Margarita Kholkina | Saint-Petersburg State University (original) (raw)
Papers by Margarita Kholkina
Асбест в культуре древнего человека, 2024
Асбест в культуре древнего человека, 2024
Рекомендован к печати методическим советом Научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Петрозаводский государств... more Рекомендован к печати методическим советом Научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Петрозаводский государственный университет» Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Петрозаводского государственного университета Р е ц е н з е н т ы : Е. Л. Лычагина, профессор кафедры истории и археологии ФГАОУ ВО «Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет», доцент, д-р ист. наук; В. Н. Карманов, заведующий сектором сохранения и популяризации археологического наследия Института языка, литературы и истории Коми научного центра ФГБУН ФИЦ «Коми научный центр Уральского отделения Российской академии наук», канд. ист. наук С о с т а в и т е л и : А. М. Жульников, доцент кафедры отечественной истории Института истории, политических и социальных наук ПетрГУ, канд. ист. наук; М. П. Отливанчик, директор Научной библиотеки ПетрГУ; Е. В. Свидерская, заместитель директора Научной библиотеки ПетрГУ А90 Асбест в культуре древнего человека : сб. ст. / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреж дение высш. образования Петрозав. гос.
Рекомендован к печати методическим советом Научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Петрозаводский государств... more Рекомендован к печати методическим советом Научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Петрозаводский государственный университет» Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Петрозаводского государственного университета Р е ц е н з е н т ы : Е. Л. Лычагина, профессор кафедры истории и археологии ФГАОУ ВО «Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет», доцент, д-р ист. наук; В. Н. Карманов, заведующий сектором сохранения и популяризации археологического наследия Института языка, литературы и истории Коми научного центра ФГБУН ФИЦ «Коми научный центр Уральского отделения Российской академии наук», канд. ист. наук С о с т а в и т е л и : А. М. Жульников, доцент кафедры отечественной истории Института истории, политических и социальных наук ПетрГУ, канд. ист. наук; М. П. Отливанчик, директор Научной библиотеки ПетрГУ; Е. В. Свидерская, заместитель директора Научной библиотеки ПетрГУ А90 Асбест в культуре древнего человека : сб. ст. / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреж дение высш. образования Петрозав. гос.
Археология Подмосковья, 2020
Studying ceramics with asbestos in areas where there are no deposits of this mineral allows, on t... more Studying ceramics with asbestos in areas where there are no deposits of this mineral allows, on the one hand, to trace contact networks and import routes. On the other hand, cases of the spread of asbestos in the form of raw materials for impurities make it possible to generally assess the value (functional, cultural, social, etc.) that an impurity in ceramics could play for millennia. In order to find an answer to the question about the reasons for transporting asbestos over long distances and its significance, the authors determined the typological and technological features of asbestos ceramics at peripheral monuments (Okhta 1 and Podolia 1) and compared it with other synchronous ceramics from the same complexes. As a result of the analysis, a conclusion was made about the uniqueness of the complex of asbestos and porous ceramics of the considered monuments. The study shows that the main reason for the stability of the tradition of asbestos ceramics, despite all the difficulties in the delivery of raw materials, can hardly be the functional advantage of this additive. In addition to the custom learned from the ancestors of adding asbestos, one can also assume its status value, rarities, transportation distance, communication with ancestors, etc.
Самарский научный вестник, 2019
The Riigiküla I settlement site in northeast Estonia, which was found and excavated at the beginn... more The Riigiküla I settlement site in northeast Estonia, which was found and excavated at the beginning 1950s, is an important source of information about the life and households of the Stone Age population in the Eastern Baltic and one of the few settlement sites in Estonia that includes the remains of dwellings. Besides two pit-houses, a few fireplaces, two entire human skeletons and the disarticulated bones of at least three more individuals, as well as a rich inventory comprised of pottery fragments, tools and waste from the production of quartz, bone, antler, flint, etc., were discovered here. At first, the site was interpreted as a single long-term dwelling site. Nevertheless, the discovery of new data at other sites in the region, as well as a partial re-analysis of the pottery and new AMS dates obtained from the human bones, indicated the necessity to revise all the materials. The preliminary results of this work are presented in our paper. It was established that at least four buildings correlated to Narva and Comb Ware cultures existed on the settlement site, indicating that, at least partially, they existed at different times. Find materials in the occupation layer are obviously mixed vertically because of the existence of multi-temporal settlement sites in this area, but they are also clearly correlated to objects horizontally. For a while, this place was apparently visited by the carriers of the Corded Ware culture (judging by the few fragments of pottery). And in the middle of the Bronze Age, people buried their dead here.
Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 2019, 23, 2, 146–172, 2019
The paper summarizes the current data on Neolithic Asbestos Ware at the southern periphery of its... more The paper summarizes the current data on Neolithic Asbestos Ware at the southern
periphery of its distribution – the Karelian Isthmus and the southern Ladoga area, northwestern
Russia, to study communication networks within the territory of this phenomenon
and to trace its southern border.
Morphology and ornamentation of pottery with asbestos temper from 33 sites (including
very recent discoveries) was analysed and compared with the characteristics of the defined
Asbestos Ware types. All the main types of Neolithic Asbestos Ware defined on the
territory of Finland – Early Asbestos Ware, Typical Combed Ware with asbestos, Kierikki,
Pöljä – are presented in Karelian Isthmus including its southern part. Those territories were
well connected with the “core” of the Asbestos Ware tradition in the Saimaa area from the
beginning of its appearance. Asbestos Ware from the southern Ladoga shore sites resembles
both western and eastern (Karelian) traditions, shows some common traits with Volosovo
culture from the Upper Volga and ceramics from Modlona sites from Vologda region, but
also has local peculiarities. Analysis of sites distribution shows that the southern boundary
of spreading of the Late Neolithic Asbestos Ware follows that of the Early Asbestos Ware
and the Late Sperrings (Ka1:2) Ware. Although many spatial and chronological differences
in material culture, subsistence strategies and communication networks are visible within
time and space frames of the Asbestos Ware phenomenon, it may be assumed that the use
of the asbestos temper could be indicative of cultural relations that united certain territories.
New Sites, New Methods: Proceedings of the Finnish-Russian Archaeological Symposium, Helsinki, 19–21 November, 2014. Editors: Pirjo Uino & Kerkko Nordqvist. ISKOS 21, Feb 2016
The Narva–Luga micro-region, situated on the border of Estonia and Russia in north-eastern Europe... more The Narva–Luga micro-region, situated on the border of Estonia and Russia in north-eastern Europe, has been the target of international and interdisciplinary research conducted annually between 2005 and 2014. During this time, altogether 42 new archaeological sites have been discovered, and many sites have also been excavated – in addition, a large amount of natural scientific data has been collected. All in all, over 60 Stone Age and Bronze Age sites are currently known in this micro-region. The sites date mostly between the late 6th and late 3rd millennia calBC, that is, to the cultural contexts of Narva Ware, Comb Ware, and Corded Ware. In this paper, some of the main results of the archaeological studies made during the last decade are briefly summarised.
Spreading of different types of organic-and asbestos-tempered pottery in the Gulf of Finland regi... more Spreading of different types of organic-and asbestos-tempered pottery in the Gulf of Finland region in the end of 4th to 3rd millennium BC relates to complicated socio-cultural processes which were developed at that time in the Eastern Europe forest zone. Several types of pottery with organic-and asbestos-temper were defined using collections from 21 archaeological sites, using typological and morphological analyses. Micromorphological analysis of samples from different groups of pottery confirmed and adjusted the proposed classification. Organic-tempered Late Comb Ware seems to be continuation of the Typical Comb Ware tradition widely spread in the Gulf of Finland region in the 4th millennium BC. Corded Ware relates to the new tradition that appeared as a result of population migration from Central Europe. Also some types with organic and asbestos temper indicate appearance of new traditions and probably new population. Main groups of pottery are basically represented in the same archaeological contexts. This can be considered as an evidence of social and cultural integration processes in prehistory.
В конце VI-III тыс. до н. э. в регионе Финского залива на смену типичной гребенчато-ямочной керам... more В конце VI-III тыс. до н. э. в регионе Финского залива на смену типичной гребенчато-ямочной керамике приходят разнообразные группы пористой и асбестовой керамики, что свидетельствует о происходивших здесь в это время сложных культурно-исторических процессах. Целью исследования является попытка культурной и хронологической атрибуции керамики с примесью асбеста и органики памятников Карельского перешейка. С точки зрения хронологии можно выделить два периода бытования такой керамики, которые, в свою очередь, имеют разное содержание. Керамика, возникшая в конце IV тыс. до н. э., отличается от бытовавшей здесь ранее типичной гребенчато-ямочной фактически только составом примеси. В III тыс. до н. э. на этой территории распространяется шнуровая керамика, которая оказывает существенное влияние на местные керамические традиции, что проявляется в возникновении гибридных групп. Библиогр. 37 назв.
Асбест в культуре древнего человека, 2024
Асбест в культуре древнего человека, 2024
Рекомендован к печати методическим советом Научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Петрозаводский государств... more Рекомендован к печати методическим советом Научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Петрозаводский государственный университет» Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Петрозаводского государственного университета Р е ц е н з е н т ы : Е. Л. Лычагина, профессор кафедры истории и археологии ФГАОУ ВО «Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет», доцент, д-р ист. наук; В. Н. Карманов, заведующий сектором сохранения и популяризации археологического наследия Института языка, литературы и истории Коми научного центра ФГБУН ФИЦ «Коми научный центр Уральского отделения Российской академии наук», канд. ист. наук С о с т а в и т е л и : А. М. Жульников, доцент кафедры отечественной истории Института истории, политических и социальных наук ПетрГУ, канд. ист. наук; М. П. Отливанчик, директор Научной библиотеки ПетрГУ; Е. В. Свидерская, заместитель директора Научной библиотеки ПетрГУ А90 Асбест в культуре древнего человека : сб. ст. / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреж дение высш. образования Петрозав. гос.
Рекомендован к печати методическим советом Научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Петрозаводский государств... more Рекомендован к печати методическим советом Научной библиотеки ФГБОУ ВО «Петрозаводский государственный университет» Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Петрозаводского государственного университета Р е ц е н з е н т ы : Е. Л. Лычагина, профессор кафедры истории и археологии ФГАОУ ВО «Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет», доцент, д-р ист. наук; В. Н. Карманов, заведующий сектором сохранения и популяризации археологического наследия Института языка, литературы и истории Коми научного центра ФГБУН ФИЦ «Коми научный центр Уральского отделения Российской академии наук», канд. ист. наук С о с т а в и т е л и : А. М. Жульников, доцент кафедры отечественной истории Института истории, политических и социальных наук ПетрГУ, канд. ист. наук; М. П. Отливанчик, директор Научной библиотеки ПетрГУ; Е. В. Свидерская, заместитель директора Научной библиотеки ПетрГУ А90 Асбест в культуре древнего человека : сб. ст. / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Федер. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреж дение высш. образования Петрозав. гос.
Археология Подмосковья, 2020
Studying ceramics with asbestos in areas where there are no deposits of this mineral allows, on t... more Studying ceramics with asbestos in areas where there are no deposits of this mineral allows, on the one hand, to trace contact networks and import routes. On the other hand, cases of the spread of asbestos in the form of raw materials for impurities make it possible to generally assess the value (functional, cultural, social, etc.) that an impurity in ceramics could play for millennia. In order to find an answer to the question about the reasons for transporting asbestos over long distances and its significance, the authors determined the typological and technological features of asbestos ceramics at peripheral monuments (Okhta 1 and Podolia 1) and compared it with other synchronous ceramics from the same complexes. As a result of the analysis, a conclusion was made about the uniqueness of the complex of asbestos and porous ceramics of the considered monuments. The study shows that the main reason for the stability of the tradition of asbestos ceramics, despite all the difficulties in the delivery of raw materials, can hardly be the functional advantage of this additive. In addition to the custom learned from the ancestors of adding asbestos, one can also assume its status value, rarities, transportation distance, communication with ancestors, etc.
Самарский научный вестник, 2019
The Riigiküla I settlement site in northeast Estonia, which was found and excavated at the beginn... more The Riigiküla I settlement site in northeast Estonia, which was found and excavated at the beginning 1950s, is an important source of information about the life and households of the Stone Age population in the Eastern Baltic and one of the few settlement sites in Estonia that includes the remains of dwellings. Besides two pit-houses, a few fireplaces, two entire human skeletons and the disarticulated bones of at least three more individuals, as well as a rich inventory comprised of pottery fragments, tools and waste from the production of quartz, bone, antler, flint, etc., were discovered here. At first, the site was interpreted as a single long-term dwelling site. Nevertheless, the discovery of new data at other sites in the region, as well as a partial re-analysis of the pottery and new AMS dates obtained from the human bones, indicated the necessity to revise all the materials. The preliminary results of this work are presented in our paper. It was established that at least four buildings correlated to Narva and Comb Ware cultures existed on the settlement site, indicating that, at least partially, they existed at different times. Find materials in the occupation layer are obviously mixed vertically because of the existence of multi-temporal settlement sites in this area, but they are also clearly correlated to objects horizontally. For a while, this place was apparently visited by the carriers of the Corded Ware culture (judging by the few fragments of pottery). And in the middle of the Bronze Age, people buried their dead here.
Estonian Journal of Archaeology, 2019, 23, 2, 146–172, 2019
The paper summarizes the current data on Neolithic Asbestos Ware at the southern periphery of its... more The paper summarizes the current data on Neolithic Asbestos Ware at the southern
periphery of its distribution – the Karelian Isthmus and the southern Ladoga area, northwestern
Russia, to study communication networks within the territory of this phenomenon
and to trace its southern border.
Morphology and ornamentation of pottery with asbestos temper from 33 sites (including
very recent discoveries) was analysed and compared with the characteristics of the defined
Asbestos Ware types. All the main types of Neolithic Asbestos Ware defined on the
territory of Finland – Early Asbestos Ware, Typical Combed Ware with asbestos, Kierikki,
Pöljä – are presented in Karelian Isthmus including its southern part. Those territories were
well connected with the “core” of the Asbestos Ware tradition in the Saimaa area from the
beginning of its appearance. Asbestos Ware from the southern Ladoga shore sites resembles
both western and eastern (Karelian) traditions, shows some common traits with Volosovo
culture from the Upper Volga and ceramics from Modlona sites from Vologda region, but
also has local peculiarities. Analysis of sites distribution shows that the southern boundary
of spreading of the Late Neolithic Asbestos Ware follows that of the Early Asbestos Ware
and the Late Sperrings (Ka1:2) Ware. Although many spatial and chronological differences
in material culture, subsistence strategies and communication networks are visible within
time and space frames of the Asbestos Ware phenomenon, it may be assumed that the use
of the asbestos temper could be indicative of cultural relations that united certain territories.
New Sites, New Methods: Proceedings of the Finnish-Russian Archaeological Symposium, Helsinki, 19–21 November, 2014. Editors: Pirjo Uino & Kerkko Nordqvist. ISKOS 21, Feb 2016
The Narva–Luga micro-region, situated on the border of Estonia and Russia in north-eastern Europe... more The Narva–Luga micro-region, situated on the border of Estonia and Russia in north-eastern Europe, has been the target of international and interdisciplinary research conducted annually between 2005 and 2014. During this time, altogether 42 new archaeological sites have been discovered, and many sites have also been excavated – in addition, a large amount of natural scientific data has been collected. All in all, over 60 Stone Age and Bronze Age sites are currently known in this micro-region. The sites date mostly between the late 6th and late 3rd millennia calBC, that is, to the cultural contexts of Narva Ware, Comb Ware, and Corded Ware. In this paper, some of the main results of the archaeological studies made during the last decade are briefly summarised.
Spreading of different types of organic-and asbestos-tempered pottery in the Gulf of Finland regi... more Spreading of different types of organic-and asbestos-tempered pottery in the Gulf of Finland region in the end of 4th to 3rd millennium BC relates to complicated socio-cultural processes which were developed at that time in the Eastern Europe forest zone. Several types of pottery with organic-and asbestos-temper were defined using collections from 21 archaeological sites, using typological and morphological analyses. Micromorphological analysis of samples from different groups of pottery confirmed and adjusted the proposed classification. Organic-tempered Late Comb Ware seems to be continuation of the Typical Comb Ware tradition widely spread in the Gulf of Finland region in the 4th millennium BC. Corded Ware relates to the new tradition that appeared as a result of population migration from Central Europe. Also some types with organic and asbestos temper indicate appearance of new traditions and probably new population. Main groups of pottery are basically represented in the same archaeological contexts. This can be considered as an evidence of social and cultural integration processes in prehistory.
В конце VI-III тыс. до н. э. в регионе Финского залива на смену типичной гребенчато-ямочной керам... more В конце VI-III тыс. до н. э. в регионе Финского залива на смену типичной гребенчато-ямочной керамике приходят разнообразные группы пористой и асбестовой керамики, что свидетельствует о происходивших здесь в это время сложных культурно-исторических процессах. Целью исследования является попытка культурной и хронологической атрибуции керамики с примесью асбеста и органики памятников Карельского перешейка. С точки зрения хронологии можно выделить два периода бытования такой керамики, которые, в свою очередь, имеют разное содержание. Керамика, возникшая в конце IV тыс. до н. э., отличается от бытовавшей здесь ранее типичной гребенчато-ямочной фактически только составом примеси. В III тыс. до н. э. на этой территории распространяется шнуровая керамика, которая оказывает существенное влияние на местные керамические традиции, что проявляется в возникновении гибридных групп. Библиогр. 37 назв.
СПб.: МАЭ РАН, 2019
Монография является итоговой работой, объединившей исследования последних десятилетий отечественн... more Монография является итоговой работой, объединившей исследования последних десятилетий отечественных
и зарубежных специалистов по восстановлению миграционных и культурных процессов восточной части Балтий-
ского региона в VI–III тыс. до н.э., а также по моделированию палеогеографической ситуации Нарвско-Лужского
междуречья. Исследование представляет данные для реконструкции древних культурных и природных процессов
в голоцене далеко за пределами рассматриваемой территории. Издание предназначено для специалистов по архео-
логии и палеогеографии, смежным специальностям, краеведов и всех интересующихся древней историей человека
и природы Прибалтийского региона.