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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inSpirit Lands' LiveJournal:
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Sunday, April 15th, 2007 | |
_4:42 pm_[sevilin] | I just joined this community because i'm looking for help.I am not crazy. I heard a whisper the other night. I've heard it before but it's always when i'm in bed and sleeping or kind of awake. Usually I'm able to convince myself it's my breath going through my own lips making a sleepy snore whisper sound. Or that it's my husband next to me mumbling in his sleep. The other night this happened I was still almost asleep. Then it happened again, only it was very clear. It was not from my lips, in my head, or noises from my husband.I'm just looking for some suggestions or some advice.If anyone can help that would be great.Thanks. (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Saturday, March 18th, 2006 | |
_1:31 am_[soulsspirit] | Esoteric/Spiritual Forums And Chat I have a new site, consisting of forums and chatrooms. It has been up for 11 days now,and covers a wide range if areas, including spiritual development, the paranormal, astrology, tarot as well as a support forum and fun and games section. Hope some of you might join us...especially those who like sharing lots :) as a very nice little community is building up. (Comment on this) |
Tuesday, January 17th, 2006 | |
_7:54 pm_[delein] | "We have gone sick by following a path of untrammeled rationalism, male dominance, attention to the visible surface of things, practicality, and bottomlineism. We have gone very, very sick. And the body politic, like any body when it feels itself to be sick, it begins to produce antibodies or strategies for over coming the condition of dis-ease. The 20th century is an enormous effort at self-healing. Phenomenon as diverse as surrealism, body piercing, psychedelic drug use, sexual permissiveness, jazz, experimental dance, rave culture, tattooing. The list is endless. What do all these things have in common? They represent various styles of rejection of linear values. The society is trying to cure itself by an archaic revival. By a reversion to arachaic values. When I see people manifesting sexual ambiguity, or scarifying themselves, or showing a lot of flesh, or dancing to synopicated music, or getting loaded, or violating ordinary cannons of sexual behavior, I applaud all of this. Because it’s an impulse to return to what is felt by the body.What is authentic.What is archaic. When you tease apart these archaic impulses at the very center of all these impulses is the desire to return to a world of magical empowerment of feeling. At the center of that impulse is the shaman. Stoned. Intoxicated on plants. Speaking with the spirit helpers. Dancing in the moonlight. Vivifying and evoking a world of conscious living mystery. That's what the world is. The world is not an unsolved problem for scientists or sociologists. The world is a living mystery. Our birth, our death, our being in the moment. These are mysteries. They are doorways, opening on to unimaginable vistas of self-exploration, empowerment, and hope for the human enterprise. Our culture has killed that. Taken it away from us. Made us consumers of shoddy products and shoddier ideals. We have to get away from that. And the way to get away from it is by a return to the authentic experience of the body. And that means sexually empowering ourselves. And it means getting loaded. Exploring the mind as a tool for personal and social transformation. The hour is late. The clock is ticking. We will be judged very harshly if we fumble the ball. We are the inheritors of millions and millions of years of successfully lived lives and successful adaptations to changing conditions in the natural world. Now that challenge passes to us: the living. That the yet to be born may have a place to put their feet and a sky to walk under. That is what the psychedelic experience is about. Is caring for, empowering, and building a future that honors the past, honors the planet, honors the power of the human imagination. There is nothing as powerful and as capable of transforming itself and the planet as the human imagination. Let's not sell it straight. Lets not whore ourselves to nit wit ideologies. Lets not give our control over to the least among us. Rather, claim your place in the sun and go forward into the light. The tools are there. The path is known. You simply have to turn your back on a culture that has gone sterile and dead and get with the program of a living world and an reempowerment of the imagination." Terence McKenna - Eros and the Eschaton (MP3 27.2 MB) (Comment on this) |
Friday, October 14th, 2005 | |
_4:48 am_[kdc_stigmatized] | sorry if this has been posted here before... a woman and her SC from the late 1800s/early 1900s.Very interesting....might be interesting to some of you. (Comment on this) |
Wednesday, September 7th, 2005 | |
_8:34 pm_[delein] | I've found my way to a great book recently called Exploring Meditation by Susan Shumsky. I thought it might be wise to a share passage that I feel sums things up nicely, and spoke to me deeply.------A Splinter in Your MindProbably your normal habit is to seek happiness in the outer world. You're busy enjoying the pleasures of sensory experience. Yet, no matter how much you seek, no matter how much stuff you buy, or pleasures you get, or power you attain, still you mind is dissatisfied. That's because there's something in the back of your mind. Something you want. But you don't know what it is.A popular movie The Matrix depicts this phenomenon wonderfully. In this film a character named Morpheus, played by Laurence Fishburne, confides in the hero Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, "What you know, you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life - that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."The "splinter" that drives us mad is an endless relentless hunger, a continual lack that nothing can fill. We're perpetually famished with no means to satisfy our appetites. We know something's wrong, but we don't know how to fix it.Morpheus attempts to tell Neo what the Matrix is: "It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." Neo asks, "What truth?" Morpheus replies, "That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage - into a prison you cannot spell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind."As youngsters we begin with high ideals and want to make a difference in the world. Or aspirations are boundless. The we become disillusioned as teenagers. We see corruption everywhere and realize the task is too great. Our drive for sex and a mate then takes over. Once we marry, our need for material possessions and security is foremost. Soon we're trapped in a treadmill of endless responsibilities. Work and business consume us. After decades of exhaustion, finally the children are grown and we can retire. By then, we're too weary to enjoy whatever wealth we've amassed. Meanwhile, we have given up on our dreams and ideals, and settled for the illusion of security, along with tedium, boredom, and dissatisfaction. A loveless lack-luster life was lived in the slavery of illusion. Thoreau describes this as a life of "quiet desperation."The splinter in your mind serves a wonderful purpose: It prods you to remove it. It helps you realize there's more to life than you've been living. Happily, that splinter can be removed. Once you realize that what you've been seeking is the one who's seeking, then you can make progress on your spiritual path and free yourself from bondage. The masters of the Far East have tweezers to remove that splinter, a cure for the disease of incessant need. What's the cure? That's right - meditation.Why does meditation satisfy the perpetual hunger that defines our human condition? Meditation takes you deep within, to the source of satisfaction - the ultimate truth of absolute bliss consciousness.In India, there's a saying that your mind is like a money, jumping from branch to branch. (There are lots of monkeys in India.) Or like a honeybee flitting from flower to flower. My guru used to say that when the honeybee finds a flower with sweet nectar, it will stay still. Similarly, your mind will be satisfied when it experiences perfection at the center of your being - absolute bliss consciousness.The trouble is - How to find this place? How to locate the nectar?Just like a honeybee, your senses, endlessly seeking in the outer world, take you far away from the absolute. But by relaxing, settling your body and quieting your mind, you take a 180 degree turn inward. That's how to get where you want to go. By reversing your habit of seeking outward for satisfaction and instead turning within, you'll find genuine satisfaction, the only true satisfaction - eternal bliss consciousness. (Comment on this) |
Sunday, August 21st, 2005 | |
_1:19 pm_[firning] | A book you might like... This autumn, treat yourself to Witch .Read the life story of the first woman executed for witchcraft in Salem, and rediscover this chapter of American history told for the first time in a woman’s voice. Never was there a better time to remember how tricky religion can be, especially when it is heralding a new world order. (Comment on this) |
Monday, August 15th, 2005 | |
_2:02 am_[whatsbetween] | New to the who community thing and just starting a new journal. The old one got a little to personal and well we do repress for a reason.... Interested in talking with anyone who wants to talk. My interests and experiences are many but all are serious, well serious seems a bit rigid, lets say I don't dabble. (Comment on this) |
Thursday, August 11th, 2005 | |
_4:59 pm_[irish_dragon] | I have a question Currently, I'm having problems w/ my Roommate. She has not lived here for 2 months this weekend, she pays the rent, but doesn't any of the utilities, has no plan on what she doing, or at least she hasn't told the plan. Despite many attempt in asking what she has planned for the future. I'm trying to find some one to replace her. I have a potential this weekend. How likely is it that I can replace her? How is it that she will leave? I know for a fact that the friendship that I had her is going to go out window, however, I can't afford to have her as a friend, if this is the way she treats 'em. Any help will very welcome.ThanksKristin (Irish_dragon) Current Mood: worried (Comment on this) |
Monday, August 8th, 2005 | |
_7:20 pm_[irish_dragon] | I did some I did some tarot reading today, and I'd like to post some of them and the reasons behind them. I won't go into excessive detail, unless you have some questions. This will most likely be cross posted, b/c I like to share, these spreads or based on me, and no one else, and I'd like to share, to have more than one insight if you will...Celtic Cross is my favorite...I am considering getting a job at the Ren Faire on the weekends. This was w/ the Celtic Tarot deck as was the the 2nd and 3rd spreads.1. The Hanged Man 2. The Star 3. Ace of Swords clarifier Princess of Pentacles 4. Six of Cups clarifier Two of Pentacles 5. Seven of Cups clarifier The Sun 6. Ten of Pentacles clarifiers Five of Swords, Seven of Wands 7. The Moon 8. Two of Wands clarifier Three of Cups 9. Three of Pentacles 10. Five of Pentacles clarifiers Ace of Pentacles, Queen of CupsThe second one is in reference w/ getting a second job to work w/ the weekend one (Ren Faire)1. The Wheel of Fortune 2. The Sun 3. Six of Cups 4. Ace of Swords 5. Nine of Pentacles clarifiers Queen of Cups, Eight of Wands 6. The Devil clarifier Five of Pentacles 7. Queen of Swords 8. Three of Swords clarifier Eight of Pentacles 9. Three of Pentacles clarifier Four of Swords 10. Ace of Cups. And then i drew the Ace of Pentacles.The next spread was a Diamond...I was trying for my MIA roomie, but this was what I got. 1. Princess of Cups 2. King of Wands 3. The Hanged Man 4. Princess of Wands 5. Ace of CupsThis last one was done w/ the Dragon Tarot deck w/ an Extnd. Celtic cross.1. Nine of Cups clarifier Death 2. Ten of Swords 3. King of Wands clarifier The Magician 4. Six of Pentacles 5. Three of Cups 6. Ten of Cups clarifier Seven of Swords 7. Five of Wands clarifier Two of Wands 8. Queen of Pentacles clarifier Seven of Cups 9. King of Cups clarifier Queen of Cups 10. The Fool 11. King of Pentacles 12. Eight of Swords 13. The loversI didn't really have an goal in the last one.Thoughts are welcome, comments...are as well... Current Mood: contemplative (Comment on this) |
Saturday, July 30th, 2005 | |
_7:39 pm_[irish_dragon] | Wands What is it w/ Wands and myself? Every time I've had a tarot reading wands come into play. Can a certain person just have that kind of reading? or is it just me? Current Mood: curious (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Saturday, April 30th, 2005 | |
_5:17 pm_[3rdrate] | Strangewire Hey, just wanted to let you guys know about, a blog for all things paranormal, supernatural, and the like from legitimate news sources. Unlike the type of sites and columns that deal in "wacky news"-style articles about goofy work mishaps and amusing medical malpractice, Strangewire attempts to deal with phenomena that are part of a bigger question, from strange lights in the sky in the south-west US, to a man with claims of a haunting in Australia, from zombies and voodoo practice in Haiti to global government conspiracies. Fox Mulder's favorite blog, in other words. Recent articles include headlines such as "FLESH CHUNKS IN IOWA WATER LINES" and "NEW JAPANESE GHOST DETECTOR FOR SALE." Check out, or just add the livejournal feed here to your friends list.Thanks!Nick, SW (Comment on this) |
Friday, April 8th, 2005 | |
_10:38 pm_[nullie] | yahoo am new to this community! thought you guys would like to see what i posted on my blog earlier.a reflectioni as a deaf person know what is it like to have hearies barge into our world without being invited. especially when ones want to learn to sign in order to help us. what the heck? we need their help? not that we need their help! however, some certain deafies do accept hearies who are motivated to learn our culture and language. with the understanding that their intentions are not harmful enough to destroy our world as many have in the past. without hesitation, we all know why some of us resist those who aren't part of us.okay, you may be thinkin’ ‘why is she blabbin’ all this and that we all have already whined about?’ hold onto your pants. I haven’t gotten to my point acquire our american sign language and culture, some go to classes. some gather as much info as they could from the books, internet and such resources. some befriend with the deafies. i cant really mention all the methods they do to acquire our language and culture for i myself am not a how do they know if the information they gather are rightful and appropriate? or even better, any of them are written by us? we are aware of many many many books on the deaf world are written by hearies. not that we could always rely on their to get to my point of this is that right now i am walkin a mile in a hearie’s shoes. i wonder, will not the first nations peoples welcome me for i am white? am i acquiring the right information on the first nations peoples? not that i want to help the first nations peoples by converting them to the white's culture but to actually understand where they came from. and for me to fulfill my spiritually interest. i believe in their beliefs, morals, practices and cultures.just as so much alike in the deaf world, i indeed first need to set a network with the first nations peoples. that way, i will be on a right both worlds, we are definitely on the same par. don’t you see? we cant always believe everything we read. the bottom line, that is. Current Mood: content (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Monday, March 7th, 2005 | |
_12:47 am_[kdc_stigmatized] | x-posted I have a lot of friends with SCs and I find that a lot of people seem to have a different experiances. Not just them being with their SCs, but a lot of them have something different to say about what the afterlife is like and what death is like. A lot of people tend to use this ambiguous experiance thing as proof that we're all nuts because our SCs sometimes contradict each other. A thought came to me about that earlier tonight.Think about this, imagine talking about life with a soldier in Iraq, a starving child, a normal suburban teenager, Paris Hilton and someone with severe bipolar disorder. They've all had very different experiances which have led them to different conclusions about their lives and by extention life in general. Does that mean one or more of them is lying?The way I see it is that death (like life) is a journey and your experiances and conclusions will differ greatly. I don't try to discredit anyone's experiances simply because they differ from mine. The spiritual plane is so vast and infinite that I don't think there is simply one path to walk on there. Maybe there's a heaven or hell, maybe there's a final nirvana, who can say.I know some spirits that come from a place much like heaven, and I knoww some spirits that have never heard of such a place. So does that make either of them a liar? No, just different souls on different paths with different experiances.Thoughts? Opinions?/fin (Comment on this) |
Sunday, December 19th, 2004 | |
_8:33 pm_[maristella88] | Any ideas? Hey everyone. I was just reading the descriptions on the info page and couldn't decide what i fall under. When i'm talking to people i can sometimes just know things, for example i can just tell what the person is feeling etc. Would this fall under clairsentience-feeler? When my grandmother died i was i felt that something wasn't right but i continued my work etc. then i got an intense pain in my stomach for no reason. later when i'd gone to the hospital i found out that she'd burst an artery in her stomach. So i'm guessing clairsentience? thanks guys:) Current Mood: hopeful (Comment on this) |
Sunday, December 12th, 2004 | |
_1:32 am_[psalm91] | Free Readings Hi every one.I've been taking a break from readings but i think it's slowly time to start opening up again to doing them. I don't want to get rusty but I have been working on personal problems in my life.If you would like a:ClairvoyantorTarot readingfrom me, please let me know and allow up too two weeks for a reading. I'm in the process of getting ready too move and it is Christmas time.These will be free of charge! Please limit it too MOST -- *2 questions.*~Remember the power of Free will!God blessEmail:EllaMae@artlover.comOr leave you're questions in a comment. Current Mood: accomplished (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Thursday, December 2nd, 2004 | |
_10:20 am_[renaoriana] | Blessings Blessings.I am new and Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I just joined 2 other communities and thought I would post a little questionaire from them on here so you might be able to know me better. I am still learning the LJ format, so bear with me. LOL. 1. What religion or spiritual tradition do you follow? Wicca, and wanting to learn Native American Indian2. Where do you call home (not "earth/the universe"): St. Louis, MO3. If you are dedicated to a Deity, whom do you honor? Not one in paticular, but I do lean towards Diana, 4. How did you find this community? I I asked in community_quest5. What do you hope to give/receive within this community? knowledge, understanding, paitence, and inner peace6. Anything else you'd like us to know about you: I am 32, divorced, but getting married to a much better man than my ex, i have a 6 yo daughter and a six yo soon-to-be step son(he is 3 wks older than her - they are how we met too). I have not been able to practice or read or anything for over 3 yrs because I have been living with my parents who say Im going to hell. LOL. I respect them and their home, so I have not practiced in their home. So I am a lot out of the loop. (Comment on this) |
Friday, November 5th, 2004 | |
_5:04 pm_[clairnewbie] | New to it and the community, nice to see like minded people tho on the same journey.Whoever is on the same journey as me, say Aye (Comment on this) |
Wednesday, October 20th, 2004 | |
_11:12 am_[burlesquebeauty] | Hello...I am currently in the middle of forming a magazine which deals with all aspects of the supernatural! I will be dealing with psychics, mediums, ghosts, wicca and so forth!I will be needing some volunteers to help me out with the first issue.If you have had an experience with anything supernatural or you are a practising psychic/ medium/witch etc then please do get in touch with me!I am looking for either stories and people who would like to take part in an interview. The options for an interview are:* Email* Mail* Chat ( via Yahoo! or MSN )I will take your story and ask for you to either sign a release form so I have permission to print the story or interview or you can write me an email or letter of confirmation that you say that the interview/story can be printed!Thank you for your time and thanks for reading this. To get in touch please email me at: (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Monday, October 18th, 2004 | |
_10:36 am_[burlesquebeauty] | I`m new! Hello, I`m new here and so so glad I found this community!My grandmother was a medium although most of the time she didn`t want to exploit it and just gave readings to members of the family and the odd people she came across! I lived so far away from her but still went to visit her as much as possible!Now she has passed I feel she is still around me and I often feel like her gift has been passed down. I see things you see, apparitions...people who for a second stand looking at me and then disappear before my eyes! I really want to help this gift (if it is one and not just my imagination). Does anyone have any good books I can read or any advice to help me along.Thank you (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Saturday, September 18th, 2004 | |
_2:36 am_[citizensugark] | My Grandfather died 7 months ago...I don't think I have gotten over it.I somewhat feel he is around me mostly but I somewhat think he is around my grandma the most. I need advise because I want to get in touch some how. (Comment on this) |
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