men, 131 bisexual men, 429 heterosexual women,18 homosexual women, and 61 bisexual women. Measures included the Sexual Dependency Inventor –Revised (SDI-R; Carnes & Delmonico, 1996) and the Sexual Addiction Screening

Research paper thumbnail of The Same Yet Different: Refocusing the Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) to Reflect Orientation and Gender

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 2010

... 9. Garos, S. and Stock, WA 1998. Investigating the discriminant validity and differentiating ... more ... 9. Garos, S. and Stock, WA 1998. Investigating the discriminant validity and differentiating capability of the Garos sexual behavior index. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 5: 251–267. [Taylor & Francis Online]; 10. Hueppelheuser, M., Crawford, P. and George, D. 1997. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Taxometric analyses of paranoid and schizoid personality disorders

Psychiatry Research, 2012

There remains debate about whether personality disorders (PDs) are better conceptualized as categ... more There remains debate about whether personality disorders (PDs) are better conceptualized as categorical, reflecting discontinuity from normal personality; or dimensional, existing on a continuum of severity with normal personality traits. Evidence suggests that most PDs are dimensional but there is a lack of consensus about the structure of Cluster A disorders. Taxometric methods are adaptable to investigating the taxonic status of psychiatric disorders. The current study investigated the latent structure of paranoid and schizoid PDs in an epidemiological sample (N=43,093) drawn from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) using taxometric analyses. The current study used taxometric methods to analyze three indicators of paranoid PD - mistrust, resentment, and functional disturbance - and three indicators of schizoid PD - emotional detachment, social withdrawal, and functional disturbance - derived factor analytically. Overall, taxometrics supported a dimensional rather than taxonic structure for paranoid and schizoid PDs through examination of taxometric graphs and comparative curve fit indices. Dimensional models of paranoid and schizoid PDs better predicted social functioning, role-emotional, and mental health scales in the survey than categorical models. Evidence from the current study supports recent efforts to represent paranoid and schizoid PDs as well as other PDs along broad personality dimensions.

Research paper thumbnail of Are Jungian preferences really categorical?: an empirical investigation using taxometric analysis

Personality and Individual Differences, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Latent structure of intermittent explosive disorder in an epidemiological sample

Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2010

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is characterized by distinct periods of impulsive aggressio... more Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is characterized by distinct periods of impulsive aggression marked by assaultive acts or destruction of property. However, impulsive aggression is also a feature of other disorders, all of which are viewed in diagnostic nomenclature as qualitatively distinct from IED. This state of affairs is problematic for categorical models unless it is demonstrated empirically that IED-related impulsive aggression is qualitatively distinct from impulsive aggression observable in other axis I and II disorders. The current study addresses this question using taxometric methods to examine the latent structure of IED. Participants were respondents on the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiological Surveys, which obtained data on a range of disorders including intermittent explosive disorder (N=20,013) and a range of psychological variables. Indicator variables used were drawn from the survey items and submitted to select taxometric methods (MAMBAC and MAXEIG) to determine the relative fits of a taxonic versus dimensional model. The results of taxometric analyses provided support for a taxonic, rather than dimensional, structure for IED symptoms in the epidemiological sample. Taxon group membership was associated with treatment seeking, family history of anger attacks, lower age of onset of anger attacks, and male biological sex, providing strong support for the validity of the IED taxon.

Research paper thumbnail of The latent structure of alcohol use pathology in an epidemiological sample

Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2011

Whether alcohol use pathology is more accurately conceptualized as a categorical construct, or as... more Whether alcohol use pathology is more accurately conceptualized as a categorical construct, or as existing along a dimension remains an open question. Previous investigations of the latent structure of alcohol use pathology have yielded mixed results. The present study used a sample (N = 43,093) drawn from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. A factor analysis of items drawn from the Alcohol Consumption, Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (Alcohol Experiences), and Alcohol Treatment Utilization sections of the NESARC yielded three factors, labeled Functional Disturbance, Tolerance, and Frequency, which were used as indicators in a series of taxometric analyses. These analyses converged on a low base rate alcohol pathology taxon. The relevance of these findings for the diagnosis, etiology, further research, and treatment of alcohol use disorders is discussed.