BD-2 M / BD-2 I (original) (raw)

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BD-2 M1 [CAST]

BD 2M (Beidou 2M) and BD 2I (Beidou 2I) satellites are the MEO and IGSO component of the 2rd phase of the chinese Beidou (Compass) satellite navigation system, which, in contrast to GPS and GLONASS, uses both geostationary satellites and satellites in intermediate orbit.

This series provides the satellites for the inclined geostatonary (IGSO) constellation called "Compass-I" and the prototypes for the intermediate constellation called "Compass-M" in 12-hours orbits.

The satellites are based on the DFH-3 Bus. They feature a phased array antenna for navigation signals and a laser retroreflector.

The global MEO satellites are built on a different, smaller satellite bus.

Nation: China
Type / Application: Navigation
Operator: CNSA
Contractors: CAST
Equipment: ?
Configuration: DFH-3 Bus
Propulsion: 490 N
Power: 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries
Lifetime: 8 years
Orbit: 21519 km × 21545 km, 55.26� (#M); 35652 × 35959 km, 55� (#I)
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
BD-2 I1 (Beidou 5) 2010-036A 31.07.2010 Xi LC-3 CZ-3A
BD-2 I2 (Beidou 7) 2010-068A 17.12.2010 Xi LC-3 CZ-3A
BD-2 I3 (Beidou 8) 2011-013A 09.04.2011 Xi LC-3 CZ-3A
BD-2 I4 (Beidou 9) 2011-038A 26.07.2011 Xi LC-3 CZ-3A
BD-2 I5 (Beidou 10) 2011-073A 01.12.2011 Xi LC-3 CZ-3A
BD-2 I6 (Beidou 22) 2016-021A 29.03.2016 Xi LC-2 CZ-3A
BD-2 I7 (Beidou 32) 2018-057A 09.07.2018 Xi LC-2 CZ-3A
BD-2 M1 (Beidou 1) 2007-011A 13.04.2007 Xi LC-3 CZ-3A
BD-2 M2 (Beidou 14) 2012-050A 18.09.2012 Xi LC-2 CZ-3B/G1 with BD-2 M5
BD-2 M3 (Beidou 12) 2012-018A 29.04.2012 Xi LC-2 CZ-3B/G1 with BD-2 M4
BD-2 M4 (Beidou 13) 2012-018B 29.04.2012 Xi LC-2 CZ-3B/G1 with BD-2 M3
BD-2 M5 (Beidou 15) 2012-050B 18.09.2012 Xi LC-2 CZ-3B/G1 with BD-2 M2

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