Ilya Zlatanov | Saint-Petersburg State University (original) (raw)

Papers by Ilya Zlatanov

Research paper thumbnail of Боя, цвят, колорит. Развитие на идеята за цвят в исторически план

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Culinary Terminology in Bulgarian. A Historical Approach

Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching

This article describes the origin of a number of culinary terms that penetrated the Bulgarian lan... more This article describes the origin of a number of culinary terms that penetrated the Bulgarian language through Turkish mediation. The Ottoman Turkish language contains a significant layer of Arabic and Persian vocabulary, which has also entered the Bulgarian language. Some of the Arabic vocabulary was inherited from Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ, and from the Akkadian language of Babylon and Assyria, and Persian - from the language of the Zend Avesta. As a result, Bulgarian culinary terminology preserves an ancient heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of Convergence and Divergence of the Balkan Peoples and their Languages

Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching

The article examines the interaction of the Balkan peoples in the composition of multinational em... more The article examines the interaction of the Balkan peoples in the composition of multinational empires. Widespread multilingualism and frequent switching from one language to another eventually led to the formation of the Balkan Linguistic Union. With the rise of national consciousness in the 19th century and the change of political configuration, the process of convergence of the Balkan languages was interrupted. Moreover, individual regional dialects of some languages, once united by a common name, took on a life of their own. But there is also a reverse process, languages artificially separated for political reasons are regaining their former integrity.

Research paper thumbnail of е-списание в областта на хуманитаристиката Пальмира Легурска, Илья Златанов Serbs and Croats-Unconfused and Indivisible

The article discusses results of the study "Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Po... more The article discusses results of the study "Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Populations-. The genetic part of the study gives consideration to various territorial populations, while territorial dialects are mostly neglected. As a result Serbs and Croats prove to be identical with reference to the language but distinguished by gene pool. Hereinafter we show that dialectal data of Serbian language testify the middle position of Serbs between the East and the West of South Slavia. The article is not focused on ethnic problems. Ethnicity is a socio-psychological category; it is not linked directly neither with the gene pool nor with the language. The issues discussed in the article concern territorial dialects and populations in the sense of genetics, they have nothing to do with nations. Terms as "transitional-, "Timok-Moravian-or "Torlak-dialect are neither more nor less than a convention. The appellation itself doesn't concern ethnicity. If wishe...

Research paper thumbnail of Fated to be a Minority

Some small ethnic groups in Southeastern Europe have established their identity on the basis of t... more Some small ethnic groups in Southeastern Europe have established their identity on the basis of the religious differences with cognate peoples or groups-the Catholic Paulicians in Bulgaria and Banat, the Torbeshi in Macedonia, the Gorani in Kosovo and Albania, the Pomaks in Bulgaria, as well as the Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. All of them ultimately chose to change their religion than to become like their neighbours because of the insurmountable differences that had driven them apart. Иля Златанов, Палмира Легурска (София, Институт за български език, БАН) Обречени на малцинство За павликяните и богомилите или за разликата в религиозните възгледи като фактор на етногенеза По цялата територия на бившата Османска империя са пръснати особени етноконфесионални групи, които по езика си приличат на околното християнско население, но изповядват ислям. Такива са например арменците хемшилии, аджарците и лазите като клон на грузинците, гръцките "валаади" в Македония и гиритлии...

Research paper thumbnail of What does Kurort mean?

Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching

The article examines the evolvement of the Bulgarian word kurort in historical terms. The first p... more The article examines the evolvement of the Bulgarian word kurort in historical terms. The first part discusses the practices of using the healing power of nature from ancient times to the present day. Special attention is paid to balneology in Bulgaria as evidenced by numerous settlements named Banya, lit. ‘bath’. Next, an analysis is made of the word kurort and its dissimilarity from the corresponding English and French terms. The emergence of the concept of Kurort in the German language is associated with the general development of medicine from the XIV century onwards, when the medical terminology changed.

Research paper thumbnail of е-списание в областта на хуманитаристиката Иля Златанов, Палмира Легурска Bulgarian Phonology: Far from the Slavic Extremes

In his publication, A. Isachenko divides the phonological systems of the Slavic languages into tw... more In his publication, A. Isachenko divides the phonological systems of the Slavic languages into two polar types: a vocal type and a consonant type. According to this typology, Bulgarian is placed in the consonant type. In this paper, using dialectal data, we show that the Bulgarian language does not fit in any of these two extreme categories and actually occupies an intermediate position. Иля Златанов, Палмира Легурска (София, ИБЕ, БАН) Българската фонология: далече от славянските крайности В резултат на фонологичен анализ на славянските езици А. Исаченко предлага типология, според която те могат да се класифицират като "вокални-или "консонантни-1. Тази типология се основава на факта, че в някои езици (руски, полски) максимално се използва различната окраска на съгласните, но системата от гласни е по-бедна; в други, като щокавското наречие на сърбохърватски, напротив, широко са застъпени вокалните разлики (музикално ударение, количество), но практически липсва корелацията н...



Резюме. Идеята за цвят се развива паралелно с развитието на цивилизацията. В най-архаичните общес... more Резюме. Идеята за цвят се развива паралелно с развитието на цивилизацията. В най-архаичните общества словесно оформление получават светлината и мракът. Следващият етап е противопоставянето "пъстър-безцветен". Идеята за "цвят изобщо" често се развива във връзка с идеята за "цвят на кожата". В историческото развитие на езиците багрилата са тези, които дават тласък за развитие на цветната терминология. Ярките, наситени багри са високо ценени и цветното се възприема като красиво. Багрилата и цветовете са свързани с културата и около цветните названия могат да се опишат културни кръгове, които съдържат общи елементи. Ключови думи: светлина и сянка; цветност; цвят на кожата; строеж на думата; багрила; културни кръгове

Research paper thumbnail of Боя, цвят, колорит. Развитие на идеята за цвят в исторически план

Research paper thumbnail of Боя, цвят, колорит. Развитие на идеята за цвят в исторически план

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Culinary Terminology in Bulgarian. A Historical Approach

Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching

This article describes the origin of a number of culinary terms that penetrated the Bulgarian lan... more This article describes the origin of a number of culinary terms that penetrated the Bulgarian language through Turkish mediation. The Ottoman Turkish language contains a significant layer of Arabic and Persian vocabulary, which has also entered the Bulgarian language. Some of the Arabic vocabulary was inherited from Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ, and from the Akkadian language of Babylon and Assyria, and Persian - from the language of the Zend Avesta. As a result, Bulgarian culinary terminology preserves an ancient heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of Convergence and Divergence of the Balkan Peoples and their Languages

Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching

The article examines the interaction of the Balkan peoples in the composition of multinational em... more The article examines the interaction of the Balkan peoples in the composition of multinational empires. Widespread multilingualism and frequent switching from one language to another eventually led to the formation of the Balkan Linguistic Union. With the rise of national consciousness in the 19th century and the change of political configuration, the process of convergence of the Balkan languages was interrupted. Moreover, individual regional dialects of some languages, once united by a common name, took on a life of their own. But there is also a reverse process, languages artificially separated for political reasons are regaining their former integrity.

Research paper thumbnail of е-списание в областта на хуманитаристиката Пальмира Легурска, Илья Златанов Serbs and Croats-Unconfused and Indivisible

The article discusses results of the study "Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Po... more The article discusses results of the study "Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Populations-. The genetic part of the study gives consideration to various territorial populations, while territorial dialects are mostly neglected. As a result Serbs and Croats prove to be identical with reference to the language but distinguished by gene pool. Hereinafter we show that dialectal data of Serbian language testify the middle position of Serbs between the East and the West of South Slavia. The article is not focused on ethnic problems. Ethnicity is a socio-psychological category; it is not linked directly neither with the gene pool nor with the language. The issues discussed in the article concern territorial dialects and populations in the sense of genetics, they have nothing to do with nations. Terms as "transitional-, "Timok-Moravian-or "Torlak-dialect are neither more nor less than a convention. The appellation itself doesn't concern ethnicity. If wishe...

Research paper thumbnail of Fated to be a Minority

Some small ethnic groups in Southeastern Europe have established their identity on the basis of t... more Some small ethnic groups in Southeastern Europe have established their identity on the basis of the religious differences with cognate peoples or groups-the Catholic Paulicians in Bulgaria and Banat, the Torbeshi in Macedonia, the Gorani in Kosovo and Albania, the Pomaks in Bulgaria, as well as the Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. All of them ultimately chose to change their religion than to become like their neighbours because of the insurmountable differences that had driven them apart. Иля Златанов, Палмира Легурска (София, Институт за български език, БАН) Обречени на малцинство За павликяните и богомилите или за разликата в религиозните възгледи като фактор на етногенеза По цялата територия на бившата Османска империя са пръснати особени етноконфесионални групи, които по езика си приличат на околното християнско население, но изповядват ислям. Такива са например арменците хемшилии, аджарците и лазите като клон на грузинците, гръцките "валаади" в Македония и гиритлии...

Research paper thumbnail of What does Kurort mean?

Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching

The article examines the evolvement of the Bulgarian word kurort in historical terms. The first p... more The article examines the evolvement of the Bulgarian word kurort in historical terms. The first part discusses the practices of using the healing power of nature from ancient times to the present day. Special attention is paid to balneology in Bulgaria as evidenced by numerous settlements named Banya, lit. ‘bath’. Next, an analysis is made of the word kurort and its dissimilarity from the corresponding English and French terms. The emergence of the concept of Kurort in the German language is associated with the general development of medicine from the XIV century onwards, when the medical terminology changed.

Research paper thumbnail of е-списание в областта на хуманитаристиката Иля Златанов, Палмира Легурска Bulgarian Phonology: Far from the Slavic Extremes

In his publication, A. Isachenko divides the phonological systems of the Slavic languages into tw... more In his publication, A. Isachenko divides the phonological systems of the Slavic languages into two polar types: a vocal type and a consonant type. According to this typology, Bulgarian is placed in the consonant type. In this paper, using dialectal data, we show that the Bulgarian language does not fit in any of these two extreme categories and actually occupies an intermediate position. Иля Златанов, Палмира Легурска (София, ИБЕ, БАН) Българската фонология: далече от славянските крайности В резултат на фонологичен анализ на славянските езици А. Исаченко предлага типология, според която те могат да се класифицират като "вокални-или "консонантни-1. Тази типология се основава на факта, че в някои езици (руски, полски) максимално се използва различната окраска на съгласните, но системата от гласни е по-бедна; в други, като щокавското наречие на сърбохърватски, напротив, широко са застъпени вокалните разлики (музикално ударение, количество), но практически липсва корелацията н...



Резюме. Идеята за цвят се развива паралелно с развитието на цивилизацията. В най-архаичните общес... more Резюме. Идеята за цвят се развива паралелно с развитието на цивилизацията. В най-архаичните общества словесно оформление получават светлината и мракът. Следващият етап е противопоставянето "пъстър-безцветен". Идеята за "цвят изобщо" често се развива във връзка с идеята за "цвят на кожата". В историческото развитие на езиците багрилата са тези, които дават тласък за развитие на цветната терминология. Ярките, наситени багри са високо ценени и цветното се възприема като красиво. Багрилата и цветовете са свързани с културата и около цветните названия могат да се опишат културни кръгове, които съдържат общи елементи. Ключови думи: светлина и сянка; цветност; цвят на кожата; строеж на думата; багрила; културни кръгове

Research paper thumbnail of Боя, цвят, колорит. Развитие на идеята за цвят в исторически план