Carry Me Home by spidertour02 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"sPiDeR-MaN iS mOrE rElAtAbLE wHeN hE's SiNgLe"

No, he's not. People grow up. They get married. They have kids. They don't duck their responsibilities by making deals with the devil to undo their screw-ups. Uncle Ben would have been mortified. Pretty sure Aunt May would have, too, if she knew.

God forbid we have characters grow and change with us over the years. There's a reason Renew Your Vows is the best thing they've done in years with the character. And guess when I got interested in Superman comics again? That's right, when they brought back married Clark and Lois and had them raise a kid together. If you think a character can't be written interestingly while being happily married, you are a hack. Period.

Give Pete & MJ their marriage back. If you want a single 616 Spider-Man, there's Miles. If you must do a story where Peter Parker is single or with Gwen/Felicia/whoever there's always alternate realities. And while you're at it, make Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver Magneto's children again -- you've got the movie rights to the X-Men now, Disney. No need to keep that stupid retcon going either.

Thank god for headcanon. I don't think I could read comic books today without it, given the constant reboots and increasingly shitty retcons.

Apologies, that turned into kind of a rant. I mean, there are things and stories Marvel's done lately that I do enjoy -- I just read a small story arc teaming Black Cat with Wolverine, and discovering that those two are really fun together. And I've grown to love some of the more recent characters they've introduced (in particular Miles, Spider-Gwen and Laura/X-23/Wolverine). But damn if some of those retcons don't irrationally set me off...