Samples - Fish Speech (original) (raw)

ver 1.4


Special thanks to Seed-TTS (2024) for providing the evaluation data for demonstration.

All prompt audio is from the Seed-TTS effect demo page, and all generated audio is from the first generation of fish-speech version 1.4.

Zero-shot In-context Learning

Language Prompt Same Language Generation Cross-linugal Generation
EN Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does not support the audio element.I don't really care what you call me. I've been a silent spectator, watching species evolve, empires rise and fall. But always remember, I am mighty and enduring. Respect me and I'll nurture you; ignore me and you shall face the consequences. Your browser does not support the audio element.顿时,气氛变得沉郁起来。乍看之下,一切的困扰仿佛都围绕在我身边。我皱着眉头,感受着那份压力,但我知道我不能放弃,不能认输。于是,我深吸一口气,心底的声音告诉我:“无论如何,都要冷静下来,重新开始。”
Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does not support the audio element.Dealing with family secrets is never easy. Yet, sometimes, omission is a form of protection, intending to safeguard some from the harsh truths. One day, I hope you understand the reasons behind my actions. Until then, Anna, please, bear with me. Your browser does not support the audio element.处理家庭秘密从来都不是一件容易的事。然而,有时候,隐瞒是一种保护形式,旨在保护一些人免受残酷的真相伤害。有一天,我希望你能理解我行为背后的原因。在那之前,安娜,请容忍我。
Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does not support the audio element.The combinations of different textures and flavors create a perfect harmony. The succulence of the steak, the tartness of the cranberries, the crunch of pine nuts, and creaminess of blue cheese make it a truly delectable delight. Enjoy your culinary adventure! Your browser does not support the audio element.听着你的话,我心里五味杂陈。虽然我愿意一直在你身边,承担一切不幸,但我知道只有让你自己面对,才能真正让你变得更强大。所以,你要记得,无论面对何种困难,都请你坚强,我会在心里一直支持你的。
ZH Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does not support the audio element.突然,身边一阵笑声。我看着他们,意气风发地挺直了胸膛,甩了甩那稍显肉感的双臂,轻笑道:"我身上的肉,是为了掩饰我爆棚的魅力,否则,岂不吓坏了你们呢?" Your browser does not support the audio element.Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter beside me. I looked at them, stood up straight with high spirit, shook the slightly fleshy arms, and smiled lightly, saying, "The flesh on my body is to hide my bursting charm. Otherwise, wouldn't it scare you?"
Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does not support the audio element.他闭上眼睛,期望这一切都能过去。然而,当他再次睁开眼睛,眼前的景象让他不禁倒吸一口气。雾气中出现的禁闭岛,陌生又熟悉,充满未知的危险。他握紧拳头,心知他的生活即将发生翻天覆地的改变。 Your browser does not support the audio element.He closed his eyes, expecting that all of this could pass. However, when he opened his eyes again, the sight in front of him made him couldn't help but take a deep breath. The closed island that appeared in the fog, strange and familiar, was full of unknown dangers. He tightened his fist, knowing that his life was about to undergo earth-shaking changes.
Your browser does not support the audio element. Your browser does not support the audio element.顿时,气氛变得沉郁起来。乍看之下,一切的困扰仿佛都围绕在我身边。我皱着眉头,感受着那份压力,但我知道我不能放弃,不能认输。于是,我深吸一口气,心底的声音告诉我:“无论如何,都要冷静下来,重新开始。” Your browser does not support the audio element.Suddenly, the atmosphere became gloomy. At first glance, all the troubles seemed to surround me. I frowned, feeling that pressure, but I know I can't give up, can't admit defeat. So, I took a deep breath, and the voice in my heart told me, "Anyway, must calm down and start again."

Speaker Fine-tune

| | Text | Generated | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | | Speaker1 | 好呀,哈哈哈哈哈,喜欢笑的人运气都不会差哦,希望你每天笑口常开~ | Your browser does not support the audio element. | | 哇!恭喜你中了大乐透,八百万可真不少呢!有什么特别的计划或想法吗? | Your browser does not support the audio element. | | | 哼,你这么问是想请本小姐吃饭吗?如果对象是你的话,那也不是不可以。 | Your browser does not support the audio element. | | | Speaker2 | 是呀,他还想换个地球仪哈哈哈,看来给你积累了一些快乐值了,你还想不想再听一个其他的笑话呀? | Your browser does not support the audio element. | | 嘿嘿,你是不是也想拥有甜甜的恋爱呢?《微微一笑很倾城》是你的不二选择,男女主是校花校草类型,他们通过游戏结识,再到两人见面,全程没有一点误会,真的齁甜,想想都忍不住“姨妈笑”~ | Your browser does not support the audio element. | | | 小傻瓜,嗯……算是个很可爱很亲切的名字,有点“独特”哦,不过我有些好奇,你为什么会给我选这个昵称呢? | Your browser does not support the audio element. | |

Content Editing

Language Original Text Original Audio Target Text Edited Audio
EN They can't order me to stop dreaming. If you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true. Have faith in your dreams, and someday your rainbow will come shining through. Your browser does not support the audio element. They can't require me to stop imagining. If you envision a thing more than once, it's bound to come about. Have trust in your visions, and someday your radiance will come beaming through. Your browser does not support the audio element.
Are you familiar with it? Slice the steak and place the strips on top, then garnish with the dried cranberries, pine nuts, and blue cheese. I wonder how people rationalise the decision? Your browser does not support the audio element. Are you acquainted with it? Cut the pork and place the strips on top, then garnish with the dried cherries, almonds, and feta cheese. I query how people justify the choice? Your browser does not support the audio element.
ZH 自古以来,庸君最怕党政了,可圣君他就不怕,不但不怕,反能利用。要我说,你就让明珠索额图互相争宠,只要你心里明白,左右逢源,你就能立于不败之地。 Your browser does not support the audio element. 从古至今,庸君最怕朝纲了,可君他就不怕,不但不怕,反能借助。要我说,你就让李四张三互相争宠,只要你心里清楚,左右周旋,你就能于不败之 Your browser does not support the audio element.
对,这就是我,万人敬仰的太乙真人,虽然有点婴儿肥,但也掩不住我逼人的帅气。 Your browser does not support the audio element. 对,这就是我,众人尊崇的太白金星,虽然有点娃娃脸,但也不住我迷人魅力。 Your browser does not support the audio element.