SuiteSparse Matrix Collection (original) (raw)

The SuiteSparse Matrix Collection (formerly the University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection) is a widely used set of sparse matrix benchmarks collected from a wide range of applications. See theabout pagefor more information.

Displaying collection matrices 1 - 20 of 2893 in total

Id Name Group Rows Cols Nonzeros Kind Date Download File
1 1138_bus HB 1,138 1,138 4,054 Power Network Problem 1985 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
2 494_bus HB 494 494 1,666 Power Network Problem 1985 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
3 662_bus HB 662 662 2,474 Power Network Problem 1985 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
4 685_bus HB 685 685 3,249 Power Network Problem 1985 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
5 abb313 HB 313 176 1,557 Least Squares Problem 1974 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
6 arc130 HB 130 130 1,037 Materials Problem 1974 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
7 ash219 HB 219 85 438 Least Squares Problem 1974 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
8 ash292 HB 292 292 2,208 Least Squares Problem 1974 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
9 ash331 HB 331 104 662 Least Squares Problem 1974 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
10 ash608 HB 608 188 1,216 Least Squares Problem 1974 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
11 ash85 HB 85 85 523 Least Squares Problem 1974 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
12 ash958 HB 958 292 1,916 Least Squares Problem 1974 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
13 bcspwr01 HB 39 39 131 Power Network Problem 1981 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
14 bcspwr02 HB 49 49 167 Power Network Problem 1981 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
15 bcspwr03 HB 118 118 476 Power Network Problem 1981 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
16 bcspwr04 HB 274 274 1,612 Power Network Problem 1981 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
17 bcspwr05 HB 443 443 1,623 Power Network Problem 1981 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
18 bcspwr06 HB 1,454 1,454 5,300 Power Network Problem 1981 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
19 bcspwr07 HB 1,612 1,612 5,824 Power Network Problem 1981 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market
20 bcspwr08 HB 1,624 1,624 6,050 Power Network Problem 1981 MATLABRutherford BoeingMatrix Market