From LALR to IELR: A Lrama's Next Step (original) (raw)


  1. [Contributor of Lrama]( "From LALR to IELR: A Lrama's Next Step Contributor of Lrama

") 2. ### Contributor of Lrama • Became in Official Party !!! Committer 3. ### Night Cruise Sponsor 4. ### Night Cruise Sponsor 5. ### Overview of Lrama おきなさい。おきなさい わたしの かわいい ぼうや ……。 きょうは とても たいせつなひ。あなたが はじめて おしろに いくひ だったでしょう。 ―勇者の母親 6. ### Lrama • A LALR parser generator built with Ruby ◦ • Presented in RubyKaigi 2023 by Yuichiro Kaneko ◦ • Use in CRuby 3.3 build process ◦ Use BASERUBY when building Ruby 7. ### Basis of LR Parser 8. ### My Contributions to Lrama -0-released/ 9. ### What We Aim to Solve おお えにくす! ゆうしゃロトの ちをひくものよ! そなたのくるのをまっておったぞ。 ―ラルス16世 10. ### Exec with Parser Info 11. ### $ ruby -y -e 'p 1.. || 2' | rg
'Next token' | uniq Next token is token "local variable or method" (1.0-1.1: p) Next token is token "integer literal" (1.2-1.3: 1) Next token is token ".." (1.3-1.5: ) Next token is token '|' (1.6-1.7: ) Next token is token '|' (1.7-1.8: ) Scanned Tokens 12. ### $ ruby -y -e 'p 1.. || 2' | rg
'Next token|lex_state' | uniq lex_state: NONE -> BEG at line 2195 lex_state: BEG -> CMDARG at line 10384 Next token is token "local variable or method" (1.0-1.1: p) lex_state: CMDARG -> END at line 9649 lex_state: END -> END at line 8930 Next token is token "integer literal" (1.2-1.3: 1) lex_state: END -> BEG at line 10872 Next token is token ".." (1.3-1.5: ) lex_state: BEG -> BEG at line 10789 Next token is token '|' (1.6-1.7: ) lex_state: BEG -> BEG|LABEL at line 10808 Next token is token '|' (1.7-1.8: ) lex_state 13. ### $ ruby -y -e 'p 1.. || 2' | rg
'Next token|lex_state' | uniq lex_state: NONE -> BEG at line 2195 lex_state: BEG -> CMDARG at line 10384 Next token is token "local variable or method" (1.0-1.1: p) lex_state: CMDARG -> END at line 9649 lex_state: END -> END at line 8930 Next token is token "integer literal" (1.2-1.3: 1) lex_state: END -> BEG at line 10872 Next token is token ".." (1.3-1.5: ) lex_state: BEG -> BEG at line 10789 Next token is token '|' (1.6-1.7: ) lex_state: BEG -> BEG|LABEL at line 10808 Next token is token '|' (1.7-1.8: ) lex_state 14. ### • || ◦ a || b -> '||' ◦ ary.each
{|| do_something } -> '|' '|' • <<- ◦ p <<-HEREDOC -> '<<-' ◦ [] <<-1 -> '<<' '-' • %s{a} ◦ p %s{a} -> '%s{' 'a' '}' ◦ 1 %s{a} -> '%' 's' '{' 'a' '}' Examples 15. ### Scannerless Parser やっぱり修行で得た力と言うのは 他人のために使うものだと私 は思います。 ―アバン 16. ### Ruby Parser Roadmap 17. ### Ruby Parser Roadmap 18. ### LALR (LookAhead LR) • Merge states with a same core
from the Canonical LR automaton • Slightly less languages can be parsed than Canonical LR • Compared to Canonical LR, merging the states may cause some conflicts ◦ These are called "Mysterious Conflicts" in the document of GNU Bison 19. ### IELR Overview そして えにくす。どんなに はなれていても オレたちは 友だちだよな! ―キーファ 20. ### IELR Concepts • Create a parser table for LALR •
Recompute the lookahead sets for each states from the start state • Verify that the state merge did not cause any Mysterious Conflicts using the original lookahead set and the recomputed lookahead set 21. ### Implement IELR parser だから 頼んだぜ 勇者さま。オレにも見せてくれよな。 魔王をぶっ倒す 勇者の奇跡ってヤツをさ。 ―カミュ 22. ### IELR Implementation in Lrama def split_states (...snip...) transition_queue = []
@states.first.transitions.each do |shift, next_state| transition_queue << [@states.first, shift, next_state] end until transition_queue.empty? state, shift, next_state = transition_queue.shift compute_state(state, shift, next_state) next_state.transitions.each do |sh, next_st| transition_queue << [next_state, sh, next_st] end end end 23. ### Pull Request 24. ### Conclusion 人の 愛は 勇気は 消して 消えることは ありません もし 私が闇に墜ちてしまったら その時は どうか この剣を手に …… ―聖竜 25. ### References • Lrama Repository: • Yuichiro Kaneko, "The future
vision of Ruby parser", May 2023: • Yuichiro Kaneko, "Ruby Parser開発日誌(14) - LR parser完全に理解した", Dec 2023: • Junichi Kobayashi, "Lrama へのコントリビューションを通して学ぶ Ruby のパーサ ジェネレータ事情", Sep 2023: texue-bu-ruby-nopasazieneretashi-qing 26. ### References • Junichi Kobayashi, "Understanding Parser Generator surrounding Ruby with
Contributing Lrama", Dec 2023: ounding-ruby-with-contributing-lrama • Ruby 3.3.0 Release Note: • Yuichiro Kaneko, Ruby Parser Roadmap: wIweVfcaMsIQ984_Q/edit?usp=sharing 27. ### References • Joel E. Denny, "PSLR(1): Pseudo-Scannerless Minimal LR(1) for
the Deterministic Parsing of Composite Languages", May 2010:\_dissertations/519/ • Joel E. Denny and Brian A. Malloy, "The IELR(1) algorithm for generating minimal LR(1) parser tables for non-LR(1) grammars with conflict resolution" 28. ### Presentations around Parsers 29. ### Presentations around Parsers